I'm officially Republican

Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
So true. When I was out of work, I worked for my buddy who did carpentry work. He fixed up basements, bathrooms, paint. You name it he did it. So i would go work for $10 hr lugging shit around for him, painting, hammering, anything I could do because I'm not very good with my hands. Like I can't put a toilet in by myself, but I can carry and lift the toilet for the guy who knows how to put it in. I worked my ass off.

I had a college degree at the tme and I was willing to go do shit jobs just to make $100 a day. Better than sitting at home making zero a day.

So now imagine these lazy people at home who don't have college degrees who are too good to go work for $10 hr. Fuck them.

P.S. I love it that Republicans are going to make welfare people work 10 hours a week or a month for their welfare. Watch how many stop asking for welfare when they have to work for it.
I worked on F-15s in Saudi Arabia , making $70,000 TAX FREE and didn't have any more than 2years of college. Since then I have received my PhD in the school of life, and increased my fortunes 100 times since then, I have taught others how they too can increase their fortunes, but there are a few who will always be victims of liberalism and never make much of themselves....
That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....

Liberalism has transformed this country from a backwater province of republic small government to a national power.
Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....

Liberalism has transformed this country from a backwater province of republic small government to a national power.
You are a retarded son of a bitch. Osama Obama, tried to fundamentally transform this country who defeated the Nazi's and Japan into a 3rd world nation like Venezuela, with his LIBERAL policies, and the America Citizens with the help of God, woke the fuck up and voted out the bitch who would of been 4 more years of Obummer. Fuck you , for I hate lying sacks of excrement like you.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....

Liberalism has transformed this country from a backwater province of republic small government to a national power.
You are a retarded son of a bitch. Osama Obama, tried to fundamentally transform this country who defeated the Nazi's and Japan into a 3rd world nation like Venezuela, with his LIBERAL policies, and the America Citizens with the help of God, woke the fuck up and voted out the bitch who would of been 4 more years of Obummer. Fuck you , for I hate lying sacks of excrement like you.

Try not to scream old white guy so loud.

Also, you will need to turn off your TV for the next election.
I am going full blown third party. NEITHER party deserves anything even close...even close....to my vote. It's going to happen since both parties are so ungodly corrupt. They operate totally opposite of Christian principles. Fact.
Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....

Liberalism has transformed this country from a backwater province of republic small government to a national power.
You are a retarded son of a bitch. Osama Obama, tried to fundamentally transform this country who defeated the Nazi's and Japan into a 3rd world nation like Venezuela, with his LIBERAL policies, and the America Citizens with the help of God, woke the fuck up and voted out the bitch who would of been 4 more years of Obummer. Fuck you , for I hate lying sacks of excrement like you.

Obama couldn't pass a damn thing in Congress, so all your Obama policies are imaginary. The GOP giveaway to the rich won't end until the Democrats get 60 votes in the Senate.
Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
So true. When I was out of work, I worked for my buddy who did carpentry work. He fixed up basements, bathrooms, paint. You name it he did it. So i would go work for $10 hr lugging shit around for him, painting, hammering, anything I could do because I'm not very good with my hands. Like I can't put a toilet in by myself, but I can carry and lift the toilet for the guy who knows how to put it in. I worked my ass off.

I had a college degree at the tme and I was willing to go do shit jobs just to make $100 a day. Better than sitting at home making zero a day.

So now imagine these lazy people at home who don't have college degrees who are too good to go work for $10 hr. Fuck them.

P.S. I love it that Republicans are going to make welfare people work 10 hours a week or a month for their welfare. Watch how many stop asking for welfare when they have to work for it.
I worked on F-15s in Saudi Arabia , making $70,000 TAX FREE and didn't have any more than 2years of college. Since then I have received my PhD in the school of life, and increased my fortunes 100 times since then, I have taught others how they too can increase their fortunes, but there are a few who will always be victims of liberalism and never make much of themselves....
So where did you get the training?
Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
So true. When I was out of work, I worked for my buddy who did carpentry work. He fixed up basements, bathrooms, paint. You name it he did it. So i would go work for $10 hr lugging shit around for him, painting, hammering, anything I could do because I'm not very good with my hands. Like I can't put a toilet in by myself, but I can carry and lift the toilet for the guy who knows how to put it in. I worked my ass off.

I had a college degree at the tme and I was willing to go do shit jobs just to make $100 a day. Better than sitting at home making zero a day.

