A polite request for Democrats here - reject the view that “if you’re not black you don’t know what it’s like “

All Democrats know what it's like to be black, silly. They wouldn't be black if they hadn't voted for Joe Biden.

He even said so himself: “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
This is the problem I’m talking about. This is the problem with Democrats today just as you pointed out above. I’m trying to figure out exactly what year did this start occurring….2020 or was it 2016?

why are democrats trying to make things so weird.? You will even hear a democrat politician say

“let’s have uncomfortable conversations about race. “

Wait….what? We should ask ourselves why are the politicians talking like this. When 10 years ago they were talking about better jobs, healthcare, minimum wage. Something is going on here I’m just trying to figure out why it’s occurring.
The content of your post is in opposition to your claimed intent.

Based on your post I'd say you don't like people telling that you don't know what it's like to be in one of your hated groups because you spend much of your effort telling them how they should lead their lives.
Yes there are people in this world who are dying of cancer but if you think it’s OK for somebody based on their skin color alone to tell somebody they don’t know what it’s like to be them….. You’re wrong, sir. We can’t for example, say a 20 year old black man, telling a 20 year old white man “you don’t know what it’s like to be me or vice versa”. We just can’t have that.

You know because of horrendous leader ship in this country we have some number of young black man who think that every single white person in this country even the ones that are homeless have privileges. That’s the problem, sir. That’s it right there and that is robbery of young white men in this country, who have had no relation to slavery whatsoever. It’s also the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard in my life because Black people owned slaves to. Seriously this is the dumbest, weirdest and most stupid pathetic crap going on in this country history with regards to cancel culture, the weakness of some portion of men in this country who believe this Race nonsense.

Notice throughout all of my post I don’t personally attacked people like you it’s always your side who cannot handle common sense. What are you guys think that all white men in this country will accept that we whites have to sit there and listen to a black person say how evil American history is …or we have to sit down and listen to a multimillionaire white old liberal tell us how bad things are for poor Black people in America? Do you think that a working class white man wants to hear that shit? When they can’t even feed their family?

Do you think that a homeless white man wants to hear what a race bailing democrat politician says ?

Come on man just be real be cool.. it’s all about mutual respect and right now the Far Left Democrats are the most racist people in this country and that’s a problem.
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So this is exactly the problem, my friend. We can’t have a if we have like, for example, say a 20 year old black man, telling a 20 year old white man you don’t know what it’s like to be me or vice versa. We just can’t have that.

You know because of horrendous leader ship in this country we have some number of young black man who think that every single white person in this country even the ones that are homeless have privileges. That’s the problem, sir. That’s it right there and that is robbery of young white men in this country, who have had no relation to slavery whatsoever. It’s also the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard in my life because Black people owned slaves to. Seriously this is the dumbest, weirdest and most stupid pathetic crap going on in this country history with regards to cancel culture, the weakness of some portion of man in this country who believe this Race nonsense.

It really seems like people like you are terrified of living in the real world. Come on man just be real be cool
It's okay if you're too much of a Bingo to understand what white privilege is. 😄
Tell that to the millions of poor, broke, dumb trashy white people that are have a shit life. I'm sure they will agree it's great to simply be white
I bet if you asked them they would all say that they are better off in that respect.

Yes sir, I might be poor and down-trodden but at least I'm not black.

Yes there are people in this world who are dying of cancer but if you think it’s OK for somebody based on their skin color alone to tell somebody they don’t know what it’s like to be them….. You’re wrong, sir. We can’t for example, say a 20 year old black man, telling a 20 year old white man “you don’t know what it’s like to be me or vice versa”. We just can’t have that.

You know because of horrendous leader ship in this country we have some number of young black man who think that every single white person in this country even the ones that are homeless have privileges. That’s the problem, sir. That’s it right there and that is robbery of young white men in this country, who have had no relation to slavery whatsoever. It’s also the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard in my life because Black people owned slaves to. Seriously this is the dumbest, weirdest and most stupid pathetic crap going on in this country history with regards to cancel culture, the weakness of some portion of men in this country who believe this Race nonsense.

Notice throughout all of my post I don’t personally attacked people like you it’s always your side who cannot handle common sense. What are you guys think that all white men in this country will accept that we whites have to sit there and listen to a black person say how evil American history is …or we have to sit down and listen to a multimillionaire white old liberal tell us how bad things are for poor Black people in America? Do you think that a working class white man wants to hear that shit? When they can’t even feed their family?

Do you think that a homeless white man wants to hear what a race bailing democrat politician says ?

