I'm shocked- ex-reagan-adviser-fox-news-is-self-brainwashing-republicans-into-a-radical-fringe-party

Oh good, a hate Fox thread.

Bruce Bartlett Brainwashed?

IOW, ClasslessAss can't address the subject.

That's okay, neither can SpecialEdDear or any of the rest of the Pootarian traitors.

Luddly, you should start a new thread somewhere about just what you stated. I certainly would engage you in the debate.

This thread though is about................about..................about nonsense, which is why it is so fun to post in. He and Lakhota (or whatever his/her name is) threads are always a hoot!

As far as calling Franco a Mercedes Marxist, would it suit you better if I called him/her a Fabian Socialist? You see Luddly, the keyword for me in my description of him is Mercedes, and not Marxist. He claims brilliance because of his supposed Masters degree, and I want to engage him/her, because I think him/her, is as full of crap as a Thanksgiving turkey. So far though, all I get is you. He/she is oblivious to the fact I have challenged his facts/opinions/intelligence.

Oh well, maybe he is the alter ego of "Paint my Patootie," because he seems kind of fearful also, but hey, when you are on the left, all you really have is emotions, and not much else-)
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

“And so, they are completely in a universe in which they are hearing the same exact ideas, the same arguments, the same limited amount of data repeated over and over and over again. And that’s brainwashing.”

I'm shocked. Not for what he said about the right wing, he got that right. I'm shocked that a republican could pull himself out of the fox bubble long enough to see what is really happening.
Half of them are disgusted too, but they've been Shanghaied by the nuts...the loudmouth minority.
you want to hear Fear Factor Inc? ... watch Fox for an hour ... then visit this board to read about the topics Fox just reported.

Fox is for freedom like our Founders were. Its a radical idea to liberals who spied for Stalin and Hitler, gave Stalin the bomb, and now openly support the open commie, Sanders.
Corporate/greedy a-hole freedom, didn't happen, Sanders is a socialist. Arguing with a moron who believes Libs, socialists, and COMMUNISTS are the same thing is a total waste of time.

Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

I rest my case. Lying like a rug gets you no where other than being a legend in your own mind.
you want to hear Fear Factor Inc? ... watch Fox for an hour ... then visit this board to read about the topics Fox just reported.

Fox is for freedom like our Founders were. Its a radical idea to liberals who spied for Stalin and Hitler, gave Stalin the bomb, and now openly support the open commie, Sanders.
Corporate/greedy a-hole freedom, didn't happen, Sanders is a socialist. Arguing with a moron who believes Libs, socialists, and COMMUNISTS are the same thing is a total waste of time.

Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

cut and paste from Daws because he's too stupid and liberal to say why Fox and Founders are brainwashers
you want to hear Fear Factor Inc? ... watch Fox for an hour ... then visit this board to read about the topics Fox just reported.

Fox is for freedom like our Founders were. Its a radical idea to liberals who spied for Stalin and Hitler, gave Stalin the bomb, and now openly support the open commie, Sanders.
Corporate/greedy a-hole freedom, didn't happen, Sanders is a socialist. Arguing with a moron who believes Libs, socialists, and COMMUNISTS are the same thing is a total waste of time.

Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

I rest my case. Lying like a rug gets you no where other than being a legend in your own mind.
denying fact? how republican of you.
you want to hear Fear Factor Inc? ... watch Fox for an hour ... then visit this board to read about the topics Fox just reported.

Fox is for freedom like our Founders were. Its a radical idea to liberals who spied for Stalin and Hitler, gave Stalin the bomb, and now openly support the open commie, Sanders.

Your talking the soviet Jews here in America that were spies.
Fox is for freedom like our Founders were. Its a radical idea to liberals who spied for Stalin and Hitler, gave Stalin the bomb, and now openly support the open commie, Sanders.
Corporate/greedy a-hole freedom, didn't happen, Sanders is a socialist. Arguing with a moron who believes Libs, socialists, and COMMUNISTS are the same thing is a total waste of time.

Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

I rest my case. Lying like a rug gets you no where other than being a legend in your own mind.
denying fact? how republican of you.

You would not know a fact if it bit you in the face.

Hey, you forgot to put the one in there from LBJ when he called black Americans the N-word on airforce 1. Oh wait, was that before or after the great party switch, lol. You really are another community oraganizer/rabble rouser, aren't you. Problem is, for every bunch of nonsense you bring up, there are 20 things against you. I know it, you know it, but you hope nobody will show it, lol.

