I'm shocked the lefty "fact checkers" are calling Biden a liar for his Presser today.

When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

Biden said "We're sending". That implies a future tense.

He did not say "We've sent" or "We are currently sending".

You & Politifact need to learn to understand English.

Or we'll send you back.

When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

I love how you cherry pick the shit you want to believe is true when it comes to Politifact. You people reason like children.
I don't believe anything politifact says without doing my own research. The only reason any conservative posts their findings is so that you cannot discredit the source. It is YOUR source, moron. I watched the presser--I know how many times that senile old fuck lied even though he was pitched pre-scripted questions. Take the blinders off dumb fuck. You don't know shit.
What are you talking about MY source? Lol don’t be dumb. Your idea of research is retarded conservative blogs.
And yours is POLITIFACT? HAHAHAHA! Moron.
I don’t ever read Politifact personally, but it’s a legitimate fact check website. Reality has a left wing bias so that’s why you don’t like it.
HaHaHa, Reality? Like the US is 85th in infrastructure--Politifact that one junior.
Where are your facts to dispute it?
You are a special kind of stupid. I told you to Politifact it. Secondly, unlike you, I watched the fucking alzheimers patient that is squatting in the WH say it--just a couple sentences before he contradicted himself and said 13th. Please keep up moron.

Silly Billy is like most PROGS here, it goes like this:
Facts & Universe
I never call anyone racist. You’re just making shit up.
Pres Trump had billboards in central America put up, urging citizens to come here, after he found out he lost in November, so to get the massive caravans to arrive, right as Biden was inaugurated....is my best guess!!! :D

Trump's the only one that benefits from this madness! ;)
Did he buy them those Biden t shirts?

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