I'm wrong about the FBI and our Intel Agencies

None. Except for a transcript of a phone call to a Ukrainian leader, no evidence. And aside from eyewitness testimony, no evidence.

The phone call was evidence of a perfect phone call.
One that the Dems simply didn't like.
The rest - no.
Dont worry, in 2024 when the GOP wins the presidency, a great purge will take place in the FBI and DOJ. All those left wingers will be fired and replaced by right wingers who are on a mission of revenge. Going after political rivals is apparently cool now, so let the poltical witch hunts begin!!!

Sorry, what about Republican leadership makes you think that's even a remote possibility?
We had a great country, until these two...


President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...'s African American museum | Daily ...
Mikey goosing Dubya
Mikey goosing Dubya

The agreement that has wrecked America as we know it.

We'll cover up 911, you guys keep the closet door shut by any means necessary, including offing Joan Rivers....

The Clinton DOJ prosecuted Hillary's Castle Grande scheme and put Webb Hubbell in prison for claiming he did the work Hillary billed for. Look at the DOJ now. It won't prosecute anyone on the team of W and Big Mike...

The union of Zionist and Homo Fascism
Sorry, what about Republican leadership makes you think that's even a remote possibility?

Yeah, the last one came in and appointed nothing but Zionist Fascists to DOJ


and they stole his second term.

And if you notice they are all Zionist Fascists, Godboy will toss cards at you... because he exists to serve them....
Sorry, what about Republican leadership makes you think that's even a remote possibility?
The president is going to either be DeSantis or Trump. Im very confident that either one of them will fire Wray and Garland the moment they are sworn in. They will be replaced by hardliner conservatives looking for revenge.
The leadership is corrupted.

But the ones who meekly follow orders which they know amount to violations of our laws and our Constitution are just as culpable.
That's why the whistle blowers are gaining strength. They got to have backup though.
The president is going to either be DeSantis or Trump. Im very confident that either one of them will fire Wray and Garland the moment they are sworn in. They will be replaced by hardliner conservatives looking for revenge.
Looks like it'll be Desantis, because Trump going after his loyal followers like he's been doing, uhhhh might just be the end of Trump.
The president is going to either be DeSantis or Trump. Im very confident that either one of them will fire Wray and Garland the moment they are sworn in. They will be replaced by hardliner conservatives looking for revenge.

Fire them? They both belong in Leavenworth or before a Military tribunal. THEY ARE FUCKING TRAITORS!!!
Fire them? They both belong in Leavenworth or before a Military tribunal. THEY ARE FUCKING TRAITORS!!!
Maybe once we investigate and find a crime. Who knows, maybe they will bring them up on false charges like the dems have been doing. Everything is on the table now. No one needs to be ethical or even lawful anymore. :dunno:
Recently I've been saying that the FBI has been made into the democrat Party Waffen SS launching strikes against their domestic enemies, i.e. concerned parents speaking out at local school board meetings. It's vile and disgusting enough as it is, but I'm wrong, the reality is much worse and one I never even contemplates until Klaus Schwab said it out loud.

Our Intel Agencies work for and protect the Globalists.

I didn't even think it possible, but nothing else fits the facts.

Hillary skates, Fauxi develops and unleashes a bioweapon, democrats cheat in the tens of millions column in 2020, and CISA tells us it's the most secure election ever.

It makes me ill to think our Agencies have been corrupted and that good people in rank and file report to our enemies, but how else to explain it?

The world economic forum and klaus Schwab specifically said in their own video on their own Facebook page "America will not be the world's super power. A handful of countries will dominate". So they don't want America to be a world leader, they want America to be a part of their ruling class of countries. They don't want America to be independent.

It is point number 2 in their video.

All of the wishes of the world economic forum are without a doubt coming true.

They are some Boogeyman orginzation or just a conspiracy theory. They are very real and very serious. And a lot of their members are among the rich, elite and powerful in America.

Like tim cook, bill gates, Anthony faucci and a lot of others. And you have members from every evil orginzation like blackrock. It's a gathering of real life bond villians and their intention is to control the world as a unified front.

And if you pay attention the instant Biden took office our country began a rapid change. Our country has changed more in the past 2 years than in the past 10. In fact our country began it's change during COVID during the end of trump's presidency.

But the moment trump was out we began a rapid change unlike we had ever seen since ww2. Why? Because trump did not play ball, he wanted America to be strong and independent, he didn't play climate change games, and he couldn't be bought off. That's why I believe the election was rigged because all the elites needed him out. He was the keystone to altering America, he was standing in their way.
Your knowledge of history is either faulty or you're a lying piece of shit. Trump was first impeached for attempting to use the resources of the USA to try and get an advantage over his political foe NOT for Russian collusion.

Trump said many things on Jan 6th, one quote was 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'. Another was “When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules." These can be taken various ways.

I only provided basic, verified facts. You're just a racist and a bigot, i.e., a Democrat. How many sexes are there? You don't know, do you? LOL

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