I'm Starting To Become Of The Mind That ALL USMB RWers Aren't That Bad

In the last couple of months I've been getting quite a number of reps from members that I've almost always been at odds with ideologicially, politically and/or otherwise. Had more than a few personal exchanges via PMs on issues we've found agreement or mutual respect on. I'm surprised by every one. Even more shocking is that I've even had agreements with some of the ones that are labelled racist radical RWers, even by myself in the past. :eek:

I have to say, it's softening me on you guys. I guess that's a good thing. I don't find pleasure in having to debunk and/or riducule my opposition all the time. Well...lemme adjust that, I PREFER NOT to have to do that, I do enjoy it while I'm doing it though (hehehe :D). However, I prefer NOT to have to do that. I prefer to have rationale debate where we can exchange our ideas, opinions, based on facts that we all recognize to be...facts.

I'm starting to see signs of this more and more, despite the political climate. Which tells me there's glimmer of hope. I won't name names, I'm sure that might make them lose points with the other rabid USMB RWers, like CalifnornaiGirl (yeah, I'll name her) but I had to post that I'm experiencing a change in the overall climate, which is uplifting...IMO.

I'm finding myself taking stock of the USMB RWers and looking at them differently. I hope they're doing to same.

There is no shortage of regrettable loons on both sides of the aisle.

I think what we lose sight of is this; there is no aisle. There are "We the People" and we are a complex genus. I would say that 99% of us are somewhere between the two parties at least in some measure. The debate is about black and white and we are all varying shades of gray.

Its sad that many (if not most) of you allow yourselves to be confined to one camp or the other and sacrifice your right--and dare I say--your RESPONSIBILITY to think independently, vote independently, and hold all accountable to the same standard whether they embrace your views in the main or not.
There is a such thing as liberal Republicans, Republicans who are not far right out of this world, people like Colin Powell, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Lincoln Chaffee, etc, these current crop in the party are straight extreme ideologues and if you had more moderate/liberal Republicans we wouldn't be having all of this deadlock.

As I said a Liberal republican is a rino Republican in name only. George Bush Jr. and SR are Rinos

Whatever, you extremists don't get to define who is a real Republican, the extremists to me are fakes and the real RINOS.

You don't get to decide who is an 'extremist'. Moron.
My perception is that you have softened somewhat, Marc. We rarely agree on issues, but there are fragments that we can see eye to eye on. I believe I have repped you fairly recently and I'm confident I haven't moved left.
Gotta be you, guy. Tell me? Is the thrill gone? Are you beginning to see that we could have done better in 2008?
No, Obama was the best choice. He's doing a good job. Years later, RWers will be able to see it. Can't see it now because you're in the moment, but you'll see...history will be kind to Obama. Bush...not so much.

So much for agreement...

He he he...I don't know if you follow my posts at all--hardly anyone does because I'm an independent thinker--but I have often said this; Reagan doesn't belong on Mt. Rushmore....he deserves his own mountain.

MarcATL would probably vomit at the thought and I would get some applause from those nutjobs who have, in the past, called me a sexual predator when they disagree with me on politics.

Seriously though, Reagan--whether he meant to or not--restored this country. Say what you want about debt, deficits, union busting, Iran-Contra, etc.... Who cares. Under Carter, we were a lost vessel in the world's ocean. Carter was in over his head and he knew it. I am starting to get the same sense from Obama except Obama has good ideas and there is an intensity that you see at times that he wants to implement them. Reagan re-stored the country and reminded us of how good we are as a nation. For that, I think I'll always regard him as the best President of my lifetime.

If you're ever in Simi Valley, you should go to his Library. It really is an unforgettable experience.

Happy Thanksgiving.
MarcATL, when I was younger I was more liberal too.

Congrats you're growing up and maturing.

You were "more liberal" you weren't liberal.

I'll never be politically conservative.

At least not the current crop of Conservatism.

Of course you won't. You have absolutely no idea what Conservatism means. That much is very obvious from your mindlessly ignorant views of Conservatives.
Great thread Marc!! I'm thinking those guys up in DC really don't hate each other, I'm thinking they get along fine outside the confines of government. Both sides are taking the American people for a ride, getting rich in the process while some of us sit here wondering if we'll be able to make the mortgage payment this week or should we buy groceries instead.

It's up to us, the people to expect the same from them as we do each other. It's not about who's right and who's wrong, it's about solutions. Whose fault it is should be unimportant, we allow them to lead us down that road all the while thinking we are sheep and they are the shepherds.
There are people here of different POVs who sincerely want to communicate their ideas and discuss them in the public forums

And then there's the trolls whose only mission is to score hurt points on others.

You will best know which are which by noting which people want to talk about YOU versus those who want to discuss what you've written.
You will best know which are which by noting which people want to talk about YOU versus those who want to discuss what you've written.

right because "talking" to you on the internet

is not about what you have written
I have to wonder how the rabid wingers (left and/or right) can go to the gas station, grocery store, drug store, etc. and not be in constant and trembling fear. You just know some of those folks have different political views than you do.

