I'm Starting To Become Of The Mind That ALL USMB RWers Aren't That Bad

None of those things happened. So you are not calling anyone out. The only one that attacked Marc is you. Everybody is out of step but you?????

The guy makes a thread about himself: check

Insults people he disagrees with by calling them right wigerz: check

Claims he thinks there's hope for the country because he's exchanged compliments with right wingerz: check

I'm also not the only one who took issue with him for this thread. His compliments were meant to insult, and were very disingenuous. Furthermore, it's my opinion, and i'm going to state it, if i feel, regardless of what everyone else's opinion is.

You just don't get it!!! Your "opinion" is insincere because he did none of what you are saying!!! I saw his post as sincere and genuine. And if other people thought as you do, why did they not say so??? Or are you just making reference to the bitch???

I tend to disagree.
Under Bush the national do not call list was imposed on businesses, and it's been very bad for the economy. We need legislation that is less restrictive on businesses. The government has been killing businesses in the name of consumer rights, and when consumers really need protection, government is asleep at the wheel.

How on earth can you say the Do Not Call List has been bad for business? For one thing, it has saved them a hell of a lot of money! It keeps them from calling people who wouldn't buy from them for any reason whatsoever. Time is money. If I am on the DNCL, they know not to bother calling me because I'm not going to buy from them.

Only a fool buys from a telephone solicitor anyway.

By me being on the DNCL, it saves a lot of time for both me and the idiots who think they have to harass me at all hours of the day and night and it saves them from being hung up on... of course now with Caller ID, most of them just sit there until the phone stops ringing. The sad thing about the phone companies answering machines are that they answer on the fourth ring. I'd rather let those jerks that call me trying to sell me something sit on the phone for 40-50 rings wasting time and money.

Oh, by the way, in case you have not figured it out, I can't stand telephone solicitors. They rank below politicians on the scale of lowest professions in my book.


I take it you were never in sales. Plenty of successful solicitations involve people who do not want to be solicited. Ask a stockbroker if they think the DNCL is good for business.

I don't like getting calls ether, but the DNCL is bad for business.

No, I have never been in sales. I am a terrible liar and realized that without that skill I would be a failure in the profession.

I could care less if they think the DNCL is "good" for business. It saves them a hell of a lot of money not having to call people that are just going to hang up on them anyway. And besides, people in "sales" never understand the costs of doing business. They think that as long as they make the sale everything is hunky-dorey. What they don't realize is that there are costs associated with every transaction as well as every sales attempt. They may make the commission on the sale, but if they made 250 calls that provided no sales at all, they may have eaten every dime of the companies profits on that one sale. But why should they care? They made their commission.

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How on earth can you say the Do Not Call List has been bad for business? For one thing, it has saved them a hell of a lot of money! It keeps them from calling people who wouldn't buy from them for any reason whatsoever. Time is money. If I am on the DNCL, they know not to bother calling me because I'm not going to buy from them.

Only a fool buys from a telephone solicitor anyway.

By me being on the DNCL, it saves a lot of time for both me and the idiots who think they have to harass me at all hours of the day and night and it saves them from being hung up on... of course now with Caller ID, most of them just sit there until the phone stops ringing. The sad thing about the phone companies answering machines are that they answer on the fourth ring. I'd rather let those jerks that call me trying to sell me something sit on the phone for 40-50 rings wasting time and money.

Oh, by the way, in case you have not figured it out, I can't stand telephone solicitors. They rank below politicians on the scale of lowest professions in my book.


I take it you were never in sales. Plenty of successful solicitations involve people who do not want to be solicited. Ask a stockbroker if they think the DNCL is good for business.

I don't like getting calls ether, but the DNCL is bad for business.

No, I have never been in sales. I am a terrible liar and realized that without that skill I would be a failure in the profession.

I could care less if they think the DNCL is "good" for business. It saves them a hell of a lot of money not having to call people that are just going to hang up on them anyway. And besides, people in "sales" never understand the costs of doing business. They think that as long as they make the sale everything is hunky-dorey. What they don't realize is that there are costs associated with every transaction as well as every sales attempt. They may make the commission on the sale, but if they made 250 calls that provided no sales at all, they may have eaten every dime of the companies profits on that one sale. But why should they care? They made their commission.


You're not in sales, yet you claim to know more than they know about running their business. You sure you don't work for the government?

First of all with the advent of voice over IP, phone calls cost next to nothing. I live in NY, so I have a lot of buddy's that are in retail, and they hate Bush because of the DNCL.
I take it you were never in sales. Plenty of successful solicitations involve people who do not want to be solicited. Ask a stockbroker if they think the DNCL is good for business.

