I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

Once again for the haters:

The OP is about American and Canadian muslims who stand united in renouncing the Boston Marathon Bombing and all other forms of domestic terrorism.

It has nothing to do with events in foreign countries or other ancillary issues.

I have heard over and over on this board, "When are the muslim's going to speak out and condemn the terrorists and terrorism".

Yet when the U.S. and Canadian muslims come out and unequivocally denounce the Boston bombing and those responsible for it.

They are still verbally attacked just as viciously as if they had remained silent. ... :cool:

A question for you. If an artist or cartoonist here in America drew a picture of Muhammad what would be the response be from the Muslim Community? Death threats and terrorism like in Europe against the cartoonist(s)?

I am no fan of Christianity but I never see that behavior by the Christian community when their god is mocked or ridiculed .
There was an equally offensive film made here in the U.S. recently that caused riots and deaths in both Libya and Egypt.

Yet nothing happened here in America.

I think that should answer your question. .. :cool:
Once again for the haters:

The OP is about American and Canadian muslims who stand united in renouncing the Boston Marathon Bombing and all other forms of domestic terrorism.

It has nothing to do with events in foreign countries or other ancillary issues.

I have heard over and over on this board, "When are the muslim's going to speak out and condemn the terrorists and terrorism".

Yet when the U.S. and Canadian muslims come out and unequivocally denounce the Boston bombing and those responsible for it.

They are still verbally attacked just as viciously as if they had remained silent. ... :cool:

A question for you. If an artist or cartoonist here in America drew a picture of Muhammad what would be the response be from the Muslim Community? Death threats and terrorism like in Europe against the cartoonist(s)?

I am no fan of Christianity but I never see that behavior by the Christian community when their god is mocked or ridiculed .
There was an equally offensive film made here in the U.S. recently that caused riots and deaths in both Libya and Egypt.

Yet nothing happened here in America.

I think that should answer your question. .. :cool:

I see you can't bother to respond to some simple questions in my thread.
A question for you. If an artist or cartoonist here in America drew a picture of Muhammad what would be the response be from the Muslim Community? Death threats and terrorism like in Europe against the cartoonist(s)?

I am no fan of Christianity but I never see that behavior by the Christian community when their god is mocked or ridiculed .
There was an equally offensive film made here in the U.S. recently that caused riots and deaths in both Libya and Egypt.

Yet nothing happened here in America.

I think that should answer your question. .. :cool:

I see you can't bother to respond to some simple questions in my thread.

I have known a few Muslims, and they scared the hell out of me. LONG before 9/11. They were...absolutist; always seem to proselytize for Allah and they didn't take "Not interested" as an answer. I have read about Islam, and, as far as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful, but, it’s a delusion . Sunniman, if you are "Muslim", YOU are a member of a cult that accepts people that crashes planes into buildings and blow up innocent people as a tactic to further that cult's aims. Actions speak louder than words. You might be a great guy, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn’t ACTUALY slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form delusion. Scientology is nice, I hear.

Mary, I have also known a number of muslims within my life and they were peaceful, without a bad bone in their body. And they would not wish harm on anyone within any religion anywhere. I think you are being unfair to condemn everyone that is muslim. There are many that have not moderated within Islam and they are the radicals we have to deal with. But there are many that have and many that are not even practicing.

Then they do not read or believe what the Qur'an tells them. There is no escaping what the Quran/Allah orders Muslims to do in order to obtain peace. Convert or kill. It is that clear.
The beheaded saints in Revelation demanding justice are products of Muslim's inability to convert.

