Rand Paul outlines the problem of government spending

And Rand Paul's solution is .... ?

Democrats have a solution. Take the money out of politics by publicly funding elections. If politicians can't be bought and sold, they won't put in the pork that their donors ask for.

Libertarians and Republicans hate that solution. Libertarians in particular clearly want the pork to continue. Libertarians lovelovelove the money they get for supporting the pork, and the money they raise by making fake complaints about it.

(l)ibertarians generally want earmarks in order to send the money back to their states/districts where it belongs rather than the feds getting their paws on it to use it for whatever arbitrary, wasteful fuckery they please with it.

That's why Ron Paul always had so many. He always tried to keep as much as he could out of the feds' hands and left where it actually belonged.

I see a lot of people talk about libertarians but they don't really know jack squat nothing about what they're talking about. It's laughable...
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Personally, I think Rand is just pissed he is never invited to any of those sex parties. Maybe that's why his neighbor was pissed at him. He tried to crash his neighbor's party. :auiqs.jpg:
I get tired of listening to Rand move his mouth, saying no to any spending whatsoever and then refusing to consider raising taxes or removing the cap on SS contributions.
Government is there to aid its citizens. If Rand doesn't like it....retire already and join the Brookings Institute or some other conservative think tank. It's not like he's proving
real useful as a Senator.

Rand is useless as a legislator

He is only there to prevent Congress from accomplishing anything. He opposes all spending regardless of how desperately it is needed
He is only there to prevent Congress from accomplishing anything.

Damn right.

Somebody's gotta try to stop em from their destruction.

Sure as heck can't rely on a modern Republican ™ to do it.

So we send in the equalizer(s) to do the Republican ™ work that Republicans ™ refuse to do while they instead sit back and use their office to become millionaires.

And we also have Massie. The absolute best in Congress.
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Unless you want to hear a historical speech about government spending, and that is ok if you do, it was interesting - then skip to the 7:00 mark.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the earmarks in just today's bill to vote on.
This is just 10 of the 6000 pork barrel earmarks in ONE FUCKING BILL!!!!!!

For the love of God, watch the video and learn why this isn't a Republican or Democrat thing - this is all of them.

Rand Paul is an outlier... nobody pays much attention to him... :auiqs.jpg:
Rand Paul is a bigger libertarian than his father which makes him a bigger asshole.

In his time in the Senate, What has Rand Paul ever done to help the American People?

All he does is rant and say NO!
You are discussing the messenger and not the message.
Pretty sure you know that taking $trillions from taxpayers, and using $100s billions a year and passing it around all over the U.S. is the worst possible way to put money into the enonomy.
Anyone surprised that every big government supporter here attacks Rand, and ignores what this video shows?
You are discussing the messenger and not the message.
Pretty sure you know that taking $trillions from taxpayers, and using $100s billions a year and passing it around all over the U.S. is the worst possible way to put money into the enonomy.

It is what Government does
Allocate money to resolve critical issues

Problem with Rand Paul is he opposes all Government spending unless it is emergency funding for his state.

He is a one trick pony and I no longer listen to him
Anyone surprised that every big government supporter here attacks Rand, and ignores what this video shows?

I have seen his supposed expose videos on Government waste.
Overwhelmingly, when the real purpose of the spending is revealed, it is obvious that he misrepresents the purpose of the spending.

Essentially, Rand Paul opposes any spending that helps people
I have seen his supposed expose videos on Government waste.
Overwhelmingly, when the real purpose of the spending is revealed, it is obvious that he misrepresents the purpose of the spending.

Essentially, Rand Paul opposes any spending that helps people
Yes... because $350k for an A/C unit isn't just for cooling.
Yes... because $350k for an A/C unit isn't just for cooling.

I didn’t even bother reading
I have no idea what the total contract was, it’s scope, size of the building, amount of work proposed

I just have to assume it is Rand Paul misrepresenting an expenditure again
I can buy an Air Conditioner at Home Depot for $120…..Gubmint is Stoopid

Hey Rand…..Fool me once….
I didn’t even bother reading
I have no idea what the total contract was, it’s scope, size of the building, amount of work proposed

I just have to assume it is Rand Paul misrepresenting an expenditure again
I can buy an Air Conditioner at Home Depot for $120…..Gubmint is Stoopid

Hey Rand…..Fool me once….
I do - there is a photo of it.
And I gave you a real world example of A/C commercial unit costs. They are over paying at least 100%.
I do - there is a photo of it.
And I gave you a real world example of A/C commercial unit costs. They are over paying at least 100%.
I am sure there is

Unless I can see the actual contract and scope of work, I can only assume Rand is lying again

I saw the same thing with that $600 toilet seat that Republicans claimed would cost $20 at Home Depot

Turned out to be a specially molded seat cover for a P3 Orion aircraft
We are throwing the rocks at each other rather than Washington.
Let me unpack this a little.
We have a crime problem. Most crimes come under the purview/authority of the states. When we think of the problem we, including the states, look to Washington. Therefore no one is addressing the crime problem. My rocks are aimed at the states for not addressing the crime problem. Worse, the states and the Fed are using crime to build a huge law enforcement bureaucracy that uses crime as grist for their mill. Crime is now woven into the fabric of our culture.

I can also take aim at the people, who are the ones who commit, and tolerate, crime.

If someone dropped in from outer space and saw our criminal justice system they would say, "You people are crazy".
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Let me unpack this a little.
We have a crime problem. Most crimes come under the purview/authority of the states. When we think of the problem we, including the states, look to Washington. Therefore no one is addressing the crime problem. My rocks are aimed at the states for not addressing the crime problem. Worse, the states and the Fed are using crime to build a huge law enforcement bureaucracy that uses crime as grist for their mill. Crime is now woven into the fabric of our culture.
I don't disagree with that.
It began with the war on drugs, but at least they prosecuted then.
Now, there is this MASSIVE regurgitation of the same criminals committing crimes over and over and over and over. To truly extraordinary lengths.
I have traveled all over most of this country for decades. Up until about 5 years ago, I didn't worry too much about crime in the cities we went to. Walking in the downtown areas etc., were basically safe. Obviously you didn't wander to far off the path, but you were fine.
Today? Hell no. I avoid most downtowns in major cities. You are not safe anymore.
I live south of Indianapolis, their downtown violent crime rate has increased 14% since 2017.
I don't disagree with that.
It began with the war on drugs, but at least they prosecuted then.
Now, there is this MASSIVE regurgitation of the same criminals committing crimes over and over and over and over. To truly extraordinary lengths.
I have traveled all over most of this country for decades. Up until about 5 years ago, I didn't worry too much about crime in the cities we went to. Walking in the downtown areas etc., were basically safe. Obviously you didn't wander to far off the path, but you were fine.
Today? Hell no. I avoid most downtowns in major cities. You are not safe anymore.
I live south of Indianapolis, their downtown violent crime rate has increased 14% since 2017.
We'll never reduce crime until we take the money out of the drug trade. That means 'sequestering' the users and addicts. However, the police also want to interdict this money to buy new police stuff.

And of course, legislators are pandering to the users, so they are pretty useless.
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We'll never reduce crime until we take the money out of the drug trade. That means 'sequestering' the users and addicts. However, the police also want to interdict this money to buy new police stuff.

And of course, legislators are pandering to the users, so they are pretty useless.
Well, let's be honest, Washington has been in bed with illegal drug money for decades.

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