I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than our conversion or death then you let your religion down. :eusa_angel:
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Renouncing sharia as unAmerican would be to admit Islam is unAmerican. America, by its existence, does provoke division. Just as Jesus said, "I bring a sword", meaning a clear choice and separation into one camp or the other, the true American spirit divides people into those who really believe in freedom and those who don't. Too many in America do not, and they are genuine traitors in the most insidious sense of the word. In the entire world, very few want genuine freedom. It requires too much of something they cannot accept - personal responsibility for existence.

Isn't the division in the mind and conscience of the perceiver?

Whatever we perceive about America, is it really "America" provoking the division?
Or just bringing out divisions that are in the mind so these are revealed in comparison?

When Jesus brings the sword of justice,
there are already two sides, where you get the justice you give.
Either retributive justice or restorative justice.

We look inside ourselves and find the biases there which we are projecting externally.

Thank God that in America we have the freedom intellectually
and verbally to express these, so we can hash out our differences.

America does not cause these differences or impose the division.
It's up to us to use the freedom we either have and appreciate, or take for granted in America to discover where these divisions are coming from, within ourselves,
that we then project outside ourselves.
Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down.
Irish Ram your hate is soo thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Yet you call yourself a Christian.

Is this how Jesus taught you to behave towards those you regard as sinners?? .. :cool:
RE: Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you prayed for us today. lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down. :eusa_angel:

If Sunni followed the teachings of Mohammad and Islam IN FULL
then he would embrace you as a fellow believer under Christian laws
equally as the Jewish Torah and Muslim Quran. Mohammad taught there
is "no compulsion in religion" and Sura 109 clearly calls for peaceful coexistence
when people have different views, we respect each other's ways.

There is no need to convert any of these three to the other. Christ fulfills them
all, exactly as God created them to be different to serve different people and purposes.

The teachings of Islam call to love all people of the Book
and receive "all sent by God" meaning Jewish Christian and Muslim
all under God's laws as believers.

In Christ, there is no Jew or Gentile, but all are one and made new.

Sunni is clearly struggling with the full impact and importance of
what this means.

So this struggle to reconcile with God's laws is the true meaning
of Jihad, the spiritual struggle for peace by humble submission to God.
This humility cannot take place in an environment of anger, so
Sunni's anger will have to go away first, and that is why forgiveness is key.

I pray for Sunni to have the right support to fulfill the true
meaning and teachings of Mohammad, where the true believers among the Jews
Christians and Muslims unite and there is no more satanic or selfish division
but all are united in Christ Jesus in fulfilling the WHOLE of the law,
believers and secular gentiles included under sacred laws and natural
laws which Jesus governs and fulfills equally as the Shepherd of both folds of the one flock.

Sunni, if this is too much for you to reconcile,
keep focus on the Constitutional laws where
the same spirit of truth and justice fulfills those as well.

You may find it easier to connect with common ground
on Constitutional principles and natural laws if the Bible
gets too confusing and divisive. Let's stick to where we
agree first, and the rest will follow as needed. Take care.

And please don't be angry as that will cloud your judgment with emotions.

Please focus on God's Wisdom and maybe that will bring you
peace of mind so you can process all that is happening here.

Please focus on the picture of the little boy holding the sign
asking for "Peace," and know this is what Mohammad envisioned
and taught would come by embracing all the people and laws of the Book.

Run 4 Martin Richard's Family by Stephen Casner - GoFundMe

Be still and know that God is God.
We must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

So think like the little children who just know to love
and reach out to others and try to help as a friend.

When we become like that, these wars will be over.
The anger cannot continue in an environment of
pure love, forgiveness and healing, so this is what
we need to be focusing on, not anger or division toward anyone.

Take care, Sunni
I will ask my friends to help form teams to help other
people going through this same thing. We can't get there
by struggling alone, but by helping each other, we
can overcome many obstacles and achieve more good.

Yours truly,
Love, Emily


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Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down.
Irish Ram your hate is soo thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Yet you call yourself a Christian.

Is this how Jesus taught you to behave towards those you regard as sinners?? .. :cool:

Dear Sunni: this is why Jesus in the Bible warns us to get rid of the beam in our own eyes before helping our neighbor remove a splinter. In this case it is your anger. You hold on to hate as a shield, yet you fault your neighbor for expressing hate?