Dear IrishRam:
1. Mohammad clearly taught there is "no compulsion in religion"
All the charity and faith, by nature, must be chosen by free will or else they are FALSE.
this is just natural law, universal truth. it isn't real if it is forced by outside requirements.
So the problem is where people don't follow this, but start politicizing or coercing it.
this doesn't even make sense, it goes against human nature and against Mohammad's teachings. Even Shariah, the practices in Islam, must all be followed by free choice of the believers in order to be in keeping with Mohammad's own teachings. The whole concept of abusing govt to "impose" Shariah contradicts itself -- like trying to propose "mandatory volunteer service".
2. so I fully agree with you there is a problem with trying to force religion or judgment on people. With Islam this can be corrected by teaching that Mohammad even taught there is "no compulsion in religion" (and also Sura 109 that if people disagree in views they let each other go their own way or peaceful co-existence where there is disagreement)
so the latest verses in the Quran take precedence over earlier ones. so the peaceful interpretation of the Sura 109 which is at the very END of the Quran takes precedent.
3. this is why American Muslims have an easier time practicing their faith here, because there is respect for religious freedom as a given tradition in this country. it is really a natural law, which our Constitutional principles are also based. we can do more to enforce religious freedom by agreeing this concept is equally in the Constitutional laws as it is in Mohammad's teachings, so we can enforce this consistently, with both sources agreeing it just makes sense by natural laws.

P.S. if you and I, and also our friend Jake, use Constitutional laws to enforce religious freedom, and don't use Islam to teach that as others do, that is why it is important to have an agreement using the sources or laws we do respect, and still reach agreement with Muslims who use the teachings of Mohammad to enforce the same. This is why I believe it will take both coming together to agree on and enforce this principle of religious freedom.
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The verse 2.256 which states there should be no compulsion in religion should not be taken out of context without refering to the following verse 2.257 which states those who reject faith will burn in eternal hellfire. Do you call that a choice?

2.256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-
hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.

2.257 God is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He
will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones:
from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be
companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).
The verse 2.256 which states there should be no compulsion in religion should not be taken out of context without refering to the following verse 2.257 which states those who reject faith will burn in eternal hellfire. Do you call that a choice?

2.256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-
hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.

2.257 God is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He
will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones:
from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be
companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).
The first verse allows people to make a choice about their religion.

The second verse is basically says those who make the wrong choice will go to hell.

Many verses in the Bible essentially say the exact same thing.

You have a choice to accept or reject Jesus....but if you reject him you are toast. .. :cool:
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The same teachings that tacitly endorse slavery?
Can you name Christ's slaves for me? Did He wash their feet too?

Can you provide a single bible verse where Jesus condemns the rampant slavery that was all around him on a daily basis? Do unto others except for those who are slaves? Is that your covenant with Jesus?

Just because the laws at the time the Constitution was written did not recognize slaves as humans but as property whose ownership was protected by law
does not mean that the PRINCIPLES of natural laws that the Constitution sought to write out are not valid and should be rejected. There were clear contradictions, between the letter and the spirit, while the process of democracy that the laws sought to spell out in terms of due process and checks and balances are supposed to work these conflicts out over time.

DT because so many Black people were taught these white men laws enslaved them and are only for the white system, the Black populations have been deprived of their equal rights under law by equal knowledge and enforcement of these laws. many have been encouraged to rebel against authority and reward criminal behavior as bucking the system so the prison system has been compared to genocide. so many poor minorities have been kept in a state of political slavery and dependence on politicians who do use the laws to their own benefit.

the same way education of the laws helps people to use the laws to protect and defend inalienable rights all humans have by nature, this overcomes abuse of either law to enable slavery. Today we still endorse and support slave labor with all the goods we buy that depend on sweatshop slave labor. So if you are going to criticize slavery we still give corporations freedom under law to contract with foreign production based on slave labor.

the solution is not to reject either church or state laws as being faulty, so we toss them out.
but to use the true meaning and purpose of the laws to correct what is wrong with how they are enforced and applied unequally or unjustly. both church and state need reforms, not by throwing out the laws but by enforcing and applying them consistently to right the wrongs.
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The verse 2.256 which states there should be no compulsion in religion should not be taken out of context without refering to the following verse 2.257 which states those who reject faith will burn in eternal hellfire. Do you call that a choice?

2.256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-
hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.

2.257 God is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He
will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones:
from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be
companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).

