I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

I have known a few Muslims, and they scared the hell out of me. LONG before 9/11. They were...absolutist; always seem to proselytize for Allah and they didn't take "Not interested" as an answer. I have read about Islam, and, as far as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful, but, it’s a delusion . Sunniman, if you are "Muslim", YOU are a member of a cult that accepts people that crashes planes into buildings and blow up innocent people as a tactic to further that cult's aims. Actions speak louder than words. You might be a great guy, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn’t ACTUALY slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form delusion. Scientology is nice, I hear.
Emily, do you understand there are those that will never under any circumstance turn toward peace? I don't care how much goodwill we put out, there is evil that will always resist for eternity.

Is it true some minds can be changed? Yes. Does it mean all minds can be changed? No.

That is left to them when is the right time to change or not change.

Any opportunity to offer a better choice, is still better to offer.
If they don't take it, at least it was offered.

Not every vote is going to mean you win, but it is still important to vote.

Thanks for your concern and sharing on here.

I agree with Sunni that we will win this battle against terrorism,
and this incident will lead to uniting people in new ways.

So eventually even those who bowed out, will come around later.
We all want peace, but just don't all agree how exactly to get there from here!

Thanks and hope you enjoy the journey to get there
as much as the destination. Blessings to all!

I agree we never quit trying, but the reality is there are those and always will be those that do not wish for peace. I wish it were different as the world would be a much better place.
Dear Irish: Whatever hatred is still in either Sunni or other Muslims you speak of,
let us pray for this to be removed and given to Christ Jesus on the Cross.
That all burdens be cast up to the Lord.

And all people, like the Uncle who really spoke in a humbling way to bring out the humanity in this tragedy, hear the call for higher justice with mercy, with correction in the spirit of forgiveness, which Christ Jesus brings for the salvation of us all.

And all shall receive, every ear shall hear,
every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess.

For the sake of the mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, sisters and brothers drawing closer together worldwide, let us give thanks for divine forgiveness in Christ Jesus that we may receive highest comfort peace, healing grace, and truth that unifies us and set us free.

In Jesus name let us all be unified in prayer
Thank you Irish and all those praying with us
that the world shall be saved by Grace
freely given for the asking. We are all asking, so thank you God that we shall all receive.

Em, Sunni hates in his heart, but is too timid to take up the sword of Allah. But make no mistake about where He stands. He's as radical in his hatred for God's children as those who make bombs.
And remember where the God of Abraham stands, and what the Lion of Judah, our Lord, has in store for the Muslims, when they invade Israel the next time, in the name of Allah.

And Jesus told us to do the opposite of shut up. We are to proclaim His Good News. Paul never shut up. Neither should we. Nor are we to be lukewarm or politically correct about what is to come and why....

And we are called to set our face against them. The day of the passover lamb is over. Our Lord is coming back as a Lion, and we'll be right behind Him. :eusa_angel:

Sunni, the media is in love with the Mus brotherhood, and ridicules our ally, Israel. You've never had it better, and yet the Muslim truth still can't hide behind our newscasters.

Answer the question Sunni.............. what is the "moderate Muslim doctrine" concerning infidels, and the Jews? :eusa_angel:

He is not a religious Muslim, he is more secular under Constitutional laws of religious freedom. So let us pray in agreement that Jesus fulfills the natural laws of government
by consent and democratic free will, equal protections of justice and peace for all people.

Let us not hold him to laws he does not believe in, but enforce laws where we do agree there is equal justice for all people. In Christ Jesus name, Amen.
^^^^ Now the heavy duty loons have showed up........ :cuckoo:

Sunni please have compassion.
If you met women who fear men because they had been raped,
you would not criticize them for their fear due to past trauma!
You would understand, would you not?
Same with people religiously abused who fear Christians and religion.

If you say you are against terrorism,
please have compassion for those who have been terrorized
because of this very kind of religious extreme!
You get what you give, Sunni.

When it bothers you enough, you will go through the trouble to change this scenario.
but as long as you are content to keep blaming others for how they react to you, then you will see this scenario repeat over and over. Half of the problem is coming from your side.

You change that, and voila, lo and behold, people start changing how they respond as well!

I think it's called the law of attraction.
also the abundance mentality vs. the scarcity mentality.

When you focus more on the positive, you attract the same.
So the power to change begins with you.
Sorry, but I don't believe in new age pop psychology. .. :cool:

NEW age???

the Golden Rule of Reciprocity is a universal law for human nature.
you get what you give
you reap what you sow
laws of karma, ie cause and effect

It's in every religion, including Islam.