How can you help your neighbor in Christ to be more loving and less fearful
if you, yourself, are angry and full of fear trying to divide yourself from others
you fear as causing problems? Fear and anger cannot be the driving force.
We cannot build such walls of hate, and then expect God's love and truth to flow through.

Work on removing and replacing your own fear and hurt negative feelings
with positive focus on love of truth, peace and justice.

When you have the right focus there is no fear or anything negative there.
Only love and faith that what is true and good will prevail.
God's love speaks for itself, so there is no need to add force of anger or fear.

Sunni, let us agree to forgive one another first,
and then let God's will work through us, not the other way.
We do not direct God's will especially not with anger and fear.
Those get in the way of God's will. So when we submit fully
then God's will and love governs our relations and makes them new and whole.

We must forgive first in order to empty out our own
mixed emotions blocking our hearts and minds.
And then we can submit to God and receive perfect peace.

In Jesus name, I will ask Irish Ram and others to pray for this
divine forgiveness in Christ Jesus and healing grace and Comfort
in the Holy Spirit to fill and embrace you, where all these other
thoughts and emotions that are not of God are cast out by His perfect Love.

In Jesus name, I ask that we be joined in prayer, under the love and protection of the Son as the Laws of God made incarnate, that God's will be done where we agree in Christ Jesus.
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Renouncing sharia as unAmerican would be to admit Islam is unAmerican. America, by its existence, does provoke division. Just as Jesus said, "I bring a sword", meaning a clear choice and separation into one camp or the other, the true American spirit divides people into those who really believe in freedom and those who don't. Too many in America do not, and they are genuine traitors in the most insidious sense of the word. In the entire world, very few want genuine freedom. It requires too much of something they cannot accept - personal responsibility for existence.

Isn't the division in the mind and conscience of the perceiver?

Whatever we perceive about America, is it really "America" provoking the division?
Or just bringing out divisions that are in the mind so these are revealed in comparison?

When Jesus brings the sword of justice,
there are already two sides, where you get the justice you give.
Either retributive justice or restorative justice.

We look inside ourselves and find the biases there which we are projecting externally.

Thank God that in America we have the freedom intellectually
and verbally to express these, so we can hash out our differences.

America does not cause these differences or impose the division.
It's up to us to use the freedom we either have and appreciate, or take for granted in America to discover where these divisions are coming from, within ourselves,
that we then project outside ourselves.

Isn't the division in the mind and conscience of the perceiver?
Of course it is, JUST AS EVERYTHING ELSE IS! Why would that be different, No, HOW could that be different? Nothing in one's mind happens anywhere else.

But we are pretending to deal with external reality here, so I reiterate that the ideas that America represents do divide the world into what is self responsible and free and what is abdicated and slave.
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than our conversion or death then you let your religion down. :eusa_angel:

Do you "zealously adhere to" your bible? Do you kill children who curse their parents?

All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)

That is what your bible is telling you to do so why aren't you murdering children? Is it because there are parts of your bible that you ignore? And if you ignore those parts of your bible why do your believe that Sunniman doesn't do likewise with the Quaran? The Golden Rule is "Do unto others...". Have you ever heard of it? Do you know what it means? Sunniman is probably as devout a believer as you are but you choose to defile your own religion by attacking his. Do you seriously believe that Jesus would condone what you are doing?
Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down.
Irish Ram your hate is soo thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Yet you call yourself a Christian.

Is this how Jesus taught you to behave towards those you regard as sinners?? .. :cool:

You have hate confused with wisdom. I don't hate Muslims, but I know better than to believe they want the best for non Muslims, Christians and Jews.

You not being able to fool me, does not equate to hate, but an inability to trick me into believing that you don't adhere to your beliefs, set forth in your holy book, the Qur'an.

"Fight and slay the pagans (infidels) wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war." Quran, Sura 9:5

"Their punishment is...execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from the opposite sides, or exile from the land." Sura 5:33

That is not the radical terrorist version the Qur'an, that is your common everyday variety of Qur'an.

When was the Qur'an overhauled to include infidels in your process of ushering in peace?