Thank you Dajjal and Sunni:
And where does Mohammad/Quran specify about receiving or respecting/following
"All sent by God" (all prophets or laws?) to mean the Jewish Torah and Christian Scripture?

Because the Christian Scriptures give the solution or salvation from hell
as faith in Christ Jesus which means Restorative Justice, whereas retributive justice
is the path to hell and death.

So where is that given in Mohammad's teachings
to follow or respect the Scriptures? Thank you, this will help to find the exact sources
and work out these issues. God's blessings to you with peace and thanks!
The verse 2.256 which states there should be no compulsion in religion should not be taken out of context without refering to the following verse 2.257 which states those who reject faith will burn in eternal hellfire. Do you call that a choice?

2.256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-
hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.

2.257 God is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He
will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones:
from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be
companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).
The first verse allows people to make a choice about their religion.

The second verse is basically says those who make the wrong choice will go to hell.

Many verses in the Bible essentially say the exact same thing.

You have a choice to accept or reject Jesus....but if you reject him you are toast. .. :cool:
Thank you Sunni.
if we can agree that war is hell, then hopefully we can align in ending
the path to war and hell both. I stand with you in this noble goal.

By interpreting Jesus to mean God's Justice, and more specifically
salvation in Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice with Mercy
then this makes sense. that those who rebel against God's true universal justice,
as in equal justice and peace protecting and including all people,
will cause hellish suffering, including death and war, by killing out of anger and hatred.

while those who seek higher justice achieved by
mutual forgiveness and correction, so that all people share responsibility
for restitution and law enforcement for peace and order,
then that is the way we shall see the Kingdom of God established among us.

perhaps this is why it will take a collaborative effort of all believers
coming together in agreement by conscience or by Christ
to fulfill the laws to this end. I am in agreement with you to
end the war and terrorism going on out of rebellion against
universal laws which are better enforced by love of truth, justice and peace.

we can better join forces by forgiving differences in order to work
these out, then unifying more strongly on the points and purpose we share in common.

Thank you Sunni
May God continue to bless your efforts
to achieve the higher truth and justice we both seek in peace.Yours truly, Love, Emily
^^^ It's astoundng how making a thread 'against' terrorism attracts the foaming at the mouth rabid haters. .. :cool:

Dear Sunni: Again, if your sincere wish is to end terrorism, then this kind of hatred and unforgiveness between brothers is exactly what we need to address and resolve.
in order for Jews Christians and Muslims to stand together and wipe out roots of war.
God Bless you and all your allies here who want the same thing as you do, to wipe out war and terrorism. you may think they are your enemies but the enemy is the fear and unforgiveness currently dividing us; when that is removed there is only love. love of truth, love of justice, love of peace. remember the scriptures tell us that those who are loved shall be hated, but those who are hated shall be loved. at some point things will turn around. and this same process will give us insights on how to help others unite and end wars around them too!

May God's perfect love continue to cast out all fear.
May God's divine forgiveness and Grace in Christ Jesus
turn all our anger to compassion, all grief into conviction to
be bigger than our conflicts and faults, and turn our
words and swords from weapons of war to
tools for rebuilding relations on a path to peace
by receiving and correcting each other in our
knowledge of the laws where we can agree in truth. Thank you for this!
I am NOT a MUSLIM. I worry about you religious folks. Particularly Muslims. If only Allah would protect US from their followers. I worry particularly about MUSLIMS. Boston marathon bombers, 9/11. Bin Laden was offended that American Infidels were on holy Saudi land during operation desert storm in 1990. Muslim holy land was "defiled". So he dreamed up the the attack on September 11 2011. Even though Regan helped the Muslim Mujahideem fighting the Russians in Afghanistan the early eighties. Why is it that CHRISTIANS don't resort to the same desperate tactics? Last Time I remember Christians were offended to the point of anger or protest was Scorsese’s "Last temptation of Christ" twenty plus years ago. I also remember the drama over the work “Piss Christ”. Nobody got hurt, though. Nobody had a Fatwa or death sentence passed on them, nobody. They didn’t resort to crashing airplanes into building or creating websites to hurt non-Christians. Muslims have reached a new height in loathsome hypocrisy.
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"Can you provide a single bible verse where Jesus condemns the rampant slavery that was all around him on a daily basis? Do unto others except for those who are slaves? Is that your covenant with Jesus?"

