I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

I believe Sunni is sincere as he is most likely no different than my African American buddies here in Georgia that I have known for most all of my life except he is a Muslim. They would laugh at him for not eating my smoked ribs and pulled pork!
But the issue is not about domestic anything, it is a global problem.
Until American Muslims condemn ALL criminal acts towards citizens be they here or anywhere no one is safe anywhere.

Where I find there is some denial going on
1. yes, the problem is political, where countries and govts are taken over by militants,
THAT is causing the problem not Islam itself. BUT that is where American Muslims ARE INDIRECTLY DEPENDING on support from Christians and Constitutionalists to
provide the checks and balances so Islam CAN be practiced peaceably as intended.

2. there needs to be formal recognition that either Christian or Constitutional
principles or both are NECESSARY to support and protect the peaceful practice of Islam or any religion for that matter.

It is too convenient for Muslims in America to say that Islam is not the problem
when this country's traditions of Christian and Constitutional values are already
well-established for religious freedom and democratic due process.

Those laws are also given by God so this is part of Islam also, to receive ALL sent by God.
I believe recognizing and enforcing that would end the problem of abuse and terrorism.
1. yes, the problem is political, where countries and govts are taken over by militants,
THAT is causing the problem not Islam itself. BUT that is where American Muslims ARE INDIRECTLY DEPENDING on support from Christians and Constitutionalists to
provide the checks and balances so Islam CAN be practiced peaceably as intended.

2. there needs to be formal recognition that either Christian or Constitutional
principles or both are NECESSARY to support and protect the peaceful practice of Islam or any religion for that matter.

It is too convenient for Muslims in America to say that Islam is not the problem
when this country's traditions of Christian and Constitutional values are already
well-established for religious freedom and democratic due process.
You have an extremely condescending attitude towards American muslims.

Look, I don't owe you or anyone else anything. Nor do I seek your validation.

I was born in America and have the exact same rights and privileges as you do.

So deal with it........ :cool:
I have known a few Muslims, and they scared the hell out of me. LONG before 9/11. They were...absolutist; always seem to proselytize for Allah and they didn't take "Not interested" as an answer. I have read about Islam, and, as far as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful, but, it’s a delusion . Sunniman, if you are "Muslim", YOU are a member of a cult that accepts people that crashes planes into buildings and blow up innocent people as a tactic to further that cult's aims. Actions speak louder than words. You might be a great guy, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn’t ACTUALY slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form delusion. Scientology is nice, I hear.

Mary, I have also known a number of muslims within my life and they were peaceful, without a bad bone in their body. And they would not wish harm on anyone within any religion anywhere. I think you are being unfair to condemn everyone that is muslim. There are many that have not moderated within Islam and they are the radicals we have to deal with. But there are many that have and many that are not even practicing.

Then they do not read or believe what the Qur'an tells them. There is no escaping what the Quran/Allah orders Muslims to do in order to obtain peace. Convert or kill. It is that clear.
The beheaded saints in Revelation demanding justice are products of Muslim's inability to convert.
Sunni man is full of shit...

He is a Holocaust Denier that claims that it is just the "Jews narrative" that fooled the world that the Nazi's were systematically slaughtering them, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

"So called Holocaust, alleged event." actual quote from Sunni Man regarding the holocaust.

Maybe you have fooled others here, but you are not fooling me. Your hatred of Jews on the other thread showed quite clear to me Sunni Dick...

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Emily, do you understand there are those that will never under any circumstance turn toward peace? I don't care how much goodwill we put out, there is evil that will always resist for eternity.

Is it true some minds can be changed? Yes. Does it mean all minds can be changed? No.

That is left to them when is the right time to change or not change.

Any opportunity to offer a better choice, is still better to offer.
If they don't take it, at least it was offered.

Not every vote is going to mean you win, but it is still important to vote.

Thanks for your concern and sharing on here.

I agree with Sunni that we will win this battle against terrorism,
and this incident will lead to uniting people in new ways.

So eventually even those who bowed out, will come around later.
We all want peace, but just don't all agree how exactly to get there from here!

Thanks and hope you enjoy the journey to get there
as much as the destination. Blessings to all!

I agree we never quit trying, but the reality is there are those and always will be those that do not wish for peace. I wish it were different as the world would be a much better place.

