I'm officially Republican

Yes, now that you have recognized that, then there is hope for you yet.....Since you are a fascist , your way of dealing with Down Syndrome and other mentally challenged people is to kill them before they are born then there is no suffering. Hitler did it in his way killing over 6 million innocent people.
In America, people can use their God given talents and achieve greatness. In Socialist/Fascist/Communist/Marxist, etc.. countries the people are supposed to be STUPID that way the government can control them better.

Let me show you someone who over came his challenges and with great success. If he can do it, why cant lazy fucks like you do it? Oh yeah, LAZY.


Iceland has basically wiped out Down-Syndrome that way.

Why do you think Down Syndrome people should exist, but then complain when the state has to pay for them?

Maybe you're Down Syndrome yourself?

You still don't grasp the Capitalist economy, and haven't grasped that Capitalism creates winners, and losers so long as the market sets the wages for the people.

You dumb Republicans complain about people taking social programs, or asking more from their employers too.

It seems you have no feasible solutions, you're cruel, and uncivilized, you support an America where people die from hunger, or die of lack of healthcare due to treatable diseases.
You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

No, by the U.S.A REJECTING Fascism soiled it's fate as a collapsing power.

No, the Soviets defeated the Nazis, NOT soley, but dominantly, none the less.
The Soviets liberated Auschwitz, they were the first to the gates of Berlin too. (The German capital)
Soviets also killed 80% of the Nazi German soldiers killed.

The U.S.A has let Capitalism destroy it from within, and Zionism destroy it from outside.
(Two policies Republicans champion so much)

The problem is Capitalism in the Republican style has let Liberals, including Liberal Jews to dominate the economy, and promote Liberalism, like Hollywood, Media, the ACLU, the New York Times, Facebook, Google / Youtube, Twitter etc. etc.

Furthermore, Capitalism requires a lot of labor, and promotes cheap labor, therefor outsourcing, and illegal immigrants have become favorable in this Capitalist economy.

Propping up hostile factors to the U.S.A, to our demise, such as semi-Communist China, or a Mexican fifth column which doesn't respect us either.

Now this is some fascist shit right here

Trump Administration Quietly Moves 1,600 Migrant Children To Texas Tent City: Report | HuffPost

Trump Administration Quietly Moves 1,600 Migrant Children To Texas Tent City: Report
The children have been relocated — mostly in the middle of the night without warning — from shelters and private foster care to Tornillo in the Texas desert.
I created another post about this and if you feel so sympathetic to these children, then step up mother fucker and adopt all of them...Come on prick, talk the talk, now walk the walk. Other wise shut the fuck up and get these diseased, uneducated, greedy anchor brats, and send them back to where they belong...And you can fucking JOIN THEM if you so please.....
We were talking about fascism. I didn't say I minded a little fascism. LOL
FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery
Just a side note..
PENAL work is not slavery as those who broke the law, and damaged someone else, should be made to pay for those damages. I for one, believe in penal farms, where those incarcerated must provide their own food for starve, grown their own cotton for their own clothes, and so on and so forth. If you don't work in those farms, then you don't eat and you get the shit beat out of you. When you are done with your time, you have developed skills that you can take into the work force and be a provider instead of a taker. Liberals are only takers this is why they hate people who learn to be self sufficient...
Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery
Just a side note..
PENAL work is not slavery as those who broke the law, and damaged someone else, should be made to pay for those damages. I for one, believe in penal farms, where those incarcerated must provide their own food for starve, grown their own cotton for their own clothes, and so on and so forth. If you don't work in those farms, then you don't eat and you get the shit beat out of you. When you are done with your time, you have developed skills that you can take into the work force and be a provider instead of a taker. Liberals are only takers this is why they hate people who learn to be self sufficient...
Involuntary servitude is always just that, regardless of the circumstances.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
So you went republican cause you love big deficits? I don’t find either party appealing.
Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery
If you don't work in those farms, then you don't eat and you get the shit beat out of you. When you are done with your time, you have developed skills that you can take into the world.
Yes, how to beat the shit out of people.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
So you went republican cause you love big deficits? I don’t find either party appealing.

Relax. He's just another Republican liar.

He joined almost exactly 2 years ago today and his first post was this:

How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

So if he was a non partisan for the first 39 years then he's got to be at least 41 years old because he's been a partisan hack for 2 years now.

Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.
Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery
If you don't work in those farms, then you don't eat and you get the shit beat out of you. When you are done with your time, you have developed skills that you can take into the world.
Yes, how to beat the shit out of people.

Come to Boston and prove it.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
So you went republican cause you love big deficits? I don’t find either party appealing.

Relax. He's just another Republican liar.

