I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Let us take a good look at the facts concerning some of the Muslim world and their hate. In Egypt expressions of anti Semitic viciousness are commonplace. Mohammad Morsi the leader of the Brotherhood many times openly calls Jews "descendants of apes and pigs". Mein Kampf is a best seller in the Muslim world.
Palestinian media relentlessly celebrates and honors terrorists who have distinguished themselves by the act of blowing up INNOCENT Israelis.
Just last week the Palestinian Authority issued a press release celebrating the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ahmad Marsharqa. How did they describe him? "Hero of the Kedumim settlement operation who answered the call of justice and the shout of duty when the land called to him" To translate this Marsharqa in 2006 disquised himself as a Jew, strapped a suicide belt on under his clothes and crossed the border into an Israeli village. When an Israeli family stopped to offer him a ride he accepted and blew himself up inside the car the freedom fighter he was. Or as Fatah has it "He caused the deaths of 5 Zionists and wounded many" Keep in mind that this group is considered "MODERATE" in the context of Palestinians "freedom fighters".
So now let us look at another "moderate" Muslim state Jordan:
By an overwhelming majority Jordan, through Muslim religious mullah pressure, the Jordanian parliament has called for the release of a former soldier who is serving time for murder of seven Israeli school girls in 1997. The students had traveled to the island ironically named "Island of Peace" which is a manmade island on the Jordanian/Israeli border which has been made into a park.
The island was developed by Israel but as part of the peace agreement with the late King Hussein Israel ceded it to Jordan. March 1997 a group of 13 year old Israeli girls were visiting when the Jordanian soldier opened fire on them murdering 7. He would have killed them all but his gun jammed.
King Hussein traveled to the home town of the girls and begged for forgiveness. But now the defense lawyer for the soldier who is Muslim Brotherhood is Minister of Justice in Jordan. He describes the murderer of those 7 girls as "a national hero" to cheering crowds.
There is a growing sewer of toxic intellectual terrain in the Muslim world.
These animals are not freedom fighters. I would respect them IF they would stand up and fight.
They hide behind women and children, brain wash their young to kill themselves in the name of Allah taking innocent citizens with them, run schools that teach to kill Jews, set up their command centers in mosques, schools and hospitals praying that they will get hit for the propaganda value and seeking power is their only goal.
If we do not wipe these animals off the face of the earth in the next 30 years they will take over as dictators first and foremost and the Muslim world will be their first victims.
video link

There's been Jews siding with the enemies of Jews since we've been a people. These Jews are no different and they will be judged for their actions when the time comes

And there goes the Jews greatest enemy.
Extremist Zionist Jews who want the world to believe Jews are natural Zionists and anyone who doesn't is an enemy.
The Zionists are to Jews what our extremist twats are to Muslims.

That, in case I'm unclear, Is a right pain in the arse that we really wish would curl up and die so the rest of us can live in peace.

Jews aren't the enemy; neither are Muslims or Christians - extremists are the enemies of peace and love.

There's been Jews siding with the enemies of Jews since we've been a people. These Jews are no different and they will be judged for their actions when the time comes

Why is opposing Zionism the same as "siding with the enemies of Jews"?

Some of the most important Jews of the 20th century opposed Zionism, surely? I know Hannah Arendt did.
also note: the people in other countries do not all have the freedom to speak other than what their govts tell them.
in China, you will get hunted down if you speak anything against the govt. they have no free speech so you can't judge the people by what their govts compel them to say.
even the Chinese who live in America have to say good things about China or else they fear for their families. the govt keeps watch on everyone and will catch and accuse them if they say things out of line.

In Iraq, unless the people are assured the US will protect them, they cannot say anything in support
but have to be against the US or else they will get killed. why do you think the US had such trouble in those countries.
of course the people have to say they are against the US as the enemy.
so how are you supposed to fight the combatants when they hide behind civilians and use them this way?

