I'm Voting Hillary For POTUS & Republicans Down-Ballot: Here's Why...(NC)


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
What's "left"? What's "right"? The lines are getting blurry..

If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas (via her husband Bill & the time she spent there with him). People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


Ginsburg: “Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

At least half of the Clinton-Team roots:



And then there's this...

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I think ANYONE who would vote for someone as corrupt as Hillary is an idiot who deserves whatever bad luck comes their way.
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If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas. People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

Jesus Christ....I'm embarrassed for the fucktards that live in this country among us....

Voting hitlery is akin to being Benedict Arnold....oh how far you fucktard liberals have dragged this once great country down to your shitter.....
I think ANYONE who would vote for someone as corrupt as Hillary is an idiot who deserves whatever bad luck comes their war.

It's a binary choice and at least she is not defending herself in a $40M fraud trial starting in a few weeks.
Except it's not binary. You're as stupid as the op it appears. Voters have the power to stop this shit but their too stupid and short sighted. Kinda like you & the op
If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas. People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

Why not just vote for Trump to make sure that her activist judges have no chance to ever even emerge?
Why not just vote for Trump to make sure that her activist judges have no chance to ever even emerge?

Because Trump's Court ideology on important social issues is TO THE LEFT OF JUSTICE GINSBURG.

That's why. He was raised in New York city, the culture that stands third only to San Franfreakshow and West Hollywood in tolerance to the LGBT cult.[/QUOTE]
Why not just vote for Trump to make sure that her activist judges have no chance to ever even emerge?

Because Trump's Court ideology on important social issues is TO THE LEFT OF JUSTICE GINSBURG.

That's why. He was raised in New York city, the culture that stands third only to San Franfreakshow and West Hollywood in tolerance to the LGBT cult.
Yeah!!! So vote hitlery....

What a fucking tool....
The struggle on this key point wages on in North Carolina:

In other words, there's no straight answer on whether North Carolina's law violates federal civil rights laws. That's because unlike other now-settled civil rights issues, the transgender rights debate is still in its infancy...."We've had a civil war and two constitutional amendments dealing with race, and we've had nothing dealing with transgender rights," said Greg Wallace, a law professor at Campbell University who doesn't think the law violates civil rights.Yes, even this basic question isn't settled law. More specifically, both sides are debating whether Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments Act — the federal law better known for prohibiting sex discrimination in schools and universities — includes protections for gender identity. The legal fight over North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law, in 4 questions

I guess it all boils down to do you want a president (raised in the third most liberal culture in the US) who will nominate (and the Congress will have to agree...because he's their party) a Justice who will force your state to let deranged men in your daughters' showers, bathrooms & locker rooms? Or do you want a president raised in the red South whom the Senate would be full frontal in resisting any nomination left of Justice Scalia?

If you ask me, I'd roll the dice on the roots being from the South (Bill & eventually Hillary).

A recent case that will directly affect the North Carolinian struggle to keep deranged males out of their ladies' bathrooms, showers, locker rooms etc. is Hively v Ivy Tech (2016) where the 7th circuit court of appeals upheld that homosexuality IS NOT covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act; and that it would take an Act of Congress to change that. So, even further of a longshot, deranged men pretending to be women aren't getting within a country mile of a women's bathroom legally if Hillary's good friend Ginsburg has anything to say about it.

Bear in mind DONALD TRUMP IS ALREADY LETTING MEN USE THE WOMEN'S FACILITIES IN TRUMP TOWER. That is where he stands on the issue and THAT is where he will appoint Justices from..
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If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas. People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

Hillary was not raised in Arkansas. She was born in raised the Chicago suburbs.
If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas. People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas.

Hillarys 'roots' are in blue Chicago, until she went to college

I would like to disabuse you of the notion that the crass bitch, Hillary Clinton, has deep roots in Arkansas.

She refused to marry Billy because he lived there, but flunked the D. C. Bar exam...realized she was going to have to ride coat-tails all her life, so she went there...very very grudgingly...and she got out of there as fast as she could...and the folks in Arkansas were none too glad to see her corpulent ass go.

They hate her in Arkansas, because they know her in Arkansas. Trump is 20 points up in Arkansas.

Deep roots in Arkansas my ass. The craven bitch is from Chicago...as anyone who has watched her behavior would have guessed.

I would like to disabuse you of the notion that the crass bitch, Hillary Clinton, has deep roots in Arkansas.

She refused to marry Billy because he lived there, but flunked the D. C. Bar exam...realized she was going to have to ride coat-tails all her life, so she went there...very very grudgingly...and she got out of there as fast as she could...and the folks in Arkansas were none too glad to see her corpulent ass go.

They hate her in Arkansas, because they know her in Arkansas. Trump is 20 points up in Arkansas.

Deep roots in Arkansas my ass. The craven bitch is from Chicago...as anyone who has watched her behavior would have guessed.

Not to mention, if she had 'deep red roots' in Arkansas, why did she move to NY to run for the Senate?
If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas (via her husband Bill & the time she spent there with him). People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

At least half of the Clinton-Team roots:



A new Donald Trump advertisement, isn't this more important than the LGBT thing?

^^ No. And you can't trust Trump. View the video in the OP to see if he ACTUALLY shares your values or simply has you hypnotized to believe he does..
Not to mention, if she had 'deep red roots' in Arkansas, why did she move to NY to run for the Senate?

Because Chelsea was/is living there?. Close to her daughter.

Close to her daughter?

They moved from Arkansas to NY because Chelsea was going to college there?

She graduated in 2001, then went to Oxford.

Is Oxford in NY?

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