I'm Muslim, and I hate terrorism

All of the mosques in the Boston area have issued press releases to the media condemning the bombing and the terrorists who are responsible.

In fact, mosques all over the U.S. and Canada have done the same thing.

You would think doing that would satisfy the Islamophobes.

But apparently it hasn't....... :cool:

That's good. Do you renounce sharia in America?
All of the mosques in the Boston area have issued press releases to the media condemning the bombing and the terrorists who are responsible.

In fact, mosques all over the U.S. and Canada have done the same thing.

You would think doing that would satisfy the Islamophobes.

But apparently it hasn't....... :cool:

That's good. Do you renounce sharia in America?
Again, this thread is about the American Islamic community condemning domestic terrorism.

All posts not pertaining to the OP will be ignored. .. :cool:
All of the mosques in the Boston area have issued press releases to the media condemning the bombing and the terrorists who are responsible.

In fact, mosques all over the U.S. and Canada have done the same thing.

You would think doing that would satisfy the Islamophobes.

But apparently it hasn't....... :cool:

Nothing will satisfy TROLLS, Sunni.

They aren't coming here to discuss issues rationally. they come here to spew their hate because in real life they know perfectly well they'd get their asses handed to them.

This place is the outlet for expressing their most vile personality traits.

You know this already, I'm certain.

You also know that these trolls with their childish beliefs and values represent but a tiny fraction of people in this nation.

If that were not true?

You could not possible live in this nation as a Muslem.
Even the Chechen muslims have condemned the Boston marathon bombing.

Saying their ongoing conflict is with the Russians.

And has nothing to do with America. .. :cool:
Sunni, I just want you to know I have no 'issues' with you being a Muslim and I agree that the bombers were not acting for Islam but against it.

I also want you to know that I have zero respect for or trust of any person who persists in denying the Nazi organization deliberately planned and executed an international conspiracy to murder all the Jews, Roma, and other 'subhuman' groups of people. Holocaust deniers are fundamentally Nazi admirers, and their only motive for this 'research' they claim is 'needed', is some attempt to whitewash those Nazi crimes against humanity.

Oh, and if you were a real American, there'd be no 'even Jews' about it!
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Dear Sunni Man: The best way you and I can help overcome these issues is to bring together partnerships with likeminded people from the Jewish/Christian/Muslim communities. This fulfills and reinforces the teachings of Mohammad to love all people of the Book, and to follow the whole of the law including Jewish Torah/Christian scripture/Muslim Quran. The Christian scriptures tell believers not to hold "anger in our hearts toward our brothers" but to heal and correct injustice with loving forgiveness, charity and restitution to pay any debts we owe. The Uncle of the suspected bombers issued a statement that calls for this level of accountability and forgiveness, and needs help to honor this level of justice.
From Jews Christians and Muslims together. The families, community and world need this level of healing, peace and justice, not compromising one for the other. The truth will set us free from compromise, strife and suffering over conflicts by resolving them peacefully.

you cannot achieve this peace by being angry and hateful, so that is where the Christian component within Islam is our saving grace. the Uncle has this, and so do other members of teh Jewish Christian and Muslim community. Look up Peter Loth and Bernie Glassman. I am friends with Olivia Reiner and Mustafaa Carroll in Houston, and Olivia's husband and friends with the Jewish community know Peter Loth personally. There must be forgiveness if we are going to come together to make corrections by God's laws uniting us all.

Please give your anger to God through Christ, and let God carry the responsibility not you.
We cannot function and carry anger at the same time.

May peace be upon you and the wisdom of God fill you instead of any anger.
I am sorry you are in such a difficult position, where if you do not express anger then it appears you side with the terrorists. But look at the Uncle's words and see how he said it.
It is clear he is aggrieved and acknowledges these terrorists do not deserve to live.
Yet he speaks with compassion, with righteous indignance at the injustice. And his words calling to take responsibility for asking forgiveness, that is truly noble and righteous.
He is not saying that just to clear himself, but is speaking truth from the heart of God.

So may that same clarity and conviction be upon you and guide you the same way.
If you can see how to focus this way, then together we can pray for all the others who are aggrieved about war to choose the path of the Uncle and not the path of the terrorists.
You can sympathize with them as human beings, who need more support not to go withthe wrong influences, but not enable more such terrorist acts. The Uncle and Dad did try to keep the sons and the wife from going to the extreme path; but they did not have enough support. They needed more help to intervene, instead of just letting the worst develop.

