I'm With Trump Right Now!

I actually voted for Trump. It scares me I can't actually say that in public, because it scares people. People that pretend to be liberals and pretend to be so open minded, they can't stand real diversity.

Diversity is OK, it's corruption, paying off porn stars and calling other countries "shit holes" and making fun of handicapped people and sticking up for white supremacists that rubs us the wrong way.
Um, WHAT? Nevermind...
There must be a huge group of people like me. Queers can come out unabashedly, but we the majority, that voted for Trump, have to hide in the closet, Trump actually won the election. Telling, isn't it? What else can I say? I run back in the shadows because the haters will prove what overbearing assholes they are...
There must be a huge group of people like me. Queers can come out unabashedly, but we the majority, that voted for Trump, have to hide in the closet, Trump actually won the election. Telling, isn't it? What else can I say? I run back in the shadows because the haters will prove what overbearing assholes they are...

Nobody has to hide because they voted for anybody. I tell people here and in person I voted for Trump and I don't care what they think. In most cases, they respond "so did I!"
sticking up for white supremacists that rubs us the wrong way.

Yeah, that's a tough pill to swallow, 'cept it wasn't Trump that ever stuck up for or posed with any white supremacists! Only in your fevered, CNN-infused, sickened mind! The truth really sucks, huh?

There must be a huge group of people like me. Queers can come out unabashedly, but we the majority, that voted for Trump, have to hide in the closet, Trump actually won the election. Telling, isn't it? What else can I say? I run back in the shadows because the haters will prove what overbearing assholes they are...

Nobody has to hide because they voted for anybody. I tell people here and in person I voted for Trump and I don't care what they think. In most cases, they respond "so did I!"
Boy howdy, I am am here to tell you people are afraid of liberals and doubly afraid to say so in public, because of the climate of fear and loathing these liberals create. I am not kidding, I fear liberals the same way old school Russians fear propaganda commissars & apparatchiks, they scold, ignore the facts, intimidate and use fear tactics. This isn't America we used to know anymore. It's gotten out of hand.
I voted for Clinton, he had his little indiscretions. If we go back far enough, say, Lincoln MAY have had homosexual lovers. Eisenhower MAY had extramarital affairs. Kennedy MAY have slept with Monroe. History creeps you out the more you learn. Where do we go with this?
where do I go with this?

just teach my kids how to do their little part to help keep America great

There must be a huge group of people like me. Queers can come out unabashedly, but we the majority, that voted for Trump, have to hide in the closet, Trump actually won the election. Telling, isn't it? What else can I say? I run back in the shadows because the haters will prove what overbearing assholes they are...
So you are gay?
Right now I am with Trump by using transcendental meditation and man he is on the terlit and s-h-e-w-w-e-e what's that boy been eatin'?
There must be a huge group of people like me. Queers can come out unabashedly, but we the majority, that voted for Trump, have to hide in the closet, Trump actually won the election. Telling, isn't it? What else can I say? I run back in the shadows because the haters will prove what overbearing assholes they are...
So you are gay?

Guessing you could send a private message if you were that interested.
There must be a huge group of people like me. Queers can come out unabashedly, but we the majority, that voted for Trump, have to hide in the closet, Trump actually won the election. Telling, isn't it? What else can I say? I run back in the shadows because the haters will prove what overbearing assholes they are...
So you are gay?

Guessing you could send a private message if you were that interested.
Only if she wants to not be in the closet...
I fear liberals the same way old school Russians fear propaganda commissars & apparatchiks, they scold, ignore the facts, intimidate and use fear tactics. This isn't America we used to know anymore. It's gotten out of hand.

I agree. That's why I carry a gun.
Me too. Because of the immigration stuff. I have been to a INS office back in the early 90s. They say Regan created this atmosphere to begin with. I despise illegals and actively stood against them, Instead, our government defends illegals. It takes my breath away how Denver or San Francisco is a sanctuary city despite our wishes, and to despite our own poor. It's not what Democracy is.
Unless if you are a native American....you are an immigrant, legal or not we don't care. One thing for sure you are a hateful and selfish prick.
Unless you are born in another country, anyone born here is a native American. This talking point of yours is tired and wrong.

I have a touch of native blood, but regardless of that; I was born in the USA and I AM a native of the USA.
About that... even so called "native" people immigrated here from Asia, too. We have this newfangled idea called "counties" that weren't even a vague concept when people were nomadic tribes pushing out and exploring. Now we sort of have this new civilized concept of international law, National borders and Immigration law which we hold most people to. But not Mexicans, though. We can't do that, that would be whatsitsaphobia.
Well sweet heart Latinos gonna be the majority and your racist self won't be around when that happens. So relax and stop being a hater.
Oh not all brown Spanish speaking human beings are Mexicans.
Well sweet heart Latinos gonna be the majority and your racist self won't be around when that happens. So relax and stop being a hater.

Correct, but why did those Latino people come here in the first place? That's right, because whites made this the greatest country in the world. Now what do you suppose is going to happen when whites are not around anymore in this country? Well.....just go anywhere in this country in areas where whites are not around and see for yourself.
Well sweet heart Latinos gonna be the majority and your racist self won't be around when that happens. So relax and stop being a hater.

Correct, but why did those Latino people come here in the first place? That's right, because whites made this the greatest country in the world. Now what do you suppose is going to happen when whites are not around anymore in this country? Well.....just go anywhere in this country in areas where whites are not around and see for yourself.
Actually, just go to Mexico. Plenty of evidence there.
Well sweet heart Latinos gonna be the majority and your racist self won't be around when that happens. So relax and stop being a hater.

Correct, but why did those Latino people come here in the first place? That's right, because whites made this the greatest country in the world. Now what do you suppose is going to happen when whites are not around anymore in this country? Well.....just go anywhere in this country in areas where whites are not around and see for yourself.
Aztecs and the Mayans were ahead of whites so were the Egyptians, the Moors, etc...its a human cycle get over your racist fantasy.
Aztecs and the Mayans were ahead of whites so were the Egyptians, the Moors, etc...its a human cycle get over your racist fantasy.

Actually, History Expert, your Aztec and Inca Civilizations didn't bloom until the 14th and 15th Centuries, about the time Chaucer was writing the Canterbury Tales and long after Marco Polo had explored the world. You may be intending to mean the Mayan Civilization, which occurred back during the Subboreal Chronozone of the Holocene, right after the rise and fall of the Great Egyptian Civilization and during the middle parts of both the Ancient Greeks and the cultures surrounding Mesopotamia.

Now, technically, all of these were of Caucasian decent except for the Mayans, which were evolved from the nomadic tribes that crossed the land bridge into Alaska about 12-13,000 years ago from northern Siberia and the Arctic and are descended from the Paleo-Siberian, Tungustic and Arctic-Marine peoples which were themselves a mix of both Mongoloid and Caucasoid races, so I guess it depends on what you meant by "White." If by that, you were referring to the Germanic Tribes that were organizing to form modern Europe, then you'd be wrong about that too.

BTW, the Moors were thousands of years apart from the Egyptians and though poorly defined, are generally considered to be principally Muslim Caucasians again, of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) region, so again, your statement is total rubbish.

Other than that, you had it all perfectly right.
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