I'm wrong about the FBI and our Intel Agencies

I have no power, I didn't lock down a country. I didn't mandate anyone follow or else. You're truly obtuse on the directive of Fascism who supports it. Feel free to provide one iota of information that anyone from Trump's side did anything wanting direct power. Go ahead, the challenge is to you. You want to project and that's fine, we all know you are.

You are the supporter of Fascism as you are a enabler by supporting this garbage. Then you accuse others. You are a really something. You are the one projecting. Trump used executive orders and rule changes to get what he wanted instead of passing laws. Trump threatened Ukraine for refusing to investigate a political rival. Trump encouraged the attack on our capitol. Trump wanted to use federal law enforcement agencies and the military to keep himself in power after he lost the election.
You are the supporter of Fascism as you are a enabler by supporting this garbage. Then you accuse others. You are a really something. You are the one projecting. Trump used executive orders and rule changes to get what he wanted instead of passing laws. Trump threatened Ukraine for refusing to investigate a political rival. Trump encouraged the attack on our capitol. Trump wanted to use federal law enforcement agencies and the military to keep himself in power after he lost the election.
you are truly fkd in the head. Name one policy taken from you? Still waiting. Fascism means no democracy, so state what right was taken from you during Trump. That's all? Trump erased Obemmy's EO's you had no issues with.

And you also don't think mandate EOs aren't fascist either, right? can't make it up.
The argument would be the 10th amendment.

Again ... you don't even understand how the Constitution works much less what it says

You don't understand how the Constitution works. The 10th Amendment has nothing to do with this. States cannot investigate crimes that occur in several states. For example, Dillinger could go to other states openly because he was not wanted in that state for any crime. There were many things that the founding fathers did not anticipate when they wrote the Constitution. Just because they did not think of it, does not mean it is unconstitutional.
You are the supporter of Fascism as you are a enabler by supporting this garbage. Then you accuse others. You are a really something. You are the one projecting. Trump used executive orders and rule changes to get what he wanted instead of passing laws. Trump threatened Ukraine for refusing to investigate a political rival. Trump encouraged the attack on our capitol. Trump wanted to use federal law enforcement agencies and the military to keep himself in power after he lost the election.
and yet obammy got a Prosecutor fired in Ukraine. How the fk does that happen? That's truly fascist.
Recently I've been saying that the FBI has been made into the democrat Party Waffen SS launching strikes against their domestic enemies, i.e. concerned parents speaking out at local school board meetings. It's vile and disgusting enough as it is, but I'm wrong, the reality is much worse and one I never even contemplates until Klaus Schwab said it out loud.

Our Intel Agencies work for and protect the Globalists.

I didn't even think it possible, but nothing else fits the facts.

Hillary skates, Fauxi develops and unleashes a bioweapon, democrats cheat in the tens of millions column in 2020, and CISA tells us it's the most secure election ever.

It makes me ill to think our Agencies have been corrupted and that good people in rank and file report to our enemies, but how else to explain it?
Trump was right. The Swamp is wide and deep.

We cannot trust our government. It is vile and corrupt and does not have our best interest at heart.
Democrats stole the 2020 election, go fuck yourself, liar. You want voting rules so you can just keep doing it because you're an anti-democratic Nazi

You are the Nzai. Republicans election officials and even Republican judges appointed by Trump agree with me. You are the ones who want to make it difficult for people who oppose you to vote.
You are the Nzai. Republicans election officials and even Republican judges appointed by Trump agree with me. You are the ones who want to make it difficult for people who oppose you to vote.
name a republican mandate? come on dude, give the example. stop turreting the forum with your nonsense.
Trump was a third party president.

He was a third party authoritarian who took over the Republican Part. He brought his own swamp into the White House. Appointing coal people to EPA posts. Many of his cabinet officials were forced to resign because of malfeasance. He has transformed the Republican Party into the new American Nazi Party.
He was a third party authoritarian who took over the Republican Part. He brought his own swamp into the White House. Appointing coal people to EPA posts. Many of his cabinet officials were forced to resign because of malfeasance. He has transformed the Republican Party into the new American Nazi Party.
He used his brains, and used the GOP for his campaign, but in no fking way was he GOP. He tore them a new one on his inauguration speech. Nope, independent. Much more independent than Bernie Demofk Sanders will ever be.
what is it to you that someone gets hot when people ignore the input being given? Again, the school board works for parents not the other way around, again, you have your directions all fked up. I bet you want to take their kids too. right?

Who gave you the authority to say what is and isn't free speech? when did you get that honor?

Free speech rights do not give you the right to yell, scream and threaten school board members. That is very simple. There are restrictions on free speech right all over the place. Any right can be regulated.
name a republican mandate? come on dude, give the example. stop turreting the forum with your nonsense.

You are the one spouting nonsense. Republican governors imposed mask mandates and even partial lockdowns.

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