So now imagine these lazy people at home who don't have college degrees who are too good to go work for $10 hr. Fuck them.

P.S. I love it that Republicans are going to make welfare people work 10 hours a week or a month for their welfare. Watch how many stop asking for welfare when they have to work for it.
I worked on F-15s in Saudi Arabia , making $70,000 TAX FREE and didn't have any more than 2years of college. Since then I have received my PhD in the school of life, and increased my fortunes 100 times since then, I have taught others how they too can increase their fortunes, but there are a few who will always be victims of liberalism and never make much of themselves....

Teach me........Ha!

I'm more the frugal type with a practical sense for money. I work hard, always a project. Typical middle class who isn't bothered by hard labor. I enjoy the affect. This 160 lb. "old man" was lifting 160 lb. rocks just today. Thank GOD that hill will be done tomorrow. It's not small. It's not even my place. From irrigation to rock work and plants, I'm landscaping the entire place for free and it's first rate. So yeah, some might call me foolish - I get it too. Not exactly conventional.

More or less a shame I haven't taken time to invest in more than a home and career. Unless you like classic Chevy's anyway, she's a money pit. Seems I'd be good with investments. I don't need to invest, steady income for life and reference frugal. "PHD" in details, OCD (I mean CDO), tend to reduce things to small for the high brow.
Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's dads were both members and supported the KKK, I guess what you are referring to is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and you fuckers voted for the KKK....

Hahaha, OMG the KKK, run for the Hills.

I'm not pro-KKK, however it's not a very big threat. (In fact I have some gripes with the KKK myself like it's once anti-Catholic positions)

Democrats kicked, and scream about the KKK.
Republicans do the same, because they have no brains, or will of their own.

The KKK , and their collaborators killed a few thousand at most.

Meanwhile, Democrats like Truman over Hiroshima + Korea, or FDR over Dresden, or LBJ over Vietnam killed probably 10 million + right there.

Meanwhile Republicans like H.W Bush, and W. Bush killed up to 6 million.

Oh, but those are "OKAY"

Heck, even Black gangsters like the Bloods, and Crips killed probably far more Blacks than the KKK.

So much so, that more Blacks are killed in 1 year by other Blacks, than Whites lynched Blacks between the 1880's - 1960's AKA a course of about 80 years in the U.S.A.
And more whites are killed in 1 year by other whites than whites lynched blacks between those years.

And I'm sorry but who were the people in the 60's protesting the viet nam war? I believe they were liberals. And who my whole life have defended the Viet Nam war? Conservatives. Why is that if LBJ is responsible for Viet Nam? WHy do you think conservatives rally behind LBJ for this war?

Looks like it was Eisenhower

John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) John F. Kennedy was an ardent believer in containing communism and “Domino Theory”. In his first speech as President in January 1961, Kennedy made it clear that he would continue the policy of the former President, Dwight Eisenhower, and support the government of Diem in South Vietnam.

What percentage of Vietnam Vets died under LBJ vs Eisenhower?

In fact, what percentage of ALL Vietnam Vets died under LBJ?

Carter, Eisenhower, and

It sure seems like he dominated the scene, and we KNOW for a fact, that LBJ was responsible for a massive escalation of the U.S.A into Vietnam.
I know so it's weird that conservatives dug in and supported that war until, well....always.

Maybe that's proof that the Democrats aren't as liberal as you think. They certainly aren't as liberal as I would like. For example Clinton signed NAFTA or deregulated the media.

Oh come on now, the U.S.A has hardly any humble politicians, they're probably mostly Psychopath, attention wh*res, who crave control, and don't even care much, if at all about politics.

This goes for both Republicans, and Democrats.

In my opinion, Only Carter, and Eisenhower really could even be called Humble politicians in 20th Century America.
The ones I know are all the things you say. Conmen. Like the clergy.

I think Elizabeth warren cares and Bernie sanders
That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....
My dad and mom had/have social security and Medicare. Worked for ford they made good union money and got pensions. They have a million dollars. To me that’s when America was great. Two high school grads worked for 30 years and amassed enough to retire at 62.

They put me and my bro through college. Actually we did but they helped. It was cheap back then. $5-7k a year. My brothers a vp of a Fortune 500 and I’m a successful salesperson with zero debt. I’ll be alright. My family is immune to the bad things republicans will do. I’ll miss my healthcare and social security but I’ll live. I’ll still retire at 65
Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....
My dad and mom had/have social security and Medicare. Worked for ford they made good union money and got pensions. They have a million dollars. To me that’s when America was great. Two high school grads worked for 30 years and amassed enough to retire at 62.

