I’m seeing an easy win for Trump in 2020

If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
Of course you are seeing "another easy win " like his landslide win the last time, LOL, you are one of his biggest bootlickers, LOL.

Who's your PRESIDENT now Dumb Ass?

That's RIGHT.....


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?:fu:

hillary is enjoying not being investigated from 14 different angles....
I had an interesting chat today with a woman I thought was a democrat. Not only did I learn she was a Trump supporter, her neighbor is a secret service agent!
She told me about him saying Trump was going to win after being involved with security at both rallies. He said hillary never had more than a couple of hundred supporters while Trump always had over 20 thousand! lol

trump won the EC by some 75K votes. hillary had the pop vote by millions. trump 'won' but it still chars his orange hued butt that he didn't get that pop vote nor the largest crowd size on installation day.
The lack of ability for the democrats to run a sensible candidate is dumbfounding. When Biden is the best you got, you know you’re in trouble.
Democrats have taken an incredible turn for the worst. It really is dumbfounding.
They will be reeping what they have sewn.

Any working American who see's their strategy of "hey let's intice the voter's" with taxpayers paying for all the free crap we are offering them, uhh will definitely have a huge negative affect on their campaigns, and anyone using race baiting tactics like dummy Joe is attempting to do right out of the gate, will have yet another huge negative affect on his campaign, and especially with the real working class American's in this country.

Don't sweat it America, because the working class are taxed to death, and they know the Demon-crats have been behind it all with their social engineering by way of taxes and the use of the government hammer to get the the job done for them.

Strip these traitors of their power, and things will only get better and better hopefully.

If anyone is tired of the bullcrap of the past, then 2020 is going to be very important for the working class voters. Trump 2020 !!! Again he is the best candidate against all the Demon-crat potentials when listening to them carry on the way that they do. Talk about out of touch.

' Any working American who see's their strategy of "hey let's intice the voter's" with taxpayers paying for all the free crap we are offering them '

lol - y'all just bent over & gave bigcorp a trillion dollars & you complain about 'obama' phones that was really saint ronny reagan's deal?

Have you ever had a poor man give you a job ??? When that happens "oh social engineer", and not with other people's money by way of forced taxation in the extreme, then you get back to me.

i know that trillion dollar rip off you are defending ended up with a 700+ billion dollar stock buyback.

but you go on with your delusions. btw... employment is up & that is good news, but wages for the most part still aren't...
Not sure where you work (if you work), but we are doing tremendously better than we were when the Obammy doom and gloom president for forced social change was in there. America had enough of that bullcrap, and they went with the message Trump had going instead. Like I said, when you find that poor person who can give you a job, then please get back to me. Spurring an economy comes in various forms, and Trump has had the right formula thus far. Incentives to hire and invest is always the right formula, but taxation for relaxation is always a failed strategy, and no longer should bums benefit off of the working classes hard working backs. Wonder when the desperate Demon-crats are gonna get that memo ??

Trying to shove victimhood down everyone's throat's is about to play out for the Demon-crat's or maybe it just did in the defeat of Hillary.

Sorry your party is the party of social engineering, and even more sorry that it has to be off of the working class back's instead of due to economic change for the betterment of all American's that want to do their best when opportunity presents itself in a fair and balanced way.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
Of course you are seeing "another easy win " like his landslide win the last time, LOL, you are one of his biggest bootlickers, LOL.

Who's your PRESIDENT now Dumb Ass?

That's RIGHT.....


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?:fu:

hillary is enjoying not being investigated from 14 different angles....
Yeah, the Demon-crats fixed that for her quite well didn't they ??
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
I think Biden has a chance. All them other nutjobs have a better chance at winning the lottery.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
Of course you are seeing "another easy win " like his landslide win the last time, LOL, you are one of his biggest bootlickers, LOL.

Who's your PRESIDENT now Dumb Ass?

That's RIGHT.....


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?:fu:

hillary is enjoying not being investigated from 14 different angles....

