I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

It won't go up from funds from the Department of Defense.

Nor will it go up from funds from Mexico.

You've been duped because you are a dupe.

Keep watching. I'll revisit these posts when the wall starts going up (next week ?)

you've gone full retard, i see.

when the wall doesn't get built, you'll know how right you are.
I'm kind of wondering what 's possessing you anti-wallers here. Do you think you're going to stop the wall, by saying it "doesn't get built," ? You got some kind of black magic ? You think ?

And why would you WANT to stop the WALL ? You like have foreigners busting in here and stealing $138 Billion of the country's wealth ?

If so, how about if I come over, and remove just a small fraction of that wealth from
your house ? You like that, right ?

your numbers, like your wall are bullshit.
it's a waste of fucking money, dipshit.
First of all, there ISN'T any money. Whole thing will be reimbursed from Mexican remittances$$ and/or anchor baby welfare. Even if it did cost something, they're saying $25 Billion, one time cost. We lose $28 Billion/year in remittances to Mexico alone. $133 Billion/year total (that's EVERY YEAR)

And that's just part of it. There's also all the US tax $$ we lose from illegal alien employment, welfare to illegals, incarceration of them, school $$ lost, hospital ER $$ lost, scarce resources con$umed, etc etc

Best investment we ever made.

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it's a waste of fucking money, dipshit.
First of all, there ISN'T any money. Whole thing will be reimbursed from Mexican remittances$$ and/or anchor baby welfare. Even if it did cost something, they're saying $25 Billion, one time cost. We lose $28 Billion/year in remittances to Mexico alone. $133 Billion/year total (that's EVERY YEAR)

And that's just part of it. There's also all the US tax $$ we lose from illegal alien employment, welfare to illegals, incarceration of them, school $$ lost, hospital ER $$ lost, scarce resources con$umed, etc etc

never gonna happen and your numbers are still bullshit
it's a waste of fucking money, dipshit.
First of all, there ISN'T any money. Whole thing will be reimbursed from Mexican remittances$$ and/or anchor baby welfare. Even if it did cost something, they're saying $25 Billion, one time cost. We lose $28 Billion/year in remittances to Mexico alone. $133 Billion/year total (that's EVERY YEAR)

And that's just part of it. There's also all the US tax $$ we lose from illegal alien employment, welfare to illegals, incarceration of them, school $$ lost, hospital ER $$ lost, scarce resources con$umed, etc etc

A renegotiated NAFTA creates 71 Bill in savings right there.
it's a waste of fucking money, dipshit.
First of all, there ISN'T any money. Whole thing will be reimbursed from Mexican remittances$$ and/or anchor baby welfare. Even if it did cost something, they're saying $25 Billion, one time cost. We lose $28 Billion/year in remittances to Mexico alone. $133 Billion/year total (that's EVERY YEAR)

And that's just part of it. There's also all the US tax $$ we lose from illegal alien employment, welfare to illegals, incarceration of them, school $$ lost, hospital ER $$ lost, scarce resources con$umed, etc etc

A renegotiated NAFTA creates 71 Bill in savings right there.

sure it does

and mexico will pay for the wall, and sunday the easter bunny is coming

woo hoo!

You’re making a complete fool of your fooolish self bud. Clearly you don’t know the law.
You might want to read the Posse Comitatus Act once again....I think you’ve chosen to steer the act to fit your false narrative. You see, the National Guard isn't like the other military branches....the POTUS can use and deploy the Guard almost at will for almost ANY reason he deems necessary.
THINK ONCE FOOL and stop fucking yourself in public
He can federalize them and/or use federal troops, under the Insurrection Act, as Eisenhower did in 1957, in Little Rock, Arkansas.
We have 12-50 million illegal human cockroaches...they have dropped tens of millions of silver tooth money trees in our laps for us to fund.
I’m curious...how do you define an invasion?
Interesting question. I might guess that leftists call it termites coming around, and stop at that.
You’re making a complete fool of your fooolish self bud. Clearly you don’t know the law.
You might want to read the Posse Comitatus Act once again....I think you’ve chosen to steer the act to fit your false narrative. You see, the National Guard isn't like the other military branches....the POTUS can use and deploy the Guard almost at will for almost ANY reason he deems necessary.
THINK ONCE FOOL and stop fucking yourself in public
He can federalize them and/or use federal troops, under the Insurrection Act, as Eisenhower did in 1957, in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Yet there is no insurrection or rebellion ..
You’re making a complete fool of your fooolish self bud. Clearly you don’t know the law.
You might want to read the Posse Comitatus Act once again....I think you’ve chosen to steer the act to fit your false narrative. You see, the National Guard isn't like the other military branches....the POTUS can use and deploy the Guard almost at will for almost ANY reason he deems necessary.
THINK ONCE FOOL and stop fucking yourself in public
He can federalize them and/or use federal troops, under the Insurrection Act, as Eisenhower did in 1957, in Little Rock, Arkansas.
The Nasty Guard was federalist in the 1950's by Eisenhower.....
Money can ONLY be spent for the purpose it was allocated. If Obama did that very thing, he was wrong. Trump would be just as wrong to mis-appropriate funds for that purpose.
What "mis-appropriate" ? Money is in Dept of Defense. Wall is for Defense.

Hey, have you seen what DOD defense has gotten spent on before this ? How about transgender operations for looney troops ?

Or "researching the effects of pollution and global warming on lake Tanganyika in Tanzania, Africa" ? Oh wait, that's already been done with Department of Defense Dollars by, wait for it .....Obozo.

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