I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter, but I am curious about something.

Trump could discover a form of clean limitless power and the left would still bitch and complain. Decades from now future generations of liberals will still be hating Trump.
Drumpf doesnt believe in science so I doubt he could discover anything of use.
Leftist hate science. Anatomy baffles them.
I'm a leftist and I love science. Love it so much all 4 of my daughters are going to be having careers in one science or another. By definition cons hate science because they are afraid of change.
Trump could discover a form of clean limitless power and the left would still bitch and complain. Decades from now future generations of liberals will still be hating Trump.
Drumpf doesnt believe in science so I doubt he could discover anything of use.
Leftist hate science. Anatomy baffles them.
I'm a leftist and I love science. Love it so much all 4 of my daughters are going to be having careers in one science or another. By definition cons hate science because they are afraid of change.
Trump could discover a form of clean limitless power and the left would still bitch and complain. Decades from now future generations of liberals will still be hating Trump.
Drumpf doesnt believe in science so I doubt he could discover anything of use.
Leftist hate science. Anatomy baffles them.
I'm a leftist and I love science. Love it so much all 4 of my daughters are going to be having careers in one science or another. By definition cons hate science because they are afraid of change.
No. Really. All you have to do is look it up. You dumb cons are afraid of change.
Trump could discover a form of clean limitless power and the left would still bitch and complain. Decades from now future generations of liberals will still be hating Trump.
Drumpf doesnt believe in science so I doubt he could discover anything of use.
Leftist hate science. Anatomy baffles them.
I'm a leftist and I love science. Love it so much all 4 of my daughters are going to be having careers in one science or another. By definition cons hate science because they are afraid of change.

What a stupid thing to say.
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
I think you feel that way only because it's Trump.

He showed up at the hospital and even that was open to criticism.

So you folks aren't really being honest, are you.
You're right, it being Trump doesn't help. No other president would have had the unmitigated gall to try to blame the shooting on the FBI being to bussy investigating Russia. And no other president would be as stupid to play golf after HIS communication team put not playing golf as a sign of respect to it's victims. Him doing the presidential thing of visiting victims is completely negated by these actions. So it's not dishonest in the slightest.
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
I think you feel that way only because it's Trump.

He showed up at the hospital and even that was open to criticism.

So you folks aren't really being honest, are you.
You're right, it being Trump doesn't help. No other president would have had the unmitigated gall to try to blame the shooting on the FBI being to bussy investigating Russia. And no other president would be as stupid to play golf after HIS communication team put not playing golf as a sign of respect to it's victims. Him doing the presidential thing of visiting victims is completely negated by these actions. So it's not dishonest in the slightest.
Actually he made a point of not playing because of the attack.
You're just lapping up Russian propaganda in the media that says he did.
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .


Remember this?


A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics


President Obama on Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday. Republicans and Democrats have said his vacation is ill timed. CreditSteven Senne/Associated Press
WASHINGTON — He had just hung up the telephone with the devastated parents before heading in front of the cameras. Unusually emotional, President Obama declared himself “heartbroken” by the brutal murder of an American journalist, James Foley, and vowed to “be relentless” against Islamic radicals threatening to kill another American.

But as soon as the cameras went off, Mr. Obama headed to his favorite golf course on Martha’s Vineyard, where he is on vacation, seemingly able to put the savagery out of his mind. He spent the rest of the afternoon on the links even as a firestorm of criticism erupted over what many saw as a callous indifference to the slaughter he had just condemned.

A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

I think that any time a poster starts a thread with 'I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter..." the odds are pretty good that he's going to proceed to prove that he is.
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

Every year over 50,000 people die of drug overdoses.

<30 people die of school shootings.

What is it that's so special about these <20 that makes them deserve any added attention? People are even screaming that fundamental American rights should be sacrificed because 20 lives... what in the hell?

Does flashy death somehow count for more of a death than not flashy one? Is it better to have all of your children die in a trendy way than just have one of them die in a normal way?

More people die by drowning in bath tubes for god's sakes.
I think that any time a poster starts a thread with 'I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter..." the odds are pretty good that he's going to proceed to prove that he is.

