I'm With Trump Right Now!

All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!
I watched it. He gave a great speech and his message was clear: In order to keep improving the economy and making conservative policies, Republicans need to hold on to the majority in Congress. Who cares WHO is running on the R side, you just gotta vote for them or lose all the progress Trump has made.

He's a formidable opponent, no matter what CNN says. I don't like the guy, but the media IS being ridiculous. There's coverage--which we need--and then there's obsessive snarling and bitching that never ends.

I hate Trump's broad- brush take on illegals as MS-13 characters. Over 100 of the illegals that ICE wanted to arrest in Oakland did not have any criminal history at all. If ICE were actually doing what the President said they would do and focusing on violent criminals, I think I'd feel more confident in these raids. When they arrest some poor guy who snuck over here twenty years ago to live a decent life, and who now works mowing lawns and trimming shrubbery, THAT's what people object to. That is the opposite of what Trump promised. Now he has unleashed his dogs and is sending home everyone regardless if they're "dangerous" or not. That is why some people are screaming about it, I think.

You honestly thought that he gave a great speech yesterday?
I am actually afraid to say I voted for...Trump. Liberals scare me, they make their form of hate seem almost rational. Liberals making sanity seem evil. Almost made me stop for a second. But just a second...

Don't lie...you're not scared you're ashamed.
You scum hate so much that you resort to lying about 99 percent of the time when faced with a person you cannot shut down.

Show us on the doll....
I don't play with dolls pervert.
All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!
I watched it. He gave a great speech and his message was clear: In order to keep improving the economy and making conservative policies, Republicans need to hold on to the majority in Congress. Who cares WHO is running on the R side, you just gotta vote for them or lose all the progress Trump has made.

He's a formidable opponent, no matter what CNN says. I don't like the guy, but the media IS being ridiculous. There's coverage--which we need--and then there's obsessive snarling and bitching that never ends.

I hate Trump's broad- brush take on illegals as MS-13 characters. Over 100 of the illegals that ICE wanted to arrest in Oakland did not have any criminal history at all. If ICE were actually doing what the President said they would do and focusing on violent criminals, I think I'd feel more confident in these raids. When they arrest some poor guy who snuck over here twenty years ago to live a decent life, and who now works mowing lawns and trimming shrubbery, THAT's what people object to. That is the opposite of what Trump promised. Now he has unleashed his dogs and is sending home everyone regardless if they're "dangerous" or not. That is why some people are screaming about it, I think.

You honestly thought that he gave a great speech yesterday?
He knows how to talk to the average American, who spends Sunday mornings sleeping in and eating waffles, not watching the Sunday shows that have people talking in detail about policies they don't understand and find boring.
I'm a good bellwether, Lone. As an Independent, I am open to all arguments (except a few where I will not be moved) and when he finished that speech last night, I was thinking to myself, "He's not so bad."
I don't approve of him. I don't like some of the conservative agenda he's pushing forward. But he is a formidable opponent. Don't be blinded by your personal point of view or we will lose again. I can't stand him. It doesn't mean I can't see that he knows how to talk to the average voter.
I am actually afraid to say I voted for...Trump. Liberals scare me, they make their form of hate seem almost rational. Liberals making sanity seem evil. Almost made me stop for a second. But just a second...

Don't lie...you're not scared you're ashamed.
You scum hate so much that you resort to lying about 99 percent of the time when faced with a person you cannot shut down.

Show us on the doll....
I don't play with dolls pervert.
Just the rags?
I don't listen to none of their jive talkin' bullshit.....It's isn't for me and my interest that is for sure..
All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!
I watched it. He gave a great speech and his message was clear: In order to keep improving the economy and making conservative policies, Republicans need to hold on to the majority in Congress. Who cares WHO is running on the R side, you just gotta vote for them or lose all the progress Trump has made.

He's a formidable opponent, no matter what CNN says. I don't like the guy, but the media IS being ridiculous. There's coverage--which we need--and then there's obsessive snarling and bitching that never ends.

