I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

Doesn't really matter since he cannot take money from the recently pass budget and place into general fund which he would be doing. He should have taken that $25 billion congress offered.
:umno: You've been refuted 100 times in this thread. The peril of coming in late. :rolleyes:
Doesn't really matter since he cannot take money from the recently pass budget and place into general fund which he would be doing. He should have taken that $25 billion congress offered.
:umno: You've been refuted 100 times in this thread. The peril of coming in late. :rolleyes:

You posting your “alternative facts”, aka “bullshit”, is not refuting the the responses in this thread. Endless repetition of your bullshit answers doesn’t make them any more valid.

Trump cannot use money from the appropriation for the Defence Department to build the wall. Period. End of story.

Illegal immigration is not an “invasion”. You have Homeland Security and ICE to deal with illegal immigration. Each has their own budget.

I realize you snowflakes are all excited about illegal immigration but it’s a phony problem. There are better and cheaper ways to deal with it - go after the employers.
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.
Wrong. Fail.
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You get your information from twitter?
I guess it would have to be better than the Gateway Pundit.

What are you worried about funding for the wall?
Isn’t Mexico paying for it?
Ha ha ha ha
Stupid schmuck!
Why are you yelling at a Canadian? Fucking weirdo.
Trump will try and do anything shady....including outlandish shady ideas!

"The best managers have the highest turnover!"

See what I mean. :113:
Dumbfuck, it's the Department of Homeland Security that would manage construction of the wall, should it be built, not the Department of Defense. I know you're senile, but how many times does this need to be explained to you?
LOL. Oh boy that was a really tough one, there. Oh gosh.

I guess you know who the head of the DHS is, right ? LOL. This is too funny. And besides, It can be chosen which department will do it. And can you guess whose choice that is ? .........


The choice is Congress'. They're the ones who are Constitutionally tasked with maintaining the military. If Trump tries to use the Department of Defenses' budget to pay for the wall after Congress budgeted that money for the military, they can impeach him for misappropriating funds since that money was earmarked in the Department of Homeland Security's budget.
Doesn't really matter since he cannot take money from the recently pass budget and place into general fund which he would be doing. He should have taken that $25 billion congress offered.
:umno: You've been refuted 100 times in this thread. The peril of coming in late. :rolleyes:

You posting your “alternative facts”, aka “bullshit”, is not refuting the the responses in this thread. Endless repetition of your bullshit answers doesn’t make them any more valid.

Trump cannot use money from the appropriation for the Defence Department to build the wall. Period. End of story.

Illegal immigration is not an “invasion”. You have Homeland Security and ICE to deal with illegal immigration. Each has their own budget.

I realize you snowflakes are all excited about illegal immigration but it’s a phony problem. There are better and cheaper ways to deal with it - go after the employers.

But America's International Borders are an entirely different matter.

The President is the CIC and it is his responsibility to defend our International

Do not confuse the lawbreakers with the Border.

Border Patrol, ICE and Homeland Security are used vs civilian illegal
immigrants, but the military can be used also.

That Border is for ICE, Border Patrol, State Secuirty, Homeland Security
and the defense of the American Homeland. (American Military)

Yes...Mod edit from Latin America can cross our borders illegally, but so can
troops from Latin America or South American nations. The CIC makes the call and replies with the proper force.
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You posting your “alternative facts”, aka “bullshit”, is not refuting the the responses in this thread. Endless repetition of your bullshit answers doesn’t make them any more valid.

Trump cannot use money from the appropriation for the Defence Department to build the wall. Period. End of story.

Illegal immigration is not an “invasion”. You have Homeland Security and ICE to deal with illegal immigration. Each has their own budget.

I realize you snowflakes are all excited about illegal immigration but it’s a phony problem. There are better and cheaper ways to deal with it - go after the employers.
You were refuted long before you came into the thread. What you say can't be done, has been done by US presidents since Eisenhower did in 1957, in the Little Rock, Arkansas fiasco. Read the thread before posting.

As for the employers, they're already doing that. That doesn't mean you don't take other actions too.
So are there any guesses as to when the Engineers Corps will start erecting the wall ?

Next week ? 2 weeks ? A month ?
But America's International Borders are an entirely different matter.

The President is the CIC and it is his responsibility to defend our International

Do not confuse the lawbreakers with the Border.