As coherent as this poster sometimes is, it is surprising that such an enormous mistake of historical interpretation is made here.

Since when has slavery become considered immoral and illegal?

For how long was it a universal human practice?

Was anyone at all, at the time of Jesus, talking about freeing slaves or ending the 'institution'? Did Sidhartha mention it? Zarathrustra? Like Jesus, they spoke in terms that would free minds, knowing that eventually the material body would follow. No one around them would have been capable of even seeing a problem with something that had always existed. As the scientist said, "We don't know who discovered water, but we can be certain it was not a fish." People only see by contrast. There was nowhere that slavery was forbidden or even considered bad, so no one saw an alternative.

The practice eventually ended exactly because the great thinkers of the past pushed thinking to new levels and areas. We can't even understand their times because of how much they have changed our own.
Riots and resulting death are never caused by works of art. They are caused by minds incapable of understanding.
Religion has caused most of these problems. Christians forget that at one time our team was as bad or worse terrorists with their reign of slaughter The Crusades.
Until we admit that this is GLOBAL and quit picking and choosing which terrorist attack "was inspired by American policy" and other side steps sooner than later they are coming here and will wipe everyone out.
And they will be Muslims.
Damn shame as every Muslim I know is a fine citizen.
Why many of them are afraid to speak out against ALL terrorism baffles the hell out of me.
Practice, cross the lines, tee it up and go get 'em.
Religion has caused most of these problems. Christians forget that at one time our team was as bad or worse terrorists with their reign of slaughter The Crusades.
Until we admit that this is GLOBAL and quit picking and choosing which terrorist attack "was inspired by American policy" and other side steps sooner than later they are coming here and will wipe everyone out.
And they will be Muslims.
Damn shame as every Muslim I know is a fine citizen.
Why many of them are afraid to speak out against ALL terrorism baffles the hell out of me.
Because in their country it could be the people are fighting for freedom or justice and don't view it as terrorism. ... :cool:
Religion has caused most of these problems. Christians forget that at one time our team was as bad or worse terrorists with their reign of slaughter The Crusades.
Until we admit that this is GLOBAL and quit picking and choosing which terrorist attack "was inspired by American policy" and other side steps sooner than later they are coming here and will wipe everyone out.
And they will be Muslims.
Damn shame as every Muslim I know is a fine citizen.
Why many of them are afraid to speak out against ALL terrorism baffles the hell out of me.
Because in their country it could be the people are fighting for freedom or justice and don't view it as terrorism. ... :cool:

No offense Sunni but no shit!
And that is unacceptable.
To slaughter women and children, sacrifice children as human suicide bombers.
And they lie to them telling them they are going to heaven with virgins because they are martyrs.
Do you sit idle and believe and condone that Bull Shit?
Fighting for freedom and justice is strapping bombs on and slaughtering innocent women and children.
So which is it or are you on the fence once again?
Are you with us or with your so called "freedom fighters" which YOU KNOW YOURSELF they are not fighting for freedom.
They are sissy ass wimps too scared to fight and hide behind their own women and children forcing them to go and do their dirty deeds for them as suicide bombers.
They run and hide and do not fight. They sacrifice their own kids.
Right? Tell me where I am wrong.
Choose sides. Which is it? The evil wimp ass "freedom fighters" that send their youth to die or your own country you live in comfort in because of the religious freedom it offers you?
One man's freedom fighter...is another man's terrorist.

Vietnam taught America, and Afghanistan taught the Russians.

That the will of people seeking freedom to decide their own destiny cannot be denied.

And they will prevail in the end regardless of the cost in human lives........ :cool:

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