Yea I bet hillary is having a blast knowing she got away with destroying

30,000.00 emails under subpoena while bill was raking in millions from

the Russians for his speeches. I bet she thinks it’s pretty funny that

she sold 20% of Americas uranium to the Russians while at the same

time she bought and paid for the fake dossier supplied by the Russians

to try and frame Trump for what she was actually doing.

I bet her biggest laugh is the fact that the liberal media can so easily

fill your libtarded heads so full of shit so easily.

The puppet masters on the left know you Tards are a Jealous

Lazy Bunch that needs someone to blame all your shortcomings on

while they pay for your every need.....So even if you are smart enough

to know the truth, you overlook if for your own benefit.

The FACT is there is a new Sheriff in town named Donald J. Trump

with a bad ass deputy named Barr.......

He who laughs last laughs loudest....

Just ask obozo.

Drop the mic.............................
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Try getting some glasses. The fact is suburban voters especially women and well educated voters will abandon the GOP.
Socialism has zero appeal to rural fly over America...
I see what you see, but I'm from the old school of never ever underestimate your opponent. After all, that's what Hillary did, right?
No, Hitlery underestimated the American people. She figured so long as she had CA and NY locked up, as all dems do, she'd win. Well, the American people in the heartland sent her packing, and she didn't expect that. It wasn't so much Trump, it was her. She ran a shitty campaign because the old hag doesn't have any energy. She needs help to get up a 3 step flight of stairs.
President Trump has this election already won. He has lost NONE of the support he had in '16. In fact he has MORE now. The only way the dems could possibly stand a chance is if they CHEAT, and they're working FEVERISHLY on just that as we speak, dismantling the electoral college, registering illegal aliens and refugees to vote, wanting 16 year olds and convicted terrorists and murderers in prison to vote... the sociopath dems will stop at NOTHING to win. Law... what laws... laws are for SUCKERS is what dems figure. They are corrupt filth to the core, democrats are the party of TRASH.
I had an interesting chat today with a woman I thought was a democrat. Not only did I learn she was a Trump supporter, her neighbor is a secret service agent!
She told me about him saying Trump was going to win after being involved with security at both rallies. He said hillary never had more than a couple of hundred supporters while Trump always had over 20 thousand! lol

trump won the EC by some 75K votes. hillary had the pop vote by millions. trump 'won' but it still chars his orange hued butt that he didn't get that pop vote nor the largest crowd size on installation day.
This is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy… Thank God for electro college
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
Of course you are seeing "another easy win " like his landslide win the last time, LOL, you are one of his biggest bootlickers, LOL.

Who's your PRESIDENT now Dumb Ass?

That's RIGHT.....


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?:fu:

hillary is enjoying not being investigated from 14 different angles....

Yea I bet hillary is having a blast knowing she got away with destroying

30,000.00 emails under subpoena while bill was raking in millions from

the Russians for his speeches. I bet she thinks it’s pretty funny that

she sold 20% of Americas uranium to the Russians while at the same

time she bought and paid for the fake dossier supplied by the Russians

to try and frame Trump for what she was actually doing.

I bet her biggest laugh is the fact that the liberal media can so easily

fill your libtarded heads so full of shit so easily.

The puppet masters on the left know you Tards are a Jealous

Lazy Bunch that needs someone to blame all your shortcomings on

while they pay for your every need.....So even if you are smart enough

to know the truth, you overlook if for your own benefit.

The FACT is there is a new Sheriff in town named Donald J. Trump

with a bad ass deputy named Barr.......

He who laughs last laughs loudest....

Just ask obozo.

Drop the mic.............................
that uranium claim doesnt pass a fact check.

Fusion GPS paying for dossier is legal, because its opposition research. Some of the source of that dossier were anti-kremlin russians, like Skripal.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Try getting some glasses. The fact is suburban voters especially women and well educated voters will abandon the GOP.
Lol, the "educated" are calling for free college, paying off existing college loans, and letting terrorist vote. Sounds pretty uneducated to me.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
Of course you are seeing "another easy win " like his landslide win the last time, LOL, you are one of his biggest bootlickers, LOL.