Irish, even in America where we have established respect for Christian and Constituitonal values.
you SEE how badly our media is bought out and biased to incite negative conflicts.
And this is in America where we are supposed to have freedom and consistent govt.
So how much WORSE do you think the media image of people and beliefs
must be in other countries that DONT have freedom of speech and press?
how much of that can you believe when you see the mess in even in our "free" media that perpetuates political propaganda?

peaceful practice of Islam
Honey there is no peaceful practicing of Islam. Point to one Muslim country that wants peace with Israel and America. They consider us Satan. They want peace with Satan?
Do you not believe what God prophesied about Ismael? His hand being against EVERY MAN? Does the Bible indicate that that changes somewhere down the line and Israel has no worries when it comes to their Muslim "friends"?
I love your quest for peace, but don't let it influence your ability to see what is clearly in front of you.

Dear Irish: There is a difference between the true practice of Islam,
and what politics is saying or doing in the name of govts that USE that
as their language for pushing either terrorism calling that Jihad or retributive punishment calling that Shariah.

I'd be fine with what you are saying if you would PLEASE distinguish
JIHADISM from Islam that is peaceful.

Can we agree to call it JIHADISM so we are talking about the same thing?
Otherwise we will go in circles.

Also if you keep blaming ALL Islam or ALL Muslim people as following Satan
why do you think that others keep saying or seeing "ALL Americans"
as Satan or SELFISH.

Do you want to keep that going?

Just pointing to the other as Satan and they do the same back and forth?

Even where the US can be blamed for war damage in other countries,
even if our military has been abused for contracts that benefit the military
industrial complex for money and contractors on the side accused of runnng
operations for side purposes and not for defense,
it is CLEAR to most people in most countries that
Americans SEEK to lend charitable aid worldwide.

So if you want people to RECOGNIZE the INTENT of America
as sharing freedom and charity with others,
this is like asking you to recognize the INTENT of Islam
is to teach CHARITY and peaceful coexistence with others.
God would not create a religion that did not have a good purpose in it.
so what is the good purpose that God would use this for?

lots of people can forgive even the disastrous destruction that
happened in Iraq blamed on the US, because the true intent and
purpose God has for America is to teach and enforce principles of democrcy
even if politially that purpose has been hijacked and we see a lot of
corruption and abuses going on in our congress and media.

do you want America to be misjudged for that and only
looked upon for the corrupt abuses going on?

if not, then please do not misjudge people in other countries
also crying out for democracy and freedom from hijacked govts

it is not fair to judge other people like you and me
just because govts do corrupt things and exploit power

that is not the true nature or intent of the people of our countries
whatever the powers of satan are that divide and conquer us by our fears
i ask that we join in prayer that God intervene through Christ Jesus
and cast out these divisive fears and cover our countries with
loving protection while these ngative forces are REMOVED

after that we may receive clarity and wisdom to
see the real truth without these ngative images and perceptions
blcoking us from working together on the ideals of peace freedom
and justice that people of ALL countries and ALL religions seek from God.

we will get there by uniting a sone in Christ Jesus
so in perfect love there will be no more such fears to
divide and delude us into blaming each other as the enemy
our fears will be removed and then we can correct the problems
we otherwise politicize and project blame backand forth
this will be no more where we forgive and correct our
mutual problems by uniting in agreement in Christ Jesus
the spirit of restorative justice will be the saving grace
and all shall receive who are tired of these wars
I join you in praying for all to receive the spirit of
truth justice and peace and to give up all things not of God that have led to war
in Jesus Christ may we all join in prayer and receiving healing grace of God
for the salvation of humanity and end to all suffering no longer repeated from the past amen
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I am NOT a MUSLIM. I worry about you religious folks. Particularly Muslims. If only Allah would protect US from their followers. I worry particularly about MUSLIMS. Boston marathon bombers, 9/11. Bin Laden was offended that American Infidels were on holy Saudi land during operation desert storm in 1990. Muslim holy land was "defiled". So he dreamed up the the attack on September 11 2011. Even though Regan helped the Muslim Mujahideem fighting the Russians in Afghanistan the early eighties. Why is it that CHRISTIANS don't resort to the same desperate tactics? Last Time I remember Christians were offended to the point of anger or protest was Scorsese’s "Last temptation of Christ" twenty plus years ago. I also remember the drama over the work “Piss Christ”. Nobody got hurt, though. Nobody had a Fatwa or death sentence passed on them, nobody. They didn’t resort to crashing airplanes into building or creating websites to hurt non-Christians. Muslims have reached a new height in loathsome hypocrisy.