"No one of you is a believer
until he desires for his brother
that which he desires
for himself. " -- Islam

Golden Rule - World Religion Day

You are FUNNY SunniMan.
I think I will call you FunniMan from now on.

You respond to terrorism with "hate", then you blame others
for responses that express "hate"

You claim to follow Islam, yet don't seem to recognize Christian rebuke according to Scripture that is supposed to be received and respected equally in Islam as "sent by God"

and now some of God's natural laws that are as old as old
you are writing off as "new age" pop psychology ????


the Golden Rule of Reciprocity is a universal law for human nature.
you get what you give
you reap what you sow
laws of karma, ie cause and effect

Em, you are correct in that our actions directly effect our mortal lives. Look at King David. He let lust destroy his family. He did not however, get what he deserved from God. From God he received forgiveness.

And, the opposite of karma is true when you look at what Christ did for us on the cross. HE reaped what we have sown, so that we do not pay the consequences of our behavior, where our eternal lives are concerned.
Our gift of salvation through Christ, is the opposite of reaping what we deserve. We reap the righteousness of Christ because of the grace God sheds on us, not for how well we perform. Propitiation is a gift, not a reward.
Laws require dependance on man. Grace requires dependance on Christ. :)

We are under the covenant of Grace. Unmerited favor. We reap what Christ sowed. :eusa_angel:
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I have known a few Muslims, and they scared the hell out of me. LONG before 9/11. They were...absolutist; always seem to proselytize for Allah and they didn't take "Not interested" as an answer. I have read about Islam, and, as far as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful, but, it’s a delusion . Sunniman, if you are "Muslim", YOU are a member of a cult that accepts people that crashes planes into buildings and blow up innocent people as a tactic to further that cult's aims. Actions speak louder than words. You might be a great guy, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn’t ACTUALY slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form delusion. Scientology is nice, I hear.

Mary, I have also known a number of muslims within my life and they were peaceful, without a bad bone in their body. And they would not wish harm on anyone within any religion anywhere. I think you are being unfair to condemn everyone that is muslim. There are many that have not moderated within Islam and they are the radicals we have to deal with. But there are many that have and many that are not even practicing.
I have known a few Muslims, and they scared the hell out of me. LONG before 9/11. They were...absolutist; always seem to proselytize for Allah and they didn't take "Not interested" as an answer. I have read about Islam, and, as far as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful, but, it’s a delusion . Sunniman, if you are "Muslim", YOU are a member of a cult that accepts people that crashes planes into buildings and blow up innocent people as a tactic to further that cult's aims. Actions speak louder than words. You might be a great guy, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn’t ACTUALY slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form delusion. Scientology is nice, I hear.

Dear Mary: I'm sorry you have had such bad scary experiences.
I have run into people from either Iran or also Nigeria who scared me.
It depends on the person, and sometimes the culture of the country they are from.

I have Pakistani friends who are beautiful Muslims, but they acknowledge there are
oppressive attitudes towards women back at home in their native country (most of the stories of honor killings are stereotypically from Pakistan)

I have a good Muslim friend from Nigeria, I would trust with my life he is so ethical and naturally wise and conscientious without being religious about it. But he is well aware of the threat of militant political groups pushing for extreme Shariah Law type justice to be enforced in the northern regions of the country and splitting off from the Christians and other groups that were getting along peacefully until these political groups try to take over.

If countries don't have enough help to enforce their democratic laws and govts, it is easier for any militant group to take over, since the peaceful people will not raise arms and attack to defend themselves by their nature of being law abiding and peaceful. This is why the Buddhists got overrun out of Tibet because they are nonviolent and can be bullied over.

The same with peaceful Muslims.

Unfortunately the militant groups will use any tactic to mobilize large numbers, so the typical strategies are to use either race or religion or both to organize around an identity.

So religions are used as tools of war, when their true purpose is to communicate among large groups for peace and harmonious relations among humanity.

Islam is another such language for laws, either used to make peace or abused to make war.
Same with our Constitutional freedoms, either used for creative purposes or abused to destroy in the name of freedom. So that is what we are dealing with today. We are all learning to use our given laws and resources for good, instead of enabling abuses for bad.

both church and state, religious and political authorities are going through this same process, of correcting past abuses and enforcing laws consistently to prevent future abuse.

