I'm not going to lie and I know it's horrible to say because ....it's a sin in my beliefs but


We could legalize it on 420 and celebrate watching 80's movies all month.
Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Matthew 7:13
and speaking of the bible...doesnt it say god put all things on earth for man to use...weed is a natural crop
I am liking you more and more, what a nice person you are.

Listen we are willing to extend the cannabis branch to all sides if you will legalize it.

Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Matthew 7:13
This is also true.
There are many natural things that are not good for us. We must choose. God gave us that freedom to choose.
But I find it hypocritical that many people drink on a regular basis and intoxicate themselves yet see no accountability for that behavior choice.
I love weed!

Why aren't you people voting to legalize it ???

Can't all sides be nice for once? Geez.

Fuck that. I smoked that shit for 39 years before I realized I didn't like it. You'll never get back all the time and money you wasted, the jobs you lost, the people you alienated, and the opportunities you missed out on.
You might think you're "edgy", "cool", "hip", or some kind of "counter-culture", but your just another doper.
Fuck that. I smoked that shit for 39 years before I realized I didn't like it. You'll never get back all the time and money you wasted, the jobs you lost, the people you alienated, and the opportunities you missed out on.
You might think you're "edgy", "cool", "hip", or some kind of "counter-culture", but your just another doper.
I am old and lived a great life. I don't have any situations like what you are describing. I am very responsible. Now when I used to drink that's a different story.
In my opinion, the reasons why we don't have recreational marijuana are basically two (2): First, the stuff was erroneously classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision. This was a mistake, plain and simple. It got this classification because the stuff was associated with Black people.

The second reason is a simple political calculation. There is no political benefit to legalization. The people who want it legalized will be made happier, but nobody will base his vote on a politician's position on marijuana. On the other hand, the Church Ladies WILL base a negative vote on a politician's actions w/r/t marijuana. So you won't win any votes by pushing to have it legalized, but you will lose some votes. Done.
and speaking of the bible...doesnt it say god put all things on earth for man to use...weed is a natural crop

Breathing in smoke is not a natural thing. God intended your lungs to be made for air, not the smoke from some old, dried-up vegetable matter.

How about when someone passes you a joint? Don't you feel the least bit odd about putting something in your mouth, that someone else had in their nasty mouth? That shit is just gay. You don't know what that other person had in their mouth.
If he wanted you to be perfect he would have made you that way

Actually, that goes against Matthew 5:48.

Of course that doesn't mean we can be perfect on our own. I think it means that the standard we our held to - the only standard that matters - is God's standard of perfection. And since no one can meet that standard through their own efforts, that's the whole point of the Gospel, that everyone needs Jesus.

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