So you and other Muslim believers face this same dilemma, of how to intervene to
prevent this, and not tolerate or enable people to continue on the wrong path.

We do need to address this, and join the Uncle in calling for more corrective and preventative measures as he started to lose his family members even before this happened.
We need to do more, and it will take a collaborative effort of Jews Christians and Muslims coming together in the same spirit of Christ that the Uncle called out for.

I pray you receive this same strength and that all others in the same position
also hear his prayer and agree to come forward and support to answer it.
It may be too late for the nephews, but there are many more we can
help to come forward and turn things around before any more violence happens.

I pray with you that all people who share this same vision come forth
and fulfill the teachings of the Jewish/Christian/Muslim combined
as believers under the sacred laws fulfilled in Christ Jesus.

With love and peace
God's grace and wisdom
Yours truly,

(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.

The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity.

The only people terrorists speak for are themselves and the others involved in their despicable plot. They do not represent me, my family or any other Muslim I know. And believe me, I know a lot of Muslims.

Read more at the link.
I'm a Muslim, and I hate terrorism - CNN.com

You can hate war and terrorism, but you must forgive it first.
Or else you will get emotionally caught up in the same. You can do more to correct the problems by removing the negative attachments of fear and hate by forgiveness first; then we can all see more clearly what steps to take to prevent abuse and conflict from escalating to violence and war.
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It is difficult to take seriously those who go through the back door to attack in secret. It shows personality for what it is. Avoiding a direct intellectual challenge is a similar cowardice. If we genuinely take a position, we defend it. If we have a hidden agenda, we obfuscate.
Oh, and if you were a real American, there'd be no 'even Jews' about it!
Just to clarify, the "even jews" comment was to emphasize that American muslims are against any form of terrorism towards their fellow citizens.

Even those who many people would consider to be the enemy of Islam and muslims. .. :cool:
No real American considers the Jews the enemies of Islam: just the opposite.

Israel will last far longer than when the last Palestinian refuses to accept it and is removed to Iran.
I will believe you love America, Sunni Man, when you admit that sharia law is incompatible with the American way of life.

Dear Jake: Sharia is used too broadly; it also refers to the fundamental teachings to give charity as the customary way of life.

What do you think of the idea of having American Muslim leaders agree that the principles in the Constitution were given by God to the Founding Fathers; so these being "sent by God" are to be recognized equally in Islam, being inalienable natural laws from God.

Wouldn't this do more to reconcile with Constitutional principles and unite Americans?

I even believe the Mosque contested in NY could be dedicated to Constitutional principles and honor the people of all religions protected thereunder, so the emphasis is unifying.
Wouldn't that do more to solve the problem, than trying to target "one part of one religion" that arguably goes against the Constitution that should be the unifying law of the land?
The term "sharia" is used correctly, Emily, here.

All we need is a statement by Sunni Man that he will abide by the Constitution and its interpretation.
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Why won't you state you will live by the Constitution and its interpretation
Just as the Boston marathon bombing has united all Americans.

It has also united the American muslim community in common cause against domestic terrorism. .. :cool:
And as long as the American Muslim community will not renounce sharia as unAmerican, Americ will stand united in common cause against sharia.
One right is that no one should lie about another's beliefs: e.g., Derideo_Te, I did not say "that all Muslims want to impose Sharia law". You are contemptible for implying such a falsehood, knowingly.
Mea culpa. Everyone makes mistakes except you, Jake.
Yes, Sunni Man wants sharia law in the US.
Prove it.
That will never happen except at the point of a gun.

Hyperventilating now?
Renouncing sharia as unAmerican would be to admit Islam is unAmerican. America, by its existence, does provoke division. Just as Jesus said, "I bring a sword", meaning a clear choice and separation into one camp or the other, the true American spirit divides people into those who really believe in freedom and those who don't. Too many in America do not, and they are genuine traitors in the most insidious sense of the word. In the entire world, very few want genuine freedom. It requires too much of something they cannot accept - personal responsibility for existence.
And as long as the American Muslim community will not renounce sharia as unAmerican, Americ will stand united in common cause against sharia.

Just as the American Christian community will not renounce "God's law" as unAmerican either. So exactly what dead horse point are you beating here, Jake?

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