I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

It can easily be shown that there is as much apparent contradiction in the biblical as well as koranic texts.

The Bible does not in itself claim infallibility, only its adherents do. The Koran claims to be without error, so, since it is in error, it testifies against itself.

Actually the bible does claim infallibility.

Proverbs 30:5

5 Every word of God proves true;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

Psalm 12:6

6 The words of the Lord are pure words,
like silver refined in a furnace on the ground,
purified seven times.

Psalm 119:89

89 Forever, O Lord, your word
is firmly fixed in the heavens.

Interesting as they may be, these passages do not say the Bible is infallible. They speak of conditions of God's word, etc., but make no claim for the collected work called the Bible (which, in any case, has several versions with more or fewer books, so would be difficult to defend).
It can easily be shown that there is as much apparent contradiction in the biblical as well as koranic texts.

The Bible does not in itself claim infallibility, only its adherents do. The Koran claims to be without error, so, since it is in error, it testifies against itself.

All the more reason
to take the path of "Restorative Justice" in the New Testament,
based on mutual forgiveness when making mutual corrections,
and not Retributive Justice to hang people by their own words.
You can see how much good this is doing the political parties
who do that with the Constitution, each faulting the other.
No matter what laws you choose as your reference,
this SAME behavior happens because it is coming from the people
finding fault with each other. Regardless which laws they cite.
No muslims in America are condoning or supporting the Boston Marathon bombing.

It was a totally senseless act that violated the teachings of Islam.

And did absolutely nothing to help muslims or the Islamic community in N. America. .. :cool:

But YOU have supported attacks on Israel and Jews in Israel. You have claimed hezzbullah and hamas are not terrorists. Or do you deny that?
The Bible does not claim infallibility: that is mere heresy of the social traditionalilst evangelicals and fundamentalists. I agree with "Restorative Justice" principles, but such will never happen.
Such a loaded word: terrorism.

Use it and most people here simply stop thinking rationally.

Case in point...terrorists in the lands occupied by the NAZI during WWII killed NAZIs and collaborators with the NAZIs.

Do we hate those terrorists?

Most of us don't.

Most of us think they were heroic.

Well except for the fact 98 percent of the work of the resistance in WW2 was against military targets.
No muslims in America are condoning or supporting the Boston Marathon bombing.

It was a totally senseless act that violated the teachings of Islam.

And did absolutely nothing to help muslims or the Islamic community in N. America. .. :cool:

But YOU have supported attacks on Israel and Jews in Israel. You have claimed hezzbullah and hamas are not terrorists. Or do you deny that?

The topic is about Muslims here in America condemning the Boston bombings. You are deflecting from the topic. Furthermore Israel is not a US state. It is a sovereign nation that must come to terms with it's neighbors or deal with the consequences. Neither side in that dispute can claim to be without blame.
No muslims in America are condoning or supporting the Boston Marathon bombing.

It was a totally senseless act that violated the teachings of Islam.

And did absolutely nothing to help muslims or the Islamic community in N. America. .. :cool:

But YOU have supported attacks on Israel and Jews in Israel. You have claimed hezzbullah and hamas are not terrorists. Or do you deny that?

The topic is about Muslims here in America condemning the Boston bombings. You are deflecting from the topic. Furthermore Israel is not a US state. It is a sovereign nation that must come to terms with it's neighbors or deal with the consequences. Neither side in that dispute can claim to be without blame.

Israel will deal with its neighbors, period, and always win: end of that nonsense. The neighbors will have to deal with the downside of the consequences.

I am glad Muslims are condemning the attacks: they damn will better.
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than our conversion or death then you let your religion down. :eusa_angel:

Do you "zealously adhere to" your bible? Do you kill children who curse their parents?

All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)

That is what your bible is telling you to do so why aren't you murdering children? Is it because there are parts of your bible that you ignore? And if you ignore those parts of your bible why do your believe that Sunniman doesn't do likewise with the Quaran? The Golden Rule is "Do unto others...". Have you ever heard of it? Do you know what it means? Sunniman is probably as devout a believer as you are but you choose to defile your own religion by attacking his. Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone what you are doing?

Yep. because I understand my Bible. Leviticus puts Jews under the Law. Christ put those that follow Him under a new covenant. I am not under the Law. So I follow the teachings of Christ. A religion that does not tell us to kill everyone that is not Christian.
What is most interestimg to me is, a thread condemning terrorists is being used as a tool to spread hate.
That says a lot about the right wing.
Sunni Man believes in and the purpose of sharia law.

He would impose it on all Americans if he could do so.

I hope he does not support military activities against America, but his interests are not American.

Dear JakeStarkey and IrishRam:


From my previous msg to Sunni on this issue, he seemed to accept explanation in terms of Constitutional laws and principles. He even gave a "thanks" to this msg from 07-2011 above.

However, from his replies here, he does not seem to respond to any concept that Islam includes Christianity or Christian scriptures as equally part of the teachings of Mohammad.
He even commented that the thread had gotten "off topic" so he clearly separates this in his mind as not having to do with his statements about Islam or Muslims against terrorism.