He joined almost exactly 2 years ago today and his first post was this:

How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

So if he was a non partisan for the first 39 years then he's got to be at least 41 years old because he's been a partisan hack for 2 years now.

Funny! Love his #2
2. National debt doubled on Obama's watch.........Fail.
So you went republican cause you love big deficits? I don’t find either party appealing.

Relax. He's just another Republican liar.

He joined almost exactly 2 years ago today and his first post was this:

How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

So if he was a non partisan for the first 39 years then he's got to be at least 41 years old because he's been a partisan hack for 2 years now.
One has to be a partisan to find The Clintons, Bushs, Obamas, and Trump to be unsupportable vermin?
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
Well I an a Independent Voter and try to find the best person for the job. I have problems with both parties but tend to vote for Repubs , I have a hard time due to the fact that in the past years both have reached across the isle, and pasted laws that really hurt people. The Democrats have pasted laws that put many black guys in prison for crimes that should not have long terms. I have learned to check voting records and this helps,.
Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery
Just a side note..
PENAL work is not slavery as those who broke the law, and damaged someone else, should be made to pay for those damages. I for one, believe in penal farms, where those incarcerated must provide their own food for starve, grown their own cotton for their own clothes, and so on and so forth. If you don't work in those farms, then you don't eat and you get the shit beat out of you. When you are done with your time, you have developed skills that you can take into the work force and be a provider instead of a taker. Liberals are only takers this is why they hate people who learn to be self sufficient...
Involuntary servitude is always just that, regardless of the circumstances.

So exactly then what is using a Federal Reserve Note, which is a Debt Instrument and a Bank Note from a Privately Held Banking Consortium? A Reserve Note is a loan to The American People using their Future Earnings and the Taxing Power of The US Government as Collateral.

Every American Dollar you spend is a personal loan to you from The Federal Reserve. The IRS is The Federal Reserve's Goon Squad and enforces this Illegal and Unconstitutional arrangement and both The Federal Reserve and IRS have asset forfeiture powers which also is Unconstitutional and violates Due Process.

When they bust someone for tax evasion, the reason they are busting them is because technically you are concealing your income from The IRS and Federal Reserve, and thereby cheating them of Profits and Collections on your "Loans" i.e Income.

Both The IRS and Federal Reserve are Illegal and Unconstitutional and were formed at the same time, and they worked together to cause The Great Depression so that they could "Consolidate The Banking Industry" Wipe out Privately Held Banks, and transfer The Personal Savings and Property "Trillions of Dollars in Assets" to themselves to be shared between The Federal Government and The Federal Reserve. After the Great Depression The Federal Government in Conjunction with The Federal Reserve became the Largest holder of Property, Assets, and Wealth in The Entire World and to this day still hold that spot with not even a close second.

Federal Reserve Notes are Unconstitutional Currency. And it represents The Enslavement of all Americans. Since The Formation of The Federal Reserve banking system, YOU and I are Born in to Economic Servitude.

You people are slaves and don't know it. The last guy that tried to Free us was JFK when he rebuffed The Fed, and went back to Constitutional Treasury Notes backed by Silver Reserves.

Want to know who put the contract out on Kennedy? Follow the damn Money.
Last edited:
Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.

That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.
Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.

That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.

That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?
I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.

Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.

That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.
Working hard digging ditches in today's world gets one nowhe re. Times have changed.

Few people want to make a career out of ditch digging, but it does put the beans on the table while you seek out better opportunities. Any honest job is better than no job.
Just like it was easy for Hitler to get rich jews to along with the Nazi's, Trump is able to get rich blacks to go against blacks. Want an example?

Kanye West Wants To Abolish 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

You are insane. People are people. Stop believing the fake news.

That's a sure fire way to know you are dealing with a partisan hack. When you just come back with FAKE NEWS.

You should be embarrassed. When your great grandparents neighbors told them what Hitler was doing I'm sure they too said it was fake news. Because after all, no matter the decade or century, people are people.

And people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Let me know when America is great for you again. I'm talking about you are able to retire at 67 years of age. Do you have any savings? No matter how much you save you'll never be able to retire because your healthcare costs will be too high unless you have an employer providing it to you.

Nope. I live $1 to $1. No savings. I just pray for $ to appear one day. I own my own business.

Between labor costs, rent and insurance how you doing?

Best year to date. My business is unique but the economy has helped significantly. Under Obama the growth was not as strong but borrowing costs were low.

I got around a $25K raise in 2017 but it was for my 2016 sales. Thanks Obama. In other words the economy was recovered before Trump took office. But Republicans pretended in October 2016 the economy was bad and then suddenly in March 2017 they said it was great again. I saw the flip flop. I knew it was coming.

One thing that is good is consumer confidence is up and so is small business owner confidence.

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