Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

Ding ding ding!

Innocent people are not killed in droves by gangs. Gangs kill other gangs.

Mass shooters, on the other hand, seek out innocent victims in crowded places like schools, movie theaters, and restaurants.

Yes...they look for Gun Free Zones forced on us by left wing, anti gunners......where the law abiding people are unable to defend themselves.

I guess Liberals forced Gun Shows to be gun free? Why are Gun Shows Gun Free Zones? Almost sounds like an oxymoron.

And how many mass shootings happen at gun shows?
Funny stuff, in rural areas of the country where firearms out number people many, many times over violent crime is almost unheard of… Fact

Firearms do not make people commit crimes, they can do that just fine all on their own.

Most violent crimes happen in cities. You speak of places that don't have big cities.
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime, criminal control not gun control. Jack weed
Knives kill far more people than all rifle types combined....every single year.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....









After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 5,000,000 AR-15s in private hands.........

5,000,000 legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

..knife murders.....2009-2013.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

2015...Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

murder by knife......

2015 ---1,544

Rifle murder....


So the Orlando killer could have used a knife? Really?
Or a bomb

you love them, the other citizens who make money love them, the cops who are padding their stats love them, and the lives are being saved by each gun being turned in love them..
so.... what's the issue?

The guns that I have seen turned in for these little buyback PR stunts are worthless pieces of junk for the most part.

Do you know that the police usually pick out the few good firearms and then sell them at auction?

the new trend is for law abiding 2nd amendment lovers

to stand outside the place where the "gun buy back" program is happening

and buy firearms directly before they turn it in

I belong to a fairly large gun club and the police and county sheriff deputies do a lot of training at the range. We know these guys pretty well.

Whenever there is a buyback program the police will make the better guns available to club members at an auction. However, the great majority of the firearms that are turned in are junk that nobody wants. It is really a joke. It is mostly done for PR purposes. Contrary to what these stupid and naive Libtards think it does nothing of substance to take guns out of the hands of criminals. Poor waste of taxpayer's money.

Poor waste of taxpayer's money.

most if not all liberal polices are a waste of tax payer money
A big concern is young people getting ahold of guns . And idiot 20 year old is going to be a trigger happy asshole.

Street guns are too cheap. Gun registration makes straw purchases harder to do , which drives up black market prices . Hopefully pricing out youngsters looking for a gun.
Quit falling down the well

Most if not all firearms used to commit violent crime Are stolen... straw purchases is a strawman. No facts behind it. shit for brains

"Stolen". Lol! You believe that . Funny how these gun owners who have guns to prevent being robbed , are then being robbed of their gun!!?

They sell them and then claim they are stolen .
Knives kill far more people than all rifle types combined....every single year.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....









After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 5,000,000 AR-15s in private hands.........

5,000,000 legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

..knife murders.....2009-2013.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

2015...Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

murder by knife......

2015 ---1,544

Rifle murder....


So the Orlando killer could have used a knife? Really?

He could have used a truck and killed more people.....

Orlando, 49 unarmed people in a gun free zone.

Nice... 89 people and 435 injured.....

As truck attacks become more widely used we may see a decline in mass shootings.......numbers count for those crazies...and you can steal a truck pretty easily...or just fucking rent one...

Trucks are harder to get and barriers can easily be added to events for defense.

Back to crime.

So we should increase funding for planned parenthood and education? Give poor kids more opportunity?

Why would killing more babies be a good teaches people that murder is an okay solution if you don't want to be inconvenienced.....

Yes...poor kids should have more opportunity, cut taxes so more businesses can create more jobs, give the poor school vouchers so they can get a good education for their children, increase spending on police to keep them safe, lock up violent criminals for 30 years....

That would be a good start.
A big concern is young people getting ahold of guns . And idiot 20 year old is going to be a trigger happy asshole.

Street guns are too cheap. Gun registration makes straw purchases harder to do , which drives up black market prices . Hopefully pricing out youngsters looking for a gun.
Quit falling down the well

Most if not all firearms used to commit violent crime Are stolen... straw purchases is a strawman. No facts behind it. shit for brains

"Stolen". Lol! You believe that . Funny how these gun owners who have guns to prevent being robbed , are then being robbed of their gun!!?

They sell them and then claim they are stolen .

Moron....they take the guns from the homes when the gun owners go out...or from cars when the owner has to take the gun off because morons like you have made so many public places gun free zones.....
Knives kill far more people than all rifle types combined....every single year.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....









After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 5,000,000 AR-15s in private hands.........

5,000,000 legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

..knife murders.....2009-2013.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

2015...Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

murder by knife......

