I’m proud of my president

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a

hes the biggest LIAR on the entire planet,


Siete doing the hat dance. :lol:

..led his platoon into an ambush, got pulled from the field and made a general's shoe-shine boy

You're so right with those irrefutable and well-documented "facts".......
I guess there are NO republican heroes?
I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it


Zero Points on Style.

100 Points on RESULTS.

Who knows. Maybe a non partisan, honest, open, non poll tested, non scripted style will catch on and become the way to be? We can only hope.
This is scary. If you guys were the majority...we'd have some real problems.

3,000 documented certified lies in 16 months.

You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


Trump is no Christian, anyone thinks so, has never read a Bible (much like Trump).
I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it
Hitler had a strong vision for Germany too!
I don’t always agree with his style, or even all of his substance for that matter, but one thing is clear - the man has a vision for a strong America and he has the gonads to make his dreams come to fruition. I never thought for a second he’d be this good. Lesson learned - you can’t underestimate this man. Foreign leaders and dictators must take notice. Welcome to mu Trump appreciation thread. Feel free to rep me for it

Yikes..... :eek:

Time for less idolization and more good ole "he's just another dishonest politician" inspired cynicism.
You're so right with those irrefutable and well-documented "facts".......
I guess there are NO republican heroes?

You bet your ass I'm right....Mueller was a rich kid ticket-puncher who took a good picture but didn't have the instincts for combat....same trait seen in his law career....he couldn't convict a ham sandwich unless Martha Stewart made it.
Bombastic, loudmouth, abrasive and a touch of douche.
Qualities of someone who gets shit done, unlike a soft, well spoken apologist.
I will take Trump over an Obama any day.
Bold, Brash, Egotistical, Lewd, Vulgar, No Filter, undiplomatic. Everything I dislike in a person. However, EFFECTIVE, Well Intended, and Represents America's Best Interest. Thanks President Trump. I will take the bad for the GOOD RESULTS.

He has accomplished more in fifteen months than Obama did in eight years, which is a good thing as we didn't need the finalization of FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION.

Here's your Fundamental Transformation right here Obama/Soros!

He is who he is. We knew he was by far from a saint when we elected him, but we didn't elect him as somebody we would ever put on a pedestal and glorify as a national messiah as Farakkhan described President Obama. We elected him for the vision he offered instead of the double down on a failed Obama agenda that Hillary offered or the wide open borders, unrestrained recreational drug use, and anti-religion agenda Johnson offered.

And Trump has not disappointed. He has done his best to promote what Congress has to approve and systematically drags its feet on, but what he can accomplish on his own, he has systematically one by one done what he can legally do to fulfill his campaign promises. That is a unique and remarkable thing among elected leaders these days.

And the results are pretty awesome. Unemployment at an extremely uncommon 3.9%, record low unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics, wages and family wealth are ticking up, the home market is booming again, venture capital is being put back into the economy, we are gaining more manufacturing jobs than we are losing for the first time in a very long time, consumer confidence and business confidence are once again high, something we didn't see during the Obama years. North Korea and South Korea are engaging in peace talks for the first time in more than 50 years and Secretary Pompeo is bringing three American prisoners home from North Korea as we speak. (President Trump plans to be up at 2 a.m. tomorrow morning to greet them when they arrive home.)

Oh and USA Today reports that record exports from the USA has cut our trade deficit to $49 billion. It is still too high as high consumer confidence has people buying more stuff and new manufacturing and supply business take time to adjust to new policy, but we're on the right track there despite all the doom and gloom reporting that President Trump imposition of selective tariffs would trigger a trade war.
Record exports cut US trade deficit to $49 billion

America is regain a grudging but real respect on the international scene again. National leaders don't like it, but they are beginning to understand that we have a leader who puts American interests first just as they do for their own countries and that we aren't going to be anybody's patsy any more. And rather than a breakdown of or hostile diplomacy as the naysayers predicted, the President is regularly having productive and amicable meetings with national heads of state.

And our enemies are sitting up and taking notice that we are no longer spouting meaningless and feckless disapproval when they mess with us. President Trump doesn't deal in empty threats as they are accustomed to with American Presidents.

There is so much good to report. It is unfortunate that we have to hunt for it outside most of the hostile mainstream media that still deals in fake news from anonymous sources and is putting out more than 90% negative stuff re the President and his administration.
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This picture tells you everything you need to know about Obama's vision for America

Highly doubt that - Is the "lawyer-ish" dude singing yet about the Russian money? :lol:

Yet Trump didn't get a dime of it or know or care about it.......

Trump: Batting 1.000 heading for second All-Star team
Rats: Still toiling in A-ball...can't hit BIG LEAGUE curve balls. :badgrin:

You "know" that Trump or the Trump org didn't get a dime of all that Russian money, AND that he didn't know or care?
Lotta assumptions there Tommy - we do NOT know those things at this point in time.

We DO know that a Russian oligarch contributed a quarter million to his inauguration.

Trump Rats: Out in front of that big league curve ball and dismissive of the dirty laundry known for the most part only Mueller & the Southern District of NY
Patriots: Understand that there are many things that most of us do NOT know -

Patriots win by having the patience to WAIT for that big league curve ball and take great joy watching y'all crash headlong into the fence attempting to catch it.


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This is scary. If you guys were the majority...we'd have some real problems.

3,000 documented certified lies in 16 months.

You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a

hes the biggest LIAR on the entire planet,

This is scary. If you guys were the majority...we'd have some real problems.

