I'm wrong about the FBI and our Intel Agencies

You don't understand how the Constitution works. The 10th Amendment has nothing to do with this. States cannot investigate crimes that occur in several states. For example, Dillinger could go to other states openly because he was not wanted in that state for any crime. There were many things that the founding fathers did not anticipate when they wrote the Constitution. Just because they did not think of it, does not mean it is unconstitutional.

busybee: LOL, no I'm' not, kaz, You are. YOU ARE, I'm not, you are, you are, bam, you are!

You're an intellectual five year old. You proved you don't know how the Constitution works when you asked what the Constitution said to authorize
Typical USMB mindlessness, dismiss what you cannot refute.

And alang is still stripping on straw men, LOL. It's just easier to make up other people's position when you have the brains of a rock, huh?
You are the Nzai. Republicans election officials and even Republican judges appointed by Trump agree with me. You are the ones who want to make it difficult for people who oppose you to vote.

OOOOHhhhhhhh, I'm a "Nzai." What a stupid dyke
You are the Nzai. Republicans election officials and even Republican judges appointed by Trump agree with me. You are the ones who want to make it difficult for people who oppose you to vote.
If the nonliving and Illegals can't vote are we still a democracy???
You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. The FBI are the good guys. You are part of the bad guys. You are telling us what you want the FBI to become and go after your political enemies.

no..i'm telling you what is going on inside the fib.
You are one of the Nazis. Lockdowns were necessary because of the pandemic. I suppose if George Washington was alive, you would call him a Nazi for or5dering his troops to get inoculated against the smallpox. New Zealand did this for around 44 days and busted the curve. While they have had resurgences, they have not been as bad as the US. You are what Europeans called a ugly American. You only think about yourself.


Because George Washington had the internet and looked it up on Wikipedia.

That the Germ Theory of Disease wouldn't be developed until the 1860's and inoculation wouldn't be developed for another 30 years after that is irrelevant to trolls like you.

"90% of the shit you read on the internet is just made up." - Benjimin Franklin, 1755


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I was a Reagan Republican, and I don't recognize the Republican Party of Trump. Ronald Reagan would not have been a Trump Republican. Trump supporters are the RINOs. The Republican Party of Trump has more to do with Hitler than it does George Washington or Ronald Reagan. Republicans attack voting rights, free speech rights, andback right wing tewrror groups like the Proud Boys.
Things have deteriorated greatly over time, and when tougher resolves are needed then tougher measure's are taken. This might change the way people view parties when they begin to act a bit differently. All of the bull crap seen over time has created a new party (more aware), and a new approach to find a better solution or better solution's.
Most of the guys in the FIB are good guys. No they aren't. Do you work there? Do you know anyone working there? The bad guys are at the top and the guys under them....keep their mouths shut and do the work set before them because they don't want to lose their jobs..and they're milquetoasts.

that makes them accessories...and they're no better than the key playahs.
So you are FBI?
So you want only Right-wingers in leadership? What makes you think it's not 50-50? Sounds like your idea would ensure the FBI is a political tool in the future, a future I'd rather not think about.
They already are a political tool, duh!

You think hiding Hunter's laptop scandal and ordering all social media to suppress speaking of it

just before a National election isn't political?

That's them putting their thumbs on the scale of the election.
Wray needs to spend the next 60 years in Leavenworth
Y’all are the biggest hypocrites and double talkers I’ve ever seen. It’s incredible. We are all commies for arresting people who rioted and stormed the capital… same for those who support going after Trump for his crimes. But in the next breath it’s Wray that belongs in Leavenworth for 60 years?! Give me a break
No, you're commies for ignoring the fact that the riot was egged on with tear gas and flash bangs, by the same people now rounding up the very people they agitated.

That's how you commie fucks roll.
See that’s what law enforcement does in a riot. They use flash bangs and tear gas. Hahaha, and now you’re calling that provoking?? Wow. I guess the cops provoked the summer riots that y’all love to whine about as well. Huh?

Like I said… hypocritical double talkers. It’s pathetic
See that’s what law enforcement does in a riot. They use flash bangs and tear gas. Hahaha, and now you’re calling that provoking??
LE throws gas and flash bangs into a peaceful crowd just milling about?


Wow. I guess the cops provoked the summer riots that y’all love to whine about as well. Huh?
Most of the the cops were ordered to stand down....The MPLS 2nd precinct house was evacuated right before the hooligans burned it, dope.
Like I said… hypocritical double talkers. It’s pathetic
Projection at its finest.

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