I'm wrong about the FBI and our Intel Agencies

They already are a political tool, duh!

You think hiding Hunter's laptop scandal and ordering all social media to suppress speaking of it

just before a National election isn't political?

That's them putting their thumbs on the scale of the election.
IMHO it was them trying to keep their finger OFF the scale. The laptop at that time was unverified and unreviewed, even today there are serious questions about it. Comey put his finger on the scale by announcing a week before the election that Hillary was once again under investigation. It is possible it cost her the Presidency so maybe the FBI (then run by a Trump appointee) learned something.
Recently I've been saying that the FBI has been made into the democrat Party Waffen SS launching strikes against their domestic enemies, i.e. concerned parents speaking out at local school board meetings. It's vile and disgusting enough as it is, but I'm wrong, the reality is much worse and one I never even contemplates until Klaus Schwab said it out loud.

Our Intel Agencies work for and protect the Globalists.

I didn't even think it possible, but nothing else fits the facts.

Hillary skates, Fauxi develops and unleashes a bioweapon, democrats cheat in the tens of millions column in 2020, and CISA tells us it's the most secure election ever.

It makes me ill to think our Agencies have been corrupted and that good people in rank and file report to our enemies, but how else to explain it?
Nothing wrong with doing an overall analysis like this, because if anyone is honest about this stuff, then they will realize just how sinister it all truly is
IMHO it was them trying to keep their finger OFF the scale. The laptop at that time was unverified and unreviewed, even today there are serious questions about it. Comey put his finger on the scale by announcing a week before the election that Hillary was once again under investigation. It is possible it cost her the Presidency so maybe the FBI (then run by a Trump appointee) learned something.
It don't make a damn when the scale gets a much needed finger placed on it, where as fighting corruption should take precedent over any election in progress, and especially if the corruption by a candidate is legit and worse it is on going.

In fact that's when the finger should go on the scale, otherwise to hopefully stop a corrupt human being from becoming a leader in any capacity.

Now witch hunts, and created narratives that are used as a weapon against the candidates is totally out of line, but real true corruption that can be proven against a candidate must be dealt with by our justice system first and foremost. It just better not be a witch hunt or false narrative created for nefarious political purposes.
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IMHO it was them trying to keep their finger OFF the scale. The laptop at that time was unverified and unreviewed, even today there are serious questions about it. Comey put his finger on the scale by announcing a week before the election that Hillary was once again under investigation. It is possible it cost her the Presidency so maybe the FBI (then run by a Trump appointee) learned something.
It’s not “opposition” in the mature sense that you defend. What you defend is an agenda to take over this country’s government and remake it in the image of fascism.
How can anyone take over something it already has dipstick ? It's more like you all are trying your damnedest to steal this country away from we the American Patriots, and you want to make it your little fascist controlled nation instead.... That is exactly what's at play here, and is at stake here.

So stop your damned lying already.
How can anyone take over something it already has dipstick ? It's more like you all are trying your damnedest to steal this country away from we the American Patriots, and you want to make it your little fascist controlled nation instead.... That is exactly what's at play, and is at stake here.

So stop your damned lying already.
And they're going to lose, and I hope I contribute to their fascist nasty dreams being dashed into thousands of shards.
All I want is for future Americans to be as free as I was when I grew up. It was not bad!

Like when I was a kid, I'd pass by a couple cops toting a .22 and they'd say something, and I'm like "I'm goin' down to the woods to shoot something, but I'll keep it clean."

And then they were kinda jealous of me and my friend, because we were going to do that, and they had to sit in their car.

But lemme tall ya, those police would roll through fire to save innocent people back in those days.