The difference is FORGIVENESS, which Christians recognize and respond to as the msg of Christ and the meaning of Jesus sacrifice on the Cross to break the cycle of sin and suffering
By divine forgiveness.

the true Muslims practice CHARITY where forgiveness is the greatest act of charity we can choose to ask or to give.

the Buddhists believe in equal COMPASSION for all beings, which also requires letting go or forgiving or else we would not be able to treat all people with equal compassion.

so this is the KEY regardless what faith someone is.

you will see, the people who commit crimes, abuses or violations of any kind
have issues they do not forgive, so they blame and project on someone else
and make others take responsibility for their inablity to resolve their problems

the Muslims who are forgiving and submit only to God and do not jduge others
DO NOT have this problem with religious abuse

the Christians who forgive and correct issues
DO NOT have these issues with religious abuse

the problem is that we keep dividing Christian from Muslim instead of
teaching Islam as INCLUDING Christian teachings as part of the law sent by God

this separation is false
but as long as we separate people from knowing and following the whole of the law
the message about FORGIVENESS in the New Testament is not received

Also, the scriptures about correcting abuses that Christians use to rebuke wrongdoers by the law, these are not taught either.

the Christians I know who are able to live by the laws consistently
pray to heal wrongs and sickness by forgiveness and correction
James 516 and Matthew 18 15-20 etc.

So if this is not taught or practiced, then problems go unresovled
and if people are not taught forgivness and correction
then problems escalate. Because the majority of Muslim peole are peaceful,
then when greedy people abuse force to take over govt and countries
then these peaceful Muslims have no way to fight back because they are
taught to accept differences and peaceful coexistence.

so we need to teach the Christian scriptures also as part of Islam
you forgive but also correct, you do not allow abuses to continue
and just leave it to God. you redress grievances by authority of Jesus or Justice
and then people are compelled by law to make corrections.

if we do not teach this, that is why religions and govts both get abused.
not just Islam but also Christian and Constitutional laws get abused politically

There must be corrections and they must be done in the unifying
spirit of forgiveness and truth so they are received and followed.
"...the will of people seeking freedom to decide their own destiny cannot be denied.

And they will prevail in the end regardless of the cost in human lives........ "

which is the very reason that repressive organizations that seek to control minds, such as most religions, will eventually disappear.

There's been Jews siding with the enemies of Jews since we've been a people. These Jews are no different and they will be judged for their actions when the time comes

Why is opposing Zionism the same as "siding with the enemies of Jews"?

Some of the most important Jews of the 20th century opposed Zionism, surely? I know Hannah Arendt did.

No not opposing Zionism, Jews siding with and praising people like Ahmadinejad who would kill every Jew in Israel if he could, this is what I mean…Get it? He also kills his own people in the streets ...Get it now?
"Can you provide a single bible verse where Jesus condemns the rampant slavery that was all around him on a daily basis? Do unto others except for those who are slaves? Is that your covenant with Jesus?"

As coherent as this poster sometimes is, it is surprising that such an enormous mistake of historical interpretation is made here.

Since when has slavery become considered immoral and illegal?

For how long was it a universal human practice?

Was anyone at all, at the time of Jesus, talking about freeing slaves or ending the 'institution'? Did Sidhartha mention it? Zarathrustra? Like Jesus, they spoke in terms that would free minds, knowing that eventually the material body would follow. No one around them would have been capable of even seeing a problem with something that had always existed. As the scientist said, "We don't know who discovered water, but we can be certain it was not a fish." People only see by contrast. There was nowhere that slavery was forbidden or even considered bad, so no one saw an alternative.

