I'm Voting For Nikki Haley

Trump is going to lose because the Democrats learned in 2020 how to steal an election with the scam of creating fraudulent ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
So why vote. Biden won the last election because Trump convinced you it was rigged…so why vote. And Trump had his head of the DOJ who’s responsible for national election integrity and an outsider fooled the incompetent republicans in office…..that’s your story ? Ha ha.
Trump is going to lose because the Democrats learned in 2020 how to steal an election with the scam of creating fraudulent ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.
So you admit, they did it in every state, 7 million times? That’s your story ….amazing
No, populism is compromising upon your core principles for whatever is popular at the time. Full stop. Of course the majority is not well informed. That is the cost in a society inundated with fragmented political information 24/7.

I believe Trump has a terrible track record at being correct about anything. You don't seem to know what you're talking about in general with the Covid-19 info. :dunno: Sorry.

If you say so. :dunno:

With covid, the quickest results in the lowest death toll, which is herd immunity.
So you should accelerate infection among those least vulnerable.
You should NEVER "flatten the curve" since that prevents it from ending, and maximizes the death toll.

Trump was right about everything.
Like not encouraging the Ukraine to join NATO, not allowing Israel to evict the Palestinians from their own country, not allowing China to take over our production, etc.
So you admit, they did it in every state, 7 million times? That’s your story ….amazing

I also doubt it since it was not actually detected, but it is possible.
We saw people dumping bags of ballots into drop boxes.
That should not be legal.
I suppose they could be from elderly facilities, but the polling place workers should go to these facilities, not having employees fill out the ballots.
Could easily have amounted to 7 million fake votes.
Most republicans don’t like him.
They just think democracy is worse than fascism. Mainly because, uncle Don never told them the difference.

No, the voters just know Biden was involved in many illegal wars, going back to the Maidan coup in 2014, while Trump never started a single war.
With covid, the quickest results in the lowest death toll, which is herd immunity.
So you should accelerate infection among those least vulnerable.
You should NEVER "flatten the curve" since that prevents it from ending, and maximizes the death toll.

Trump was right about everything.
Like not encouraging the Ukraine to join NATO, not allowing Israel to evict the Palestinians from their own country, not allowing China to take over our production, etc.
Hilarious. Covid shots don’t keep you from getting covid, so it has no negative Effect on how fast we get herd immunity. Aamof medicine illiterate, it shortens the time. By lessening the severity of the symptoms, you are more, not less free to move about in public.
also doubt it since it was not actually detected, but it is possible.
We saw people dumping bags of ballots into drop boxes.
Do you really know how ballot counters count mail in ballots ? Guess not…every vote has to match a registration before it’s counted. Maybe you now feel embarrassed…you never voted have you ?

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