I hate Trump's broad- brush take on illegals as MS-13 characters. Over 100 of the illegals that ICE wanted to arrest in Oakland did not have any criminal history at all. If ICE were actually doing what the President said they would do and focusing on violent criminals, I think I'd feel more confident in these raids. When they arrest some poor guy who snuck over here twenty years ago to live a decent life, and who now works mowing lawns and trimming shrubbery, THAT's what people object to. That is the opposite of what Trump promised. Now he has unleashed his dogs and is sending home everyone regardless if they're "dangerous" or not. That is why some people are screaming about it, I think.

You honestly thought that he gave a great speech yesterday?
He knows how to talk to the average American, who spends Sunday mornings sleeping in and eating waffles, not watching the Sunday shows that have people talking in detail about policies they don't understand and find boring.
I'm a good bellwether, Lone. As an Independent, I am open to all arguments (except a few where I will not be moved) and when he finished that speech last night, I was thinking to myself, "He's not so bad."
I don't approve of him. I don't like some of the conservative agenda he's pushing forward. But he is a formidable opponent. Don't be blinded by your personal point of view or we will lose again. I can't stand him. It doesn't mean I can't see that he knows how to talk to the average voter.

You are not a bellwether.

Who's the "we" in "we will lose again"?

He knows how to talk to the below average voter. If you listened to that travesty and thought "he's not so bad", you too are below average. He's bad. He's irresponsible and ignorant.

Fortunately, most Americans know this. He has peaked.
All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!
I watched it. He gave a great speech and his message was clear: In order to keep improving the economy and making conservative policies, Republicans need to hold on to the majority in Congress. Who cares WHO is running on the R side, you just gotta vote for them or lose all the progress Trump has made.

He's a formidable opponent, no matter what CNN says. I don't like the guy, but the media IS being ridiculous. There's coverage--which we need--and then there's obsessive snarling and bitching that never ends.

I hate Trump's broad- brush take on illegals as MS-13 characters. Over 100 of the illegals that ICE wanted to arrest in Oakland did not have any criminal history at all. If ICE were actually doing what the President said they would do and focusing on violent criminals, I think I'd feel more confident in these raids. When they arrest some poor guy who snuck over here twenty years ago to live a decent life, and who now works mowing lawns and trimming shrubbery, THAT's what people object to. That is the opposite of what Trump promised. Now he has unleashed his dogs and is sending home everyone regardless if they're "dangerous" or not. That is why some people are screaming about it, I think.

You honestly thought that he gave a great speech yesterday?
He knows how to talk to the average American, who spends Sunday mornings sleeping in and eating waffles, not watching the Sunday shows that have people talking in detail about policies they don't understand and find boring.
I'm a good bellwether, Lone. As an Independent, I am open to all arguments (except a few where I will not be moved) and when he finished that speech last night, I was thinking to myself, "He's not so bad."
I don't approve of him. I don't like some of the conservative agenda he's pushing forward. But he is a formidable opponent. Don't be blinded by your personal point of view or we will lose again. I can't stand him. It doesn't mean I can't see that he knows how to talk to the average voter.

You are not a bellwether.

Who's the "we" in "we will lose again"?

He knows how to talk to the below average voter. If you listened to that travesty and thought "he's not so bad", you too are below average. He's bad. He's irresponsible and ignorant.

Fortunately, most Americans know this. He has peaked.
I hope you're right. You are letting your point of view cloud your judgment, though. Never underestimate your opponent, Lone.
Listen to all the haters talking out their backsides again. Poor Trump! 7 more years of living in you idiots heads.
he is taking hold of the union vote

Are we finally giving them the right to Vote ?


And how exactly will that work...?? electronic, I guess.
he is taking hold of the union vote

Are we finally giving them the right to Vote ?


And how exactly will that work...?? electronic, I guess.

oh poor little butt hurt leftist

too bad that was not the scene from the rally last night

oh and this too

United Steelworkers’ Leo Gerard: Members Won’t Forget What Trump Did, He Stopped Wealth Transfer
In an interview with a combative Chuck Todd, Leo Gerard, President of the United Steelworks, praised the effect of President Trump’s newly proclaimed tariffs would have on the U.S. steel market. Gerard praised Trump for making it clear he is going to “tackle trade deficits” which he called a “wealth transfer” because they are “taking good jobs away.”

Gerard said Trump was able to “see the steelworker agenda” and “he’s going to have a major impact on our members” with what he has done.

