Im with Donald.

IMHO prison should only be for those who are a danger to society ie. rapists in general, murderers, arsonists, child rapists, drug dealers, of course also I think that child rapists and drug dealers should automatically be executed, which that also would help to reduce a prison population further and also save money because I see no reason why to waste tax money to keep child rapists breathing oxygen or waste tax money to keep drug dealers breathing oxygen.

I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.

Prison does not contribute anything to the underlining problem, which is their addiction.

Drug dealers should be in prison, in an ideal situation they would be executed, these slugs are useless on every level to any society.

Those with recognised mental health issues should not be in a prison, it in majority cases only intensifies their problems, instead of prison those with mental health issues should be in Psychiatric institutions to get the therapy and medications they need to help with their problems.

There are also alternatives to prison for young offenders, such as community based programmes, where you could have responsible adults as mentors to young offenders, the mentors could even be retired peoples in their 60s and 70s, they would build relationships with the young offenders and help them make better decisions about how to lead their lives more positively and be more productive to their community.

The young offenders who have discipline problems should be sent to boot camps, this would help them not only with discipline but also general anger management and also self-esteem.

The situation is that prison is not always the solution and too many are in prison who should not be.
Drug dealers are a questionable one. Yes they are breaking the law but the act of selling somebody something is not a danger to society. Unless they are forcing drugs into people I don’t think they are doing anything more than providing supply for that which there is demand.

Drug dealing IS a danger to society and it ruins young lives. We are not talking about a NORMAL supply and demand situation eg. fruits eg. there is a high demand for peaches so the supply of peaches is increased to meet the demand. Peaches are NOT a danger to society, lives are not ruined by eating eg. 20 peaches a week. Lives ARE ruined by drug dealers getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc.
I guess following that logic we should arrest and execute anybody that illegally sells a gun. Would you agree with that?

Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.
Since were all about killing drug dealers... I propose that we start executing doctors pharmacists, and CEOs of big Pharmaceutical companies that also deal drugs. Only “they” do it with the “governments” blessing...
What say ye!?

Why are you against executing drug dealers. It says a lot about a person who thinks that drug dealers do not deserve shooting.
So... are you for, or against killing pharmacists, doctors, and CEOs of big pharma? They deal more drugs than anyone. And with the governments blessing. That’s not even mentioning the anti-depressants that nearly every mass shooter has been on...

^^^^ Pharmacists bizarrely getting thrown into the SAME category as drug dealers on the streets dealing Meth to teenagers :uhoh3:
Yeah... Drugs are drugs... But if big daddy gov says it’s cool... Well Hey!!!
Why are you against executing drug dealers who for example sell Meth to teenagers?

WTF?! What next? Giving drug dealers Protected Status? It says a lot about a person who thinks that drug dealers do not deserve shooting.
Are the buyers doing so involuntarily? Where are the parents? Darwin’s fulcrum needs no speed bumps...

The drug dealers get these teenagers hooked, they are evil scum, the teenagers once addicted like any addiction is then out of their control, the addiction is in control, the addiction needs feeding, the vicious circle.
Teenagers with attentive parents, and sound upbringing are seldom laid low by drugs, or their dealers. So is that a “yes”, or “no” to killing drug dealers? Or does a a government “stamp of approval” change things?

Actually many teenagers with attentive parents and a good upbringing have fallen victim to drug addiction. Still a yes to killing drug dealers and there is a difference between Meth and Crack etc and Codeine etc.
Adam Lanzas victims would say otherwise. If they could say anything at all...

adam lanza? what dots are you connecting to mention him?
Drug dealers are a questionable one. Yes they are breaking the law but the act of selling somebody something is not a danger to society. Unless they are forcing drugs into people I don’t think they are doing anything more than providing supply for that which there is demand.

Drug dealing IS a danger to society and it ruins young lives. We are not talking about a NORMAL supply and demand situation eg. fruits eg. there is a high demand for peaches so the supply of peaches is increased to meet the demand. Peaches are NOT a danger to society, lives are not ruined by eating eg. 20 peaches a week. Lives ARE ruined by drug dealers getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc.
I guess following that logic we should arrest and execute anybody that illegally sells a gun. Would you agree with that?

Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.
If drugs were legal then the dealers would have legitimate jobs doing the same thing they are doing now. The product would be cleaner, education and rehab would be funded by tax revenue and we wouldn’t be funding gangs and wasting trillions of dollars fighting and enforcing a useless war.
Are the buyers doing so involuntarily? Where are the parents? Darwin’s fulcrum needs no speed bumps...

The drug dealers get these teenagers hooked, they are evil scum, the teenagers once addicted like any addiction is then out of their control, the addiction is in control, the addiction needs feeding, the vicious circle.
Teenagers with attentive parents, and sound upbringing are seldom laid low by drugs, or their dealers. So is that a “yes”, or “no” to killing drug dealers? Or does a a government “stamp of approval” change things?