Border Patrol, ICE and Homeland Security are used vs civilian illegal
immigrants, but the military can be used also.

That Border is for ICE, Border Patrol, State Secuirty, Homeland Security
and the defense of the American Homeland. (American Military)

Yes...Spics from Latin America can cross our borders illegally, but so can
troops from Latin America or South American nations. The CIC makes the call and replies with the proper force.
You don't have to get nasty with ethnic profanities. Grow up.
So are there any guesses as to when the Engineers Corps will start erecting the wall ?

Next week ? 2 weeks ? A month ?
Never. The Army Corp of Engineers fall under the umbrella of the Department of Defense and they’ve not received any funding for such a task.
Never. The Army Corp of Engineers fall under the umbrella of the Department of Defense and they’ve not received any funding for such a task.
Excuse me > Did you think that the Army Corps of Engineers - which I was a member of (Combat Construction Specialist 5th class), for 6 years, only does what somebody has designated to them in advance ?

You know nothing - the Corps constructs things, demolishes other things, clears woodlands, build roads and airfields, etc, and often does these on the spur of the moment, in reaction to storms other natural disasters. There is no set schedule or special funding.
The grunts go to work
when a call comes in, from orders which can come at any time from high rank officials, . And there is none higher than the POTUS.

Sounds like you've been listening to the know-nothings at MSNBC and CNN, who make a living by pretending they know about this stuff.


And you still haven't shucked that ludicrous, LIE ad. You're a sad case.
Never. The Army Corp of Engineers fall under the umbrella of the Department of Defense and they’ve not received any funding for such a task.
Excuse me > Did you think that the Army Corps of Engineers - which I was a member of (Combat Construction Specialist 5th class), for 6 years, only does what somebody has designated to them in advance ?

You know nothing - the Corps constructs things, demolishes other things, clears woodlands, build roads and airfields, etc, and often does these on the spur of the moment, in reaction to storms other natural disasters. There is no set schedule or special funding.
The grunts go to work
when a call comes in, from orders which can come at any time from high rank officials, . And there is none higher than the POTUS.

Sounds like you've been listening to the know-nothings at MSNBC and CNN, who make a living by pretending they know about this stuff.


And you still haven't shucked that ludicrous, LIE ad. You're a sad case.

We saw that when you posted an image of the Army Corps of Engineers erecting a border wall -- which turned out to be you lying as it was actually a flood wall.

You clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about, gramps. have some more Geritol and call it a night.
riiiight. We saw that when you posted an image of the Army Corps of Engineers erecting a border wall -- which turned out to be you lying as it was actually a flood wall.

You clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about, gramps. have some more Geritol and call it a night.
DODGE! You just got ripped by somebody with first hand experience, and I'll send my Army discharge papers to USMB administration, if necessary, to shut your lying BS mouth.

And you shouldn't be mouthing off bigotry (age). Don't ever call anyone a bigot again, you hypocrite. As for the flood wall pictures, they served their purpose of showing what the Corps can do (a wall there, a wall anywhere), and the pictures continue to function, right now.

PS- your signature video is also a LIE, and you have no excuse. You were informed about it.
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?

Money is appropriated by congress for specific reasons. You can't take out of one bucket to put in another without congressional approval FIRST. Besides that--- Mexico was supposed to pay for Trump's worthless piece of shit WALL, not us.

No one wants the wall. They don't work. In this 3 minute video it will discuss the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone, and know there's more they haven't found.

They're not only expert climbers, they're also great with tunnels---:auiqs.jpg:


Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Anything they can see, can and will ALWAYS be compromised. Something they can't see won't even be attempted. A 1000 mile wall is going to produce a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

How could anyone be stupid enough to believe a wall would work along the southern border?

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Pos·se Com·i·ta·tus Act
ˌpäsē ˌkämiˈtādəs ˌakt/
  1. a federal statute prohibiting use of the military in civilian law enforcement.
Dumb Ass trump probably has never heard of it.

You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

The Insurrection Act does not apply. That would turn Trump into a dictator and he should definitely be impeached.

Wrong again...The Insurrection Act DOES apply if your President says it does.
You and wetback lovers don’t get to make that call.

He is not my President. Go ahead and try it and see how that goes over.

Who is your President?

He is President however I will not slander the word by connecting the two. Same with Obama.

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