I'm officially Republican

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

Why would anybody think people choose to be poor?

It's a mix of Capitalism, environment, and genes, that create class inequality.

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?
Of course not... We used to call them the unfortunate before that s*** head Raygun.

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.

So NOBODY chooses to be poor?
Ask anybody wealthy how they became wealthy and they will ALL say “I made good CHOICES throughout my life.”
Ask anybody truthful and poor how they became poor and if they will ALL tell you “I made bad choices along the way.”
You bleeding heart wacks can’t be serious...right?
You realize Father Government can’t make decisions for people...right?

No but they could put manufacturing facilities in our inner cities instead of in Mexico and then people could CHOOSE to work because there would be good jobs available.

They would if you vote republican

Iceland has basically wiped out Down-Syndrome that way.

Why do you think Down Syndrome people should exist, but then complain when the state has to pay for them?

Maybe you're Down Syndrome yourself?

You still don't grasp the Capitalist economy, and haven't grasped that Capitalism creates winners, and losers so long as the market sets the wages for the people.

You dumb Republicans complain about people taking social programs, or asking more from their employers too.

It seems you have no feasible solutions, you're cruel, and uncivilized, you support an America where people die from hunger, or die of lack of healthcare due to treatable diseases.
So your answer is that all people should be paid the same? A doctor should be paid the same as a bread maker? A movie star the same as a burger flipper? You are one stupid fucking idiot, as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming. You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

William Bradford, the colony’s governor its first 30 years, wrote of the agreement between the Pilgrim passengers and the financial “Adventurers” in his book Of Plymouth Plantation. He noted that the seven-year contract signed July 1, 1620, before leaving Plymouth England, stipulated that the Pilgrims were to pool, for common benefit, “all profits and benefits that are got by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means of any person or persons…” It further noted “that at the end of the seven years, the capital and profits, viz. the houses, lands, goods and chattels, be equally divided betwixt the Adventurers and Planters…” During this time the colonists were to “have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock and goods of the said colony.” It doesn’t get more socialistic than this because the government divvied out the goods and loafers received the same as those who worked.
The first two years the result was shortages and starvation. About half the colonists died. No one did more than the minimal because the incentive to excel was destroyed. The industrious were neutralized. Bradford wrote of the scarcity of food “no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expect any.” The socialist experiment Bradford added, “was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to the benefit and comfort. For the young men, that were most able and fit for labour and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense….” In other words, socialism made strong men lazy. In another book written by the same author, History of Plymouth Plantation, Bradford spoke of another problem because of the government created famine—thievery. Even in this Christian community, “much was stolen both by night and day….”
After two years of such, with the survival of the colony at stake, they contemplated upon “how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery.” They opted to abandon the incentive killing socialist contract in favor of the free market. And so they “assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end…”
The effects were almost immediate. A delighted Governor Bradford wrote: “This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor… could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.” In other words, the free market is a much greater stimulus than governmental force. The Pilgrims now wished to work because they got to keep the benefits of their labor. “Instead of famine now God gave them plenty,” Bradford wrote, “and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God…. Any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.”
Every fucking place Socialism has gone full tilt, the country has declined into poverty and misery, except for the handful of elites who took all the money. People like you, are the reason why elites stay in power, because you are too stupid to know better, and wont use your God given gifts to get any better....

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.

I enjoy reading others' memory stories, thanks.

I lived on the edge of Detroit for a few years while working for a headhunting and temporary employment firm HQ'd in Toledo, OH. We mass hired workers for local Ohio manufacturing and packaging plants—sometime upwards of 150 new recruits each and every week. Nearly all of them were Hispanic immigrants, while the much lower percentage new hires were black and then white and other (mostly professionals), respectively. What does that mean? How is that relevant? Well, that was back in the early 2000's. The manufacturing jobs were there, for sure—even if they were mostly short term work assignments. What it meant to me was, area immigrants were much hungrier for hard (low paying) work than Toledo and Detroit generational residents. Why? Can't really say.
I voted for Obama the first time. Didn't vote for "W". Voted Kerry. I did vote for Reagan. He was a good POTUS, a good leader, he restored people's faith in America. Solidly behind Trump now. Briefly considered Bernie, but would never vote Hillary. Ever.

