I'm Starting To Become Of The Mind That ALL USMB RWers Aren't That Bad

Whatever, you extremists don't get to define who is a real Republican, the extremists to me are fakes and the real RINOS.

You don't get to decide who is an 'extremist'. Moron.

Nobody decides that. They just observe behavior. If you don't want to be viewed as a right wing extremist nut, then you should not act like one.

Yah...iths thimple.

But fascists like Princess KalifoniaGurl here don't see things that way. She wants to dictate what is what and who is who. Heil Kali!
Whatever, you extremists don't get to define who is a real Republican, the extremists to me are fakes and the real RINOS.

You don't get to decide who is an 'extremist'. Moron.

Nobody decides that. They just observe behavior. If you don't want to be viewed as a right wing extremist nut, then you should not act like one.


You and I have been getting along a bit better of late. Yes?

Do I need to actually go ahead and TELL you the (fairly obvious) response to what you just said in that post?


-- affectionately, yours,

The Kinder Gentler and ALWAYS utterly civil,
You don't get to decide who is an 'extremist'. Moron.

Nobody decides that. They just observe behavior. If you don't want to be viewed as a right wing extremist nut, then you should not act like one.


You and I have been getting along a bit better of late. Yes?

Do I need to actually go ahead and TELL you the (fairly obvious) response to what you just said in that post?


-- affectionately, yours,

The Kinder Gentler and ALWAYS utterly civil,

We have most definitely been getting along better and it has been a very pleasant surprise. And you don't need to tell me the fairly obvious response. I know what it is. But sometimes it just can't be helped. I loathe the bitch.

Thank you for your kindness. It is very much appreciated. :)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo9AH4vG2wA]Kumbaya My Lord - YouTube[/ame]

i may need a tissue
Whatever, you extremists don't get to define who is a real Republican, the extremists to me are fakes and the real RINOS.

You don't get to decide who is an 'extremist'. Moron.

Nobody decides that. They just observe behavior. If you don't want to be viewed as a right wing extremist nut, then you should not act like one.

She seems incapable of accepting reality that her posts and actions make her an extremist.

There ya go. All better now. Right?

  • Thanks
Reactions: del
I honestly try to see both sides of issues, I don't like subscribing to someone else's beliefs just because I agree with them on something else.
I actually enjoy the trolling of the righties here, if they all tried to have a serious discussion this board would be boring because we know most of them couldn't prove none of the shit they say. I even troll them back sometimes, but lest I not be taken serious myself I have started getting more serious and even though he's no right winger del is still an asshole.
And this matters somehow because...?

It doesn't. The guy is a narcissist, that's all.

Oh, STFU!!! Why are you so threatened by what Marc had to say????? Better work on your own issues before you try to guide anyone else, you big jerk.

You STFU and take your own advice.

The guy makes a thread about himself, insults everyone who disagrees with him, and acts like he's the king of the world. I'm not threatened by him, you idiot, i'm calling him out.
And, as there is nothing to worry about from that bill, you are still showing all of us that you are a moron.

Under Bush the national do not call list was imposed on businesses, and it's been very bad for the economy. We need legislation that is less restrictive on businesses. The government has been killing businesses in the name of consumer rights, and when consumers really need protection, government is asleep at the wheel.

How on earth can you say the Do Not Call List has been bad for business? For one thing, it has saved them a hell of a lot of money! It keeps them from calling people who wouldn't buy from them for any reason whatsoever. Time is money. If I am on the DNCL, they know not to bother calling me because I'm not going to buy from them.

Only a fool buys from a telephone solicitor anyway.

By me being on the DNCL, it saves a lot of time for both me and the idiots who think they have to harass me at all hours of the day and night and it saves them from being hung up on... of course now with Caller ID, most of them just sit there until the phone stops ringing. The sad thing about the phone companies answering machines are that they answer on the fourth ring. I'd rather let those jerks that call me trying to sell me something sit on the phone for 40-50 rings wasting time and money.

Oh, by the way, in case you have not figured it out, I can't stand telephone solicitors. They rank below politicians on the scale of lowest professions in my book.


I take it you were never in sales. Plenty of successful solicitations involve people who do not want to be solicited. Ask a stockbroker if they think the DNCL is good for business.