The practice eventually ended exactly because the great thinkers of the past pushed thinking to new levels and areas. We can't even understand their times because of how much they have changed our own.

You are taking the question literally and your response to the literal question is correct. In the context of the sub thread I was using the question hypothetically in order to demonstrate that Christianity can be criticized in much the same way that they are criticizing Islam. Mea culpa if my intent was unclear and thank you for the opportunity to set the record straight.

There's been Jews siding with the enemies of Jews since we've been a people. These Jews are no different and they will be judged for their actions when the time comes

Why is opposing Zionism the same as "siding with the enemies of Jews"?

Some of the most important Jews of the 20th century opposed Zionism, surely? I know Hannah Arendt did.

No not opposing Zionism, Jews siding with and praising people like Ahmadinejad who would kill every Jew in Israel if he could, this is what I mean…Get it? He also kills his own people in the streets ...Get it now?

That's a fair point, JRoc, but I'm not a mind reader. I can only understand your points if you explain them adequately.

I have to say - I don't think I've ever heard a Jew praise Ahmedinijad, nor many other people. I've met the man, by the way - he's a fascinating and disturbing man.

Why is opposing Zionism the same as "siding with the enemies of Jews"?

Some of the most important Jews of the 20th century opposed Zionism, surely? I know Hannah Arendt did.

No not opposing Zionism, Jews siding with and praising people like Ahmadinejad who would kill every Jew in Israel if he could, this is what I mean…Get it? He also kills his own people in the streets ...Get it now?

That's a fair point, JRoc, but I'm not a mind reader. I can only understand your points if you explain them adequately.

I have to say - I don't think I've ever heard a Jew praise Ahmedinijad, nor many other people. I've met the man, by the way - he's a fascinating and disturbing man.

You didn't watch the video, those Jews praised him as a great man and a great leader while they kissed him as a brother.
Let us take a good look at the facts concerning some of the Muslim world and their hate. In Egypt expressions of anti Semitic viciousness are commonplace. Mohammad Morsi the leader of the Brotherhood many times openly calls Jews "descendants of apes and pigs". Mein Kampf is a best seller in the Muslim world.
Palestinian media relentlessly celebrates and honors terrorists who have distinguished themselves by the act of blowing up INNOCENT Israelis.
Just last week the Palestinian Authority issued a press release celebrating the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ahmad Marsharqa. How did they describe him? "Hero of the Kedumim settlement operation who answered the call of justice and the shout of duty when the land called to him" To translate this Marsharqa in 2006 disquised himself as a Jew, strapped a suicide belt on under his clothes and crossed the border into an Israeli village. When an Israeli family stopped to offer him a ride he accepted and blew himself up inside the car the freedom fighter he was. Or as Fatah has it "He caused the deaths of 5 Zionists and wounded many" Keep in mind that this group is considered "MODERATE" in the context of Palestinians "freedom fighters".
So now let us look at another "moderate" Muslim state Jordan:
By an overwhelming majority Jordan, through Muslim religious mullah pressure, the Jordanian parliament has called for the release of a former soldier who is serving time for murder of seven Israeli school girls in 1997. The students had traveled to the island ironically named "Island of Peace" which is a manmade island on the Jordanian/Israeli border which has been made into a park.
The island was developed by Israel but as part of the peace agreement with the late King Hussein Israel ceded it to Jordan. March 1997 a group of 13 year old Israeli girls were visiting when the Jordanian soldier opened fire on them murdering 7. He would have killed them all but his gun jammed.
King Hussein traveled to the home town of the girls and begged for forgiveness. But now the defense lawyer for the soldier who is Muslim Brotherhood is Minister of Justice in Jordan. He describes the murderer of those 7 girls as "a national hero" to cheering crowds.
There is a growing sewer of toxic intellectual terrain in the Muslim world.
These animals are not freedom fighters. I would respect them IF they would stand up and fight.
They hide behind women and children, brain wash their young to kill themselves in the name of Allah taking innocent citizens with them, run schools that teach to kill Jews, set up their command centers in mosques, schools and hospitals praying that they will get hit for the propaganda value and seeking power is their only goal.
If we do not wipe these animals off the face of the earth in the next 30 years they will take over as dictators first and foremost and the Muslim world will be their first victims.