“It’s going to make it very hard for our members to ignore what he just did and what makes me sad is we’ve been trying to get Democrats to this for more than 30 years,” Gerard told Todd.

Gerard said Trump is finally “going to help us get a level playing field” after 20 years of promises from Democratic and Republican presidents. While unions are notoriously large supporters of Democrats, Gerard said Trump’s administration has recognized that if the next 20 years are like the last 20 years then “we have a national security problem.” Gerard made it clear his union will work with the administration to prioritize U.S.-made steel.

YAY GO TRUMP ! Let's make America white again!! Yay!

That would totally suck...wouldn’t it.
It would be absolutely horrible to live among likeminded, safe, respectful, clean, productive, patriotic folks that speak English.

Do you believe that we should round up and slaughter anyone who isn't white? I think Trump is being a bit of a pussy by not going there.
YAY GO TRUMP ! Let's make America white again!! Yay!

That would totally suck...wouldn’t it.
It would be absolutely horrible to live among likeminded, safe, respectful, clean, productive, patriotic folks that speak English.

Do you believe that we should round up and slaughter anyone who isn't white? I think Trump is being a bit of a pussy by not going there.

Nah, no need to slaughter anyone...round up the 12-50 million low grade thirdworlders and send them home....that’s all.
Trump is doing that.....run cockroaches RUN!
I am actually afraid to say I voted for...Trump. Liberals scare me, they make their form of hate seem almost rational. Liberals making sanity seem evil. Almost made me stop for a second. But just a second...

Don't lie...you're not scared you're ashamed.
You scum hate so much that you resort to lying about 99 percent of the time when faced with a person you cannot shut down.

Show us on the doll....
I don't play with dolls pervert.

I'm sorry...you're a "collector".
YAY GO TRUMP ! Let's make America white again!! Yay!

That would totally suck...wouldn’t it.
It would be absolutely horrible to live among likeminded, safe, respectful, clean, productive, patriotic folks that speak English.

Do you believe that we should round up and slaughter anyone who isn't white? I think Trump is being a bit of a pussy by not going there.

Nah, no need to slaughter anyone...round up the 12-50 million low grade thirdworlders and send them home....that’s all.
Trump is doing that.....run cockroaches RUN!

I disagree. I think we need to make an example of them for daring to not be white, and kill them to death.

No half-measures. I mean, what kind of Nazi sympathizer are you, anyway?
I am actually afraid to say I voted for...Trump. Liberals scare me, they make their form of hate seem almost rational. Liberals making sanity seem evil. Almost made me stop for a second. But just a second...

Don't lie...you're not scared you're ashamed.
You scum hate so much that you resort to lying about 99 percent of the time when faced with a person you cannot shut down.

We all know who the Liar in Chief is...
YAY GO TRUMP ! Let's make America white again!! Yay!

That would totally suck...wouldn’t it.
It would be absolutely horrible to live among likeminded, safe, respectful, clean, productive, patriotic folks that speak English.

Do you believe that we should round up and slaughter anyone who isn't white? I think Trump is being a bit of a pussy by not going there.

Nah, no need to slaughter anyone...round up the 12-50 million low grade thirdworlders and send them home....that’s all.
Trump is doing that.....run cockroaches RUN!

I disagree. I think we need to make an example of them for daring to not be white, and kill them to death.

No half-measures. I mean, what kind of Nazi sympathizer are you, anyway?

Nah, that’s just plain inhumane.
You can’t really fault them for their skin color...we can only blame them for not aspiring to be decent, self sufficient, better quality human beings.
They could actually learn quite a bit from the animal kingdom...even animals in the wild know to stop procreation when they can’t be self sufficient and when resources aren’t plentiful. Weird huh?
He also said that 52% of women voted for him, the actual number was 41% but that's still a lot of women.
I am actually afraid to say I voted for...Trump. Liberals scare me, they make their form of hate seem almost rational. Liberals making sanity seem evil. Almost made me stop for a second. But just a second...

Don't lie...you're not scared you're ashamed.
You scum hate so much that you resort to lying about 99 percent of the time when faced with a person you cannot shut down.

We all know who the Liar in Chief is...
I call him jughead....

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