I'm now a registered Republican.
So your answer is that all people should be paid the same? A doctor should be paid the same as a bread maker? A movie star the same as a burger flipper? You are one stupid fucking idiot, as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming. You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

Every fucking place Socialism has gone full tilt, the country has declined into poverty and misery, except for the handful of elites who took all the money. People like you, are the reason why elites stay in power, because you are too stupid to know better, and wont use your God given gifts to get any better....

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

Why would anybody think people choose to be poor?

It's a mix of Capitalism, environment, and genes, that create class inequality.

So your answer is that all people should be paid the same? A doctor should be paid the same as a bread maker? A movie star the same as a burger flipper? You are one stupid fucking idiot, as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming. You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

Every fucking place Socialism has gone full tilt, the country has declined into poverty and misery, except for the handful of elites who took all the money. People like you, are the reason why elites stay in power, because you are too stupid to know better, and wont use your God given gifts to get any better....

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?
Of course not... We used to call them the unfortunate before that s*** head Raygun.

So your answer is that all people should be paid the same? A doctor should be paid the same as a bread maker? A movie star the same as a burger flipper? You are one stupid fucking idiot, as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming. You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

Every fucking place Socialism has gone full tilt, the country has declined into poverty and misery, except for the handful of elites who took all the money. People like you, are the reason why elites stay in power, because you are too stupid to know better, and wont use your God given gifts to get any better....

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.

So NOBODY chooses to be poor?
Ask anybody wealthy how they became wealthy and they will ALL say “I made good CHOICES throughout my life.”
Ask anybody truthful and poor how they became poor and if they will ALL tell you “I made bad choices along the way.”
You bleeding heart wacks can’t be serious...right?
You realize Father Government can’t make decisions for people...right?
haha good one, this idea that everybody is genetically designed for success is retarded. It is just as stupid to think the economy can support all business owners or doctors or lawyers.
You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

Why would anybody think people choose to be poor?

It's a mix of Capitalism, environment, and genes, that create class inequality.

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?
Of course not... We used to call them the unfortunate before that s*** head Raygun.

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.

So NOBODY chooses to be poor?
Ask anybody wealthy how they became wealthy and they will ALL say “I made good CHOICES throughout my life.”
Ask anybody truthful and poor how they became poor and if they will ALL tell you “I made bad choices along the way.”
You bleeding heart wacks can’t be serious...right?
You realize Father Government can’t make decisions for people...right?
haha good one, this idea that everybody is genetically designed for success is retarded. It is just as stupid to think the economy can support all business owners or doctors or lawyers.

That’s kinda the point bud....not everybody has the iQ, the ambition, the true desire for wealth. We’re always gonna have poor people in America...especially when we allow tens of millions us low iQ thirdworlders to invade our country and take from our poor.
Good thing our poor get free healthcare and don’t go without..huh?
as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming.

FDR was a Socialist (Fascist) type guy actually, and achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century U.S history, the big question becomes then how come?

I think you are misusing the word fascism.

Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.

FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

Why would anybody think people choose to be poor?

It's a mix of Capitalism, environment, and genes, that create class inequality.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?
Of course not... We used to call them the unfortunate before that s*** head Raygun.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.

So NOBODY chooses to be poor?
Ask anybody wealthy how they became wealthy and they will ALL say “I made good CHOICES throughout my life.”
Ask anybody truthful and poor how they became poor and if they will ALL tell you “I made bad choices along the way.”
You bleeding heart wacks can’t be serious...right?
You realize Father Government can’t make decisions for people...right?

No but they could put manufacturing facilities in our inner cities instead of in Mexico and then people could CHOOSE to work because there would be good jobs available.

They would if you vote republican

Republicans control Michigan. Federal and state.

How many more tax breaks do they need?
FDR was a Socialist (Fascist) type guy actually, and achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century U.S history, the big question becomes then how come?

I think you are misusing the word fascism.

Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.

FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf
I think you are misusing the word fascism.

Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.

FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.
FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.
Do you think not one Jew voted for Hitler? From the way I remember this history many Jewish Germans were shocked when they were rounded up. Something about, "it was ok until they came for me, then there was no one left for me to complain to".

I don't know very many Jewish Liberals. But then again those aren't the ones who are always hoisting their opinions on everyone about Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, 9-11. 9-11 must have been a great day for the Jews. It got America on their side against the Arabs.