Please don't take this the wrong way. This is not an attempt to condone any of the atrocities you mentioned or any of the others that you haven't. But there is a principle here that needs to be stated. These are sovereign nations and as such those who live there should have the right to believe as they see fit. Those beliefs are restricted to within their own borders and with respect to their individual rights whatever they may be. They do NOT have any right to impose their beliefs on anyone outside of their sovereign borders. And likewise the USA does not have the right to "wipe these animals off the face of the earth" either. What you are advocating is no different to those who are advocating the "destruction of the great satan AKA America". With all due respect you are descending to their level when you make statements of that nature. You are a better person than that.
You didn't watch the video, those Jews praised him as a great man and a great leader while they kissed him as a brother.

No, I didn't watch the video....I just can't get so excited about what one or two nutcases think.

I'm sure there some nutty Finns out there who hate Finnish people as well....but does it matter, really?
Let us take a good look at the facts concerning some of the Muslim world and their hate. In Egypt expressions of anti Semitic viciousness are commonplace. Mohammad Morsi the leader of the Brotherhood many times openly calls Jews "descendants of apes and pigs". Mein Kampf is a best seller in the Muslim world.
Palestinian media relentlessly celebrates and honors terrorists who have distinguished themselves by the act of blowing up INNOCENT Israelis.
Just last week the Palestinian Authority issued a press release celebrating the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ahmad Marsharqa. How did they describe him? "Hero of the Kedumim settlement operation who answered the call of justice and the shout of duty when the land called to him" To translate this Marsharqa in 2006 disquised himself as a Jew, strapped a suicide belt on under his clothes and crossed the border into an Israeli village. When an Israeli family stopped to offer him a ride he accepted and blew himself up inside the car the freedom fighter he was. Or as Fatah has it "He caused the deaths of 5 Zionists and wounded many" Keep in mind that this group is considered "MODERATE" in the context of Palestinians "freedom fighters".
So now let us look at another "moderate" Muslim state Jordan:
By an overwhelming majority Jordan, through Muslim religious mullah pressure, the Jordanian parliament has called for the release of a former soldier who is serving time for murder of seven Israeli school girls in 1997. The students had traveled to the island ironically named "Island of Peace" which is a manmade island on the Jordanian/Israeli border which has been made into a park.
The island was developed by Israel but as part of the peace agreement with the late King Hussein Israel ceded it to Jordan. March 1997 a group of 13 year old Israeli girls were visiting when the Jordanian soldier opened fire on them murdering 7. He would have killed them all but his gun jammed.
King Hussein traveled to the home town of the girls and begged for forgiveness. But now the defense lawyer for the soldier who is Muslim Brotherhood is Minister of Justice in Jordan. He describes the murderer of those 7 girls as "a national hero" to cheering crowds.
There is a growing sewer of toxic intellectual terrain in the Muslim world.
These animals are not freedom fighters. I would respect them IF they would stand up and fight.
They hide behind women and children, brain wash their young to kill themselves in the name of Allah taking innocent citizens with them, run schools that teach to kill Jews, set up their command centers in mosques, schools and hospitals praying that they will get hit for the propaganda value and seeking power is their only goal.
If we do not wipe these animals off the face of the earth in the next 30 years they will take over as dictators first and foremost and the Muslim world will be their first victims.

