I'm with Trump- We should invade Mexico

I'm listening to him on O'Rielly. He said he could make Mexico build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville or he would make it difficult for them

I read into that

Invade Mexico

Not a bad idea. They're killing us.


It would actually save us a lot of time since we are going to legalize them anyways.
Hell with Mexico

We need to invade Canada

Greenland have been pretty shifty as well.. They have been lying to us for years about their green land...

Must say Trump has been a real help early on...

I want the wall to be built and chuck Geaux & Co over it when finished... On his estimation there will be no one in Mexico by next June
Wouldn't building a wall be a good idea for providing shovel ready jobs? Unemployed Americans can build a wall between Mexico and the United States.
What the fuck? :haha:

Just think about it. No more wetbacks bogging down our medical system and taking low skills jobs from minorities.

That can be solved by refusing to pay the cradle to grave tab for these low skilled people, minority or not.

I'll take a pack of hard working Mexicans for neighbors over a pack of lay around and fuck all day white trash.

Invade Mexico? Little could be more idiotic and asinine. This is why trump should simply be dismissed.
I'm listening to him on O'Rielly. He said he could make Mexico build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville or he would make it difficult for them

I read into that

Invade Mexico

Not a bad idea. They're killing us.


We? So will you be getting off your fat carcass on your hov a round or just be a a key board warrior cheering others on?
The key take away here is America is tired of the liberal destructive crap we've seen the last 6 or so years. Hell, Donald Duck is electable on the heals if Obammy


Hate to break it to you slugo , with the demographic shift and de christianization of America it isn't the liberals who people are getting tired of, look in the mirror and see who

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