Come on man just be real be cool.. it’s all about mutual respect and right now the Far Left Democrats are the most racist people in this country and that’s a problem.
Skn color, gender, sexual orientation, religion

You are totally and wilfully ignorant of the ives they lead but you, in your bigotry and ignorance are more that willing to take out your performative outrage against them while ignoring the hate and violence you encourage.

What weakens us isn't acceptance it's your racism, sexism, and ignorance.

So do the world a favor and STFU about what doesn't concern you and about which you are abjectly ignorant.
Based on your post I'd say you don't like people telling that you don't know what it's like to be in one of your hated groups because you spend much of your effort telling them how they should lead their lives.
Well if certain groups would stop rocking the boat...
I’m asking all Democrats here to please reject the viewpoint that some Democrats say where they claim

“yeah we get it we’re white we don’t know what it’s like to be black” or if a black democrat says “white people you don’t know what it’s like to be me”

Thinking like this is not normal it is destructive towards society. I am white and I am in my 30s I was not born privileged. I’m not privileged, I’ve never owned slaves. My father, or grandfather did not own slaves.

Through history Black people owned slaves just like white people did. Black people were racist throughout history just like white people were.

And that type of thinking where if you are a white man and you hate yourself or if you are a black man and you think that Black people have never done anything throughout history and have always been slaves ….leads to a weak society any which way you look at it, regardless of where you feel about politics of this. That’s a fact regardless of what you feel about the politics if you are a black man or white man and you think it’s OK or healthy for a white man to believe that they themselves or their own ancestors have harmed Black people is wrong, you can call it crazy, it certainly has no place in America.

And so that’s why we have this debt ceiling issue, that’s why Republicans are able to look at the racial issues and take over votes from Democrats who are fed up with the far left. This is why we Democrats might lose the election in 2024 because of how far left the Democrats have gone with the transgender bathroom issues and the Black Lives Matter issues since 2021. It has truly gotten out of control and that’s why unless the Democrats don’t make a change on race we’re gonna lose in 2024. I will vote for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis that’s just how it’s gonna be that how it’s gonna be for most Democrats unless maybe Robert F Kennedy Junior gets the nomination for the democrats..

I am part native American and part White and I would never assume I know what it is to be black. I agree if your not black you don't know what it is like to be black. One of my smartest professors I had in college was my minority studies professor in college. He really showed us how easy it is to be racist and not know it. He showed us how it really is impossible to know how it is like being black without being born black. We studied Malcom X and how through Malcom's example this is how you get racial justice. I got an A in the class, but many white student's got only B's ,C's, and even D's in the class because they just failed to grasp this concept in their papers and were thus graded very poorly. They just never could understand the concept that if your not black you don't know what it is like to be black and thus their grades suffered for it.
I am part native American and part White and I would never assume I know what it is to be black. I agree if your not black you don't know what it is like to be black. One of my smartest professors I had in college was my minority studies professor in college. He really showed us how easy it is to be racist and not know it. He showed us how it really is impossible to know how it is like being black without being born black. We studied Malcom X and how through Malcom's example this is how you get racial justice. I got an A in the class, but many white student's got only B's ,C's, and even D's in the class because they just failed to grasp this concept in their papers and were thus graded very poorly. They just never could understand the concept that if your not black you don't know what it is like to be black and thus their grades suffered for it.
We’re all human in the first place so everyone’s equal. Everyone in a civilized country has to be able to have conversations with each other on an equal platform. But some level of Democrats don’t want this. They want to give advantages to certain groups… we cannot have that. Take the Academy Awards and many other major platforms, which have forced Black people to be nominated for awards. And they force minorities to get job positions and what not… what do you think about those types of things. ? It seems to be not beneficial.

I wonder if your professor thinks it’s racist to disagree with the Academy Awards for some Black people to be nominated for an award. Because it’s not. Racism has a strict definition of strict dictionary definition where you have to believe Black people or white people are inferior. And so it appears only a few Americans believe that …of course there are black racists There are white racists .. it doesn’t appear The number is high though.

And btw we can’t have men being able to go into a women’s bathroom. What do you think about that one? Bc That’s what democrats want.

Some Democrats also want reparations to be paid to Black people. In other words they want black Americans to get millions of dollars because Black people were slaves hundreds of years ago here. But Many would say that doesn’t make any sense because slavery was a worldwide issue every group engaged in the slave trade including white people, Native Americans and Black people. They all engaged in slavery and expansionist warfare.

I don’t really see much at odds here if we both support freedom and equality there’s no issues.
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I am part native American and part White and I would never assume I know what it is to be black. I agree if your not black you don't know what it is like to be black. One of my smartest professors I had in college was my minority studies professor in college. He really showed us how easy it is to be racist and not know it. He showed us how it really is impossible to know how it is like being black without being born black. We studied Malcom X and how through Malcom's example this is how you get racial justice. I got an A in the class, but many white student's got only B's ,C's, and even D's in the class because they just failed to grasp this concept in their papers and were thus graded very poorly. They just never could understand the concept that if your not black you don't know what it is like to be black and thus their grades suffered for it.

