I'm with Trump- We should invade Mexico

Mexico should pay. The wall would be needed to keep Americans workers from crossing the border into Mexico.

This morning in his speech announcing his candidacy Trump said the Obamacare website cost $5 billion and that he could hire people and build a website for $3. That's not three billion but rather he said "3 dollars". At those wages Americans workers would be heading south for better opportunity.
this looks like a $3 website
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Mexico should pay. The wall would be needed to keep Americans workers from crossing the border into Mexico.

This morning in his speech announcing his candidacy Trump said the Obamacare website cost $5 billion and that he could hire people and build a website for $3. That's not three billion but rather he said "3 dollars". At those wages Americans workers would be heading south for better opportunity.
He should do it then.
Pay someone $3 to build a new Obamacare website and show the country he means what he says!
Trump speaks what Americans are thinking. We need to cripple Mexico into compliance and the. Make Syria a doormat. Idiots ISIS

Why does California have all those towns that sound Spanish?
Then you moan at Mexicans being there - you idiots.
I'm listening to him on O'Rielly. He said he could make Mexico build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville or he would make it difficult for them

I read into that

Invade Mexico

Not a bad idea. They're killing us.

Oh my God what was a good title too bad you fucking suck
Invade Mexico

Not a bad idea. They're killing us.

"They're killing us." in so many ways it is hard to describe them all here, here are some that come to mind, killing our citizens, killing our economy, allowing even their own illegals (terrorists) to enter then invade the U.S.A., allowing and encouraging illegal drugs to cross our border.

anyone care to add more ?

What the fuck? :haha:

Just think about it. No more wetbacks bogging down our medical system and taking low skills jobs from minorities.

That can be solved by refusing to pay the cradle to grave tab for these low skilled people, minority or not.

I'll take a pack of hard working Mexicans for neighbors over a pack of lay around and fuck all day white trash.
I think we should annex Mexico. They make Latinos show ID in order to vote and their human rights record regarding illegal immigrants from south of their border is atrocious.
I think we should annex Mexico. They make Latinos show ID in order to vote and their human rights record regarding illegal immigrants from south of their border is atrocious.
I have a better idea.

Every time we catch a Mexican working here in the USA, we send Mexico a non-productive chronically unemployed/unemployable American welfare slug.

They would not only build the wall for Trump, they would have a machine gun every 100 yards to keep the American trash out.
I'm listening to him on O'Rielly. He said he could make Mexico build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville or he would make it difficult for them

I read into that

Invade Mexico

Not a bad idea. They're killing us.


I'm with Trump, Period! I was thinking a Trump/Fiorina ticket? Both business people with many more successes than failures and both with experience with world leaders. Now if she could defer to his decisions should they conflict with hers?

Or maybe Trump would select a governor willing to take second seat?

Trump's entire announcement can be seen tonight on Hannity, on FOX...Fair and Balanced! :D
All the comedians are loving the GOP. They don't have to write the jokes, they just show clips of the candidates. And cons think it's good publicity.
The key take away here is America is tired of the liberal destructive crap we've seen the last 6 or so years. Hell, Donald Duck is electable on the heals if Obammy

All the comedians are loving the GOP. They don't have to write the jokes, they just show clips of the candidates. And cons think it's good publicity.

When The Alinsky's can't debate, they resort to smear and ridicule. Look it up. It's in your rules.
I'm listening to him on O'Rielly. He said he could make Mexico build a wall from San Diego to Brownsville or he would make it difficult for them

I read into that

Invade Mexico

Not a bad idea. They're killing us.

Well forget the 0.000001% of the Hispanic vote for him...

I personally know several Hispanics who want all illegal aliens rounded up and shot. Nobody gets more pissed off about illegal aliens than a LEGAL immigrant.
Just like white trash every race has its losers. The prisons tell you just who

Wasn't there a law passed by us that we would never invade and take over another country after we took Hawaii? Does history never enter peoples minds?

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