I hope you see more good than bad coming out from all these issues.
None of can deny there are extreme abuses and risks with religious conflicts.
The point is how do we organize among the different populations to address and prevent problems at the source? And the more we examine the causes, we will find solutions that work in every situation, not just with Islam but any abuse of religious or political authority.

We have an opportunity for those solutions to come out now, and it will take a concerted effort of all groups working together to implement them in all communities and nations.
As bad as these problems have been, the solutions and good that comes will be even better.

I hope you can see this, so you don't worry about the past being repeated.
There are too many good people working to make sure things change, it will happen!
I have known a few Muslims, and they scared the hell out of me. LONG before 9/11. They were...absolutist; always seem to proselytize for Allah and they didn't take "Not interested" as an answer. I have read about Islam, and, as far as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful, but, it’s a delusion . Sunniman, if you are "Muslim", YOU are a member of a cult that accepts people that crashes planes into buildings and blow up innocent people as a tactic to further that cult's aims. Actions speak louder than words. You might be a great guy, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn’t ACTUALY slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form delusion. Scientology is nice, I hear.

I have known a few Christians and they scared the hell out of me. They were absolutist; always seem to proselytize for the Holy Trinity and they did not take "not interested" as an answer. I have read about Christianity and as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful but it is a delusion. (Insert Name Here), if you are "Christian", YOU are a member of a cult that had the spanish inquisition, burned "witches" and in general caused the death of many. This means you are also part of the Westboror Clan, since they claim they are Christians. (INsert name here), you might be a great guy or gal, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn't actually slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form of of delusion.

See how that looks? Does it feel right? Wrong?

There is a point in there somewhere but not quite within my grasp. It's like trying to catch a fart and sew a button on it. Impossible. But it's there. lol
Because they are afraid. We are afraid because jihadists lie, and because there is a lot of Islamic power and money that uphold what they do..particularly in the mosques.
Em, you are correct in that our actions directly effect our mortal lives. Look at King David. He let lust destroy his family. He did not however, get what he deserved from God. From God he received forgiveness.

And, the opposite is true when you look at what Christ did for us on the cross. HE reaped what we have sown, so that we do not pay the consequences of our behavior, where our eternal lives are concerned.
It is the opposite of reaping what we deserve. We reap the righteousness of Christ because of the grace God sheds on us, not for how well we preform. Propitiation is a gift, not a reward.
Laws require dependance on man. Grace requires dependance on Christ.

We are under the covenant of Grace. Unmerited favor. We reap what Christ sowed. :eusa_angel:

Yes, thank you Irish. When we forgive the trespasses of others, we make room to receive forgiveness. So this divine grace and gift of Christ Jesus breaks the cycle of retribution.

It is where we don't ask help with forgiveness, but we shut God out.
If we keep wishing ill on others, then it boomerangs back on us.

You and I know how forgiveness works.
For people who don't get it yet, some of them continue the
previous pattern of getting back the same mess they dish out on others.
Judging others and then getting judged in return.

I agree with you and believe in Christ as you do
that God gives us this gift of grace and salvation freely, it is NOT earned.

But we do have to ASK, so we are choosing it by our FREE WILL.
Thank you, and I do join in prayer that more people ASK
and more people RECEIVE, and more people GET IT.

I hate to see people suffer.
I pray for all people to receive peace and healing
and it will be clear it is all coming from the same God.

thank you, Irish
love and peace to you
and all those I join you in
praying for worldwide who
shall see the Kingdom of God received among us.
in Christ Jesus name, Amen.

[and JakeStarkey, too, wherever that "wussyboy" ran off to ;-)]
^^^ Emilynghiem would you please do us all a favor and hold your religious services somewhere else....... :cool:

Sorry, you said you were against terrorism.
so if this is what it takes to make peace, and reach agreement
so there is no environment for terrorism,
then I trust this is the answer to your wishes and prayers.

My apologies if this is not what you wanted or meant.

No offense intended.
Sorry SunniMan! And Best Wishes to you and your efforts at peace!
I have known a few Christians and they scared the hell out of me. They were absolutist; always seem to proselytize for the Holy Trinity and they did not take "not interested" as an answer. I have read about Christianity and as myths and fairytales go, it may be beautiful but it is a delusion. (Insert Name Here), if you are "Christian", YOU are a member of a cult that had the spanish inquisition, burned "witches" and in general caused the death of many. This means you are also part of the Westboror Clan, since they claim they are Christians. (INsert name here), you might be a great guy or gal, but perhaps you should join another weirdo cult that doesn't actually slaughter people as a tool to enforce their form of of delusion.