I don't like getting calls ether, but the DNCL is bad for business.

No, I have never been in sales. I am a terrible liar and realized that without that skill I would be a failure in the profession.

I could care less if they think the DNCL is "good" for business. It saves them a hell of a lot of money not having to call people that are just going to hang up on them anyway. And besides, people in "sales" never understand the costs of doing business. They think that as long as they make the sale everything is hunky-dorey. What they don't realize is that there are costs associated with every transaction as well as every sales attempt. They may make the commission on the sale, but if they made 250 calls that provided no sales at all, they may have eaten every dime of the companies profits on that one sale. But why should they care? They made their commission.


You're not in sales, yet you claim to know more than they know about running their business. You sure you don't work for the government?

First of all with the advent of voice over IP, phone calls cost next to nothing. I live in NY, so I have a lot of buddy's that are in retail, and they hate Bush because of the DNCL.

I'm an accountant. I happen to be the guy that has to keep the checking account in the black when those people think "hey great, I made a sale, now what is taking my commission check so long to cut and why do I have to pay FICA taxes? I don't care if you have to wait 60 days to get paid, give me my damned commission check NOW!"

Maybe you are one of the people that think that a sale is the best thing that happens to a company regardless of how much that sale cost to make? Sounds like it.

I don't give a shit whether your friends in NY hate Bush because of the DNCL, the fact is that there are costs associated with every aspect of business and you sales people seem to think that your commission checks are all that matter.

Oh, and in case you didn't know it, there is an intangible asset called "Goodwill". When you harass people that don't want to be harassed your "Goodwill" goes down the toilet. Someone earlier in this thread said that if they get phone solicitations, they will no longer purchase from that company again. That is a loss of "Goodwill".

Yes, I believe I happen to have a slightly better idea of the costs of doing business than you everyday sales clerks. :tongue:

some users like bripat, b44sucks, Si Modo, wicked jester, ect... are butt-hurt, mouth-breathing, fox news watchin', oxyRush listenin', partisan, kool aid drinkers :booze: Most of the others are alright though
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some users like bripat, b44sucks, Si Modo, wicked jester, ect... are butt-hurt, mouth-breathing, fox news watchin', oxyRush listenin', partisan, kool aid drinkers :booze: Most of the others are alright though

Add California Girl and daveman, they just as dishonest and full of hackery as those others you mentioned.
And Dr. House.

Absolutely. That 'tard has been stalking me for the last 2 weeks. I went to his profile to see his *cough* "contributions" to this board & found out he's started 5- threads in the last two- years. :eusa_eh: The definition of a failtroll, Dr. House. :clap2: All he does here is stalk people who take the time to contribute & 'give atta boys' to his fellow extreme Righties. :rolleyes:
In the last couple of months I've been getting quite a number of reps from members that I've almost always been at odds with ideologicially, politically and/or otherwise. Had more than a few personal exchanges via PMs on issues we've found agreement or mutual respect on. I'm surprised by every one. Even more shocking is that I've even had agreements with some of the ones that are labelled racist radical RWers, even by myself in the past. :eek:

I have to say, it's softening me on you guys. I guess that's a good thing. I don't find pleasure in having to debunk and/or riducule my opposition all the time. Well...lemme adjust that, I PREFER NOT to have to do that, I do enjoy it while I'm doing it though (hehehe :D). However, I prefer NOT to have to do that. I prefer to have rationale debate where we can exchange our ideas, opinions, based on facts that we all recognize to be...facts.

I'm starting to see signs of this more and more, despite the political climate. Which tells me there's glimmer of hope. I won't name names, I'm sure that might make them lose points with the other rabid USMB RWers, like CalifnornaiGirl (yeah, I'll name her) but I had to post that I'm experiencing a change in the overall climate, which is uplifting...IMO.

I'm finding myself taking stock of the USMB RWers and looking at them differently. I hope they're doing to same.

That's how cults suck you in. Beware.
In the last couple of months I've been getting quite a number of reps from members that I've almost always been at odds with ideologicially, politically and/or otherwise. Had more than a few personal exchanges via PMs on issues we've found agreement or mutual respect on. I'm surprised by every one. Even more shocking is that I've even had agreements with some of the ones that are labelled racist radical RWers, even by myself in the past. :eek:

I have to say, it's softening me on you guys. I guess that's a good thing. I don't find pleasure in having to debunk and/or riducule my opposition all the time. Well...lemme adjust that, I PREFER NOT to have to do that, I do enjoy it while I'm doing it though (hehehe :D). However, I prefer NOT to have to do that. I prefer to have rationale debate where we can exchange our ideas, opinions, based on facts that we all recognize to be...facts.

