Im with Donald.

Since were all about killing drug dealers... I propose that we start executing doctors pharmacists, and CEOs of big Pharmaceutical companies that also deal drugs. Only “they” do it with the “governments” blessing...
What say ye!?

Spot on.
The opioid problem didn't come from Mexico or Central America.
It came from Purdue Pharma in the good old USA.

The Secretive Family Making Billions From the Opioid Crisis
Origins of an Epidemic: Purdue Pharma Knew Its Opioids Were Widely Abused

They are selling a product that people willing buy. Now if people are forcing others to take drugs it is a different story but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about. I would agree that the penalty for selling to children should be more sever than selling to adults. I actually don’t think it should be illegal at all to sell to adults
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)

I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!
If you stop the war on drugs then these characters would be redundant. Most dealers actually deal to pay for their habit. They need help and support.

If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)

I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!

Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!
If you decriminalise all drugs then there would be no drug dealers on streets, if the drugs were all legal and were sold over the counter then you end street drug dealers. Most of the crap they sell on the streets is cut with all types of vicious components from soap powder to rat poison, so that for eg. you have a junkie and they are getting some street junk that they THINK is 80% junk when in actuality it's going to be 40% junk and 60% anything from soap powder to rat poison, it's these added vicious components that drug dealers cut their product with in order to increase the product to have a greater quantity to sell to make more moneys, it's these added vicious components that are responsible for the majority of deaths from drugs.

So if you decriminalise all drugs not only do you eliminate the street drug dealers but you also have a cleaner product at a more affordable and regulated price in all pharmacies and no this would NOT mean that EVERYONE overnight would become a drug addict, pre-1955 on most of this Continent for example Cocaine and Diamorphine aka Heroin were legally available in the majority of pharmacies and the drug addict rate was very steady from the 1920s on it was only post-1955 when they started to criminalise Cocaine and Heroin that the addiction rate went up.

A similar situation in America for eg with Prohibition, the outlawing of alcohol did NOT stop peoples drinking it had the OPPOSITE effect and produced more peoples drinking and there were more actual alcoholics produced during Prohibition than there were pre-Prohibition and of course they had all the illegal bootleggings that once Prohibition was abolished all that crowd disappeared because they had been put out of business, in the exact same way that street drug dealers would be put out of business if you decriminalised drugs.

I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)

I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!

Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!

Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.
I call bullshit...that theory looks real good on paper and that’s it....the black market for weed in Mexifornia is bigger than ever.
Legalizing the germination of weed has moved the wetback cartels from Mexico and into residential neighborhoods here.
Everybody sane saw this coming from a mile away and our piece of shit anchor baby law makers pretended it couldn’t happen.

It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)

I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!

Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!

Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.’s actually the same thing as one leads to the other as it’s been proven over and over again.
Like I said, one must pull their head from their ass and view things through a wide lens and think big picture to understand.
If you’re hung up on “personal liberty” you’ll never allow yourself to wrap your head around this basic principle.
It is alot easier to grow some weed than it is to produce Cocaine and Heroin.

I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)

I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!

Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!

Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.’s actually the same thing as one leads to the other as it’s been proven over and over again.
Like I said, one must pull their head from their ass and view things through a wide lens and think big picture to understand.
If you’re hung up on “personal liberty” you’ll never allow yourself to wrap your head around this basic principle.

If you think caring about personal liberty is unimportant, you're probably living in the wrong country. :p
I agree...but there are inherent, wide scope problems with legalizing any substance and most can’t see past the “personal liberty” part....When something is legal and easy to obtain kids think it must not be bad for them. Smoking weed is a gateway to drug abuse, welfare and criminality....I know all stoners want us to believe that only doctors and lawyers indulge in weed but that’s simply not the truth.
(Cue the wackos...But, but, but....ALCOHOL!)

I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!

Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!

Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.’s actually the same thing as one leads to the other as it’s been proven over and over again.
Like I said, one must pull their head from their ass and view things through a wide lens and think big picture to understand.
If you’re hung up on “personal liberty” you’ll never allow yourself to wrap your head around this basic principle.

If you think caring about personal liberty is unimportant, you're probably living in the wrong country. :p

If you think all laws don’t impede personal liberties you must be smoking some good shit. Do you hate law and order?
I know, right? If we'd just had fewer wackos whining about personal liberty, we could have avoiding this whole United States thing and just remained English!

Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!

Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.’s actually the same thing as one leads to the other as it’s been proven over and over again.
Like I said, one must pull their head from their ass and view things through a wide lens and think big picture to understand.
If you’re hung up on “personal liberty” you’ll never allow yourself to wrap your head around this basic principle.

If you think caring about personal liberty is unimportant, you're probably living in the wrong country. :p

If you think all laws don’t impede personal liberties you must be smoking some good shit. Do you hate law and order?

I guess I should just ignore the concepts of personal liberty and individual freedom then?

I don't hate law and order. However, all laws are not good laws.
Balance is key...For me it’s about fairness to society as a whole. The fundamental responsibility of government is to keep people, particularly lowlife pieces of shits from imposing their bad habits on others...see, they fucked up when they told good, productive people that they had to fund said pieces of, I have to be all up in your personal liberties as they cost me money....FUCK THAT!

Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.’s actually the same thing as one leads to the other as it’s been proven over and over again.
Like I said, one must pull their head from their ass and view things through a wide lens and think big picture to understand.
If you’re hung up on “personal liberty” you’ll never allow yourself to wrap your head around this basic principle.

If you think caring about personal liberty is unimportant, you're probably living in the wrong country. :p

If you think all laws don’t impede personal liberties you must be smoking some good shit. Do you hate law and order?

I guess I should just ignore the concepts of personal liberty and individual freedom then?

I don't hate law and order. However, all laws are not good laws.

All laws are definitely not good laws...BUT....the ones that protect the checking accounts of good people certainly are.
Something being taxpayer funded is a separate issue from that thing being legal or illegal.’s actually the same thing as one leads to the other as it’s been proven over and over again.
Like I said, one must pull their head from their ass and view things through a wide lens and think big picture to understand.
If you’re hung up on “personal liberty” you’ll never allow yourself to wrap your head around this basic principle.

If you think caring about personal liberty is unimportant, you're probably living in the wrong country. :p

If you think all laws don’t impede personal liberties you must be smoking some good shit. Do you hate law and order?

I guess I should just ignore the concepts of personal liberty and individual freedom then?

I don't hate law and order. However, all laws are not good laws.

All laws are definitely not good laws...BUT....the ones that protect the checking accounts of good people certainly are.

That's dependent upon how the law accomplishes that (and how it defines "good people").
The War on Drugs a monumental failure, always was going to be.

I don't think non-violent criminals should be imprisoned. They are not a threat like murderers, and rapists. Also, drugs should be legalized, and the stupid money grabbing "war on drugs" eliminated. Huge failure!

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