I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Domestic terrorism? WTF is that?
The Boston bombings are a reflection of the world wide terrorist movement. They were Russian Muslims that came here.
I listened to 2 women today that were imprisoned in Iran for being Christian. It is against the law to be any religion other than Muslim in many countries.
I believe Sunni is sincere as he is most likely no different than my African American buddies here in Georgia that I have known for most all of my life except he is a Muslim. They would laugh at him for not eating my smoked ribs and pulled pork!
But the issue is not about domestic anything, it is a global problem.
Until American Muslims condemn ALL criminal acts towards citizens be they here or anywhere no one is safe anywhere.
We have gone to bat for the Muslims in Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Serbia and many other areas of the world recently. We have supported their new governments with American blood.
All with allies from dozens of other governments supporting those efforts for those Muslim countries.
About time the MUSLIM WORLD got together with a uniform fight against terror WORLD WIDE.
Until then no one is safe and the credibility of American Muslims and Muslims across the world will be very low.
In my opinion, the U.S. is responsible for the lions share of Islamic terrorism around the world.

Mainly because of it's support of brutal dictators and misguided military interventions.

But this thread is only about domestic terrorism; not foreign conflicts. .. :cool:

Blame game.
NO ONE forces anyone to commit those terrorist acts.
We have done more for Muslim countries than many Muslims do for their our own.
Muslims are at war WITH EACH OTHER over RELIGION ONLY.
How is it the fault of Americans that you folks slaughter each other over beliefs?
Look at Syria.
I 100% agree with you that American foreign policy, especially during the Bush era, was misguided BUT I believe George Bush was sincere also in wanting to help Muslims in Iraq that were being oppressed by Hussein.
No easy answers but domestic terrorism and global terrorism ARE THE SAME SUNNI.
If you fight one YOU have to fight all of it to have any credibility to support your claim, which I believe are 100% true and sincere, that you oppose terrorism.
Please join us Sunni. WE need you and want you as your credibility in your own community is very high I am sure. I will be proud to stand with you in this fight against world wide terrorism.
Because it is coming here Sunni and you are AN AMERICAN first to the terrorists. Your throat is the first they will slit.
We can win this thing together.
Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than our conversion or death then you let your religion down. :eusa_angel:

Do you "zealously adhere to" your bible? Do you kill children who curse their parents?

All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)

That is what your bible is telling you to do so why aren't you murdering children? Is it because there are parts of your bible that you ignore? And if you ignore those parts of your bible why do your believe that Sunniman doesn't do likewise with the Quaran? The Golden Rule is "Do unto others...". Have you ever heard of it? Do you know what it means? Sunniman is probably as devout a believer as you are but you choose to defile your own religion by attacking his. Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone what you are doing?

Yep. because I understand my Bible. Leviticus puts Jews under the Law. Christ put those that follow Him under a new covenant. I am not under the Law. So I follow the teachings of Christ. A religion that does not tell us to kill everyone that is not Christian.

The same teachings that tacitly endorse slavery?
Just to be clear, Sunniman did not write the OP it was written by Dean Obeidallah on CNN.

Sunni boy condemns this man as a traitor to islam:cuckoo:...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P35E31THd8]Zuhdi Jasser - Oslo Freedom Forum 2010 - YouTube[/ame]
^^^ And the haters show up....... :cool:

The haters started this thread.

Haters/muslim liar...

... followed by brain dead, libroid nut jobs that will deny the deadly obvious right up until it's THEIR fucking head getting sawed off, or THEIR fucking legs getting blown off, then they change their tune.

Idiots, morons, retards, jihadist muslim liars and their defenders. They're all the scum of the earth.
Haters/muslim liar...

... brain dead, libroid nut jobs that will deny the deadly obvious right up until it's THEIR fucking head getting sawed off, or THEIR fucking legs getting blown off, then they change their tune.

Idiots, morons, retards, jihadist muslim liars and their defenders. They're all the scum of the earth.

No...I don't see any hatred in that post.
Haters/muslim liar...