See how that looks? Does it feel right? Wrong?

There is a point in there somewhere but not quite within my grasp. It's like trying to catch a fart and sew a button on it. Impossible. But it's there. lol

The difference is, when Christians rebuke the Westboro protestors or other cultish groups, they are seen as validly expressing their beliefs.

When Muslims do this, they are called liars for trying to "deny" their religion teaches X Y Z.

Even my bf does not believe the Uncle is really speaking honestly, but just trying to CYA because he lives in America and will get hammered. Because there is this doubt of the credibility of the Muslims, I have even more respect for the Uncle and for the fact that many people DO hear what he is saying and taking it for proof that Muslims are not the problem.

There seems to be more support this time, so I hope and pray for more Jews Christians and Muslims to unite in support and beat the rap that is otherwise dividing groups politically.

United we stand, divided we fall. I think we went through enough of falling apart previously,
so this time, I see more signs of hope that people are getting it right and working it all out.

thank you Gracie
as we unite on points of agreement, you will see this echo collectively
with more and more people around us, putting aside their differences and doubts,
and focusing more energy on the positive things we CAN do to make a difference this time!
it will be a chain reaction, and it will move other people to do the same, just beautiful!
Because they are afraid. We are afraid because jihadists lie, and because there is a lot of Islamic power and money that uphold what they do..particularly in the mosques.

Let Perfect Love
cast out all these Fears.

Let us receive Healing Grace
that tears down these walls and open the door
to shine light of true peace and understanding.

Emily, I am sorry, but I see a helluva lot of judging coming from your general direction. You are a kind and lovely person, but...you are doing what you say shouldn't be done.
Emily, I am sorry, but I see a helluva lot of judging coming from your general direction. You are a kind and lovely person, but...you are doing what you say shouldn't be done.

I'm sorry, but where was I judging anyone as a person
and not trying to correct the problem?

Can you please specify?
I will be glad to correct and apologize.

If I was teasing Sunni and Jake too harshly,
I'm sorry if that was misunderstood on here.
I do support and agree with them on points
and try to correct them as a peer not an adversary!

thanks for setting up that other thread, Gracie

I believe the focus is on correcting the issues
so that is what my intent is, and sorry if this was not clear
and came across unfairly as judging anyone personally!
Domestic terrorism? WTF is that?
The Boston bombings are a reflection of the world wide terrorist movement. They were Russian Muslims that came here.
I listened to 2 women today that were imprisoned in Iran for being Christian. It is against the law to be any religion other than Muslim in many countries.
I believe Sunni is sincere as he is most likely no different than my African American buddies here in Georgia that I have known for most all of my life except he is a Muslim. They would laugh at him for not eating my smoked ribs and pulled pork!
But the issue is not about domestic anything, it is a global problem.
Until American Muslims condemn ALL criminal acts towards citizens be they here or anywhere no one is safe anywhere.
We have gone to bat for the Muslims in Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Serbia and many other areas of the world recently. We have supported their new governments with American blood.
All with allies from dozens of other governments supporting those efforts for those Muslim countries.
About time the MUSLIM WORLD got together with a uniform fight against terror WORLD WIDE.
Until then no one is safe and the credibility of American Muslims and Muslims across the world will be very low.
Domestic terrorism? WTF is that?
The Boston bombings are a reflection of the world wide terrorist movement. They were Russian Muslims that came here.
I listened to 2 women today that were imprisoned in Iran for being Christian. It is against the law to be any religion other than Muslim in many countries.
I believe Sunni is sincere as he is most likely no different than my African American buddies here in Georgia that I have known for most all of my life except he is a Muslim. They would laugh at him for not eating my smoked ribs and pulled pork!
But the issue is not about domestic anything, it is a global problem.
Until American Muslims condemn ALL criminal acts towards citizens be they here or anywhere no one is safe anywhere.
We have gone to bat for the Muslims in Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Serbia and many other areas of the world recently. We have supported their new governments with American blood.
All with allies from dozens of other governments supporting those efforts for those Muslim countries.
About time the MUSLIM WORLD got together with a uniform fight against terror WORLD WIDE.
Until then no one is safe and the credibility of American Muslims and Muslims across the world will be very low.
In my opinion, the U.S. is responsible for the lions share of Islamic terrorism around the world.

Mainly because of it's support of brutal dictators and misguided military interventions.

But this thread is only about domestic terrorism; not foreign conflicts. .. :cool:

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