Do you know the one world order conspiracy theory? I think there is some truth to it. Or that Jews run the world? The banking system, the media, etc.? Anyways, I heard the one world order people don't like muslims because they don't believe in charging interest. They refuse to join in the one world order. I could see that being true. It's why we are at war with them. They have oil. We need oil. We've propped up their kings but they don't want to change the way they control their societies.

Anyways, one thing I'll agree with you on is Islam is wack.
FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.
Why claim, Judea instead of Israel? No State of Judea exists.
I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

Why would anybody think people choose to be poor?

It's a mix of Capitalism, environment, and genes, that create class inequality.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?
Of course not... We used to call them the unfortunate before that s*** head Raygun.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.

So NOBODY chooses to be poor?
Ask anybody wealthy how they became wealthy and they will ALL say “I made good CHOICES throughout my life.”
Ask anybody truthful and poor how they became poor and if they will ALL tell you “I made bad choices along the way.”
You bleeding heart wacks can’t be serious...right?
You realize Father Government can’t make decisions for people...right?
haha good one, this idea that everybody is genetically designed for success is retarded. It is just as stupid to think the economy can support all business owners or doctors or lawyers.

That’s kinda the point bud....not everybody has the iQ, the ambition, the true desire for wealth. We’re always gonna have poor people in America...especially when we allow tens of millions us low iQ thirdworlders to invade our country and take from our poor.
Good thing our poor get free healthcare and don’t go without..huh?

Yea but when we controlled things, we had a smaller poor and a bigger middle class. And the poor weren't so poor.

Why the American Middle Class Is Disappearing (and What It Will Mean for the Economy)

and you really need to read this

The Middle Class is not “Normal”
FDR was the closest U.S.A President to a Fascist, in all aspects.

He was for Public works like the Fascists championed.

He was for intervention, regulation, and control over the Capitalist economy like Fascists are.

He was also pretty forceful, and prejudiced, when he put Japanese in internment camps.

Explain what U.S.A President is more of a Fascist than FDR?


Trump Is Now Openly Supporting Fascists

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

The Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to allow President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely set off harsh criticism in China, as well as international opprobrium. But the power grab appears to have at least one fan: Donald Trump.

“He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said of Xi at a lunch and fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago estate, according to CNN, which obtained a recording of the remarks. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Donald Trump’s fascist ideas have an audience.

Fake News.
That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

I am a Jew. I run In Jewish circles. You are 100% wrong. At least you are consistent.
What specifically am I wrong about? I said That’s what Jewish nazis said. If they knew they would have been rounded up with the liberal Jews maybe they wouldn’t have voted for Donald I mean Adolf

Do you know any Jewish Nazi's? No you don't. They're all dead or wouldn't admit they voted for the Nazi party. But you can't try to tell me that not one rich Jew in Germany voted for Hitler. Not one? That would not be believable. Are you suggesting that not one Jewish person liked what Hitler was selling?

Many Mexicans voted for Trump after he called them all rapists. Many Muslims voted for Trump. Many blacks voted for Trump. Many gays voted for Trump. Many union workers vote Republicans even though Republicans are anti union. Go figure huh?
Iceland has basically wiped out Down-Syndrome that way.

Why do you think Down Syndrome people should exist, but then complain when the state has to pay for them?

Maybe you're Down Syndrome yourself?

You still don't grasp the Capitalist economy, and haven't grasped that Capitalism creates winners, and losers so long as the market sets the wages for the people.

You dumb Republicans complain about people taking social programs, or asking more from their employers too.

It seems you have no feasible solutions, you're cruel, and uncivilized, you support an America where people die from hunger, or die of lack of healthcare due to treatable diseases.
So your answer is that all people should be paid the same? A doctor should be paid the same as a bread maker? A movie star the same as a burger flipper? You are one stupid fucking idiot, as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming. You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

