Rand Paul outlines the problem of government spending


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Unless you want to hear a historical speech about government spending, and that is ok if you do, it was interesting - then skip to the 7:00 mark.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the earmarks in just today's bill to vote on.
This is just 10 of the 6000 pork barrel earmarks in ONE FUCKING BILL!!!!!!

For the love of God, watch the video and learn why this isn't a Republican or Democrat thing - this is all of them.

I have my wealth, land and possessions locked in ahead of the financial collapse. Those idiots in Washington are going to borrow and spend the country into the ground, $34 trillion in debt and climbing.
We are too busy throwing rocks at each other over stupid shit that don't matter

Which is just what they want. If we are too busy fighting over chips or beer or movies or any of the other 10,000 things we fight over, the duopoly can do whatever they want and never worry about not being voted for.
And Rand Paul's solution is .... ?

Democrats have a solution. Take the money out of politics by publicly funding elections. If politicians can't be bought and sold, they won't put in the pork that their donors ask for.

Libertarians and Republicans hate that solution. Libertarians in particular clearly want the pork to continue. Libertarians lovelovelove the money they get for supporting the pork, and the money they raise by making fake complaints about it.
Unless you want to hear a historical speech about government spending, and that is ok if you do, it was interesting - then skip to the 7:00 mark.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the earmarks in just today's bill to vote on.
This is just 10 of the 6000 pork barrel earmarks in ONE FUCKING BILL!!!!!!

For the love of God, watch the video and learn why this isn't a Republican or Democrat thing - this is all of them.

98% of Congress needs to be tarred and feathered - at best
And Rand Paul's solution is .... ?

Democrats have a solution. Take the money out of politics by publicly funding elections. If politicians can't be bought and sold, they won't put in the pork that their donors ask for.

Libertarians and Republicans hate that solution. Libertarians in particular clearly want the pork to continue. Libertarians lovelovelove the money they get for supporting the pork, and the money they raise by making fake complaints about it.
Yeeeeah, that's the ticket....Give all the money to gubmint, to decide who is worthy to receive the money to get into the gubmint!

Yeeeeah, that's the ticket....Give all the money to gubmint, to decide who is worthy to receive the money to get into the gubmint!
See? This one defends the pork.

Why? Their masters get rich from the pork, so they tell their followers to defend the pork.

I will point out that every other western democracy uses some form of publicly funded elections, and all of them have much more functional democracies than we do.
Unless you want to hear a historical speech about government spending, and that is ok if you do, it was interesting - then skip to the 7:00 mark.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the earmarks in just today's bill to vote on.
This is just 10 of the 6000 pork barrel earmarks in ONE FUCKING BILL!!!!!!

For the love of God, watch the video and learn why this isn't a Republican or Democrat thing - this is all of them.

Rand Paul is an anarchist who opposes all spending

His “lists” are just misrepresentations of actual spending
As with many of life's problems, especially with golf and bowling, if you want to attack a systemic problem, you go back to the basics. Every session of Congress (two-year term), should start with a reading of Article I, which describes the Congress and its powers, which are detailed in Section 8. Then they should read the Tenth Amendment, in unison, out loud.

All spending that is not authorized by a specific POWER of Congress should be stopped immediately. No education spending, no housing spending, no spending on food, no medical/healthcare spending other than for the Armed Forces and veterans, no saving of the planet in any form, no farm subsidies...the list goes on and on. All of this is unconstitutional.

When they swear that oath, they do not swear to abide by anything the Supreme Court lets them get away with; they must abide by the Constitution itself, with Amendments.

The budget would be balanced immediately.

And if you want to rebut this post with "general welfare" arguments, go sit in the corner with the Duncecap on. You don't understand the most basic principle of the Constitution (i.e., the Federal government is a government of LIMITED powers).
And Rand Paul's solution is .... ?

Democrats have a solution. Take the money out of politics by publicly funding elections. If politicians can't be bought and sold, they won't put in the pork that their donors ask for.

Libertarians and Republicans hate that solution. Libertarians in particular clearly want the pork to continue. Libertarians lovelovelove the money they get for supporting the pork, and the money they raise by making fake complaints about it.
Is there around 90% of the House Reps reelected every election cycle or so? Unless they retire or a massive upset occurs. We do notice that a percentage will not run as an adjustment happens when the winds of politics changes. The mail in ballots will destroy us. Lowering standards is death.

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