2015 ---1,544

Rifle murder....


So the Orlando killer could have used a knife? Really?

He could have used a truck and killed more people.....

Orlando, 49 unarmed people in a gun free zone.

Nice... 89 people and 435 injured.....

As truck attacks become more widely used we may see a decline in mass shootings.......numbers count for those crazies...and you can steal a truck pretty easily...or just fucking rent one...

Trucks are harder to get and barriers can easily be added to events for defense.

Back to crime.

So we should increase funding for planned parenthood and education? Give poor kids more opportunity?

How exactly are trucks harder to get, moron? You can rent a big truck at U-haul any day of the week.....
Knives kill far more people than all rifle types combined....every single year.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....









After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 5,000,000 AR-15s in private hands.........

5,000,000 legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

..knife murders.....2009-2013.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

2015...Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

murder by knife......

2015 ---1,544

Rifle murder....


So the Orlando killer could have used a knife? Really?

He could have used a truck and killed more people.....

Orlando, 49 unarmed people in a gun free zone.

Nice... 89 people and 435 injured.....

As truck attacks become more widely used we may see a decline in mass shootings.......numbers count for those crazies...and you can steal a truck pretty easily...or just fucking rent one...

Trucks are harder to get and barriers can easily be added to events for defense.

Back to crime.

So we should increase funding for planned parenthood and education? Give poor kids more opportunity?

Why would killing more babies be a good teaches people that murder is an okay solution if you don't want to be inconvenienced.....

Yes...poor kids should have more opportunity, cut taxes so more businesses can create more jobs, give the poor school vouchers so they can get a good education for their children, increase spending on police to keep them safe, lock up violent criminals for 30 years....

That would be a good start.

Birth control isn't killing babies. It seems like babies are often abused and die. That is probably more likely to happen with unwanted babies. You said too many babies and unwed mothers is he problem. Planned parenthood seems perfect for the problem.

Milwaukee has the oldest and largest voucher program and lots of poverty. That ones a loser. Previous tax cuts have only helped the rich.
A big concern is young people getting ahold of guns . And idiot 20 year old is going to be a trigger happy asshole.

Street guns are too cheap. Gun registration makes straw purchases harder to do , which drives up black market prices . Hopefully pricing out youngsters looking for a gun.
Quit falling down the well

Most if not all firearms used to commit violent crime Are stolen... straw purchases is a strawman. No facts behind it. shit for brains

"Stolen". Lol! You believe that . Funny how these gun owners who have guns to prevent being robbed , are then being robbed of their gun!!?

They sell them and then claim they are stolen .

Moron....they take the guns from the homes when the gun owners go out...or from cars when the owner has to take the gun off because morons like you have made so many public places gun free zones.....

They do a great job of arming criminals.
A big concern is young people getting ahold of guns . And idiot 20 year old is going to be a trigger happy asshole.

Street guns are too cheap. Gun registration makes straw purchases harder to do , which drives up black market prices . Hopefully pricing out youngsters looking for a gun.
Quit falling down the well

Most if not all firearms used to commit violent crime Are stolen... straw purchases is a strawman. No facts behind it. shit for brains

"Stolen". Lol! You believe that . Funny how these gun owners who have guns to prevent being robbed , are then being robbed of their gun!!?

They sell them and then claim they are stolen .

Moron....they take the guns from the homes when the gun owners go out...or from cars when the owner has to take the gun off because morons like you have made so many public places gun free zones.....

More like morons who can't secure their guns properly.
A big concern is young people getting ahold of guns . And idiot 20 year old is going to be a trigger happy asshole.

Street guns are too cheap. Gun registration makes straw purchases harder to do , which drives up black market prices . Hopefully pricing out youngsters looking for a gun.
Quit falling down the well

Most if not all firearms used to commit violent crime Are stolen... straw purchases is a strawman. No facts behind it. shit for brains

"Stolen". Lol! You believe that . Funny how these gun owners who have guns to prevent being robbed , are then being robbed of their gun!!?

They sell them and then claim they are stolen .
Quit falling down the well

They are stolen from other criminals… Dip shit
Knives kill far more people than all rifle types combined....every single year.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....









After the assault ban was lifted in a country of over 320 million people with 90 million homes with guns

And over 5,000,000 AR-15s in private hands.........

5,000,000 legal AR-15s....less than 285 murders and we don't have the actual number for just AR-15s

..knife murders.....2009-2013.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

2015...Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

murder by knife......

2015 ---1,544

Rifle murder....


So the Orlando killer could have used a knife? Really?

He could have used a truck and killed more people.....