So, before you go into your diatribe, tell us, when LBJ said that on airforce 1, was he a former Republican who changed his stripes, or a new age democrat? -)
Corporate/greedy a-hole freedom, didn't happen, Sanders is a socialist. Arguing with a moron who believes Libs, socialists, and COMMUNISTS are the same thing is a total waste of time.

Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

I rest my case. Lying like a rug gets you no where other than being a legend in your own mind.
denying fact? how republican of you.

You would not know a fact if it bit you in the face.
please dont forget the liberal is stupid so trading ad hominems with them is what they want because its the one thing they can do it as well as anyone.
Last edited:
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

“And so, they are completely in a universe in which they are hearing the same exact ideas, the same arguments, the same limited amount of data repeated over and over and over again. And that’s brainwashing.”

. And that’s brainwashing.”

how can hearing support for freedom be brainwashing when it is what our Founders fought for and what made us the greatest country in human history by far??

Hi Generalissimo Fransisco Franco! You are my favorite Mercedes Marxist on here, because you claim you have a MASTERS in history, but I am positive you got the sheepskin out of a box of Cheerios, lol!
bold statement from a poster that took 3 tries to pass the ged.

Then, engage me superstar, cause I will clean your clock!
Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

I rest my case. Lying like a rug gets you no where other than being a legend in your own mind.
denying fact? how republican of you.

You would not know a fact if it bit you in the face.
please dont forget the liberal is stupid so trading ad hominems with them is what they want because they can do it as well as anyone.

Some of them sure do.
Fox is for freedom like our Founders were. Its a radical idea to liberals who spied for Stalin and Hitler, gave Stalin the bomb, and now openly support the open commie, Sanders.
Corporate/greedy a-hole freedom, didn't happen, Sanders is a socialist. Arguing with a moron who believes Libs, socialists, and COMMUNISTS are the same thing is a total waste of time.

Not unlike wasting time with asshole left wingers who believe conservatives are neo-nazis, racists etc etc.
only because a lot of them are .

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

Bonus points if you:
1. Oppose labor unions and want to see them outlawed.

2. Agree that there is a “war on white people” and that ‘reverse-racism’ is a real problem in the United States.

3. Believe that gays present a real threat to “traditional American values” and the “traditional American family.”

4. Hate “Communists” and are willing to apply that label to everyone you disagree with politically.

Score your Answers.
Scoring for this quiz is simple. For each “yes” answer, score ten points. For example, if you answered yes on questions 1-9, you score ten points on each of those questions, for a total score of 90. When read as a percentage, that means you agree with the American Nazi Party platform 90 percent of the time.

You’ll notice that the mainstream Republican Party has incorporated every one of these points into its own platform. Of course the mainstream party has dropped the references to “whites,” which has helped them succeed in making the Nazi agenda seem acceptable in the eyes of the general public.

I rest my case. Lying like a rug gets you no where other than being a legend in your own mind.
denying fact? how republican of you.

Dude, you have the correct avatar, a bag of chips; an empty bag of chips at that-)
Oh good, a hate Fox thread.

Bruce Bartlett Brainwashed?

IOW, ClasslessAss can't address the subject.

That's okay, neither can SpecialEdDear or any of the rest of the Pootarian traitors.

Luddly, you should start a new thread somewhere about just what you stated. I certainly would engage you in the debate.

This thread though is about................about..................about nonsense, which is why it is so fun to post in. He and Lakhota (or whatever his/her name is) threads are always a hoot!

As far as calling Franco a Mercedes Marxist, would it suit you better if I called him/her a Fabian Socialist? You see Luddly, the keyword for me in my description of him is Mercedes, and not Marxist. He claims brilliance because of his supposed Masters degree, and I want to engage him/her, because I think him/her, is as full of crap as a Thanksgiving turkey. So far though, all I get is you. He/she is oblivious to the fact I have challenged his facts/opinions/intelligence.

Oh well, maybe he is the alter ego of "Paint my Patootie," because he seems kind of fearful also, but hey, when you are on the left, all you really have is emotions, and not much else-)
Actually, I'm an Alfa Romeo Democrat. A used Alfa in 1973, I hate Mercedes Pub drivers, and am a centrist pragmatist, except in Pub dupe country.

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