Actually many teenagers with attentive parents and a good upbringing have fallen victim to drug addiction. Still a yes to killing drug dealers and there is a difference between Meth and Crack etc and Codeine etc.
Adam Lanzas victims would say otherwise. If they could say anything at all...

adam lanza? what dots are you connecting to mention him?
Heavily dosed with drugs, for a long period of time. Both suggested, and provided by docs, and pharmacists. Along with nearly every school shooter in history...
The drug dealers get these teenagers hooked, they are evil scum, the teenagers once addicted like any addiction is then out of their control, the addiction is in control, the addiction needs feeding, the vicious circle.
Teenagers with attentive parents, and sound upbringing are seldom laid low by drugs, or their dealers. So is that a “yes”, or “no” to killing drug dealers? Or does a a government “stamp of approval” change things?

Actually many teenagers with attentive parents and a good upbringing have fallen victim to drug addiction. Still a yes to killing drug dealers and there is a difference between Meth and Crack etc and Codeine etc.
Adam Lanzas victims would say otherwise. If they could say anything at all...

adam lanza? what dots are you connecting to mention him?
Heavily dosed with drugs, for a long period of time. Both suggested, and provided by docs, and pharmacists. Along with nearly every school shooter in history...

i don't necessarily disagree with you in general... but as far as lanza is concerned -

um... no.

Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Had No Drugs, Alcohol In System

( i am from CT, which is why i asked you to clarify)
Since were all about killing drug dealers... I propose that we start executing doctors pharmacists, and CEOs of big Pharmaceutical companies that also deal drugs. Only “they” do it with the “governments” blessing...
What say ye!?

Why are you against executing drug dealers who for example sell Meth to teenagers?

WTF?! What next? Giving drug dealers Protected Status? It says a lot about a person who thinks that drug dealers do not deserve shooting.

Do you think all drug dealers sell meth to teenagers? Do you advocate killing the dealer who sells pot to middle-aged adults?

There is a difference between Meth and Weed.

Of course there is. You didn't make any sort of distinction, however, you simply called for the killing of drug dealers. If you meant meth dealers only, you ought to say that to avoid confusion.
Teenagers with attentive parents, and sound upbringing are seldom laid low by drugs, or their dealers. So is that a “yes”, or “no” to killing drug dealers? Or does a a government “stamp of approval” change things?

Actually many teenagers with attentive parents and a good upbringing have fallen victim to drug addiction. Still a yes to killing drug dealers and there is a difference between Meth and Crack etc and Codeine etc.
Adam Lanzas victims would say otherwise. If they could say anything at all...

adam lanza? what dots are you connecting to mention him?
Heavily dosed with drugs, for a long period of time. Both suggested, and provided by docs, and pharmacists. Along with nearly every school shooter in history...

i don't necessarily disagree with you in general... but as far as lanza is concerned -

um... no.

Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Had No Drugs, Alcohol In System

( i am from CT, which is why i asked you to clarify)
New Information About Adam Lanza's Mental Health Treatment Reveals Multiple Drugs |
He had been subjected to a lifetime of various drugs, by various “professionals” throughout his up bringing. And nearly every other school shooter, and many others were under the influence of big Pharmas drugs. Funny how the warnings only begrudgingly warn against the possibility of suicidal tendencies associated with their product. But are deafeningly silent about homocidal tendencies... Whose only difference is whom you seek to kill...
Actually many teenagers with attentive parents and a good upbringing have fallen victim to drug addiction. Still a yes to killing drug dealers and there is a difference between Meth and Crack etc and Codeine etc.
Adam Lanzas victims would say otherwise. If they could say anything at all...

adam lanza? what dots are you connecting to mention him?
Heavily dosed with drugs, for a long period of time. Both suggested, and provided by docs, and pharmacists. Along with nearly every school shooter in history...

i don't necessarily disagree with you in general... but as far as lanza is concerned -

um... no.

Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Had No Drugs, Alcohol In System

( i am from CT, which is why i asked you to clarify)
New Information About Adam Lanza's Mental Health Treatment Reveals Multiple Drugs |
He had been subjected to a lifetime of various drugs, by various “professionals” throughout his up bringing. And nearly every other school shooter, and many others were under the influence of big Pharmas drugs. Funny how the warnings only begrudgingly warn against the possibility of suicidal tendencies associated with their product. But are deafeningly silent about homocidal tendencies... Whose only difference is whom you seek to kill...

there were no drugs in his system at the time he shot up those poor souls. toxicology reports do not lie. & it takes time for those drugs to work themselves out of the bloodstream & liver. he was a very disturbed person with multiple psychological problems & his mother was a huge obstacle with him getting the treatment he needed.
Drug dealing IS a danger to society and it ruins young lives. We are not talking about a NORMAL supply and demand situation eg. fruits eg. there is a high demand for peaches so the supply of peaches is increased to meet the demand. Peaches are NOT a danger to society, lives are not ruined by eating eg. 20 peaches a week. Lives ARE ruined by drug dealers getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc.
I guess following that logic we should arrest and execute anybody that illegally sells a gun. Would you agree with that?

Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.
If drugs were legal then the dealers would have legitimate jobs doing the same thing they are doing now. The product would be cleaner, education and rehab would be funded by tax revenue and we wouldn’t be funding gangs and wasting trillions of dollars fighting and enforcing a useless war.
I think that corporate America would move in and monopolise. I agree with your analysis. Not only would you save the policing and prison costs you would stabilise Central America. You could use the tax revenue to fund anti addiction initiatives.
Drug dealers are a questionable one. Yes they are breaking the law but the act of selling somebody something is not a danger to society. Unless they are forcing drugs into people I don’t think they are doing anything more than providing supply for that which there is demand.

Drug dealing IS a danger to society and it ruins young lives. We are not talking about a NORMAL supply and demand situation eg. fruits eg. there is a high demand for peaches so the supply of peaches is increased to meet the demand. Peaches are NOT a danger to society, lives are not ruined by eating eg. 20 peaches a week. Lives ARE ruined by drug dealers getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc.
I guess following that logic we should arrest and execute anybody that illegally sells a gun. Would you agree with that?

Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg. with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.
Drug dealing IS a danger to society and it ruins young lives. We are not talking about a NORMAL supply and demand situation eg. fruits eg. there is a high demand for peaches so the supply of peaches is increased to meet the demand. Peaches are NOT a danger to society, lives are not ruined by eating eg. 20 peaches a week. Lives ARE ruined by drug dealers getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc.
I guess following that logic we should arrest and execute anybody that illegally sells a gun. Would you agree with that?

Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.
Last edited:
I guess following that logic we should arrest and execute anybody that illegally sells a gun. Would you agree with that?

Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.
Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!
You would have been with the Donald he he told you to jump of a bridge.. so, wow shocker
Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!
You would have been with the Donald he he told you to jump of a bridge.. so, wow shocker
I would have jumped off if he had joined me.
Not sure what logic you are following there. I am discussing the fundamental damage to society that drug dealers do getting teenagers hooked on Meth etc, the topic is not guns.
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)
They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)
If people want to get high they are going to get high. They can sniff glue or do whip it’s... are you going to make arasol, glue, and whipped cream illegal next?

Yes people can grow weed and mushrooms. They could probably make harder drugs too with the way tech is evolving. Why spend trillions of dollars fighting to control something you can’t and funding the gangs and cartel in the process. If people want to use drugs then that’s their choice. Let it go
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)
If people want to get high they are going to get high. They can sniff glue or do whip it’s... are you going to make arasol, glue, and whipped cream illegal next?

Yes people can grow weed and mushrooms. They could probably make harder drugs too with the way tech is evolving. Why spend trillions of dollars fighting to control something you can’t and funding the gangs and cartel in the process. If people want to use drugs then that’s their choice. Let it go

Stay off welfare and out of the hospital on my dime and I can’t give two fucks. More power to you.
I’m cool with everybody smoking weed if we drug test welfare recipients and decline payment and or services if they test positive for ANY substance. Fuck, I’d be cool if everyone smoked like Cheech & Chong then.
I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.
on that note>>>

Prison–industrial complex | Wikiwand

The War on Drugs a monumental failure, always was going to be.

Americans learned nothing from the Prohibition Era. They tried it with alcohol and all they did was enrich the smugglers and the moonshiners. Legalize it, tax the hell out of it. Let the illegal dealers sell it. Make them honest citizens doing what they do best.
Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!

IMHO prison should only be for those who are a danger to society ie. rapists in general, murderers, arsonists, child rapists, drug dealers, of course also I think that child rapists and drug dealers should automatically be executed, which that also would help to reduce a prison population further and also save money because I see no reason why to waste tax money to keep child rapists breathing oxygen or waste tax money to keep drug dealers breathing oxygen.

I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.

Prison does not contribute anything to the underlining problem, which is their addiction.

Drug dealers should be in prison, in an ideal situation they would be executed, these slugs are useless on every level to any society.

Those with recognised mental health issues should not be in a prison, it in majority cases only intensifies their problems, instead of prison those with mental health issues should be in Psychiatric institutions to get the therapy and medications they need to help with their problems.

There are also alternatives to prison for young offenders, such as community based programmes, where you could have responsible adults as mentors to young offenders, the mentors could even be retired peoples in their 60s and 70s, they would build relationships with the young offenders and help them make better decisions about how to lead their lives more positively and be more productive to their community.

The young offenders who have discipline problems should be sent to boot camps, this would help them not only with discipline but also general anger management and also self-esteem.

The situation is that prison is not always the solution and too many are in prison who should not be.
Cool list...I would add trump to it...he turned millions against millions of Americans...worse than any other criminal act.

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