Orlando, 49 unarmed people in a gun free zone.

Nice... 89 people and 435 injured.....

As truck attacks become more widely used we may see a decline in mass shootings.......numbers count for those crazies...and you can steal a truck pretty easily...or just fucking rent one...

Trucks are harder to get and barriers can easily be added to events for defense.

Back to crime.

So we should increase funding for planned parenthood and education? Give poor kids more opportunity?

Why would killing more babies be a good teaches people that murder is an okay solution if you don't want to be inconvenienced.....

Yes...poor kids should have more opportunity, cut taxes so more businesses can create more jobs, give the poor school vouchers so they can get a good education for their children, increase spending on police to keep them safe, lock up violent criminals for 30 years....

That would be a good start.

Birth control isn't killing babies. It seems like babies are often abused and die. That is probably more likely to happen with unwanted babies. You said too many babies and unwed mothers is he problem. Planned parenthood seems perfect for the problem.

Milwaukee has the oldest and largest voucher program and lots of poverty. That ones a loser. Previous tax cuts have only helped the rich.
Planned Parenthood are incompetent baby butchers at best…
Firearms have never been the problem, people kill people not firearms…
Right but people who are facing criminals who are not armed with a gun have a better chance of fighting off their attacker.. it's keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. That's the goal.

Not generally.

Criminals, being the bad guys, won't start trouble unless they have a clear advantage in size, numbers or weapons.

Thus, if it looks like they might lose, then nothing happens.

THe only way to give the victim a hidden advantage is to allow them to conceal a weapon.

By having a gun the crimInal has an advantage. The easy availability of guns empowers criminals. They can now victimize people they otherwise would not.

THe criminal will ALWAYS have the advantage or he does not commit the crime. If he does not have a gun, he will get accomplishes or target an elderly person, or a small woman.

The victim having a hidden weapon is the ONLY way to introduce an advantage for the victim.
Same reason I laugh when someone brings up owning a nuke

Armament and ordinance, not arms, involved
Ffs. What a maroon.

Arms Collins English Dictionary
plural noun1.
weapons collectively​

Another worthy point. According to the 2A I should be able to own nukes. As well as tanks, planes, more conventional missiles or anything at all whether already invented or in the future. I should have the right to have frickin' laser beams embedded in my head. Death rays.

There's prolly not a lot of support for personal nukes, planes, tanks, etc even if they were affordable. Somehow the fundies back down at that point. So in effect we're talking a matter of degree. Somewhere between a nuke and a musket. Or to quote the punchline of an old joke, "we've already established that --- now we're just haggling over the price".
damn right you should. We should have whatever the military has.
But nukes shouldn't be a thing anyways. I wish nuclear weapons would disappear forever :/

Because you are so eager for WWIII?
Same reason I laugh when someone brings up owning a nuke

Armament and ordinance, not arms, involved
Ffs. What a maroon.

Arms Collins English Dictionary
plural noun1.
weapons collectively​

Another worthy point. According to the 2A I should be able to own nukes. As well as tanks, planes, more conventional missiles or anything at all whether already invented or in the future. I should have the right to have frickin' laser beams embedded in my head. Death rays.

There's prolly not a lot of support for personal nukes, planes, tanks, etc even if they were affordable. Somehow the fundies back down at that point. So in effect we're talking a matter of degree. Somewhere between a nuke and a musket. Or to quote the punchline of an old joke, "we've already established that --- now we're just haggling over the price".
damn right you should. We should have whatever the military has.
But nukes shouldn't be a thing anyways. I wish nuclear weapons would disappear forever :/

Because you are so eager for WWIII?
This is why I call you stupid, unk..
Same reason I laugh when someone brings up owning a nuke

Armament and ordinance, not arms, involved
Ffs. What a maroon.

Arms Collins English Dictionary
plural noun1.
weapons collectively​

Another worthy point. According to the 2A I should be able to own nukes. As well as tanks, planes, more conventional missiles or anything at all whether already invented or in the future. I should have the right to have frickin' laser beams embedded in my head. Death rays.

There's prolly not a lot of support for personal nukes, planes, tanks, etc even if they were affordable. Somehow the fundies back down at that point. So in effect we're talking a matter of degree. Somewhere between a nuke and a musket. Or to quote the punchline of an old joke, "we've already established that --- now we're just haggling over the price".
damn right you should. We should have whatever the military has.
But nukes shouldn't be a thing anyways. I wish nuclear weapons would disappear forever :/

Because you are so eager for WWIII?
This is why I call you stupid, unk..

Because you are so eager for WWIII? Why would you want such a thing?

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