Maybe they make sure they wear diapers when they go out in public? Just in case they run into someone with a different view than they have.
There has been a softening that is apparent here.

Marc is correct.

I see it in everyone here.

The time tired old game of fight them even when they make sense in disapating.
I have never done that.

I have always said what I believe and have never said something I didnt believe in.

Everyone here is a real person even if that includes the ones who very well may be paid by someone to promote a certain veiw.

Every person who writes something cant help but put a little of themselves in it.

Know someone long enough on these internets and you can begin to get a jest of the person behind the words.

They have softened.

There are also a whole new slew of left leaning posters on here daily.

This site is now truely free and the effects are being felt.
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"The time tired old game of fight them even when they make sense in disapating.
I have never done that."

Who are you and what have you done with Truthmatters?
Great thread Marc!! I'm thinking those guys up in DC really don't hate each other, I'm thinking they get along fine outside the confines of government. Both sides are taking the American people for a ride, getting rich in the process while some of us sit here wondering if we'll be able to make the mortgage payment this week or should we buy groceries instead.

It's up to us, the people to expect the same from them as we do each other. It's not about who's right and who's wrong, it's about solutions. Whose fault it is should be unimportant, we allow them to lead us down that road all the while thinking we are sheep and they are the shepherds.

You're kidding, right? You honest thought that the GOP and Dems in DC 'hate' each other? :lol: They don't. They all get along just fine and dandy.... all that bullshit they talk about each other... that's for the hordes of borg. It's not real. It's showbiz. These people play the American people like fiddles.

I didn't realize that other people were not aware of this. Politics is theater... it's not real... what's real is that they need to keep the left and the right of America at each other's throats so they can continue to rob the country blind.
There has been a softening that is apparent here.

Marc if correct.

I see it in everyone here.

The time tired old game of fight them even when they make sense in disapating.
I have never done that.

I have always said what I believe and have never said something I didnt believe in.

Everyone here is a real person even if that includes the ones who very well may be paid by someone to promote a certain veiw.

Every person who writes something cant help but put a little of themselves in it.

Know someone long enough on these internets and you can begin to get a jest of the person behind the words.

They have softened.

There are also a whole new slew of left leaning posters on here daily.

This is is now truely free and the effects are being felt.

You're a fucking lair! And an idoti.
some are more easily sussed out of their own words.

Cali is a deeply sad young woman.

She is also very likely to stay that way.
Great thread Marc!! I'm thinking those guys up in DC really don't hate each other, I'm thinking they get along fine outside the confines of government. Both sides are taking the American people for a ride, getting rich in the process while some of us sit here wondering if we'll be able to make the mortgage payment this week or should we buy groceries instead.

It's up to us, the people to expect the same from them as we do each other. It's not about who's right and who's wrong, it's about solutions. Whose fault it is should be unimportant, we allow them to lead us down that road all the while thinking we are sheep and they are the shepherds.

You're kidding, right? You honest thought that the GOP and Dems in DC 'hate' each other? :lol: They don't. They all get along just fine and dandy.... all that bullshit they talk about each other... that's for the hordes of borg. It's not real. It's showbiz. These people play the American people like fiddles.

I didn't realize that other people were not aware of this. Politics is theater... it's not real... what's real is that they need to keep the left and the right of America at each other's throats so they can continue to rob the country blind.

Whoops, I was trying to say they're all buds. Their infighting is just a horse and pony show for us, the peons. I know they don't hate each other. Sorry I didn't make that clear. :)
"Its good for a young man of twenty to be a Liberal, because it proves he has a heart.

Its equally bad for that same young man at fourty to not be a Conservative, because it proves he has no brain." Winston Churchill
Great thread Marc!! I'm thinking those guys up in DC really don't hate each other, I'm thinking they get along fine outside the confines of government. Both sides are taking the American people for a ride, getting rich in the process while some of us sit here wondering if we'll be able to make the mortgage payment this week or should we buy groceries instead.

It's up to us, the people to expect the same from them as we do each other. It's not about who's right and who's wrong, it's about solutions. Whose fault it is should be unimportant, we allow them to lead us down that road all the while thinking we are sheep and they are the shepherds.

You're kidding, right? You honest thought that the GOP and Dems in DC 'hate' each other? :lol: They don't. They all get along just fine and dandy.... all that bullshit they talk about each other... that's for the hordes of borg. It's not real. It's showbiz. These people play the American people like fiddles.

I didn't realize that other people were not aware of this. Politics is theater... it's not real... what's real is that they need to keep the left and the right of America at each other's throats so they can continue to rob the country blind.

Whoops, I was trying to say they're all buds. Their infighting is just a horse and pony show for us, the peons. I know they don't hate each other. Sorry I didn't make that clear. :)

Not true, it used to be that way.

its no longer that way.

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