Sry, but according to the Bible, after the Millennial reign of Christ, He will bind Satan for eternity, and there will be no more sin to resist. Christ and peace will reign from the throne of David, forever.

Em, that is what Sunni would like you to believe. Now, can you find Christ telling you that the two of you will work out your differences and find peace on earth, making His return as the warrior of Judah completely unnecessary?
How does what Sunni says he wants, correlate with Revelation says he wants? And if the two of you can work it out, why is God Himself going to destroy Israel's enemies this time? Who did God say He would protect Israel from? He even lists Israels enemies for us so we won't be fooled. Sunni knows.......

Who is the God of Israel going to stop from wiping the Jews off the earth?
The answer is in the name of the man who wants you to believe he wants a peace that doesn't involve eradicating our Lord's people.
We do not all want peace. Some want no more Jews.
Sunni's peace is dead Christians, dead Jews, dead Shiites, dead everybody but Sunni Muslims. THAT is the only scenario of peace the Qur'an offers.
peaceful practice of Islam
Honey there is no peaceful practicing of Islam. Point to one Muslim country that wants peace with Israel and America. They consider us Satan. They want peace with Satan?
Do you not believe what God prophesied about Ismael? His hand being against EVERY MAN? Does the Bible indicate that that changes somewhere down the line and Israel has no worries when it comes to their Muslim "friends"?
I love your quest for peace, but don't let it influence your ability to see what is clearly in front of you.
Sorry Sunni Man I don't mean to sound disrespectful.

I have great respect for my Muslim friends who are at least CONSISTENT with their views.
If they say that Islam respects ALL sent by God, they MEAN that, they include
either the Constitutional laws or Christians laws, Buddhism etc. which are of God.

With you, I was treating you as you wish, as another American citizen
like anyone else under Constitutional laws. So I criticze you as I would any
other American who contradicts their own views and principles here and there.

If you say you are Muslim but don't respect Christianity equally as part of Islam,
at some point you are going to contradict yourself. If you say you respect Constitutional values, but then cross that line and push religion in with secular govt, then I criticize
that as I would any other American who does that, not just Christians who
do that, but also political views like pro choice or pro life that get religious and
should not be pushed as public policy at the expense of the religious freedom of others.

So that kind of contradiction is what I don't agree with, and I will try to correct that with you, as I would with anyone else. Sorry if this wasn't clear, Sunni Man.

I see you are trying to be fair, and I am trying to be fair with you as well
and treat you with the same standards that you say you respect. I am trying.

You say you want to be treated equally, so that is what I am trying to do.
I rebuke you as I would any other American under Constitutional law.

And I'm not just picking on Islam either. I find that Jehovah's Witnesses also depend on either Christian or Constitutional laws to practice and protect the free exercise of their
faith. So where they start saying inconsistent things, I try to correct that also.

I jump on my prochoice and prolife friends the same way if they cross the line
and do not respect Constitutional values equally for all people of all views.

Sorry if this was not clear.
I do see you as under Constitutional laws first, and then whatever beliefs you have which you express using Islam, then that comes under the Constitutional free exercise of religion.
Since you are not as consistent as my other Muslim friends, that is where I point this out.

Thanks Sunni Man
I appreciate your honest discourse in trying to work out
where the issues are really coming from. That is the beauty
of having Constitutional freedom to express and share ideas
and "petition each other for redress of grievances".

Yours truly,
Love, Emily

1. yes, the problem is political, where countries and govts are taken over by militants,
THAT is causing the problem not Islam itself. BUT that is where American Muslims ARE INDIRECTLY DEPENDING on support from Christians and Constitutionalists to
provide the checks and balances so Islam CAN be practiced peaceably as intended.

2. there needs to be formal recognition that either Christian or Constitutional
principles or both are NECESSARY to support and protect the peaceful practice of Islam or any religion for that matter.

It is too convenient for Muslims in America to say that Islam is not the problem
when this country's traditions of Christian and Constitutional values are already
well-established for religious freedom and democratic due process.
You have an extremely condescending attitude towards American muslims.

Look, I don't owe you or anyone else anything. Nor do I seek your validation.

I was born in America and have the exact same rights and privileges as you do.

