Im that guy they cant take freedom away from

Maybe you can adopt him, let him snuggle with you in your super Sniper Guy Nest overlooking Justice Ginzburg's grave and teach him sniper stuff.

Nah, there was never any need for that. It was contingent on someone coming to desecrate her grave by digging her up. That was never going to happen.
Longtime fight against the commies, they cant take my freedom away and none of their indirect attacks are getting through. Reaching a grotesque obsession they never fuckin stop but somehow I survived and am slowly rebuilding a life once promising and thoroughly incinerated.

You cant gain something from being poor except a dislike of people and if the commies had their way everyone would be poor and youd have no freedom. They cant put me there and force me into their poverish ways so they swear to kill me if they cant find a way in and so I spat back in their face and swore on my life to oppose them till death.

hows my intro?
Please define free, as in -

How free are you to cross a road when you want to in America, and

Free in the sense America incarcerates more per capita.

Just interested in your interpretation of free.

This place is a bunch of libturd rejects who couldn't make it on other boards.^^^^^Except the liberal above me

The challenge here is as low as it goes. The logic here is so fucked up you wonder how consecutive breaths are possible for some

When a libturd posts to you, you'll have to handicap their IQ 40 points to make it fair

Read the rules for Politics, Current events, and Breaking News. Coherent topic. Coherent link to back it up. A competent statement from you. Look to see if a recent one on topic was posted already

Then you can flame after your OP

If you are not a rules person our bottom boards will be more to your liking. Pretty much anything but threats of murder, doxing, family members, and titties. All big no nos. You will get an all expense paid vacation for a week
Lol, I cant make it on any board. But thats okay. I personally use these boards because I have been isolated and rejected in social life and all people need to talk about something right? Youd lose your mind if you had to be silent like a monk.

I dont handicap people to gain advantages, how desperately low can you go? My people, my family are way better than that. Have your freedom I would never want to take it from you or try and scam you, how shitty can people get? Ive seen the worst and would rather not see it again.

I dont take this board stuff too seriously and you know what it isnt worth getting into some huge mindfuck argument over things so utterly out of your hands such as politics. One thing is certain though, you get the good details on the news you cant find in a newspaper or on tv and that makes it totally worth it.
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And damn, I got covid from a vaccinated person...wait wait I got COVID from a vaccinated person: READ that again, I GOT COVID FROM A VACCINATED PERSON. YEP. So lets rethink this entire vaccine mandate. This isn't made up bullshit.
You diiiiid?

Please describe the DNA testing that confirmed this.
Blunt and to the point works for me.

But I am still curious about his statement of " slowly rebuilding a life once promising and thoroughly incinerated".
Making a very long story short so I dont have to convince you, take my word for it. Its my tragedy not yours, I wont burden you with the details.
Obviously you don't really know me yet lol as there's a party on here tonight that I'm throwing!! :D
Are you playing Scrabble? My grampa and I used to play Scrabble and man I almost always lost.
Happy you are all right, but all these problems are caused by people who won't get vaccinated so more transmissions and more deaths, and scare people away causing the supply crisis. The vaccination cuts down transmission greatly and death totally. And masks do work well good masks work crappy masks Don't lol. Another huge Republican talking point spun out of all reality...
Yeah thats exactly whats happening.

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