3,000 documented certified lies in 16 months.

You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


The main reason they hate Trump is because he beat Hillary. They knew she was an intolerable person with no actual game plan other than maintaining the miserable status quo, but she had the right letter after her name and that is all that matters to them. Therefore since they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they must destroy him using any means necessary, legal or illegal, ethical, or rotten ethics to the core. It doesn't matter. He must not be allowed to preside.

So far he has demonstrated strength like nobody I have ever seen. Anybody with any integrity has to admire how he keeps his composure and stands up against an onslaught of hateful hate and personal attacks from media, social media, message boards, and any other means of communications that I have never seen launched against ANY President. He gets maybe 10 to 30 seconds coverage of anything good that happens, if that, and hours/days of coverage of anything they can find or make up to criticize him on or accuse him of. He is one tough cookie. Honorable people have to admire that.

But yeah, he is no partisan, no ordinary politician, no ideologue, and he refuses to do things in any particular way just because they have always been done that way, most especially when the results have not been there doing it the old way. And he tells it like he sees it without first being poll tested and scripted as his predecessors mostly were.

Do I like everything about this man? No way. Who would? Do I agree with him on every point? Nope, I can't do that either. But can I admire what he offers the U.S.A. and respect him as an honorable and effective President of the United States who is doing some very good things? You bet I can.
This is scary. If you guys were the majority...we'd have some real problems.

3,000 documented certified lies in 16 months.

You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


The main reason they hate Trump is because he beat Hillary. They knew she was an intolerable person with no actual game plan other than maintaining the miserable status quo, but she had the right letter after her name and that is all that matters to them. Therefore since they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they must destroy him using any means necessary, legal or illegal, ethical, or rotten ethics to the core. It doesn't matter. He must not be allowed to preside.

So far he has demonstrated strength like nobody I have ever seen. Anybody with any integrity has to admire how he keeps his composure and stands up against an onslaught of hateful hate and personal attacks from media, social media, message boards, and any other means of communications that I have never seen launched against ANY President. He gets maybe 10 to 30 seconds coverage of anything good that happens, if that, and hours/days of coverage of anything they can find or make up to criticize him on or accuse him of. He is one tough cookie. Honorable people have to admire that.

But yeah, he is no partisan, no ordinary politician, no ideologue, and he refuses to do things in any particular way just because they have always been done that way, most especially when the results have not been there doing it the old way. And he tells it like he sees it without first being poll tested and scripted as his predecessors mostly were.

Do I like everything about this man? No way. Who would? Do I agree with him on every point? Nope, I can't do that either. But can I admire what he offers the U.S.A. and respect him as an honorable and effective President of the United States who is doing some very good things? You bet I can.

Man....you got it good.
This is scary. If you guys were the majority...we'd have some real problems.

3,000 documented certified lies in 16 months.

You gotta laugh hard at these guys how they try to twist the facts! Certified by WHO? The people who want Trump out of office? Meantime, they never qualify that just one of Obama's lies to the nation, like who we can keep as a doctor or how much we will save with Obummacare, did more actual HARM to our nation than thousands of Trump's little white fibs.

And they never EVER will tell you the BIGGEST reason why they REALLY hate Trump! Because he is a


The main reason they hate Trump is because he beat Hillary. They knew she was an intolerable person with no actual game plan other than maintaining the miserable status quo, but she had the right letter after her name and that is all that matters to them. Therefore since they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they must destroy him using any means necessary, legal or illegal, ethical, or rotten ethics to the core. It doesn't matter. He must not be allowed to preside.

So far he has demonstrated strength like nobody I have ever seen. Anybody with any integrity has to admire how he keeps his composure and stands up against an onslaught of hateful hate and personal attacks from media, social media, message boards, and any other means of communications that I have never seen launched against ANY President. He gets maybe 10 to 30 seconds coverage of anything good that happens, if that, and hours/days of coverage of anything they can find or make up to criticize him on or accuse him of. He is one tough cookie. Honorable people have to admire that.

But yeah, he is no partisan, no ordinary politician, no ideologue, and he refuses to do things in any particular way just because they have always been done that way, most especially when the results have not been there doing it the old way. And he tells it like he sees it without first being poll tested and scripted as his predecessors mostly were.

Do I like everything about this man? No way. Who would? Do I agree with him on every point? Nope, I can't do that either. But can I admire what he offers the U.S.A. and respect him as an honorable and effective President of the United States who is doing some very good things? You bet I can.

A "proud" but clueless Trump Cult Member......LOL

on a failed Obama agenda that Hillary offered or the wide open borders

Don't mean to interfere with you damn IGNORANCE, but.....

Donald Trump is deporting fewer people than Barack Obama did ...

Well let's consider 'my damn ignorance':

Despite the overall removals drop, more people who already lived in the United States were deported in fiscal year 2017 compared with 2016.

"The president made it clear in his executive orders: There’s no population off the table," ICE acting director Thomas Homan said on Dec. 5. "If you’re in this country illegally, we’re looking for you and we’re going to look to apprehend you."

Homan attributed the overall decline in deportations to a border that’s "under better control." There were fewer southwest border apprehensions in fiscal year 2017 than in 2016, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Do numbers back Trump's deportation rhetoric? Take a look

You see, when a better effort is made to keep people from crossing illegally in the first place, there are fewer people to catch and deport.

What is happening is that we are seeing a decrease in illegals who are already here.
I won't hold my breath waiting for an acknowledgment of the facts and an apology from you. Do have a pleasant day.

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