Please don't take this the wrong way. This is not an attempt to condone any of the atrocities you mentioned or any of the others that you haven't. But there is a principle here that needs to be stated. These are sovereign nations and as such those who live there should have the right to believe as they see fit. Those beliefs are restricted to within their own borders and with respect to their individual rights whatever they may be. They do NOT have any right to impose their beliefs on anyone outside of their sovereign borders. And likewise the USA does not have the right to "wipe these animals off the face of the earth" either. What you are advocating is no different to those who are advocating the "destruction of the great satan AKA America". With all due respect you are descending to their level when you make statements of that nature. You are a better person than that.

Where am I talking about BELIEFS anywhere?
I am specifically giving examples OF ACTIONS.
How is stating facts "descending to their level"?
Heads in the sand in denial have them doing what they do NOW.
Which includes killing Americans.
Wake up. Your neck is in their sights also.
Real world, please join us in it.
Let us take a good look at the facts concerning some of the Muslim world and their hate. In Egypt expressions of anti Semitic viciousness are commonplace. Mohammad Morsi the leader of the Brotherhood many times openly calls Jews "descendants of apes and pigs". Mein Kampf is a best seller in the Muslim world.
Palestinian media relentlessly celebrates and honors terrorists who have distinguished themselves by the act of blowing up INNOCENT Israelis.
Just last week the Palestinian Authority issued a press release celebrating the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ahmad Marsharqa. How did they describe him? "Hero of the Kedumim settlement operation who answered the call of justice and the shout of duty when the land called to him" To translate this Marsharqa in 2006 disquised himself as a Jew, strapped a suicide belt on under his clothes and crossed the border into an Israeli village. When an Israeli family stopped to offer him a ride he accepted and blew himself up inside the car the freedom fighter he was. Or as Fatah has it "He caused the deaths of 5 Zionists and wounded many" Keep in mind that this group is considered "MODERATE" in the context of Palestinians "freedom fighters".
So now let us look at another "moderate" Muslim state Jordan:
By an overwhelming majority Jordan, through Muslim religious mullah pressure, the Jordanian parliament has called for the release of a former soldier who is serving time for murder of seven Israeli school girls in 1997. The students had traveled to the island ironically named "Island of Peace" which is a manmade island on the Jordanian/Israeli border which has been made into a park.
The island was developed by Israel but as part of the peace agreement with the late King Hussein Israel ceded it to Jordan. March 1997 a group of 13 year old Israeli girls were visiting when the Jordanian soldier opened fire on them murdering 7. He would have killed them all but his gun jammed.
King Hussein traveled to the home town of the girls and begged for forgiveness. But now the defense lawyer for the soldier who is Muslim Brotherhood is Minister of Justice in Jordan. He describes the murderer of those 7 girls as "a national hero" to cheering crowds.
There is a growing sewer of toxic intellectual terrain in the Muslim world.
These animals are not freedom fighters. I would respect them IF they would stand up and fight.
They hide behind women and children, brain wash their young to kill themselves in the name of Allah taking innocent citizens with them, run schools that teach to kill Jews, set up their command centers in mosques, schools and hospitals praying that they will get hit for the propaganda value and seeking power is their only goal.
If we do not wipe these animals off the face of the earth in the next 30 years they will take over as dictators first and foremost and the Muslim world will be their first victims.

Please don't take this the wrong way. This is not an attempt to condone any of the atrocities you mentioned or any of the others that you haven't. But there is a principle here that needs to be stated. These are sovereign nations and as such those who live there should have the right to believe as they see fit. Those beliefs are restricted to within their own borders and with respect to their individual rights whatever they may be. They do NOT have any right to impose their beliefs on anyone outside of their sovereign borders. And likewise the USA does not have the right to "wipe these animals off the face of the earth" either. What you are advocating is no different to those who are advocating the "destruction of the great satan AKA America". With all due respect you are descending to their level when you make statements of that nature. You are a better person than that.

Where am I talking about BELIEFS anywhere?
I am specifically giving examples OF ACTIONS.
How is stating facts "descending to their level"?
Heads in the sand in denial have them doing what they do NOW.
Which includes killing Americans.
Wake up. Your neck is in their sights also.
Real world, please join us in it.