William Bradford, the colony’s governor its first 30 years, wrote of the agreement between the Pilgrim passengers and the financial “Adventurers” in his book Of Plymouth Plantation. He noted that the seven-year contract signed July 1, 1620, before leaving Plymouth England, stipulated that the Pilgrims were to pool, for common benefit, “all profits and benefits that are got by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means of any person or persons…” It further noted “that at the end of the seven years, the capital and profits, viz. the houses, lands, goods and chattels, be equally divided betwixt the Adventurers and Planters…” During this time the colonists were to “have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock and goods of the said colony.” It doesn’t get more socialistic than this because the government divvied out the goods and loafers received the same as those who worked.
The first two years the result was shortages and starvation. About half the colonists died. No one did more than the minimal because the incentive to excel was destroyed. The industrious were neutralized. Bradford wrote of the scarcity of food “no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expect any.” The socialist experiment Bradford added, “was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to the benefit and comfort. For the young men, that were most able and fit for labour and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense….” In other words, socialism made strong men lazy. In another book written by the same author, History of Plymouth Plantation, Bradford spoke of another problem because of the government created famine—thievery. Even in this Christian community, “much was stolen both by night and day….”
After two years of such, with the survival of the colony at stake, they contemplated upon “how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery.” They opted to abandon the incentive killing socialist contract in favor of the free market. And so they “assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end…”
The effects were almost immediate. A delighted Governor Bradford wrote: “This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor… could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.” In other words, the free market is a much greater stimulus than governmental force. The Pilgrims now wished to work because they got to keep the benefits of their labor. “Instead of famine now God gave them plenty,” Bradford wrote, “and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God…. Any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.”
Every fucking place Socialism has gone full tilt, the country has declined into poverty and misery, except for the handful of elites who took all the money. People like you, are the reason why elites stay in power, because you are too stupid to know better, and wont use your God given gifts to get any better....

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.
How is it that when Obama was in office, your corporation never hired a blackman? Of course many of my friends are black, and we have grown wealthy together, because we have shared knowledge on getting rich, instead of sitting in our basements, drinking beer and bitching about how unfair our lives "COULD OF BEEN"....Many of my friends have open their own businesses and employ white people. There are those who wont ever lift themselves out of the poverty and middle class, they are just happy who are they. This is America, where anyone can be anything, in their own pursuit of happiness, and this is the reason why Democraps cant ever by happy.....
So your answer is that all people should be paid the same? A doctor should be paid the same as a bread maker? A movie star the same as a burger flipper? You are one stupid fucking idiot, as SOCIALISM was already tried in America and went down in defeat and almost stopped the United States from ever forming. You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

Every fucking place Socialism has gone full tilt, the country has declined into poverty and misery, except for the handful of elites who took all the money. People like you, are the reason why elites stay in power, because you are too stupid to know better, and wont use your God given gifts to get any better....

You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.
How is it that when Obama was in office, your corporation never hired a blackman? Of course many of my friends are black, and we have grown wealthy together, because we have shared knowledge on getting rich, instead of sitting in our basements, drinking beer and bitching about how unfair our lives "COULD OF BEEN"....Many of my friends have open their own businesses and employ white people. There are those who wont ever lift themselves out of the poverty and middle class, they are just happy who are they. This is America, where anyone can be anything, in their own pursuit of happiness, and this is the reason why Democraps cant ever by happy.....

You guys grew up in poverty?
Many have accused Donald Trump of being a fascist. He was endorsed by self-proclaimed fascists, his father participated in KKK rallies, and he has openly supported fascists.

Fascism in North America - Wikipedia
Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's dads were both members and supported the KKK, I guess what you are referring to is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and you fuckers voted for the KKK....
Did you avoid my youtube link, you fascist asshole? I will not again converse with you, because you are a fucking retard.

I'm the retard?

1.) You don't grasp how ALL economies require different skill sets, the big problem is Capitalism in it's more pure form believes the market shall set the wages, therefor NO MATTER how ambitious, educated, creative, intelligent, knowledgeable, or skilled there will still be an economy that requires toilet scrubbers, burger flippers, lawn-mowers, Wal-Mart greeters etc.
WHO WOULD be paid scab wages, despite often times working harder, more honest, and more favorably for the economy than Wall-Street pr(cks keep in mind.

2.)You don't understand genes / biology, either.
Look at people with Down Syndrome, or MS, Schizophrenia or Lou Gehrigs disease, as if that's all choices, yeah right.

3.) You're assuming Blacks, and Whites have equal ability, nope, no evidence for that, the Book the Bell-Curve was a big blow for that.
Furthermore, if you think about it the fact that Africa's so far behind countries who went through worse problems like China, Ukraine, Poland, etc, etc. also makes the case against equality in amassing wealth.
I'm the retard?
Yes, now that you have recognized that, then there is hope for you yet.....Since you are a fascist , your way of dealing with Down Syndrome and other mentally challenged people is to kill them before they are born then there is no suffering. Hitler did it in his way killing over 6 million innocent people.
In America, people can use their God given talents and achieve greatness. In Socialist/Fascist/Communist/Marxist, etc.. countries the people are supposed to be STUPID that way the government can control them better.