I think that any time a poster neglects to actually address the point made in the OP the odds are pretty good that he lacks a good argument. Anyway, I guess I'll address the same non-argument one more time. Thinking certain criticisms are partisan nonsense makes me a Trump supporter? I supported Bernie in the primary and refused to vote in the general. I just like to poke fun at the manufactured outrage you all love so much. There's plenty of stuff to criticize Trump for without turning non-issues into issues.

I think the difference between people like you and me is people like you are searching for reasons to criticize and I'm not. Sometimes you find legitimate reasons, particularly in the case of Trump, but sometimes you just look like an ignorant partisan. I get the feeling you'd support pretty much any ridiculous criticism imaginable as long as it was pointed at Trump or some other Republican.
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I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?

Every year over 50,000 people die of drug overdoses.

<30 people die of school shootings.

What is it that's so special about these <20 that makes them deserve any added attention? People are even screaming that fundamental American rights should be sacrificed because 20 lives... what in the hell?

Does flashy death somehow count for more of a death than not flashy one? Is it better to have all of your children die in a trendy way than just have one of them die in a normal way?

More people die by drowning in bath tubes for god's sakes.

What fundamental right do you think you're going to lose, specifically?
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
I think you feel that way only because it's Trump.

He showed up at the hospital and even that was open to criticism.

So you folks aren't really being honest, are you.
You're right, it being Trump doesn't help. No other president would have had the unmitigated gall to try to blame the shooting on the FBI being to bussy investigating Russia. And no other president would be as stupid to play golf after HIS communication team put not playing golf as a sign of respect to it's victims. Him doing the presidential thing of visiting victims is completely negated by these actions. So it's not dishonest in the slightest.
Actually he made a point of not playing because of the attack.
You're just lapping up Russian propaganda in the media that says he did.
His communication team made the point. A point that he then made null in void 2 days after. As to me lapping up Russian propaganda.Donald J. Trump on Twitter .If you are trying to make the point that Trump works for Russia you've kind of succeeded.
There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
I think you feel that way only because it's Trump.

He showed up at the hospital and even that was open to criticism.

So you folks aren't really being honest, are you.
You're right, it being Trump doesn't help. No other president would have had the unmitigated gall to try to blame the shooting on the FBI being to bussy investigating Russia. And no other president would be as stupid to play golf after HIS communication team put not playing golf as a sign of respect to it's victims. Him doing the presidential thing of visiting victims is completely negated by these actions. So it's not dishonest in the slightest.
Actually he made a point of not playing because of the attack.
You're just lapping up Russian propaganda in the media that says he did.
His communication team made the point. A point that he then made null in void 2 days after. As to me lapping up Russian propaganda.Donald J. Trump on Twitter .If you are trying to make the point that Trump works for Russia you've kind of succeeded.
WTF does this have to do with your claim he played golf?
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
I think you feel that way only because it's Trump.

He showed up at the hospital and even that was open to criticism.

So you folks aren't really being honest, are you.

It doesn't matter what he does, they'll whine incessantly into perpetuity.
You certainly seem to have the thought process of a Drumpf supporter. Most people are not the POTUS hence they wouldnt be attempting to show national leadership.
Does this so called non trump supporter remember republicans criticizing obama for not cutting his vacations short because of a flood somewhere or because of the bp oil spill or Benghazi?
You certainly seem to have the thought process of a Drumpf supporter. Most people are not the POTUS hence they wouldnt be attempting to show national leadership.

I don't know. Having an expectation that he would change his behavior just seems kind of dumb to me. Like, why? If it's not something the rest of us are expected to do then why should the president? Where's the leadership in moping around not carrying on as usual? I'm not even saying he's a good leader in general. I'd ask the same question if it was Obama, but something tells me you would be rationalizing it instead. ;-)
I wouldn’t even think to criticize the president for this or because he’s not wearing his American flag lapel or because he’s taking too many vacations. Republicans do that shit. I only know trumps vacationed more than obama because trump himself questioned the number of vacation days obama took.

I can’t believe hypocrisy is ok with so many

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