They put me and my bro through college. Actually we did but they helped. It was cheap back then. $5-7k a year. My brothers a vp of a Fortune 500 and I’m a successful salesperson with zero debt. I’ll be alright. My family is immune to the bad things republicans will do. I’ll miss my healthcare and social security but I’ll live. I’ll still retire at 65

Not Republicans. Politicians. Obama spent more than all prior Presidents combined.
Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....
My dad and mom had/have social security and Medicare. Worked for ford they made good union money and got pensions. They have a million dollars. To me that’s when America was great. Two high school grads worked for 30 years and amassed enough to retire at 62.

They put me and my bro through college. Actually we did but they helped. It was cheap back then. $5-7k a year. My brothers a vp of a Fortune 500 and I’m a successful salesperson with zero debt. I’ll be alright. My family is immune to the bad things republicans will do. I’ll miss my healthcare and social security but I’ll live. I’ll still retire at 65

Not Republicans. Politicians. Obama spent more than all prior Presidents combined.
Yea but he didn’t look into Medicare and social security to offset the spending he did to get us out of Bush’s recession.

Bill Clinton gave us a projected surplus. Should have voted for hillary
Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
So true. When I was out of work, I worked for my buddy who did carpentry work. He fixed up basements, bathrooms, paint. You name it he did it. So i would go work for $10 hr lugging shit around for him, painting, hammering, anything I could do because I'm not very good with my hands. Like I can't put a toilet in by myself, but I can carry and lift the toilet for the guy who knows how to put it in. I worked my ass off.

I had a college degree at the tme and I was willing to go do shit jobs just to make $100 a day. Better than sitting at home making zero a day.

So now imagine these lazy people at home who don't have college degrees who are too good to go work for $10 hr. Fuck them.

P.S. I love it that Republicans are going to make welfare people work 10 hours a week or a month for their welfare. Watch how many stop asking for welfare when they have to work for it.
I worked on F-15s in Saudi Arabia , making $70,000 TAX FREE and didn't have any more than 2years of college. Since then I have received my PhD in the school of life, and increased my fortunes 100 times since then, I have taught others how they too can increase their fortunes, but there are a few who will always be victims of liberalism and never make much of themselves....

Teach me........Ha!

I'm more the frugal type with a practical sense for money. I work hard, always a project. Typical middle class who isn't bothered by hard labor. I enjoy the affect. This 160 lb. "old man" was lifting 160 lb. rocks just today. Thank GOD that hill will be done tomorrow. It's not small. It's not even my place. From irrigation to rock work and plants, I'm landscaping the entire place for free and it's first rate. So yeah, some might call me foolish - I get it too. Not exactly conventional.

More or less a shame I haven't taken time to invest in more than a home and career. Unless you like classic Chevy's anyway, she's a money pit. Seems I'd be good with investments. I don't need to invest, steady income for life and reference frugal. "PHD" in details, OCD (I mean CDO), tend to reduce things to small for the high brow.
Unfortunately you listen and believe the GOP propaganda machine, so in politics you are an idiot....
Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.
You are such a desperate man to hold onto your idea that Liberalism did you good. That is what makes America great, not fundamentally transformed, because even you can get a raise, thinking that you did good, but Obama took most of it with his Healthcare tax, car tax, money tax, you know what I mean....
My dad and mom had/have social security and Medicare. Worked for ford they made good union money and got pensions. They have a million dollars. To me that’s when America was great. Two high school grads worked for 30 years and amassed enough to retire at 62.

They put me and my bro through college. Actually we did but they helped. It was cheap back then. $5-7k a year. My brothers a vp of a Fortune 500 and I’m a successful salesperson with zero debt. I’ll be alright. My family is immune to the bad things republicans will do. I’ll miss my healthcare and social security but I’ll live. I’ll still retire at 65

Not Republicans. Politicians. Obama spent more than all prior Presidents combined.
All to avert another full-blown corrupt GOP depression and help the victims.... No new policy to do it either.
Third party time is coming soon. Sit back lying dems and rich worshipper gop.
The Democrats are the party of the people. Voting for green Party gave us George W bush and Trump.
The Democrats are the party of the people. Voting for green Party gave us George W bush and Trump.
Oh you mean the illegal alien people? Yeah, you voters for Obama twice are the reason we have President Trump, not Cruz, or Hitlery...

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