I'm Just Going to Leave This Here


they will lose their power

yet they just have to kill before they lose it.
It's a video of what's going on in Syria right now.

And it indicates what? War is terrible? Of course it is and always has been and it's the innocents who suffer the most.

That's not unique to Syria. That video could have been filmed in any war.
Obama Warns Syria Not to Use Chemical Weapons...
Obama warns Syria against using chemical weapons, says it would be a 'tragic mistake'
3 Dec.`12 - Obama warns Syria against using chemical weapons;
White House, allies weigh options to secure stockpiles

President Barack Obama warned Syria on Monday that the use of chemical weapons would be "totally unacceptable" and that the country's leaders would be held accountable. Obama said that if Syrian President Bashar Assad made the "tragic mistake" of deploying chemical weapons, there would be consequences. Obama stopped short of detailing those consequences.

Obama's comments came as U.S. officials said intelligence had detected Syrian movement of chemical weapons components in recent days. The White House said earlier Monday that it was increasingly concerned that the beleaguered regime in Syria might be considering use of chemical weapons against its own people and warned that doing so would "cross a red line."

White House press secretary Jay Carney said U.S. officials were closely monitoring Syria's proliferation of sensitive materials and facilities, as opposition to the Syrian government grows. Obama spoke later Monday at a gathering on securing nuclear weapons materials.


See also:

US weighing military options if Syria uses WMD
3 Dec.`12 WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House and its allies are weighing military options to secure Syria's chemical and biological weapons, after U.S. intelligence reports show the Syrian regime may be readying those weapons and may be desperate enough to use them, U.S. officials said Monday.
President Barack Obama, in a speech at the National Defense University on Monday, pointedly warned Syrian President Bashar Assad not to use his arsenal. "Today I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and those under his command: The world is watching," Obama said. "The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable." Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in Prague for meetings with Czech officials, said she wouldn't outline any specifics. "But suffice it to say, we are certainly planning to take action if that eventuality were to occur," Clinton said.

Options now being considered range from aerial strikes to limited raids by regional forces to secure the stockpiles, according to one current U.S. official, and one former U.S. official, briefed on the matter. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the issue publicly. The administration remains reluctant to dispatch U.S. forces into Syria, but a U.S. special operations training team is in neighboring Jordan, teaching troops there how to safely secure such sites together with other troops from the region, the officials said. The warnings to Syria come after U.S. intelligence detected signs the Syrian regime was moving the chemical weapons components around within several of Syria's chemical weapons sites in recent days, according to a senior U.S. defense official and two U.S. officials speaking on Monday. The activities involved movement within the sites, rather than the transfer of components in or out of various sites, two of the officials said.

But they were activities they had not seen before, that bear further scrutiny, one said. Another senior U.S. official described it as "indications of preparations" for a possible use of the chemical weapons. The U.S. still doesn't know whether the regime is planning to use them, but the official says there is greater concern because there is the sense that the Assad regime is under greater pressure now. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about intelligence matters.

War sucks. Yet, it's going to be much more widespread in the near future.
Ya I am sure Assad is worried about what Obama might do.

Obama has shown himself to be a very aggressive hawk. They will ignore that fact at their own peril.

Like Obama or not, he has been very effective at getting US enemies and always without huge a military presence, hundreds of thousands of death and trillions of dollars spent.

If you had ever been in the military yourself or if you had ever paid taxes, you would understand just how important that is. (Yeah, that's sarcasm.)
Ya I am sure Assad is worried about what Obama might do.

Obama has shown himself to be a very aggressive hawk. They will ignore that fact at their own peril.

Like Obama or not, he has been very effective at getting US enemies and always without huge a military presence, hundreds of thousands of death and trillions of dollars spent.

If you had ever been in the military yourself or if you had ever paid taxes, you would understand just how important that is. (Yeah, that's sarcasm.)

So agressive, that his administration sat by and literally watched terrorists kill our Ambassador and others in Libya, despite the fact that he could have acted to protect their lives.

And the sad thing is they were more than likely killed by the weapons he gave the "rebels" AKA Al Qaeda to kill Qaddaffi
Ya I am sure Assad is worried about what Obama might do.

Obama has shown himself to be a very aggressive hawk. They will ignore that fact at their own peril.

Like Obama or not, he has been very effective at getting US enemies and always without huge a military presence, hundreds of thousands of death and trillions of dollars spent.

If you had ever been in the military yourself or if you had ever paid taxes, you would understand just how important that is. (Yeah, that's sarcasm.)
Democrat war = good.

Republican war = bad.

Got it. :thup:

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