Thus, it seems clear that his practice of Islam is UNDER the free exercise of religion under Constitutional law, where he is free NOT to see or enforce any connection with Christianity.

This is not the same as those who practice Islam directly under God and hold other religions equally sacred.

So I apologize for wasting time and words here, trying to speak to Sunni as if these other sacred laws mean anything to him, because clearly they do not speak to him.

He is basically like other gentiles under Constitutional laws, and then under free exercise of religion he relates to Islam and cites that as his way of expressing his beliefs. He basically picks and chooses what represents his views, but leaves out the other parts such as the Bible, Jesus and Christianity that he considers "someone else's" religion and not his.

Since the Constitution does not require citizens to respect or enforce each other's beliefs,
but only restricts the government and public institutions against discrimination by religion,
Sunni uses Constitutional freedom to avoid any responsibility for Christian laws or neighbors that other denominations of Islam teach are equally part of the teachings of Mohammad.

Since he seems to accept explanations given by Constitutional laws, we'd have better success addressing him using that only, and not things he obviously does not respond to.

He basically depends on the graces of Government to protect his religious freedom, so he can pick and choose the part that he wants to enforce and ignore other parts of Mohammad's teachings; he is not invoking any "direct" relationship with God that would call for him to embrace laws himself as Christians do who embody the law by conscience so we share equal responsibility for the laws. He gives that responsibility to others, and walks away.

He seems content to put the blame on others, and does not see this as a mutual opportunity or responsibility to change. He leaves that to others, as the gentiles who do not claim equal responsibility for the laws as Christians do who take them to heart by conscience.

I run into the same thing with many other Muslim friends, and also Jehovah's Witnesses, who do not recognize a "divine connection" through Christ, so we mainly connect using Constitutional and natural laws and are able to communicage and agree that way!
I've always felt that mainstream Muslims on the whole did very little in terms of speaking out against these acts of terror. Thanks Sunni Man there is now soup for you!
What is most interestimg to me is, a thread condemning terrorists is being used as a tool to spread hate.
Haters gotta hate......it's like a drug....... :cool:

Duh, Sunni. You said you HATED terrorism. So if you focus on HATE then you attract HATE.

All the successful peacemakers who ever diffused violence
didn't focus on HATE, but compassion and wisdom, truth and love.

You get what you give, Sunni.

When it bothers you enough, you will go through the trouble to change this scenario.
but as long as you are content to keep blaming others for how they react to you, then you will see this scenario repeat over and over. Half of the problem is coming from your side.

You change that, and voila, lo and behold, people start changing how they respond as well!

I think it's called the law of attraction.
also the abundance mentality vs. the scarcity mentality.

When you focus more on the positive, you attract the same.
So the power to change begins with you.
I've always felt that mainstream Muslims on the whole did very little in terms of speaking out against these acts of terror. Thanks Sunni Man there is now soup for you!
Muslims have always been speaking out against these types of domestic terrorists attacks but the media just ignored us.

This is the first time the main stream media has given American muslims a chance to voice their condemnation of these types of events. .. :cool:
You get what you give, Sunni.

When it bothers you enough, you will go through the trouble to change this scenario.
but as long as you are content to keep blaming others for how they react to you, then you will see this scenario repeat over and over. Half of the problem is coming from your side.

You change that, and voila, lo and behold, people start changing how they respond as well!

I think it's called the law of attraction.
also the abundance mentality vs. the scarcity mentality.

When you focus more on the positive, you attract the same.
So the power to change begins with you.
Sorry, but I don't believe in new age pop psychology. .. :cool:
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

The world is at a stage where it demands actions rather than words from Islam.

Unless the so called moderate Muslims are able to take control the world will be in turmoil forever!

Such statements are welcome but the reality is that radical Islam is firmly in charge and it is doubtful that they will be overthrown internally.
I have no ill will toward any Muslim, that doesn't mean I am to be ignorant of their teachings or their agenda for Israel, or to believe bullshit in an effort to be politically correct.

Christ never told me to kill children, or anyone else for that matter.
Sunni won't tell you what Mohammad and Sunni's father, Allah, say to do to those that don't follow Allah. Sunni knows the truth, he just doesn't want you to know it.

Sunni, do you just scratch out the parts of the Qur'an that tell you to mutilate and destroy non believers?
The Qur'an contains over 100 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' .

Gracie, listen to what Sunni says, and then read what Sunni reads, to detect the truth. Then ask him for his "moderate" Islam stance on Jews. He is quite vocal here, on how his "fellow man" should be dealt with.
Then ask him if he believes what he reads:
Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Then ask Sunni if you can be his friend, you little renegade. ;) Then, when he says sure, "we can be friends", you won't be fooled either.

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit. Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-"

SO, Praying for the death of non Muslims is good, but not as good as killing them yourself.
So Sunni is either not a good Muslim, or he is trying to get us to believe he's not like all those other Qur'an Muslims.
There is no other kind of Muslim.
Jesus Christ does not advocate killing or mutilating anybody. He wants us all to be friends, no exceptions.

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