So deal with it........ :cool:

You have the same rights and freedoms to the extent you don't deny your
own freedom by being inconsistent. for example, if you blame the US side more than the
other side in a conflict, you will become biased in projecting blame and this will affect your jdugemnt and ability to see objectively how to correct problems on BOTH sides.

I see you have that kind of bias here, where you project repsonsibility for differences or conflicts more on 'the other person' so again this will affect your judgment and ability
to solve the problems that are MUTUAL.

I am trying to treat you with equal respect, and the more you and I develop this kind of mutual understanding, it wil get easier and eaiser to see how to work together
to SOLVE these problems. So that is my intent, not to condescend to you or anyone, but to correct whatever is causing these conflicts and projected biases to get
in the way of really solving the root problems otherwise escalating politically into war.

I hope we get closer to the solutions, Sunni Man and whatever we learn here
from figuring out where each other is really coming from, this will help our
fellow man to do the same. And we will end the war and terrorism by
breaking down these barriers and building bridges. So thank you in advance
for your efforts in that way. TAke care and peace be yours and more wisdom to you,
to bring greater understanding in all that you do and with all people you cross paths with.

Yours truly,
Why can't we all admit we have idiots in our ranks and work together to get rid of the lot?
That way, we can live in peace.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Senegal....how many do you need before you realise you are wrong?

All nations will go against Israel. All, including the ones you mentioned.

And we will end the war and terrorism by
breaking down these barriers and building bridges.

If that is true, then Christ lied. He thinks He's the one that will be ending war and building bridges. In fact Jesus said not only would we not be breaking down barriers and building bridges, we humans would destroy the earth and all of mankind if He doesn't return in time to stop it.
Have you read Revelation?
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

Until Muslims start policing their own and take action against terrorist, don't really give a flying flip what they say.

Actions speak louder than words, and so far the inaction of Muslims across the globe says a lot more about them than one Muslim claiming he hates Islamic terrorists.

The article is just another example of the media circling the wagons around Islam. They still want to push a narrative that Islam is a religion of peace even though its clearly not.
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Hawk -

So you would say that most US media supported the Boston bombing?

Could you post some examples of that from mainstream media, because I didn't see any of that.
"In my opinion, the U.S. is responsible for the lions share of Islamic terrorism around the world. "

While I agree that US actions can be identified as provocative in areas of world conflict, look closely at the above statement. It isn't nationalist or political terrorism, it is Islamic terrorism, as identified by the poster who associates him/herself with Islam.
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

One day brother when we cross over we'll know who won the bet.:eusa_shhh:I know in my heart of hearts we'll both be accepted because we've been of faith.
95 % of the armed conflicts going on in the world today involve Muslims !!:eusa_hand:

But Muslims are the largest group on the planet. Of course their stats are going to be higher.

Yid I'm not giving radical crazy Islamists a pass here but you have to recognize that Mohammed 6 pack just wants to have a freaking life.

Some of their leaders are nut bars. Gaza = almond joy song. But that's not the everyday populace.
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Except Sunniman does support terrorists. he supports any Muslim bent on murdering Jews. he has made a point of that. he defends them and supports them openly.

He was also got busted right here on this board for having jihad BS written in that middle east scribbling in his sig line. Got a visit from the FBI.

sunni is neither a real man or an American. He's just one more lying POS muslim. He is exactly the kind that needs to be profiled and watched. He'll smile and sound friendly to your face while supporting his filthy muslim brothers plotting to blow your ass up.

This entire thread is BS. Once again America has suffered greatly at the hands of islam and muslims, and once again there is ZERO, SINCERE, ALL MUSLIMS COMBINED outcry for the jihadist bull shit to stop... NONE!

All muslims should be profiled and investigated, immediately, and that includes the POS muslim who started this lying POS thread.
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95 % of the armed conflicts going on in the world today involve Muslims !!:eusa_hand:

But Muslims are the largest group on the planet. Of course their stats are going to be higher.

Yid I'm not giving radical crazy Islamists a pass here but you have to recognize that Mohammed 6 pack just wants to have a freaking life.

Their leaders are nut bars. Gaza = almond joy song. But that's not the everyday populace.

Yid is right. If islam vanished from the face of the earth, the earth would be a peaceful place. Virtually all SENSELESS killing would cease.

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