“I’m not gonna shut down the economy, I’m gonna shut down the virus.” - Joe Biden, circa Oct 2020

“They” didn’t. Cite proof to the contrary.
This is the problem with you people on the left......even when everyone in the room knows you're full of shit....you demand everyone prove it.
I'm not gonna waste my time looking up statements that you folks made claiming there is no evidence of election fraud.
This is the problem with you people on the left......even when everyone in the room knows you're full of shit....you demand everyone prove it.
I'm not gonna waste my time looking up statements that you folks made claiming there is no evidence of election fraud.
Joe Biden is your president. TRUMP LOST. If you can’t accept it, seek therapy. No one is entertaining your conspiracy bullshit.
Speaking as a leftist, we're a fucking mess really. Perhaps it's because we're twisted & our emotions get the best of us. More than that I think we're cowardly and dishonest.
I wasn't aware of that. This further substantiates that it is nonsense that the unvaccinated that are contributing to the problem.
Yes, there is another world worlding in the commie virus world. Science has yet to answer questions prompted by this lesser-known virus world. Hiding within the coronavirus genome is the ability to remain viable on steel surfaces for up to 28 days, e.g., outside the host. (a report from Germany).
All you have are memes. Now go run away, conservative.
You just gave me all the proof I needed.
Call that a meme if you want.....but it's an excellent illustration of the mindset of you weirdos.
Hmmmmm…….Did he shut down the economy? Did he shut down the virus?
He, armed with the Covid 19 virus (and a shit-ton of magical vaccines) has now KILLED more Americans than Trump.
Shutting down the economy and not shutting down the virus are kind of big deals…right?
Are Democrats pissed that he would lie about these things…we know how much they hate liars…right?

Sure would have been nice if the selfish righties had gotten the vaccine.....but it is what it is. Now Karma is coming for them with higher Covid rates. Oh well.
Yes you did. “Natural immunity” is not a COVID-19 defense. You conservatives think this is chicken pox
Your ignorance is astounding. Natural immunity is stronger than what you get from the vax, Troll.
Sure would have been nice if the selfish righties had gotten the vaccine.....but it is what it is. Now Karma is coming for them with higher Covid rates. Oh well.
Lefties aren’t getting infected? Link?
Thus the lie is exposed.
They said that getting vaccinated would allow us to get back to normal......but instead it's extending out the seemingly never ending oppression.
Would have been nice if the Right wasn't such selfish cowards.

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