I'm starting to see signs of this more and more, despite the political climate. Which tells me there's glimmer of hope. I won't name names, I'm sure that might make them lose points with the other rabid USMB RWers, like CalifnornaiGirl (yeah, I'll name her) but I had to post that I'm experiencing a change in the overall climate, which is uplifting...IMO.

I'm finding myself taking stock of the USMB RWers and looking at them differently. I hope they're doing to same.

Being a Canadian Crossbreed (Liberal/Conservative) and a practicing Jew, I have found myself in a few discussions with you.

I have found you to be a fair discussion, and a persona who is entirely able to create a pathway to discussion. When you so choose to discuss ...

Therein lies your rub....

bub :lol:
Right or left leaning political positions have nothing to do with the character of the person who holds the view.

We are all human beings, and we have a mix of positive and negative qualities.

It is a rare individual who always chooses to see the positive in another, even when the other often displays the negative.
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Yanno guys, Marc did something decent in the middle of the giant indecency that most of these Message Board discussions are. How about catching that spirit and know that none of us are without some virtue and none of us are without feet of clay from time to time?

USMB has thoughtfully provided a flame zone for those who get their jollies insulting and ridiculing others. Please understand that isn't everybody's cup of tea, however, and this thread is not the place for that.

Let's accept a hand of friendship even if we do continue to have spirited disagreements. Most of us don't demand that everybody else agree with us in order to be acceptable and nothing but preaching to the choir gets really boring really quickly.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I wish you all good food, good fellowship, and joy on a special day to give thanks for all our blessings.
The guy makes a thread about himself: check

Insults people he disagrees with by calling them right wigerz: check

Claims he thinks there's hope for the country because he's exchanged compliments with right wingerz: check

I'm also not the only one who took issue with him for this thread. His compliments were meant to insult, and were very disingenuous. Furthermore, it's my opinion, and i'm going to state it, if i feel, regardless of what everyone else's opinion is.

You just don't get it!!! Your "opinion" is insincere because he did none of what you are saying!!! I saw his post as sincere and genuine. And if other people thought as you do, why did they not say so??? Or are you just making reference to the bitch???

I tend to disagree.

Yes, indeed Barry, I agree with your tendency to be disagreeable. You tend to disagree prior to discussion. When you enter the discussion then you usually disagree rather than tend to it. :lol:

Right or left leaning political positions have nothing to do with the character of the person who holds the view.

That seems a rather silly thing to say in a forum of people who tend to lean politically. Of course what we believe has something to do with our character and you said 'nothing'.
You just don't get it!!! Your "opinion" is insincere because he did none of what you are saying!!! I saw his post as sincere and genuine. And if other people thought as you do, why did they not say so??? Or are you just making reference to the bitch???

I tend to disagree.

Yes, indeed Barry, I agree with your tendency to be disagreeable. You tend to disagree prior to discussion. When you enter the discussion then you usually disagree rather than tend to it. :lol:

Right or left leaning political positions have nothing to do with the character of the person who holds the view.

That seems a rather silly thing to say in a forum of people who tend to lean politically. Of course what we believe has something to do with our character and you said 'nothing'.[/QUOTE]

I'm saying that whether a person is "bad" or "good" has very little to do with what side of the aisle their politics are on.

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm going to doubly enjoy it as a national holiday and my birthday.:lol:
I tend to disagree.

Yes, indeed Barry, I agree with your tendency to be disagreeable. You tend to disagree prior to discussion. When you enter the discussion then you usually disagree rather than tend to it. :lol:

Right or left leaning political positions have nothing to do with the character of the person who holds the view.

That seems a rather silly thing to say in a forum of people who tend to lean politically. Of course what we believe has something to do with our character and you said 'nothing'.[/QUOTE]

I'm saying that whether a person is "bad" or "good" has very little to do with what side of the aisle their politics are on.

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm going to doubly enjoy it as a national holiday and my birthday.:lol:


And Dr. House.

Absolutely. That 'tard has been stalking me for the last 2 weeks. I went to his profile to see his *cough* "contributions" to this board & found out he's started 5- threads in the last two- years. :eusa_eh: The definition of a failtroll, Dr. House. :clap2: All he does here is stalk people who take the time to contribute & 'give atta boys' to his fellow extreme Righties. :rolleyes:

Yes, you're absolutely right. He's a male CG.

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