... brain dead, libroid nut jobs that will deny the deadly obvious right up until it's THEIR fucking head getting sawed off, or THEIR fucking legs getting blown off, then they change their tune.

Idiots, morons, retards, jihadist muslim liars and their defenders. They're all the scum of the earth.

No...I don't see any hatred in that post.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey Sunni Man, are you a member of the Sunni forum? I have been a member for a couple of years.

sunniforum.com - a resource for the propagation of authentic Islamic teachings
I am aware of the site.

I also know that if you posted your Islamophobic tripe there like you do here.

They would have banned you long ago. .. :cool:

You are right, I am careful what I say there.

But if you pick your words carefully you can still express an opinion there. I have seen a lot of people who they call trolls come and make a couple of posts and get banned.
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com


It is a fundamental fallacy to judge an entire group of people by the actions of a few.

Although this may not change some people's perception, statistically Muslims have not been the ones involved in most terror plots in the United States. In fact, since 1995, 88% of the domestic terrorist plots have been by right-wing groups, ecoterrorists and anarchists, according to an analysis by the Center for American Progress.

Sadly true, the hate and ignorance toward Muslims will continue regardless the facts.
There is no need nor justification for hate of those who follow this persuasion. It is just one of the many erroneous decisions people can make and really just part of the dominance male-ego has over humanity.
^^^ And the haters show up....... :cool:

The haters started this thread.

Haters/muslim liar...

... followed by brain dead, libroid nut jobs that will deny the deadly obvious right up until it's THEIR fucking head getting sawed off, or THEIR fucking legs getting blown off, then they change their tune.

Idiots, morons, retards, jihadist muslim liars and their defenders. They're all the scum of the earth.

Another rightist very much in need of mental health treatment.
Do you "zealously adhere to" your bible? Do you kill children who curse their parents?

That is what your bible is telling you to do so why aren't you murdering children? Is it because there are parts of your bible that you ignore? And if you ignore those parts of your bible why do your believe that Sunniman doesn't do likewise with the Quaran? The Golden Rule is "Do unto others...". Have you ever heard of it? Do you know what it means? Sunniman is probably as devout a believer as you are but you choose to defile your own religion by attacking his. Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone what you are doing?

Yep. because I understand my Bible. Leviticus puts Jews under the Law. Christ put those that follow Him under a new covenant. I am not under the Law. So I follow the teachings of Christ. A religion that does not tell us to kill everyone that is not Christian.

The same teachings that tacitly endorse slavery?
Can you name Christ's slaves for me? Did He wash their feet too?
^^^ Correct.

He is a strong supporter of radical zionism and apartheid Israel.

And doesn't accurately represent main stream Islam on many issues. .. :cool:

Is there something wrong with "Separation of mosque and state" this is what Zuhdi Jasser advocates. so what are you for Sunni Boy?
Yep. because I understand my Bible. Leviticus puts Jews under the Law. Christ put those that follow Him under a new covenant. I am not under the Law. So I follow the teachings of Christ. A religion that does not tell us to kill everyone that is not Christian.

The same teachings that tacitly endorse slavery?
Can you name Christ's slaves for me? Did He wash their feet too?

Can you provide a single bible verse where Jesus condemns the rampant slavery that was all around him on a daily basis? Do unto others except for those who are slaves? Is that your covenant with Jesus?
Once again for the haters:

The OP is about American and Canadian muslims who stand united in renouncing the Boston Marathon Bombing and all other forms of domestic terrorism.

It has nothing to do with events in foreign countries or other ancillary issues.

I have heard over and over on this board, "When are the muslim's going to speak out and condemn the terrorists and terrorism".

Yet when the U.S. and Canadian muslims come out and unequivocally denounce the Boston bombing and those responsible for it.

They are still verbally attacked just as viciously as if they had remained silent. ... :cool:

A question for you. If an artist or cartoonist here in America drew a picture of Muhammad what would be the response be from the Muslim Community? Death threats and terrorism like in Europe against the cartoonist(s)?

I am no fan of Christianity but I never see that behavior by the Christian community when their god is mocked or ridiculed .

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