I’m seeing an easy win for Trump in 2020

At first democrats thought they had a new JFK in the Beto character but he turned out to be very strange. Next they had a gaggle of socialists that didn't appeal to anyone except the hard core left wing base who had a hard time with the English language. Now it's back to the old comfortable liberal standard bearer but he turns out to be America's creepy old uncle.
I had an interesting chat today with a woman I thought was a democrat. Not only did I learn she was a Trump supporter, her neighbor is a secret service agent!
She told me about him saying Trump was going to win after being involved with security at both rallies. He said hillary never had more than a couple of hundred supporters while Trump always had over 20 thousand! lol
I give Trump a 2 out of 3 chance of winning the election. Americans have historically been apt to give a President a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were in the first term. Bush Jr. for example.
Trump will win again because there isn’t a democrat smarter than him.

Thanks for the giggle.
That isn’t the reason he will likely win.
Do you have a different opinion on why he’ll win?

Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
I give Trump a 2 out of 3 chance of winning the election. Americans have historically been apt to give a President a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were in the first term. Bush Jr. for example.
Trump will win again because there isn’t a democrat smarter than him.

Thanks for the giggle.
That isn’t the reason he will likely win.
Do you have a different opinion on why he’ll win?

Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?
I give Trump a 2 out of 3 chance of winning the election. Americans have historically been apt to give a President a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were in the first term. Bush Jr. for example.
Trump will win again because there isn’t a democrat smarter than him.

Thanks for the giggle.
That isn’t the reason he will likely win.
Do you have a different opinion on why he’ll win?

Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Trump will win again because there isn’t a democrat smarter than him.

Thanks for the giggle.
That isn’t the reason he will likely win.
Do you have a different opinion on why he’ll win?

Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Because he’s doing an excellent job?
The lack of ability for the democrats to run a sensible candidate is dumbfounding. When Biden is the best you got, you know you’re in trouble.
Democrats have taken an incredible turn for the worst. It really is dumbfounding.

The reductio ad absurdum of Identity Politics was always going to be a circular firing squad to determine who is the Biggest Intersectional Victim-Loser.
Thanks for the giggle.
That isn’t the reason he will likely win.
Do you have a different opinion on why he’ll win?

Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Because he’s doing an excellent job?

No; don’t be silly.
The lack of ability for the democrats to run a sensible candidate is dumbfounding. When Biden is the best you got, you know you’re in trouble.

There was a Time when I could have gone with Biden.
Do you have a different opinion on why he’ll win?

Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Because he’s doing an excellent job?

No; don’t be silly.
I’m being silly because you think he’ll win a re-election for being an excellent president? :)
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While I can’t understand your thinking, I’ll give you some credit for admitting Trump supporters are smarter than democrats, candycorn.
Americans have historically given presidents a 2nd term regardless of how bad they were. Bush Jr. for example. Can that change? Yes. Do I think it will? No.
The economy is doing alright, we’re not spilling blood by the gallon in the middle east. Terrorism is not in the front of the minds of Americans right now so there is no “enemy at the gates”. The big question will be whether Trump has personally turned off enough voters in the midwest. If yes, the Dems win. If not, the R’s win.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Because he’s doing an excellent job?

No; don’t be silly.
I’m being silly for you thinking he’ll win re-election for being an excellent president? :)


But hey, that is what makes horse racing. If you think he’s been an “excellent president”, you should vote for him. If you were to apply the metrics that most conservatives utilized during the Obama administration, you would likely run into a lot of hypocrisy. Deficit up. Trade deficit up. Releasing thousands of illegals onto the streets. Presidential power abuse through EO’s and declaration of national emergencies….through the roof.
Remember back when you guys were upset at Obama saying he’d meet with the enemies of our rivals? Yeah….we’ll you’re not upset about that now.

Again…there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
While I can’t understand your thinking, I’ll give you some credit for admitting Trump supporters are smarter than democrats, candycorn.

Most trump supporters couldn’t poor piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.

What they do have is devotion to the blob. One guy committed vehicular homicide for the blob. Another mailed bombs to the blob’s political rivals. Many here who support the blob cheered them both.

You won’t find a Democrat running for office who would get that sort of blind loyalty.
The economy is doing much better than “alright”. lol

Are you ready to give Trump some credit?

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Because he’s doing an excellent job?

No; don’t be silly.
I’m being silly for you thinking he’ll win re-election for being an excellent president? :)


But hey, that is what makes horse racing. If you think he’s been an “excellent president”, you should vote for him. If you were to apply the metrics that most conservatives utilized during the Obama administration, you would likely run into a lot of hypocrisy. Deficit up. Trade deficit up. Releasing thousands of illegals onto the streets. Presidential power abuse through EO’s and declaration of national emergencies….through the roof.
Remember back when you guys were upset at Obama saying he’d meet with the enemies of our rivals? Yeah….we’ll you’re not upset about that now.

Again…there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
There’s no shame in admitting failure.

Keep that in mind as Trump continues to fix the problems democrats created.

I’m saying he is likely to win re-election.
Because he’s doing an excellent job?

No; don’t be silly.
I’m being silly for you thinking he’ll win re-election for being an excellent president? :)


But hey, that is what makes horse racing. If you think he’s been an “excellent president”, you should vote for him. If you were to apply the metrics that most conservatives utilized during the Obama administration, you would likely run into a lot of hypocrisy. Deficit up. Trade deficit up. Releasing thousands of illegals onto the streets. Presidential power abuse through EO’s and declaration of national emergencies….through the roof.
Remember back when you guys were upset at Obama saying he’d meet with the enemies of our rivals? Yeah….we’ll you’re not upset about that now.

Again…there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
There’s no shame in admitting failure.

Keep that in mind as Trump continues to fix the problems democrats created.


You should tell your blob that.

Trade deficit up.
National debt up.
He’s releasing illegals onto the streets.

If this were Obama, you’d be outraged….

But for some mysterious reason…you’re suddenly okay with it? The difference? Well, you tell us.
Im seeing Booker and Swallow receiving a total of 43 votes in the first primary
The lack of ability for the democrats to run a sensible candidate is dumbfounding. When Biden is the best you got, you know you’re in trouble.
Democrats have taken an incredible turn for the worst. It really is dumbfounding.
They will be reeping what they have sewn.

Any working American who see's their strategy of "hey let's intice the voter's" with taxpayers paying for all the free crap we are offering them, uhh will definitely have a huge negative affect on their campaigns, and anyone using race baiting tactics like dummy Joe is attempting to do right out of the gate, will have yet another huge negative affect on his campaign, and especially with the real working class American's in this country.

Don't sweat it America, because the working class are taxed to death, and they know the Demon-crats have been behind it all with their social engineering by way of taxes and the use of the government hammer to get the the job done for them.

Strip these traitors of their power, and things will only get better and better hopefully.

If anyone is tired of the bullcrap of the past, then 2020 is going to be very important for the working class voters. Trump 2020 !!! Again he is the best candidate against all the Demon-crat potentials when listening to them carry on the way that they do. Talk about out of touch.

' Any working American who see's their strategy of "hey let's intice the voter's" with taxpayers paying for all the free crap we are offering them '

lol - y'all just bent over & gave bigcorp a trillion dollars & you complain about 'obama' phones that was really saint ronny reagan's deal?

Have you ever had a poor man give you a job ??? When that happens "oh social engineer", and not with other people's money by way of forced taxation in the extreme, then you get back to me.

i know that trillion dollar rip off you are defending ended up with a 700+ billion dollar stock buyback.

but you go on with your delusions. btw... employment is up & that is good news, but wages for the most part still aren't...

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