I'm opposed to same sex marriage...!!


Senior Member
May 20, 2015
As a male person who has been married to the same woman for @ 48 years now, I can unequivocally state that I'm firmly in favor of heterosexual marriage..!!
By this, I mean that I would NEVER marry a man.....But.....
Who the fuck am I to tell anyone else how their life should be conducted...??
Anyone who's stupid enough to REALLY believe that anyone else's marital decisions would negatively affect
their own situation, really don't deserve to be given any degree of attention....
If you don't think same sex marriage is acceptable, marry someone of the opposite sex..!!
How fukkin' hard should THAT be to comprehend ferchrissakes...???
Absolutely agree.

I'm straight but I'm not narrow and I really don't care who is marrying whom.

OTOH, I care deeply about equal rights.

The phony christian thumpers pretend to have religious reasons for opposing ssm but really, its all about their own sexual confusion.
I don't think you understand the opposition to gay marriage.
Stupidity is always easy to comprehend...Except by the stupid...They often think it makes sense...Do you...???
As a male person who has been married to the same woman for @ 48 years now, I can unequivocally state that I'm firmly in favor of heterosexual marriage..!!
By this, I mean that I would NEVER marry a man.....But.....
Who the fuck am I to tell anyone else how their life should be conducted...??
Anyone who's stupid enough to REALLY believe that anyone else's marital decisions would negatively affect
their own situation, really don't deserve to be given any degree of attention....
If you don't think same sex marriage is acceptable, marry someone of the opposite sex..!!
How fukkin' hard should THAT be to comprehend ferchrissakes...???

Then don't fall in love or marry a man.
Don't stand in the door way when other people do want to get married
I am a bit homophobic and I don't understand the opposition to gay marriage either.

Please explain it to me, SJ
Nobody gives a shit what you degenerates do, we DO give a shit about the institution of marriage though, and we DO care about states rights. If you want to butt fuck each other or lick each other's twats, go ahead, but don't pollute and pervert the institution of marriage. Yeah, our gay president and his gay administration have managed to make it legal but do us all a favor and keep it in your own communities and don't try to force normal people to be a part of your perversion.
Nobody gives a shit what you degenerates do, we DO give a shit about the institution of marriage though, and we DO care about states rights. If you want to butt fuck each other or lick each other's twats, go ahead, but don't pollute and pervert the institution of marriage. Yeah, our gay president and his gay administration have managed to make it legal but do us all a favor and keep it in your own communities and don't try to force normal people to be a part of your perversion.
Another anti-gay marriage poster who dwells on gay sex...way more than any gay person. What's up with that? I don't dwell on straight sex and talk about it and talk about it and talk about it.
Nobody gives a shit what you degenerates do, we DO give a shit about the institution of marriage though, and we DO care about states rights. If you want to butt fuck each other or lick each other's twats, go ahead, but don't pollute and pervert the institution of marriage. Yeah, our gay president and his gay administration have managed to make it legal but do us all a favor and keep it in your own communities and don't try to force normal people to be a part of your perversion.

So states should just end marriage altogether just to avoid gays seeking the right to happiness through marriage?

End marriage through the whole country, or the world. Everyone will live in 'sin' because of a handful of hateful bigot who call themselves christian?

Seems those hateful churches will be loosing their tax exempt status. It should be retroactive to the first church they opened in the US, IMHO
Nobody gives a shit what you degenerates do, we DO give a shit about the institution of marriage though, and we DO care about states rights. If you want to butt fuck each other or lick each other's twats, go ahead, but don't pollute and pervert the institution of marriage. Yeah, our gay president and his gay administration have managed to make it legal but do us all a favor and keep it in your own communities and don't try to force normal people to be a part of your perversion.

So states should just end marriage altogether just to avoid gays seeking the right to happiness through marriage?

End marriage through the whole country, or the world. Everyone will live in 'sin' because of a handful of hateful bigot who call themselves christian?

Seems those hateful churches will be loosing their tax exempt status. It should be retroactive to the first church they opened in the US, IMHO
Did you have to go to school to learn how to be this stupid?
They are unrepentant and teaching the youth their misguided ways. Young minds are easily swayed. And folk who have been mistreated by the opposite sex and the same sex are the prey of Satan. Don't be fooled. Sexual sin = death. Beware.
Nobody gives a shit what you degenerates do, we DO give a shit about the institution of marriage though, and we DO care about states rights. If you want to butt fuck each other or lick each other's twats, go ahead, but don't pollute and pervert the institution of marriage. Yeah, our gay president and his gay administration have managed to make it legal but do us all a favor and keep it in your own communities and don't try to force normal people to be a part of your perversion.

So states should just end marriage altogether just to avoid gays seeking the right to happiness through marriage?

End marriage through the whole country, or the world. Everyone will live in 'sin' because of a handful of hateful bigot who call themselves christian?

Seems those hateful churches will be loosing their tax exempt status. It should be retroactive to the first church they opened in the US, IMHO
Did you have to go to school to learn how to be this stupid?

Utah want to do away with marriage and Obama want to take away tax exemptions from churches that refuse to perform vows over this.

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