I'm Voting Hillary For POTUS & Republicans Down-Ballot: Here's Why...(NC)

If you vote Hillary for POTUS and republicans for Congress, there's no chance Hillary will even bother nominating anything left of Scalia. She knows they will be shut down in the Senate. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas. People rebel when they're younger and then revert to their roots at they age. Trump was raised in New York City, the most liberal city in the East. Third in line behind San Francisco and West Hollywood.

So, know how people's minds are loyal as wisdom sets in; and vote accordingly. Between the two, for example (speaking of upcoming Court cases) only Donald Trump has come out in favor of letting deranged men into women's showers, locker rooms and restrooms. He has an official policy of this de facto violation of women even at Trump Tower. In fact, the most liberal Justice on the court, Ginsburg, even is to the right of Trump on this issue....

(Remember North Carolina, who it is that's more likely on your side)

WTF? vv

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary


“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post.
Read more at Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1975: ‘Unisex’ bathrooms unnecessary

Besides, when Bill Clinton was president, he worked with republicans regularly before he became so popular that with the 2000 election looming, the GOP had to defame him in order to have a shot at getting a GOP candidate in. They were looking at that popularity carrying the POTUS as democrat for another 8 years thanks to Bill's administrative skills.

Now, he and Hillary will work once again with their red-coat associates like they did in the past. Far more than Obama ever did; that's for sure. And with our Executive and Legislative branches once again on speaking terms, with the Clinton roots in the South (not New York), the Judicial Branch will come along nicely as well.

. Plus, Hillary's roots are in deep red Arkansas.

Hillarys 'roots' are in blue Chicago, until she went to college


Like plankton, the Rodham Roadhog has no roots.
Well I did it. I braved the lines and voted. Voted for Hillary POTUS and all GOP down-ballot. I wasn't sure how I'd feel at first but thinking on it now, it feels good. It feels like it was the right thing to do in spite of my reservations each way. I think striking a balance when things are so out of balance will be best. And, like I said, the Clintons were good about working with the GOP and vice versa. So, I think good things will actually happen; like when Bill had the helm.
If you are voting for the hildabeast then you are a anti American traitor with no morals. Simple as that!
If you are voting for the hildabeast then you are a anti American traitor with no morals. Simple as that!
It seems the opposite actually. Since it looks like with zero releases of Trump emails all throughout, that the folks behind the wikileaks on Hillary may actually be trying to tamper with an election. If it turns out the new warrant investigating Trump's ties to Russia and the claims that Russian hackers are behind wikileaks, we do have a case of treason. It's just not me that's the traitor.

Tampering with an American election isn't a misdemeanor.
t this point in time, you cannot trust anything that comes from the FBI or the doh! Both have lost any credibility they might have had in the past !
t this point in time, you cannot trust anything that comes from the FBI or the doh! Both have lost any credibility they might have had in the past !
OK, let's believe then that they didn't even have a reason to indict Hillary in the first place. Perfect. I agree.

Like plankton, the Rodham Roadhog has no roots.

Well, how do you feel about Trump's stance on deranged men sharing showers, bathrooms etc. with women (video in the OP)?
Picky and Petty Points
It's not an issue he's really concerned about either way. He's leaving it up to the TransJenners themselves to force it into law.
No, there's a youtube video saying he supports it and he even announced he's got a policy at Trump Towers where these deranged men can use the women's bathrooms there.

Hillary's roots? If Hillary's roots were "deep in Arkansas" it would be enough to worry about but Hillary's roots are in freaking Chicago.

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