Either you have corrupted the teachings of the Qur'an, or you would like us to believe that your faith has been converted into a happy, fluffier, more peaceful, personal version, that promotes a live and let live Islamic doctrine.

Refresh my memory and tell us again what a peace loving Muslim like yourself thinks should be done with the Jews.
What did you read today that details how to deal with me and Ben again?
Answer the question Sunni............
Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down.
Irish Ram your hate is soo thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Yet you call yourself a Christian.

Is this how Jesus taught you to behave towards those you regard as sinners?? .. :cool:

Dear Sunni: this is why Jesus in the Bible warns us to get rid of the beam in our own eyes before helping our neighbor remove a splinter. In this case it is your anger. You hold on to hate as a shield, yet you fault your neighbor for expressing hate?

How can you help your neighbor in Christ to be more loving and less fearful
if you, yourself, are angry and full of fear trying to divide yourself from others
you fear as causing problems? Fear and anger cannot be the driving force.
We cannot build such walls of hate, and then expect God's love and truth to flow through.

Work on removing and replacing your own fear and hurt negative feelings
with positive focus on love of truth, peace and justice.

When you have the right focus there is no fear or anything negative there.
Only love and faith that what is true and good will prevail.
God's love speaks for itself, so there is no need to add force of anger or fear.

Sunni, let us agree to forgive one another first,
and then let God's will work through us, not the other way.
We do not direct God's will especially not with anger and fear.
Those get in the way of God's will. So when we submit fully
then God's will and love governs our relations and makes them new and whole.

We must forgive first in order to empty out our own
mixed emotions blocking our hearts and minds.
And then we can submit to God and receive perfect peace.

In Jesus name, I will ask Irish Ram and others to pray for this
divine forgiveness in Christ Jesus and healing grace and Comfort
in the Holy Spirit to fill and embrace you, where all these other
thoughts and emotions that are not of God are cast out by His perfect Love.

In Jesus name, I ask that we be joined in prayer, under the love and protection of the Son as the Laws of God made incarnate, that God's will be done where we agree in Christ Jesus.

Actually, Emilyngheim--Jesus is telling everyone to shut up....that includes both you and me...

Thankfully, I consider Jesus a fraud...If it was not for the "miracles"(and I don't believe in the truthiness of the miracles) no one in their right mind would consider Jesus a worthy person to follow.
Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down.
Irish Ram your hate is soo thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Yet you call yourself a Christian.

Is this how Jesus taught you to behave towards those you regard as sinners?? .. :cool:

You have hate confused with wisdom. I don't hate Muslims, but I know better than to believe they want the best for non Muslims, Christians and Jews.

You not being able to fool me, does not equate to hate, but an inability to trick me into believing that you don't adhere to your beliefs, set forth in your holy book, the Qur'an.

"Fight and slay the pagans (infidels) wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war." Quran, Sura 9:5

"Their punishment is...execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from the opposite sides, or exile from the land." Sura 5:33

That is not the radical terrorist version the Qur'an, that is your common everyday variety of Qur'an.

When was the Qur'an overhauled to include infidels in your process of ushering in peace?

Either you have corrupted the teachings of the Qur'an, or you would like us to believe that your faith has been converted into a happy, fluffier, more peaceful, personal version, that promotes a live and let live Islamic doctrine.

Refresh my memory and tell us again what a peace loving Muslim like yourself thinks should be done with the Jews.
What did you read today that details how to deal with me and Ben again?
Answer the question Sunni............

How many passages in your bible deal with your God ordering that people must be put to death?
Lovely sentiment and pure bull. I am surprised you didn't tell us non-Muslims that you "prayed for us today". lol. It's not that you prayed for us today it's what you prayed for us today, that you fail to mention.

Muslim terrorists didn't engineer Islam, they zealously adhere to it.
Sunni, you will never convert me or Benjamin Levi. So what does your Qur'an tell you to do with us infidels?
If you pray for anything less than their conversion or death then you let your religion down.
Irish Ram your hate is soo thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Yet you call yourself a Christian.

Is this how Jesus taught you to behave towards those you regard as sinners?? .. :cool:

You have hate confused with wisdom. I don't hate Muslims, but I know better than to believe they want the best for non Muslims, Christians and Jews.

