I'm gonna use this thread to expose the Democrat Party Wikileaks-style!

Margaret Sanger wanted white, wealthy, educated women to have more children, and poor, uneducated, black folks to have NONE.

"unwated" for Crooked Sanger did not mean unwanted by the mother...it means unwanted by Crooked Sanger.
RINO Al D'amato kicked off plane for complainin about service

MEMORY LANE: Sheriff Bull Connor, Gov. Orval Faubus, Sen. Robert Byrd--all avid racists & segregationists & all of them Democrats



Crooked Chicago mayor Richard Daley swung the 1960 election in Crooked JFK's favor by having dead folks vote. President Nixon honorably refused to contest the results even though he knew the Illinois results were rigged.
We should deport the Democrat Party: "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists." ...literally

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