Let me show you someone who over came his challenges and with great success. If he can do it, why cant lazy fucks like you do it? Oh yeah, LAZY.


Iceland has basically wiped out Down-Syndrome that way.

Why do you think Down Syndrome people should exist, but then complain when the state has to pay for them?

Maybe you're Down Syndrome yourself?

You still don't grasp the Capitalist economy, and haven't grasped that Capitalism creates winners, and losers so long as the market sets the wages for the people.

You dumb Republicans complain about people taking social programs, or asking more from their employers too.

It seems you have no feasible solutions, you're cruel, and uncivilized, you support an America where people die from hunger, or die of lack of healthcare due to treatable diseases.
You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

No, by the U.S.A REJECTING Fascism soiled it's fate as a collapsing power.

No, the Soviets defeated the Nazis, NOT soley, but dominantly, none the less.
The Soviets liberated Auschwitz, they were the first to the gates of Berlin too. (The German capital)
Soviets also killed 80% of the Nazi German soldiers killed.

The U.S.A has let Capitalism destroy it from within, and Zionism destroy it from outside.
(Two policies Republicans champion so much)

The problem is Capitalism in the Republican style has let Liberals, including Liberal Jews to dominate the economy, and promote Liberalism, like Hollywood, Media, the ACLU, the New York Times, Facebook, Google / Youtube, Twitter etc. etc.

Furthermore, Capitalism requires a lot of labor, and promotes cheap labor, therefor outsourcing, and illegal immigrants have become favorable in this Capitalist economy.

Propping up hostile factors to the U.S.A, to our demise, such as semi-Communist China, or a Mexican fifth column which doesn't respect us either.

Now this is some fascist shit right here

Trump Administration Quietly Moves 1,600 Migrant Children To Texas Tent City: Report | HuffPost

Trump Administration Quietly Moves 1,600 Migrant Children To Texas Tent City: Report
The children have been relocated — mostly in the middle of the night without warning — from shelters and private foster care to Tornillo in the Texas desert.
You still don't get it.

Capitalism will require more burger flippers than doctors, even if everyone had a Doctor's PhD, they'd still be flipping burgers, because that's what the economy demands.

I've mentioned this several times, and it obviously went over your head.

So long as the economy requires different job skills all over, and we let the market regulate the pay, then there will be winners, and losers.

Not, that I'm so against that.

I just don't think it's Patriotic to let your people die from poverty, be it hunger, or treatable diseases, due to lack of healthcare.

So long as we can foot the tab, we should be taking care of our own people.

Republicans have different ideals, however.

I agree.

Yesterday a USMB Republican was mocking anyone who's making less than $50K in this great economy. I asked him if he was really shitting on all the Walmart and McD employees Trump duped into voting for him. They make way less than $50K. To me his comment was just as bad as Hillary's Deplorable comment.

So he should explain to me why anyone who makes less than $50K should vote GOP.

The only reason the GOP wins elections is because people who make less than $50K don't vote. And some of them (Red States) vote GOP. So I no longer care about people in poverty. They need to care about themselves. What's the first step in doing that? VOTE!

This tone is always so fascinating...what is it that you think either party does or can do for the poverty stricken that would make a measurable difference?
Do you honestly believe that poor people haven’t chosen to be poor?

How about relocate manufacturing facilities from Mexico to Detroit or Chicago so those people in poverty have some economic opportunity?

No I don't think poor people choose to be poor. My dad would have been poor had he not got lucky and got a job at Ford Motor. He would have been a minimum wage cook.

No one chooses to stay in poverty. They were most likely born into it and not raised right.

Today my company finally hired a black person. I'm so happy/proud. I wish more corporations were hiring blacks.
How is it that when Obama was in office, your corporation never hired a blackman? Of course many of my friends are black, and we have grown wealthy together, because we have shared knowledge on getting rich, instead of sitting in our basements, drinking beer and bitching about how unfair our lives "COULD OF BEEN"....Many of my friends have open their own businesses and employ white people. There are those who wont ever lift themselves out of the poverty and middle class, they are just happy who are they. This is America, where anyone can be anything, in their own pursuit of happiness, and this is the reason why Democraps cant ever by happy.....

