Zone1 "I’m not pregnant, I actually lost my uterus to cancer last year."

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
I’m not pregnant, I actually lost my uterus to cancer last year responds to body shaming email on live TV

Why do people do what the e-mailer did, and who does this sort of thing? Disagreeing with or not liking a person is understandable. There are degrees to it, but some go far out of the bounds of civility and decency. Forget about the whole body-shaming angle, it's the idea of personal insults that gets me. There are people who do this consistently, to everyone they disagree with or dislike. Will brain science one day come up with explanations of this phenomena of ill/sick people?

Horton — who has worked in broadcasting for 35 years — said she has received critical and rude emails from the same man for the past four years “on a pretty consistent basis.”

In general, she said, receiving offensive emails isn’t uncommon for her or her coworkers.

“Myself and all my female colleagues, we all deal with it,” Horton said, adding that during her career, she has also received “messages that are inappropriate in a threatening way.”

‘I’m not pregnant, I actually lost my uterus to cancer last year,’ Leslie Horton told her viewers after reading the insulting email on the air

One need only see your infantile screams and protests with little girly name calling, to most everyone you disagree with.
There you go again. Dainty,

There is an instructive passage in the Bible. It quite reasonably urges people (like you) to take the beam out of your own eye before addressing the mote in anybody else’s eye.
There you go again. Dainty,

There is an instructive passage in the Bible. It quite reasonably urges people (like you) to take the beam out of your own eye before addressing the mote in anybody else’s eye.
Except Dante, unlike you does not personally attack most everyone he disagrees with or doesn't like with childish name calling.

You won't see tons of posts calling somebody Orange man or purposefully misspelling names in order to be cheered on by the cheap seats. When it comes to Dante, you dear one are an exception that proves the rule.

As said: One need only see your infantile screams and protests with little girly name calling, to most everyone you disagree with.
Except Dante, unlike you does not personally attack most everyone he disagrees

False. Dainty (still speaking of itself in a revealing and highly narcissistic 3rd person manner) almost always engages in attack mode snarky bullshit. And while I do from time to time, I don’t do it as much as dainty falsely claims.

But, I’ve spent too much time feeding this dainty troll who is now following me around spoiling for a pissing match. (Dainty needs his attention.)

False. Dainty (still speaking of itself in a revealing and highly narcissistic 3rd person manner) almost always engages in attack mode snarky bullshit. And while I do from time to time, I don’t do it as much as dainty falsely claims.

But, I’ve spent too much time feeding this dainty troll who is now following me around spoiling for a pissing match. (Dainty needs his attention.)

Give IT up Mary. If you were anymore boring...

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