Your post describes the beliefs of fanatics and extremists. If you are under the impression that waging war against them will defeat them you are mistaken. It has not worked in Afghanistan or Iraq. Israel has been waging war against them decades without any success either. In fact the only "success" has been when they have achieved peace settlements. Inciting warmongering merely breeds more and more fanatical extremists. You are playing right into their hands with your rhetoric. You are giving them an excuse to say "Look, the Americans want to exterminate us" when you say things like "wipe these animals off the face of the earth". History has demonstrated time and again that trying to repress a religion only makes it stronger and that it is impossible to repress ideas. What you are advocating is a blood feud that will last for centuries. Is that the future you want for your children, grandchildren and their children yet unborn?
Please don't take this the wrong way. This is not an attempt to condone any of the atrocities you mentioned or any of the others that you haven't. But there is a principle here that needs to be stated. These are sovereign nations and as such those who live there should have the right to believe as they see fit. Those beliefs are restricted to within their own borders and with respect to their individual rights whatever they may be. They do NOT have any right to impose their beliefs on anyone outside of their sovereign borders. And likewise the USA does not have the right to "wipe these animals off the face of the earth" either. What you are advocating is no different to those who are advocating the "destruction of the great satan AKA America". With all due respect you are descending to their level when you make statements of that nature. You are a better person than that.

Where am I talking about BELIEFS anywhere?
I am specifically giving examples OF ACTIONS.
How is stating facts "descending to their level"?
Heads in the sand in denial have them doing what they do NOW.
Which includes killing Americans.
Wake up. Your neck is in their sights also.
Real world, please join us in it.

Your post describes the beliefs of fanatics and extremists. If you are under the impression that waging war against them will defeat them you are mistaken. It has not worked in Afghanistan or Iraq. Israel has been waging war against them decades without any success either. In fact the only "success" has been when they have achieved peace settlements. Inciting warmongering merely breeds more and more fanatical extremists. You are playing right into their hands with your rhetoric. You are giving them an excuse to say "Look, the Americans want to exterminate us" when you say things like "wipe these animals off the face of the earth". History has demonstrated time and again that trying to repress a religion only makes it stronger and that it is impossible to repress ideas. What you are advocating is a blood feud that will last for centuries. Is that the future you want for your children, grandchildren and their children yet unborn?

Our war in Afghanistan started with our military advising the politicians that NO war wins there and I agree with the military. They advised negotiations with the Taliban that are ongoing today and I also support that. Yes, politicians do not listen to the boots on the ground many times but that is our policy.
Israel defends themselves. They employ more Palestinians than any other country.
Respectfully, I suggest you educate yourself as to the facts of the Palestinian situation.
How many ARAB countries are Palestinians allowed to vote, to own property, to go to school to become a professional?
Why do YOU ignore that in EVERY ARAB COUNTRY the Palestinians HAVE LESS RIGHTS than they do in Israel?
Palestinians in Israel have EQUAL voting rights. In most all Muslim states women are NOT allowed to vote but they are in Israel.
And you remain silent on that.
Arab citizens live where they want in Israel per Supreme Court ruling.
Arabic is an official language taught in Israeli schools.
Israeli law, unlike most Muslim countries, BANS employment discrimination against Arabs.
Amazing you do not know the basic laws of Israel and the Muslim countries.
In Iran they lock you up for changing your religion to Christianity or any other religion other than Muslim.
And you remain silent.
In Israel you practice whatever religion you want.
And you condemn Israel naively.
In Lebanon Palestinians are blocked from holding any professional job and most all trade jobs.
They fled Iraq because the new government there bans them from medical care, basic rights and many were killed because they were Palestinians.
Palestinians are denied basic rights in almost all Arab and middle east countries EXCEPT ISRAEL and you remain silent.
Get back to me when Muslims give Palestinians equal rights in their own countries instead of treating them as 2nd class citizens as they do today.

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