Your teacher sounds like one of those woke leftist morons pushing critical race theory. If the tables had been turned and your idiot "minority studies professor" had been teaching a course on "what it's like to be white", you probably would have gotten an F.
I’m asking all Democrats here to please reject the viewpoint that some Democrats say where they claim

“yeah we get it we’re white we don’t know what it’s like to be black” or if a black democrat says “white people you don’t know what it’s like to be me”

Thinking like this is not normal it is destructive towards society. I am white and I am in my 30s I was not born privileged. I’m not privileged, I’ve never owned slaves. My father, or grandfather did not own slaves.

Through history Black people owned slaves just like white people did. Black people were racist throughout history just like white people were.

And that type of thinking where if you are a white man and you hate yourself or if you are a black man and you think that Black people have never done anything throughout history and have always been slaves ….leads to a weak society any which way you look at it, regardless of where you feel about politics of this. That’s a fact regardless of what you feel about the politics if you are a black man or white man and you think it’s OK or healthy for a white man to believe that they themselves or their own ancestors have harmed Black people is wrong, you can call it crazy, it certainly has no place in America.

And so that’s why we have this debt ceiling issue, that’s why Republicans are able to look at the racial issues and take over votes from Democrats who are fed up with the far left. This is why we Democrats might lose the election in 2024 because of how far left the Democrats have gone with the transgender bathroom issues and the Black Lives Matter issues since 2021. It has truly gotten out of control and that’s why unless the Democrats don’t make a change on race we’re gonna lose in 2024. I will vote for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis that’s just how it’s gonna be that how it’s gonna be for most Democrats unless maybe Robert F Kennedy Junior gets the nomination for the democrats..
You realize your posts are completely off the rails, rambling nonsense, right? In fact, they've gotten worse. Everything ok?
We’re all human in the first place so everyone’s equal. Everyone in a civilized country has to be able to have conversations with each other on an equal platform. But some level of Democrats don’t want this. They want to give advantages to certain groups… we cannot have that. Take the Academy Awards and many other major platforms, which have forced Black people to be nominated for awards. And they force minorities to get job positions and what not… what do you think about those types of things. ? It seems to be not beneficial.

I wonder if your professor thinks it’s racist to disagree with the Academy Awards for some Black people to be nominated for an award. Because it’s not. Racism has a strict definition of strict dictionary definition where you have to believe Black people or white people are inferior. And so it appears only a few Americans believe that …of course there are black racists There are white racists .. it doesn’t appear The number is high though.

And btw we can’t have men being able to go into a women’s bathroom. What do you think about that one? Bc That’s what democrats want.

Some Democrats also want reparations to be paid to Black people. In other words they want black Americans to get millions of dollars because Black people were slaves hundreds of years ago here. But Many would say that doesn’t make any sense because slavery was a worldwide issue every group engaged in the slave trade including white people, Native Americans and Black people. They all engaged in slavery and expansionist warfare.

I don’t really see much at odds here if we both support freedom and equality there’s no issues.
Saying black lives matter isnt saying white lives dont matter. Learn to read and comprehend what you read, you dumb piece of shit.
I’m asking all Democrats here to please reject the viewpoint that some Democrats say where they claim

“yeah we get it we’re white we don’t know what it’s like to be black” or if a black democrat says “white people you don’t know what it’s like to be me”

Thinking like this is not normal it is destructive towards society. I am white and I am in my 30s I was not born privileged. I’m not privileged, I’ve never owned slaves. My father, or grandfather did not own slaves.

Through history Black people owned slaves just like white people did. Black people were racist throughout history just like white people were.

And that type of thinking where if you are a white man and you hate yourself or if you are a black man and you think that Black people have never done anything throughout history and have always been slaves ….leads to a weak society any which way you look at it, regardless of where you feel about politics of this. That’s a fact regardless of what you feel about the politics if you are a black man or white man and you think it’s OK or healthy for a white man to believe that they themselves or their own ancestors have harmed Black people is wrong, you can call it crazy, it certainly has no place in America.

And so that’s why we have this debt ceiling issue, that’s why Republicans are able to look at the racial issues and take over votes from Democrats who are fed up with the far left. This is why we Democrats might lose the election in 2024 because of how far left the Democrats have gone with the transgender bathroom issues and the Black Lives Matter issues since 2021. It has truly gotten out of control and that’s why unless the Democrats don’t make a change on race we’re gonna lose in 2024. I will vote for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis that’s just how it’s gonna be that how it’s gonna be for most Democrats unless maybe Robert F Kennedy Junior gets the nomination for the democrats..
Everybody who has ever had a bad experience with some demographic will have racist/sexist/phobic thoughts cross their minds. It is only those who translate that into social or political action against non offenders who are a problem though.