You not being able to fool me, does not equate to hate, but an inability to trick me into believing that you don't adhere to your beliefs, set forth in your holy book, the Qur'an.

"Fight and slay the pagans (infidels) wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war." Quran, Sura 9:5

"Their punishment is...execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from the opposite sides, or exile from the land." Sura 5:33

That is not the radical terrorist version the Qur'an, that is your common everyday variety of Qur'an.

When was the Qur'an overhauled to include infidels in your process of ushering in peace?

Either you have corrupted the teachings of the Qur'an, or you would like us to believe that your faith has been converted into a happy, fluffier, more peaceful, personal version, that promotes a live and let live Islamic doctrine.

Refresh my memory and tell us again what a peace loving Muslim like yourself thinks should be done with the Jews.
What did you read today that details how to deal with me and Ben again?
Answer the question Sunni............
You do realize that you are taking Quran verses out of context?? Of course you do.......

They were giving during a certain time and dealing with specific historical events. And have nothing to do with today.

I could do the exact same thing with scriptures from the Bible.

But it would be dishonest to do so......... :cool:
Hey SM

Don't you think your thread is over?

You already conveyed the main point and the only thing left is the posting of those that are way off topic..
How many passages in your bible deal with your God ordering that people must be put to death?

Dear DT: The Muslims are supposed to be following the Jewish Torah and Christian Scriptures as sent by God along with the Quran and other teachings from Mohammad.

So anything in the Bible applies both to Christians and Muslims.

This is more the reason why
we should not cite or enforce the Bible outside
the spirit of Restorative Justice in the New Testament which Jesus
represents and fulfills.

Otherwise we are doomed to hang each other, and ourselves in judgment
by the letter of the law, haggling over who is the bigger hypocrite.
All our relationships and humanity "go to hell in handbasket" that way.
War is hell.

So if Sunni "hates terrorism" and war so much,
he cannot go down this road either or he is no different from
the Christians he criticizes and vice versa.

Not to worry. At some point, adults will get wise and quit this endless deadlock.
If the kids have figured it out, this isn't working, maybe they can teach us a lesson or two!

Love and Peace,
Crayons and Cookies
Yours truly,
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It can easily be shown that there is as much apparent contradiction in the biblical as well as koranic texts.

The Bible does not in itself claim infallibility, only its adherents do. The Koran claims to be without error, so, since it is in error, it testifies against itself.
Actually, Emilyngheim--Jesus is telling everyone to shut up....that includes both you and me...

Thankfully, I consider Jesus a fraud...If it was not for the "miracles"(and I don't believe in the truthiness of the miracles) no one in their right mind would consider Jesus a worthy person to follow.

to shut up with the criticisms, perhaps,
but to use our words to "confess our faults to one another
and pray for one another that we may be healed"
James 5:16
and to address our faults directly one on one
in order to win back our neighbors and relationships
in the spirit of truth and to restore justice and good faith
Matthew 18:15-20
to "speak the truth with love" Ephesians 4:15
and "judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" John 7:24

We ARE supposed to make corrections
but by mutual forgiveness and equally accepting corrections as we give to others.

Where we agree in the spirit of truth, and pray together
in Christ Jesus, God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
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Hey SM

Don't you think your thread is over?

You already conveyed the main point and the only thing left is the posting of those that are way off topic..
I think you are right Bro.

I tried as hard as I could to keep it on track.

But some people just couldn't stand the thought of muslims agreeing with them about condemning domestic terrorism in our country.

So the haters started focusing on other issues to keep the division and animosity alive and well.

Quite sad when you think about it.......... :(
It can easily be shown that there is as much apparent contradiction in the biblical as well as koranic texts.

The Bible does not in itself claim infallibility, only its adherents do. The Koran claims to be without error, so, since it is in error, it testifies against itself.

Actually the bible does claim infallibility.

Proverbs 30:5

5 Every word of God proves true;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

Psalm 12:6

6 The words of the Lord are pure words,
like silver refined in a furnace on the ground,
purified seven times.

Psalm 119:89

89 Forever, O Lord, your word
is firmly fixed in the heavens.
Another example of various extremists here who think that heterodoxy is hate.
Sunni, I started another thread, with your name in the title because I want to hear what you have to say. Your opinion. That way, there is no more he said she said.

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