I'm officially Republican

Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
So true. When I was out of work, I worked for my buddy who did carpentry work. He fixed up basements, bathrooms, paint. You name it he did it. So i would go work for $10 hr lugging shit around for him, painting, hammering, anything I could do because I'm not very good with my hands. Like I can't put a toilet in by myself, but I can carry and lift the toilet for the guy who knows how to put it in. I worked my ass off.

I had a college degree at the tme and I was willing to go do shit jobs just to make $100 a day. Better than sitting at home making zero a day.

So now imagine these lazy people at home who don't have college degrees who are too good to go work for $10 hr. Fuck them.

P.S. I love it that Republicans are going to make welfare people work 10 hours a week or a month for their welfare. Watch how many stop asking for welfare when they have to work for it.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
So true. When I was out of work, I worked for my buddy who did carpentry work. He fixed up basements, bathrooms, paint. You name it he did it. So i would go work for $10 hr lugging shit around for him, painting, hammering, anything I could do because I'm not very good with my hands. Like I can't put a toilet in by myself, but I can carry and lift the toilet for the guy who knows how to put it in. I worked my ass off.

I had a college degree at the tme and I was willing to go do shit jobs just to make $100 a day. Better than sitting at home making zero a day.

So now imagine these lazy people at home who don't have college degrees who are too good to go work for $10 hr. Fuck them.

P.S. I love it that Republicans are going to make welfare people work 10 hours a week or a month for their welfare. Watch how many stop asking for welfare when they have to work for it.
Why create an underclass? Solving for simple poverty means more people circulating capital and paying taxes; a positive multiplier effect.
You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.

That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.

Corporate confidence is up because Trump is seen as a business friendly President.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or individual liberty.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
What makes you think, the republicans are doing anything constructive with our economy?

Republicans are doing the only thing government can do about our economy, and that is to get out of the way and let the economy take care of itself.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
What makes you think, the republicans are doing anything constructive with our economy?

Republicans are doing the only thing government can do about our economy, and that is to get out of the way and let the economy take care of itself.
maybe, in right wing fantasy; Government spending not private sector spending, is what is making it happen.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or individual liberty.

Nonsense! Our natural rights consist of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right wing supports all three. Individual liberty is the absence of governmental control of our choices, and the right wing supports that.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or individual liberty.

Nonsense! Our natural rights consist of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right wing supports all three. Individual liberty is the absence of governmental control of our choices, and the right wing supports that.
The right refusing to pay for our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; Proves they don't.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or individual liberty.
Unless it suits them at the moment.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or individual liberty.

Nonsense! Our natural rights consist of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right wing supports all three. Individual liberty is the absence of governmental control of our choices, and the right wing supports that.
Who doesn't support those things?

The right wing are basically the greedy haves. They support changing the rules so that it's harder for the next generation to make it.
I'm officially Republican

now there's another official idiot.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
Yet another person comes out of the idiot closet.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
What makes you think, the republicans are doing anything constructive with our economy?

Republicans are doing the only thing government can do about our economy, and that is to get out of the way and let the economy take care of itself.
maybe, in right wing fantasy; Government spending not private sector spending, is what is making it happen.

Government doesn't have enough money to make the economy happen. Your brand of economics might have worked a hundred years ago, but it cannot work where markets and production are worldwide. Buying a refrigerator has little multiplication effect when the iron ore is mined in South America, smelted it China and all the individual parts are created in Asia.
I'm officially Republican

now there's another official idiot.
Well just remember this. Is America great again? Depends on who you are. If you are coal miner maybe it is. If your small business is doing better because consumer confidence is up to you it seems to be better.

And so all these people who believe America is great again are going to show up to vote Republican next month and for Trump in 2020. What about all the poor people who are struggling with you? Are they going to show up? If they did Republicans would lose easily. But what sucks for you is that those poor people don't show up. So the people who will be hurt the most are the people who aren't going to show up and vote every 2 years. Or a lot of them have been suckered into voting for Trump because they are white racists or poor jews who are tied to Israel or they are pro lifers or gun nuts.

So don't cry that us people who feel like we are benefitting from Republicanism are stupid. We are not. We vote. The stupid people who don't matter because they don't vote.

For the record, I vote Democratic. But I'm done calling people who like Republicans stupid. They aren't stupid. They vote!
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
What makes you think, the republicans are doing anything constructive with our economy?

Republicans are doing the only thing government can do about our economy, and that is to get out of the way and let the economy take care of itself.
maybe, in right wing fantasy; Government spending not private sector spending, is what is making it happen.

Government doesn't have enough money to make the economy happen. Your brand of economics might have worked a hundred years ago, but it cannot work where markets and production are worldwide. Buying a refrigerator has little multiplication effect when the iron ore is mined in South America, smelted it China and all the individual parts are created in Asia.
Not sure where you have been hiding. QE already happened. We have a printing press at an official mint.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
Yet another person comes out of the idiot closet.
He's also a liar.

But at least he votes. The stupid people are all the people who hate Republican policies but then don't show up to vote.

Stop yelling at Republicans who vote. Start yelling at your neighbors who are bad citizens.

I have this one buddy who told me he doesn't vote. I said, "can I be rude to you for a second and you not take it personally?" He said sure. I said, "you're a piece of shit American". You are the definition of a bad citizen. Can't even be bothered to vote. And too stupid to know which party he should be voting for.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I really like it that Republicans are going to make people on welfare work for it. Watch and see most of them will stop asking for the help as soon as they have to work for it. Most of them don't "need" it. But they'll take it if they don't have to do nothin for it.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights or individual liberty.

Nonsense! Our natural rights consist of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right wing supports all three. Individual liberty is the absence of governmental control of our choices, and the right wing supports that.
Who doesn't support those things?

The right wing are basically the greedy haves. They support changing the rules so that it's harder for the next generation to make it.

Nonsense! Excessive regulation is not a right wing enterprise. You seem to forget that right wingers like dirty air and dirty water, and want to let business tear up the wilderness. Basically, we just don't desire to obtain permission from a bureaucrat to repave our driveways, or open a business.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
What makes you think, the republicans are doing anything constructive with our economy?

Republicans are doing the only thing government can do about our economy, and that is to get out of the way and let the economy take care of itself.
maybe, in right wing fantasy; Government spending not private sector spending, is what is making it happen.

Government doesn't have enough money to make the economy happen. Your brand of economics might have worked a hundred years ago, but it cannot work where markets and production are worldwide. Buying a refrigerator has little multiplication effect when the iron ore is mined in South America, smelted it China and all the individual parts are created in Asia.
Not sure where you have been hiding. QE already happened. We have a printing press at an official mint.

Apples and oranges. Has little to do with economic growth.
Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.

The smartest modern inventor Nikola Tesla was at times digging ditches, while the smartest modern Physicist Albert Einstein at times was filing patents.

There's a ton of very smart people, who also aren't too terribly wealthy.

Tesla, and Einstein are worth a million times more than Wall-Street executives, who these Wall-Street cronies so often just make their money on cutting costs, by cutting corners, hiring illegals at cheaper costs, or outsourcing jobs out of the country at cheaper costs.

It's ridiculous, Republicans don't seem to have much of a grasp on how the World really is, and netiher do Democrats.

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