A polite request for Democrats here - reject the view that “if you’re not black you don’t know what it’s like “

People of color have it made. Democrats support them and Republicans just want their vote.
It's pretty evident you have no idea what you're talking about. It's quite evident you've been brainwashed. Over-regulation, Marxism, pronouns, school curriculum, arresting of "innocent" politicians.....you've got the whole thing laid out. How did you get like this? Nothing what you say resembles reality.

You can tell you think you know all the answers and it's everyone else that just doesnt get it. Thats why your kind are so quick to get involved in terrorists organizations. You finally feel a part of something with other liked minded nut jobs. You should be or probably already are on a FBI watch list for being a danger to America.
To those who know history, who watch something other than Democrat controlled media, who have studied a least the basic concepts of economics and biology and sociopolitical concepts, I make perfect sense and none refute me unless I do come up with an error which can happen.

Those of you who have not studied real history, who watch only Democrat controlled media, who have no knowledge or understanding of economics, biology, sociopolitical concepts, have nothing to offer but call people names, presume to know what they think or believe and say (which is always wrong) and passively threaten them with things like FBI watch lists.

At some point, I would be embarrassed if all I had to contribute to any debate was ad hominem, insults and threats. Some are too ignorant to be embarrassed I guess.
I would agree with but There’s people on the far left that think it’s normal to say things like

“We don’t know what the black experience is”

And they have about 100 different ways of saying the above. But my point is that such a view leads to division.

The bottom line is that racism was always a worldwide issue. It was never just a white man’s thing…

That said it seems like finally with a boycott of bud light and target there’s some pushback against far left extremism, so it’s good that a line has been drawn in the sand.. but there is much more work to be done to right the wrongs. Like, for example, Democrats in the far left destroying statues of historical people that were white, because they felt that these people were racist… some historical figures from over 700 years ago were deemed racist which is crazy considering the time and they were cancelled.

That was a clear cut racist maneuver by the far left to destroy statues of white people, but not destroy statues of Indians or blacks that owned slaves.

You don't know what it's like. Why not shut up and listen?

I was abducted and forced at gunpoint to submit to sex.

By a black man.

My home was invaded and my belongings were stolen.

By black people.

Not having free will to own your own body or possessions?

Sounds like slavery to me.

Fuck "reparations". I've paid my share.

That is part of the problem, i.e. negative feelings/thoughts/opinions about this are that group, class, demographic because of members of those that frightened us, threatened us, abused us, annoyed us, behaved badly etc.

Have a bad experience with cops, it's easy to mistrust all cops. Those whose only experience with black people have been assault or criminal activity or other uglies are likely to automatically have those tapes start running when they deal with black people in general. Black people who endure racist attitudes, speech or whatever from white people or who are told all white people are racist will feel very differently about white people than do those who have not had that experience.

But probably most, if not all, of us have been misjudged, mistreated, put down, blown off, or otherwise have experienced a negative experience with somebody. The fat person teased, ridiculed, bullied, stereotyped, discriminated against may not be black. But is the experience of the black person who is teased, ridiculed, bullied, stereotyped, discriminated against really all that different? Are their feelings that much different from each other?

We do not have to be in the skin of the other person to understand his/her feelings, his/her problems, his/her issues, to empathize, care, appreciate his/her challenges.

Not a single one of you knows a lot about me or can even imagine what it would be like to be me. But there are people who do and can. And I guarantee you I have never had an experience, a problem, an issue, a trauma that at least thousands if not millions of other people have not
also experienced and can relate.

There is not a single one of us of any race, skin color, ethnicity, creed or circumstance that deserves any blame or credit whatsoever for what their ancestors did. There were many millions more white people in the 19th Century who opposed and did what they could to end slavery than there were those who did what they could to keep it legal. Some lost their property, their fortunes, their families, their lives. Do their ancestors deserve reparations for that? Why not? Do black people descended from black slave owners deserve reparations? Why?

The whole idea that black people are somehow different or special is nonsense. The whole idea of reparations is nonsense.

If just a fraction of the effort to keep racism alive and well was spent in promoting a culture in which skin color was no more important than hair or eye color, we could end racism in a generation.

But the race baiters, black and white, won't allow that to happen will they.
To those who know history, who watch something other than Democrat controlled media, who have studied a least the basic concepts of economics and biology and sociopolitical concepts, I make perfect sense and none refute me unless I do come up with an error which can happen.

Those of you who have not studied real history, who watch only Democrat controlled media, who have no knowledge or understanding of economics, biology, sociopolitical concepts, have nothing to offer but call people names, presume to know what they think or believe and say (which is always wrong) and passively threaten them with things like FBI watch lists.

At some point, I would be embarrassed if all I had to contribute to any debate was ad hominem, insults and threats. Some are too ignorant to be embarrassed I guess.
LOL you are the sociopath narcissist. Read what you wrote. You've never studied any of what you mentioned. I guarantee you that you've never even seen a Constitutional Law text book. But of course you're comeback will be, that Constitutional Law courses are meaningless and only you know what "real" political science is about. You even said "real" history. LOL you're a psycho and you need help just like many on here.
LOL you are the sociopath narcissist. Read what you wrote. You've never studied any of what you mentioned. I guarantee you that you've never even seen a Constitutional Law text book. But of course you're comeback will be, that Constitutional Law courses are meaningless and only you know what "real" political science is about. You even said "real" history. LOL you're a psycho and you need help just like many on here.
Like I say I would be terribly embarrassed to debate like you do. But oh well. If it makes you happy. . .
Whenever people self-identify as inherently superior thanks to their skin tone that's called racism.
That is true. Or when people feel entitled to what others legally and ethically earned/acquired just because of their skin color, that is also racism.
Like I say I would be terribly embarrassed to debate like you do. But oh well. If it makes you happy. . .
I'm not calling you names just to be calling you names. You're a narcissist. You think you know more than anyone else. And you're delusional. We havent been debating anything. What exactly do you want to debate about? Before you answer that we first need to affirm you can tell reality from fantasy.
I'm not calling you names just to be calling you names. You're a narcissist. You think you know more than anyone else. And you're delusional. What exactly do you want to debate about? Before you answer that we first need to affirm you can tell reality from fantasy.
Nope. I nowhere near think I know as much about many many subjects as do many people I know, listen to, read. But I know what I know. And I know with 100% certainty that the person who only has ad hominem, insults, and calling people names will lose the debate against a person armed with actual information every single time.
I would agree with but There’s people on the far left that think it’s normal to say things like

“We don’t know what the black experience is”

And they have about 100 different ways of saying the above. But my point is that such a view leads to division.

The bottom line is that racism was always a worldwide issue. It was never just a white man’s thing…

That said it seems like finally with a boycott of bud light and target there’s some pushback against far left extremism, so it’s good that a line has been drawn in the sand.. but there is much more work to be done to right the wrongs. Like, for example, Democrats in the far left destroying statues of historical people that were white, because they felt that these people were racist… some historical figures from over 700 years ago were deemed racist which is crazy considering the time and they were cancelled.

That was a clear cut racist maneuver by the far left to destroy statues of white people, but not destroy statues of Indians or blacks that owned slaves.
I would say there are sadly many “educated” Americans in universities that don’t understand that slavery was not invented by whites… and if you bring this up they will be angry

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