I'm no Trump fan; so thanx left-wingers for piling on him!!!!!

How's it smell so far up Obama's butthole communist? Does Trump scare you THAT badly?!

He has the answers, and YOU'RE scared to death of the questions!!!

Hahaha. You people fall for anything that makes you think you have discovered the solution for America, in this case just another loud mouthed bully. There are 174 days to go before the Iowa Caucuses. At this point in 2007, Rudy Giuliani led the pack and in 2011, Mitt Romney did the same. How did that turn out for you? Hell, you go back far enough and Ross Perot was making people drool all over themselves. Here's the clicker, Trump is at 32%, Cruz is at 14% and Ben Carson is at 10% or so that's more than 50% support. How do you coalesce around a moderate when Trump flares out? I suggest you look for alternatives quick because in a few more months you won't have anything that will get off the pad.
How does it feel to look that stupid?

It must be comforting to know that you will never have to fear dying of brain cancer.

im comforted knowing nothing you say means anything to me

Well we all know the reason for that Ms brainless.

no; but try again, eventually you'll figure it out. lol
The Dem's are fearful of the Donald because he is willing to say what few have the balls to say. I am by no means certain he possess the qualities to lead this country but do admire his ability to call it as he sees it. He may well be the the only candidate that has no fear of the press nor his own shadow, and to see the compassionate conservatives and liberals squirm and get their panties in a wad gives me great pleasure.
The Dem's are fearful of the Donald because he is willing to say what few have the balls to say. I am by no means certain he possess the qualities to lead this country but do admire his ability to call it as he sees it. He may well be the the only candidate that has no fear of the press nor his own shadow, and to see the compassionate conservatives and liberals squirm and get their panties in a wad gives me great pleasure.

In other words, he's a fad with no chance of winning a nomination. I would hope Republicans looked at this race with a little more seriousness than that. Humpty Dumpty will fall and then you won't have a candidate.
It's not Democrats going after Trump. All the ones I've seen go after him have been Republicans.
Wanna see who they're worried about? Look at who they attack the most.

This is absolutely correct. I am worried about Trump, but mostly because it shows the success of your party's investment in talk radio/Fox, which has primed low information voters to fall for the "angry outsider."

Jeb will get the nomination because Trump can't get more than 25%. Past that percentage, you start to run into voters who want genuine policy knowledge rather than fabricated angry-straight-talk.

You're being punk'd.

And you vote.

And this is worrisome.
Oh, I'm sure Trump can go higher!!


But the fall?
Tres Magnifique!!​

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