They were the real deal, I bet they arrested a robber or 2.
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The KGB is willing to kill people on Putin's orders. You dare to compare our FBI to a Gestapo-lite. You are a nothing but human debris.
Did he say that ? No you said that... Stop putting word's into people's mouths in order to suit your agenda.
The KGB is willing to kill people on Putin's orders. You dare to compare our FBI to a Gestapo-lite. You are a nothing but human debris.
Say that to my face, you leftist ShitLord. I dare you to try that anytime. :D
IMHO it was them trying to keep their finger OFF the scale. The laptop at that time was unverified and unreviewed, even today there are serious questions about it. Comey put his finger on the scale by announcing a week before the election that Hillary was once again under investigation. It is possible it cost her the Presidency so maybe the FBI (then run by a Trump appointee) learned something.
The laptop is the same thing as the dossier. A political smear piece trying to be used to win an election.
Recently I've been saying that the FBI has been made into the democrat Party Waffen SS launching strikes against their domestic enemies, i.e. concerned parents speaking out at local school board meetings. It's vile and disgusting enough as it is, but I'm wrong, the reality is much worse and one I never even contemplates until Klaus Schwab said it out loud.
What exactly do you bleev Klaus Schwab said out loud?
What exactly do you bleev Klaus Schwab said out loud?
What if it was I said "You're a cocksuckin' Commie faggot?"?

Would you give that statement creedence?

You're right behind King Dunce JimH52.

Observe, Trolliosous Fagganormous:


g5000 is just to the right and behind of King Dunce JimH52 and in between POGO and "CNM". (Another Leftist ShitLord Shill)
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I was a Reagan Republican, and I don't recognize the Republican Party of Trump. Ronald Reagan would not have been a Trump Republican. Trump supporters are the RINOs. The Republican Party of Trump has more to do with Hitler than it does George Washington or Ronald Reagan. Republicans attack voting rights, free speech rights, andback right wing tewrror groups like the Proud Boys.
Bull shite.... Your party forced the Republican party into becoming what they had to become, otherwise in order to combat the bat shite craziness that has become the Democrat party. True story.

So if the republican's have become something you don't like, then blame yourselves for it.

When things get ugly, it's for a good reason.
Recently I've been saying that the FBI has been made into the democrat Party Waffen SS launching strikes against their domestic enemies, i.e. concerned parents speaking out at local school board meetings. It's vile and disgusting enough as it is, but I'm wrong, the reality is much worse and one I never even contemplates until Klaus Schwab said it out loud.

Our Intel Agencies work for and protect the Globalists.

I didn't even think it possible, but nothing else fits the facts.

Hillary skates, Fauxi develops and unleashes a bioweapon, democrats cheat in the tens of millions column in 2020, and CISA tells us it's the most secure election ever.

It makes me ill to think our Agencies have been corrupted and that good people in rank and file report to our enemies, but how else to explain it?
:auiqs.jpg:Who was the president when Fauchi built his so-called "bioweapon"? I remember an orange douchebag who actively promoted that "bioweapon". Should he be charged too?
Trump was right. The Swamp is wide and deep.

We cannot trust our government. It is vile and corrupt and does not have our best interest at heart.
Globalism is real, and it's not stopping unless it is totally boycotted. Yep, what worked damned well against Bud Lite, and they'll be many more to come, will also work just as well against the globalist.
Bull shite.... Your party forced the Republican party into becoming what they had to become, otherwise in order to combat the bat shite craziness that has become the Democrat party. True story.

So if the republican's have become something you don't like, then blame yourselves for it.

When things get ugly, it's for a good reason.
What a cop out. Nobody forced anybody to be anything they didn’t choose to be. Grow up and take some personal responsibility for your own actions.
It don't make a damn when the scale gets a much needed finger placed on it, where as fighting corruption should take precedent over any election in progress, and especially if the corruption by a candidate is legit and worse it is on going.

In fact that's when the finger should go on the scale, otherwise to hopefully stop a corrupt human being from becoming a leader in any capacity.

Now witch hunts, and created narratives that are used as a weapon against the candidates is totally out of line, but real true corruption that can be proven against a candidate must be dealt with by our justice system first and foremost. It just better not be a witch hunt or false narrative created for nefarious political purposes.
So we agree that Comey should have kept his mouth shut since he later admitted the 'investigation' found nothing.

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