Who's your PRESIDENT now Dumb Ass?

That's RIGHT.....


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?:fu:

hillary is enjoying not being investigated from 14 different angles....

Yea I bet hillary is having a blast knowing she got away with destroying

30,000.00 emails under subpoena while bill was raking in millions from

the Russians for his speeches. I bet she thinks it’s pretty funny that

she sold 20% of Americas uranium to the Russians while at the same

time she bought and paid for the fake dossier supplied by the Russians

to try and frame Trump for what she was actually doing.

I bet her biggest laugh is the fact that the liberal media can so easily

fill your libtarded heads so full of shit so easily.

The puppet masters on the left know you Tards are a Jealous

Lazy Bunch that needs someone to blame all your shortcomings on

while they pay for your every need.....So even if you are smart enough

to know the truth, you overlook if for your own benefit.

The FACT is there is a new Sheriff in town named Donald J. Trump

with a bad ass deputy named Barr.......

He who laughs last laughs loudest....

Just ask obozo.

Drop the mic.............................
that uranium claim doesnt pass a fact check.

Fusion GPS paying for dossier is legal, because its opposition research. Some of the source of that dossier were anti-kremlin russians, like Skripal.

You are full of Shit....
Of course you are seeing "another easy win " like his landslide win the last time, LOL, you are one of his biggest bootlickers, LOL.

Who's your PRESIDENT now Dumb Ass?

That's RIGHT.....


I wonder what hillary is doing tonight?:fu:

hillary is enjoying not being investigated from 14 different angles....

Yea I bet hillary is having a blast knowing she got away with destroying

30,000.00 emails under subpoena while bill was raking in millions from

the Russians for his speeches. I bet she thinks it’s pretty funny that

she sold 20% of Americas uranium to the Russians while at the same

time she bought and paid for the fake dossier supplied by the Russians

to try and frame Trump for what she was actually doing.

I bet her biggest laugh is the fact that the liberal media can so easily

fill your libtarded heads so full of shit so easily.

The puppet masters on the left know you Tards are a Jealous

Lazy Bunch that needs someone to blame all your shortcomings on

while they pay for your every need.....So even if you are smart enough

to know the truth, you overlook if for your own benefit.

The FACT is there is a new Sheriff in town named Donald J. Trump

with a bad ass deputy named Barr.......

He who laughs last laughs loudest....

Just ask obozo.

Drop the mic.............................
that uranium claim doesnt pass a fact check.

Fusion GPS paying for dossier is legal, because its opposition research. Some of the source of that dossier were anti-kremlin russians, like Skripal.

You are full of Shit....
ok, you dont like fact check or buzzfeed. I'm good with that.

Here is washington post: repeated incorrect claim about 20 percent uranium.

and on the russians helping Steele: Was This Russian General Murdered Over the Steele Dossier?
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Trump's approval is underwater

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Can he get reelected? Sure, but there will be nothing easy about it.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Trump's approval is underwater

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Can he get reelected? Sure, but there will be nothing easy about it.
All this country has to do is use it's common sense again, and Trump is in the house.

Anyone that works, and listens to the Demon-crats, uhh has a screw loose badly And anyone not seeing their ideas of using other people's hard earned money (basically to commit bribery), in order to get votes is a dam fool for sure.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
I think Biden has a chance. All them other nutjobs have a better chance at winning the lottery.
Biden just called Trump Hitler.

His campaign is already dead.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Try getting some glasses. The fact is suburban voters especially women and well educated voters will abandon the GOP.
Lol, the "educated" are calling for free college, paying off existing college loans, and letting terrorist vote. Sounds pretty uneducated to me.
If you only allowed people with 90+ IQs to vote Democrats would literally lose every single state.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.
I'm with you.

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