I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

Youā€™re making a complete fool of your fooolish self bud. Clearly you donā€™t know the law.
You might want to read the Posse Comitatus Act once again....I think youā€™ve chosen to steer the act to fit your false narrative. You see, the National Guard isn't like the other military branches....the POTUS can use and deploy the Guard almost at will for almost ANY reason he deems necessary.
THINK ONCE FOOL and stop fucking yourself in public

It's unbelievably idiotic that the military isn't responsible for securing our borders, even for a leftist. They really do see whatever politicians tell them to see

Ignorance truly is bliss for scared, foolish LefTards.

My brother and I joke about how we should become Democrats so we don't have to do so much work thinking

How would that be any different than you are now?


Kaz: Here you go, rimshot

Gator: Here you go, rimshot

wow, I'd say that's a new one, but wow, it isn't. Can you come up with your own material ever or is duh, dar, I'm going to repeat back to me what you said to me really all you have?

It's unbelievably idiotic that the military isn't responsible for securing our borders, even for a leftist. They really do see whatever politicians tell them to see

Ignorance truly is bliss for scared, foolish LefTards.

My brother and I joke about how we should become Democrats so we don't have to do so much work thinking

How would that be any different than you are now?


Kaz: Here you go, rimshot

Gator: Here you go, rimshot

wow, I'd say that's a new one, but wow, it isn't. Can you come up with your own material ever or is duh, dar, I'm going to repeat back to me what you said to me really all you have?


You're the one who can only come up with the playground retort, no you are!
PosĀ·se ComĀ·iĀ·taĀ·tus Act
ĖŒpƤsē ĖŒkƤmiĖˆtādəs ĖŒakt/
  1. a federal statute prohibiting use of the military in civilian law enforcement.
Dumb Ass trump probably has never heard of it.

You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

The Insurrection Act does not apply. That would turn Trump into a dictator and he should definitely be impeached.

Wrong again...The Insurrection Act DOES apply if your President says it does.
You and wetback lovers donā€™t get to make that call.

He is not my President. Go ahead and try it and see how that goes over.

Who is your President?
PosĀ·se ComĀ·iĀ·taĀ·tus Act
ĖŒpƤsē ĖŒkƤmiĖˆtādəs ĖŒakt/
  1. a federal statute prohibiting use of the military in civilian law enforcement.
Dumb Ass trump probably has never heard of it.

You might want to enlighten yourself a bit more there scholar.
Start with this......The Insurrection Act:
The Insurrection Act represents what is considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.

The Insurrection Act does not apply. That would turn Trump into a dictator and he should definitely be impeached.

Wrong again...The Insurrection Act DOES apply if your President says it does.
You and wetback lovers donā€™t get to make that call.

He is not my President. Go ahead and try it and see how that goes over.
The Electoral College proclaimed our Chief Magistrate of the Union.
it would require an act of congress for him to get that money and despite the assertions of our feeble minded brethren, that isn't in the cards.

to get it out of the 2019 budget, he'd have to submit a budget amendment requiring 60 votes in the senate.

i think the repubs are going to get hosed this cycle anyway.
POTUS doesn't have to get act of congress to spend Defense money for a Defense project.
The military cannot enforce civilian law. The Posse Comitatus Act prevents that. If e Mexican or Canadian Army crossed our border then the military could act.
There are state militaries, which can be deployed by the POTUS or governors. Also, the POTUS can invoke the Insurrection Act, to use US federal troops to act inside US borders.

Example >>
President Eisenhowerā€™s use of federal troops from the 101st Airborne to enforce the desegregation of Little Rock schools over the active opposition of Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus. Faubus called out the Arkansas National Guard; Eisenhower issued an order placing the Guard under federal control, and then sent in approximately 1,000 federal troops.

Eisenhowerā€™s authority for this was the Insurrection Act, a federal statute that authorizes the president to use federal forces to execute the law. Normally, this is done at the request of a stateā€™s governor. However, if the governor fails to make such a request, the president can still invoke the Insurrection Act.

176th Engineer Brigade - Texas Military Department

New Mexico National Guard - Wikipedia

253rd Engineer Battalion | Department of Emergency and Military Affairs

Army National Guard activates its first brigade engineer battalion > National Guard > Article View
You need to read your links. One of them has this addendum.

"Pentagon and White House officials told the Post that Trumpā€™s idea is unlikely to come to fruition, as it would require approval from an unsympathetic Congress."
Pentagon and White House officials aren't in charge. Donald Trump is.
That is because he is a conman extraordinaire and at buying people off. In other words being part of the swamp.

The military is not going to pay for it without Congressional approval. If that was his plan, he is going to get a real surprise. The Federal Government is governed by the Constitution and laws. Trump cannot override them and do what he wants.
Trump is perfectly OK with the Constitution and laws, to use Army Corps of Engineers of 4 state National Guards, and/or US Army Corps of Engineers. They are under HIS command, not the Congress. :biggrin:
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress and the Senate.