I don't like getting calls ether, but the DNCL is bad for business.
I actually enjoy the trolling of the righties here, if they all tried to have a serious discussion this board would be boring because we know most of them couldn't prove none of the shit they say. I even troll them back sometimes, but lest I not be taken serious myself I have started getting more serious and even though he's no right winger del is still an asshole.

Flailing Fail-always flailing and failing.

Ho hum.

Nothing new to see in ANY of his posts.


And nothing worth while, either.


It doesn't. The guy is a narcissist, that's all.

Oh, STFU!!! Why are you so threatened by what Marc had to say????? Better work on your own issues before you try to guide anyone else, you big jerk.

You STFU and take your own advice.

The guy makes a thread about himself, insults everyone who disagrees with him, and acts like he's the king of the world. I'm not threatened by him, you idiot, i'm calling him out.

None of those things happened. So you are not calling anyone out. The only one that attacked Marc is you. Everybody is out of step but you?????
Nobody decides that. They just observe behavior. If you don't want to be viewed as a right wing extremist nut, then you should not act like one.


You and I have been getting along a bit better of late. Yes?

Do I need to actually go ahead and TELL you the (fairly obvious) response to what you just said in that post?


-- affectionately, yours,

The Kinder Gentler and ALWAYS utterly civil,

We have most definitely been getting along better and it has been a very pleasant surprise. And you don't need to tell me the fairly obvious response. I know what it is. But sometimes it just can't be helped. I loathe the bitch.

Thank you for your kindness. It is very much appreciated. :)

Loathe me enough to celebrate the death of a loved one. Yea, your kind of 'rational, balanced, decent' behavior - I don't think so. Fuck off and drown in a ditch of your own vomit, fat fucking freak.
Oh, STFU!!! Why are you so threatened by what Marc had to say????? Better work on your own issues before you try to guide anyone else, you big jerk.

You STFU and take your own advice.

The guy makes a thread about himself, insults everyone who disagrees with him, and acts like he's the king of the world. I'm not threatened by him, you idiot, i'm calling him out.

None of those things happened. So you are not calling anyone out. The only one that attacked Marc is you. Everybody is out of step but you?????

The guy makes a thread about himself: check

Insults people he disagrees with by calling them right wigerz: check

Claims he thinks there's hope for the country because he's exchanged compliments with right wingerz: check

I'm also not the only one who took issue with him for this thread. His compliments were meant to insult, and were very disingenuous. Furthermore, it's my opinion, and i'm going to state it, if i feel, regardless of what everyone else's opinion is.
Last edited:

You and I have been getting along a bit better of late. Yes?

Do I need to actually go ahead and TELL you the (fairly obvious) response to what you just said in that post?


-- affectionately, yours,

The Kinder Gentler and ALWAYS utterly civil,

We have most definitely been getting along better and it has been a very pleasant surprise. And you don't need to tell me the fairly obvious response. I know what it is. But sometimes it just can't be helped. I loathe the bitch.

Thank you for your kindness. It is very much appreciated. :)

Loathe me enough to celebrate the death of a loved one. Yea, your kind of 'rational, balanced, decent' behavior - I don't think so. Fuck off and drown in a ditch of your own vomit, fat fucking freak.

Knock it off about the loved one, you pitiful bitch. You just want sympathy. Doesn't look like that's working for you.

And such a vicious message!!! Makes you look like the nut you are.
You STFU and take your own advice.

The guy makes a thread about himself, insults everyone who disagrees with him, and acts like he's the king of the world. I'm not threatened by him, you idiot, i'm calling him out.

None of those things happened. So you are not calling anyone out. The only one that attacked Marc is you. Everybody is out of step but you?????

The guy makes a thread about himself: check

Insults people he disagrees with by calling them right wigerz: check

Claims he thinks there's hope for the country because he's exchanged compliments with right wingerz: check

I'm also not the only one who took issue with him for this thread. His compliments were meant to insult, and were very disingenuous. Furthermore, it's my opinion, and i'm going to state it, if i feel, regardless of what everyone else's opinion is.

You just don't get it!!! Your "opinion" is insincere because he did none of what you are saying!!! I saw his post as sincere and genuine. And if other people thought as you do, why did they not say so??? Or are you just making reference to the bitch???

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