And those who protest, prosecute, criticize, object to what offenders do are not racist/sexist/phobic regardless of what demographic(s) the offenders belong to.

But the idea that nobody other than a black person can know what it is like to be black never read the writings of those who were not black but understood the history and culture extremely well.

One of my most appreciated friends (RIP) was a black woman who rose to the top of her field and once told me that it was far more difficult to overcome sexist views to get there than it was to overcome racial prejudice. That is she experienced far more discrimination for being a woman than she ever did for being black. It didn't stop her. It didn't stop any of us who were determined to succeed on our own merits.

But not knowing what her experience was? I'm pretty darn sure I understood it fully and accurately. You don't have to bite the doughnut to know that it is sweet.
Everybody who has ever had a bad experience with some demographic will have racist/sexist/phobic thoughts cross their minds. It is only those who translate that into social or political action against non offenders who are a problem though.

And those who protest, prosecute, criticize, object to what offenders do are not racist/sexist/phobic regardless of what demographic(s) the offenders belong to.

But the idea that nobody other than a black person can know what it is like to be black never read the writings of those who were not black but understood the history and culture extremely well.

One of my most appreciated friends (RIP) was a black woman who rose to the top of her field and once told me that it was far more difficult to overcome sexist views to get there than it was to overcome racial prejudice. That is she experienced far more discrimination for being a woman than she ever did for being black. It didn't stop her. It didn't stop any of us who were determined to succeed on our own merits.

But not knowing what her experience was? I'm pretty darn sure I understood it fully and accurately. You don't have to bite the doughnut to know that it is sweet.
You're kidding yourself if you think that.

So when you gonna get another black friend so you can continue to make bullshit posts like this?
You're kidding yourself if you think that.

So when you gonna get another black friend so you can continue to make bullshit posts like this?
You know what? You don't know me. You don't know who I know or knew. You don't know what life experiences I've had and/or am having. You don't know what I know or how I know it.

But just like a typical modern day liberal/progressive/Marxist you assume the moral self-righteousness to judge me.

If I didn't have the probably hundreds of other reasons to reject American liberalism/progressivism/Marxism, that alone would be sufficient reason to reject it.
You know what? You don't know me. You don't know who I know or knew. You don't know what life experiences I've had and/or am having. You don't know what I know or how I know it.

But just like a typical modern day liberal/progressive/Marxist you assume the moral self-righteousness to judge me.

If I didn't have the probably hundreds of other reasons to reject American liberalism/progressivism/Marxism, that alone would be sufficient reason to reject it.
What's Marxism? Cmon we all know you only started using that word once trump did. You arent fooling anyone, traitor.
I’m asking all Democrats here to please reject the viewpoint that some Democrats say where they claim

“yeah we get it we’re white we don’t know what it’s like to be black” or if a black democrat says “white people you don’t know what it’s like to be me”

Thinking like this is not normal it is destructive towards society. I am white and I am in my 30s I was not born privileged. I’m not privileged, I’ve never owned slaves. My father, or grandfather did not own slaves.

Through history Black people owned slaves just like white people did. Black people were racist throughout history just like white people were.

And that type of thinking where if you are a white man and you hate yourself or if you are a black man and you think that Black people have never done anything throughout history and have always been slaves ….leads to a weak society any which way you look at it, regardless of where you feel about politics of this. That’s a fact regardless of what you feel about the politics if you are a black man or white man and you think it’s OK or healthy for a white man to believe that they themselves or their own ancestors have harmed Black people is wrong, you can call it crazy, it certainly has no place in America.

And so that’s why we have this debt ceiling issue, that’s why Republicans are able to look at the racial issues and take over votes from Democrats who are fed up with the far left. This is why we Democrats might lose the election in 2024 because of how far left the Democrats have gone with the transgender bathroom issues and the Black Lives Matter issues since 2021. It has truly gotten out of control and that’s why unless the Democrats don’t make a change on race we’re gonna lose in 2024. I will vote for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis that’s just how it’s gonna be that how it’s gonna be for most Democrats unless maybe Robert F Kennedy Junior gets the nomination for the democrats..
No one alive in America today knows what it is like to be a slave (at least I hope so), but every Black knows what it is like to be Black in America today at least for them. I'm white so I've never been pulled over for driving-while-Black but I've enough stories to believe it happens. I'd be a liar if I said I know what it is to be Black (or Hispanic or Asian). Hell, I don't even know what it is be a young White kid today.

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