He canā€™t divert funds appropriated for the military and use them for his wall without an amendment to the omnibus bill, passed by 60 votes in the Senate.
FALSE! Did Eisenhower need all this to federalize Arkansas National Guard + send 1000 US troops to Little Rock , in 1957 ? Answer: NO. Get real.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress and the Senate.

He canā€™t divert funds appropriated for the military and use them for his wall without an amendment to the omnibus bill, passed by 60 votes in the Senate.
FALSE! Did Eisenhower need all this to federalize Arkansas National Guard + send 1000 US troops to Little Rock , in 1957 ? Answer: NO. Get real.

you've gone full retard, i see.

when the wall doesn't get built, you'll know how right you are.
How many more times?....the Military spending is clearly marked "discretionary"....look up the word.
That's not what discretionary and mandatory mean. Discretionary just means congress may, or may not, pass a bill to spend x dollars on x in a given year ... or over several years. Defense spending comes in there. Congress passed the omnibus spending bill funding a pay increase and various ships, aircraft, vehicles, and military operations in various places around the world. Congress didn't have to do that, but it did.

Here's What the Military Gets in $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill

There's also spending on entitlement programs, like soc sec medicare Medicaid etc. That is mandated spending because congress passed laws, and potuses signed them, in years past that set out criteria for individuals to be eligible for govt largesse, and anyone meeting the criteria has to get the largesse or they can sue to force the gummit to pay. Mandatory spending and interest on the debt are non-negotiable, unless congress votes to change entitlement programs or we default on the debt

The legality, or illegality, of Trump's latest tweets about spending military spending for his wall comes down to he cannot unilaterally decide to not spend money allocated to a specific provision now that he signed the bill and made a law. That is, he can't decide to not make the new aircraft carrier and spend the money on the wall.

On the other hand, the Army Corp of Engineers is funded and it's missions are not specifically set forth in the law. The executive branch controls how troops are deployed. Although, if we didn't have enough Army engineers in Syria.... it wouldn't be as good.

If Trump builds the wall with discretionary military spending, the Democrats will have a hard time stopping that. Obama repeatedly ignored spending rules as well as executive privledge rules and Republicans couldn't stop him
Yeah, Trump is not powerless to direct some military spending. He'll be sued if he starts buying steel and concrete with money not allocated to steel and concrete, but most likely there's steel and concrete money in there. He cannot decide to not buy some airplanes though.

True, but we're talking $20 billion out of almost $800 billion, I think the other $780 can buy some airplanes
We'll see. He's generally all hot air and flip flops. LEGALLY, I think he can probably use military engineers to do some stuff, but he'll be limited. And using combat troops to build shit ... not likely. And even then, there are ownership of land, environmental regulations ........ I think the 1.5 billion or whatever is about all that physically can be spent in a year.

The Army Corp of Engineers can build it.
Dumbfuck, it's the Department of Homeland Security that would manage construction of the wall, should it be built, not the Department of Defense. I know you're senile, but how many times does this need to be explained to you?
LOL. Oh boy that was a really tough one, there. Oh gosh.

I guess you know who the head of the DHS is, right ? LOL. This is too funny. And besides, It can be chosen which department will do it. And can you guess whose choice that is ? .........

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you've gone full retard, i see.

when the wall doesn't get built, you'll know how right you are.
I'm kind of wondering what 's possessing you anti-wallers here. Do you think you're going to stop the wall, by saying it "doesn't get built," ? You got some kind of black magic ? You think ?

And why would you WANT to stop the WALL ? You like have foreigners busting in here and stealing $138 Billion of the country's wealth ?

If so, how about if I come over, and remove just a small fraction of that wealth from
your house ? You like that, right ?

He cannot use DOD money without Congressional approval. That would require 60 votes in the Senate.
FALSE! POTUS is C in C of the DOD, not the congress. Nice try.

Keep explaining to these idiots.

In your examples you omitted JFK, federalizing the Alabama National Guard, to
keep Wallace from using them to protect him.

The POTUS could declare a state of National Emergency on our
Southern Border and federalize National Guardsmen along with deploying
troops from America's 3rd Corps at Fort Hood to defend our borders.

It's all part of his job description as C I C.

He can also use members of the Signal Corps to build that wall and that would cut the labor cost in half. Those companies wouldn't like it, but it
could be down. All of a sudden he's building it for 15 billion and saving 10 billion. Military expenses would still get 685 billion, out of the 700 billion

The important item would be...The wall would be in the progress of being built. Thus the actual hit on military planning would not be all 15 bill at one time and there is nothing the dems can do. When we renegotiate in September, if they screw around with the Military, we end Planned Parenthood and that other crap the dems want.

But the building of the wall is of paramount importance. The dems have sworn to their base that the wll won't be built or begun. It's gonna up baby.
And they'll have to eat crow in front of their base.

Long Live The Donald

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