You guys grew up in poverty?
I not only started dirt poor, but at 18 did the menial minimum wage job of being a burger flipper at McD's. But instead of falling in line with liberal victimhood, I got skills given to me by God and developed them so I could earn 70,000 dollars a year, TAX FREE...Learned how to invest that money and now as I have said before, earn 6 figure income and use every government TAX LOOPHOLE I can to keep that money.....Only stupid people pay more in taxes, because they aren't educated enough to learn how to avoid them...
I'm the retard?

1.) You don't grasp how ALL economies require different skill sets, the big problem is Capitalism in it's more pure form believes the market shall set the wages, therefor NO MATTER how ambitious, educated, creative, intelligent, knowledgeable, or skilled there will still be an economy that requires toilet scrubbers, burger flippers, lawn-mowers, Wal-Mart greeters etc.
WHO WOULD be paid scab wages, despite often times working harder, more honest, and more favorably for the economy than Wall-Street pr(cks keep in mind.

2.)You don't understand genes / biology, either.
Look at people with Down Syndrome, or MS, Schizophrenia or Lou Gehrigs disease, as if that's all choices, yeah right.

3.) You're assuming Blacks, and Whites have equal ability, nope, no evidence for that, the Book the Bell-Curve was a big blow for that.
Furthermore, if you think about it the fact that Africa's so far behind countries who went through worse problems like China, Ukraine, Poland, etc, etc. also makes the case against equality in amassing wealth.
I'm the retard?
Yes, now that you have recognized that, then there is hope for you yet.....Since you are a fascist , your way of dealing with Down Syndrome and other mentally challenged people is to kill them before they are born then there is no suffering. Hitler did it in his way killing over 6 million innocent people.
In America, people can use their God given talents and achieve greatness. In Socialist/Fascist/Communist/Marxist, etc.. countries the people are supposed to be STUPID that way the government can control them better.

Let me show you someone who over came his challenges and with great success. If he can do it, why cant lazy fucks like you do it? Oh yeah, LAZY.


Iceland has basically wiped out Down-Syndrome that way.

Why do you think Down Syndrome people should exist, but then complain when the state has to pay for them?

Maybe you're Down Syndrome yourself?

You still don't grasp the Capitalist economy, and haven't grasped that Capitalism creates winners, and losers so long as the market sets the wages for the people.

You dumb Republicans complain about people taking social programs, or asking more from their employers too.

It seems you have no feasible solutions, you're cruel, and uncivilized, you support an America where people die from hunger, or die of lack of healthcare due to treatable diseases.
You know what saved the US and made it the country that defeated Fascism and Emperor in WWII?

No, by the U.S.A REJECTING Fascism soiled it's fate as a collapsing power.

No, the Soviets defeated the Nazis, NOT soley, but dominantly, none the less.
The Soviets liberated Auschwitz, they were the first to the gates of Berlin too. (The German capital)
Soviets also killed 80% of the Nazi German soldiers killed.

The U.S.A has let Capitalism destroy it from within, and Zionism destroy it from outside.
(Two policies Republicans champion so much)

The problem is Capitalism in the Republican style has let Liberals, including Liberal Jews to dominate the economy, and promote Liberalism, like Hollywood, Media, the ACLU, the New York Times, Facebook, Google / Youtube, Twitter etc. etc.

Furthermore, Capitalism requires a lot of labor, and promotes cheap labor, therefor outsourcing, and illegal immigrants have become favorable in this Capitalist economy.

Propping up hostile factors to the U.S.A, to our demise, such as semi-Communist China, or a Mexican fifth column which doesn't respect us either.

Now this is some fascist shit right here

Trump Administration Quietly Moves 1,600 Migrant Children To Texas Tent City: Report | HuffPost

Trump Administration Quietly Moves 1,600 Migrant Children To Texas Tent City: Report
The children have been relocated — mostly in the middle of the night without warning — from shelters and private foster care to Tornillo in the Texas desert.
I created another post about this and if you feel so sympathetic to these children, then step up mother fucker and adopt all of them...Come on prick, talk the talk, now walk the walk. Other wise shut the fuck up and get these diseased, uneducated, greedy anchor brats, and send them back to where they belong...And you can fucking JOIN THEM if you so please.....

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